Me: Hello ya'll. Yeah I've decided to write another story. So I hope you enjoy :
Two Brothers
The sunlight had just began to hit the tops of trees as a car pulled up to a large estate. Kagome sighed in disbelief. 'I cannot believe this' she straightened her dress and heard her mother slam the driver side of the door. "Are you ready?" her mother smiled at her. "Aren't you excited dear?" she asked.
"Oh yeah, ecstatic." Kagome replied and followed her mother up the giant marble steps. "I don't see why I had to come. Souta got to stay home with Grandpa."
"Yes, that's because I didn't want to leave your grandfather alone." her mother frowned. "Now come on Kagome, don't you want to meet him?"
"No." she said, without hesitation.
"You're such a brat." Her mom rang the door bell. After a few seconds, a small maid answered with a smile. "Why hello. You must be Mr. Akirosama's guests. Come right in." she lead them inside and Kagome's breath caught in her throat. "Holy shit."
"Kagome!" her mother said sharply.
"Sorry," she muttered as they followed the maid. She brought them to a parlor and gestured to a large plush couch. Mother and daughter both sat.
"So." Kagome said after the maid wandered away. "This is a pretty nice place."
"Isn't it?"
like rich, right?" Kagome grinned.
"Yes." her mother sighed. "Good heavens Kagome, all you care about is yourself."
"No I don't. I just..."she stopped.
"What? You just what?" her mother asked her.
Kagome blinked a few times and her mouth became agape.
"What is the matter with you?"
"I...uh..." she fumbled with words as the hottest man she had ever laid eyes on, walked into the room. He stared at her for a moment and her cheeks reddened. He then turned to her mother.
"Hello, you must be the woman my father talks constantly about." he extended his hand. "My name is Sesshoumaru."
Her mother smiled. "Hello, I'm Sujou." she gestured to the red faced Kagome. This is my daughter Kagome."
"Hi." Kagome mumbled.
He nodded at her. "Well I believe my father is expecting you in the dining room. Please follow me." Sesshoumaru led them to a large room towards the back of the house. In the room, was an extremely long table, lined with gold dishes, silverware, goblets, and expensive center pieces.
"Wow." Kagome whispered. Sesshoumaru pulled out two chairs, and had mother and daugher, sit next to eachother. "If you will excuse me, I will go find my father and brother." he left the two of them in awe.
Inuyasha yawned as he flipped through the movie channels. "No, no, no, no...maybe, no, no, already seen it, no...ahh here we go!" He said aloud when he found what he wanted to watch. He made sure no one else was in the room and turned it on. He smiled as the credits started, then the actors names rolled onto the screen. He stretched his legs, and became comfortable. 'I can't believe I haven't seen this yet.' he thought as The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants began. "hahaha Carmen! You can't fit into those pants, don't even try!" he giggled as she stuggeled to put them on.
Sesshoumaru's voice rang into the room. Inuyasha struggled to turn
off the tv, but failed as his older brother walked into the room.
Sesshoumaru glanced at the screen for a brief moment and smirked.
"Well, well, well. What do we have here? What are you watching
"Um, nothing." he replied and fumbled
with the remote.
"Inuyasha, fathers guests are here."
"Like I care." he found the power button and turned off the television.
"Well you might not care, but I'm certain father will if you do not make your presence known."
"Whats your deal Sesshy boy? Why do you have to use big, structured sentences like that." Inuyasha laughed and exited the room, Sesshoumaru following close behind him.
"I would appreciate it, you baboon, if you would not call me 'Sesshy Boy'."
"Awwwh, did I embarass Sesshy Boy."
"I mean it, you pitiful excuse for a man. You'd better just keep your mouth shut, especially in front of Kagome..." he bit his lip in anger. 'Had to let that one slip, did ya?' he mocked himself.
Inuyasha searched his brother's face. "Whose Kagome?"
"Just the daughter of our father's lover. She's not important."
"Oh sure, that's why you don't want me to embrass ya." Inuyasha laughed. "This girl must be a real looker, if you're interested in her."
"I'm not."
"Yeah, ok." Inuyasha started to walk away.
"I'm serious, Inuyasha. I'm not interested, leave it alone."
"Whatever, bro." he said as he wandered away from him. 'Maybe I should make my presence known or whatever the hell he said.' Inuyasha thought. 'I wonder how good this Kagome, looks.'
Me: Alright, a new story. I would love to hear suggestions and your thoughts. Please review :