Disclaimer-sorry…gilmore girls is not owned by me, I'm just not that brilliant. All you who may have believed, even for a second that I did own Amy's masterpiece-I guess that's a compliment unless you're cracked, and then—go get some help.
A/N-here—chapter 12…sorry for the wait…read the an at the end. I have some sad news-no; the fic isn't over…just kinda postponed for a while. Stick with me!!
Ps—the super-sour-grapefruit-lemon-lime-palette-cleanser idea was inspired by my own experience. I really did come across a strange unknown, unlabeled orangish bottle in my refrigerator that causes your mouth to burn itself into well umm, sour fire I guess.
Thanks to:
Ilovejessssss- I don't know about the naughty…I've got a plan and it doesn't include so much dirtiness…sorry to let you down thank ya thank ya thank ya for reviewing!!kisses and huggs
Alabelle-thank you for suggestions….next chappie I'll definitely have some townie stuff….luv to you from me!
SquegeeBeckinhiem- I love your awesomely long reviews….i love your I love lists, I'm freaking out about camp right now…by the time you read this I bet camp will be over. I just got attacked by a giant daddylonglegs spider in my bed. So bye..oh, and thanks for reveiwing
Gilmorejunkie1230- oh yeah, totally…lol
Faded grace-oh yay yay yay! Your review truly warmed my heart! You are awesome!!
The Warner Sister Dot-wow, you think I'm a genius? That is some serious complimenting!! Thank you so much! It makes me feel so cool to think someone spent their time at night to read my whole story and then love it and then review and then put it on their favories!! Thank you!!
EmeraldLily06-THANK YOU!!! You are an awesome insightful reviewer and I am lucky to have a reader like you!
All other reviewers…you rule my world and you honest to god have a place in my heart devoted to only you! THANK YOU!!!!
Chapter 12
Rory opened up the refrigerator door on Monday morning and her gaze immediately went to the top shelf. There, sitting in front of everything-everything being milk, chocolate syrup, a 7 month old carton of pink lemonade and some orange juice-was a gallon full clear container of something orange. It wasn't orange juice and Rory was immediately intrigued by this new discovery. She took the orangish liquid down and looked for some sort of identification that could tell her what it is.
Exclusively Fresh Fruit! Was written on the cap. Wow, that helps…care to elaborate as to what kind of fruit it might be? Rory muttered aloud. She prepared herself for whatever she may find and then took a swig. Sour liquid burned her tongue. She spun around to the sink and began gagging and spitting and coughing simultaneously.
"Um, Rory? Is everything okay down there?" Lorelai called uncertainly from the upstairs bathroom.
"Uch! Mom, what is this stuff?!" Rory screamed upstairs, staring at the carton with disdain and disgust.
"What is what stuff? You need to be more descriptive, especially when I'm wayy upstairs, miles away from you and can't look at the 'stuff' you are referring to."
"Miles away? Our house is like 4000 square feet Mom."
"Same difference." Lorelai said.
"The orange stuff! What is the orange stuff in our refrigerator?" Rory called up again.
"There you go with the stuff again…" Lorelai muttered, walking up behind Rory. "Oh that?"
"Yes this! This juice should be banned from the universe!" Rory exclaimed.
"Oh, hon, I'm sure you're just over-exaggerating. Sookie and Jackson have this all the time and she gave some to me because she said it was so great." Lorelai explained, picking up the bottle.
"You try some!" Rory said.
"Fine, fine. I will." Lorelai then boldly brought the juice to her mouth and took a long sip. Rory watched as her mother's face screwed itself into a horrific grimace and she dashed to the sink. She smirked as her mother gagged over the drain.
"Oh my God! This stuff should be banned from the universe. Ach! Get it out of this house, throw it away-oh wait, the garbage is part of this house-throw it out the window, oh-not bio-degradable. Ok, find a rocket and chuck it into space, just dispose of it somehow!" Lorelai ordered, before doing a Titanic spit, hawking then shooting the saliva into the sink.
"No." Rory said flatly.
"Why? Rory, we hate this stuff! It's the most vile creation ever created!"
"It'll be perfect for those jalapeño peppers Al sometimes throws into the Chinese food. The taste will be gone in a second. We tried bread, bananas, water, cheese-all completely un-efficient palette cleansers, but this is perfect." Rory explained.
"You're right…genius I tell you, genius." Lorelai gushed. "I think all the really sour lemons, limes, and grapefruits got together to make the most deadly drink in the world. They did a pretty good job, I tell you. There should be a warning sign like, do not drink if you wish to remain in possession of taste buds or something. Oh, make sure you hide the container way in the back of the fridge so one of us doesn't grab it in some early morning haze and dump half a bottle onto our cereal."
"No way. If your mouth is on fire, are you going to want to go digging through the refrigerator to find the super-sour-grapefruit-lemon-lime-palette-cleanser?" Rory asked.
"Wow. You would be really good at writing one of those books that's all tongue-twisters." Lorelai said, staring at her daughter.
"I guess I would."
"Hey, that's it!" Lorelai shouted.
"That's what?"
"That's your special-talent we've been waiting for to appear." Lorelai exclaimed.
"Um, how long have we been waiting for this special-talent to appear?" Rory questioned.
"Since you were born." Lorelai said matter-of-factly.
"Was I in on the waiting or did you just expect me to know we were waiting for this?"
"Well, I thought you were waiting for it too." Lorelai said.
"So it's the latter huh?" Rory challenged.
"Never mind." Rory conceded. So, what's your special talent?"
"Flawlessly applying mascara in a moving vehicle." Lorelai replied.
"Aw, yours is so cute and girly and something everyone can get a laugh out of when you say it, but I get to say 'I'm good at making tongue twisters.'? No fair. I demand a new one, either that or you change your talent so that we're equal."
"You can't get a new talent, you just discovered yours!" Lorelai protested.
"Fine, then you change yours." Rory demanded.
"No, I've had mine since I was 14 and I'm not changing it, thank you very much. I don't think you get it, once you find your special talent that's it. It's yours for life. No changing, no going back. Comprende?" Lorelai asked.
"How about we just pretend we never discovered my talent in the first place and next time I find something unique about myself we make that my official special-talent. This was just my pre-special talent, to prepare me for the real thing." Rory offered.
"Deal." Lorelai said and made one last face at the repulsive juice before placing in the front of the girls' fridge and stepping out of the kitchen.
"Rory doll, come 'ere!" Came Babette's shrill voice as Rory was walking down the street. Rory's darted around, confused. An arm finally reached out from the ally behind Luke's and pulled Rory into it.
"Babette, what are you doing?" Rory asked, taking in her surroundings.
"I just need to know doll, how is he?"
"How is who? What are you talking about?" Rory asked again, completely bewildered by Babette's bright eyes. That was her gossip face. She just found something really juicy, Rory realized. Should I be scared for my life? She thought for a moment.
"Jess honey, Jess. Is he, you know, well-equipped?" Babette whispered through her teeth, leaning in closer to Rory.
"What do you mean?"
"Oh Rory, come on think."
"Babette, I really have no clue-"
"Is he good in bed is what she wants to know." Miss Patty interrupted, rising from behind a garbage can.
"Miss Patty, were you there the whole time? And what do you mean good in bed, I don't understand what you guys are-oh. No, no, no, no…we, me and him, him and I, we-we never did that. I mean, I don't even know where you got the idea that we-you know." Rory assured the two prying women quickly.
"Honey, there's no use in lying. We-Babette and I, saw him coming from your bedroom window the other night, looking pretty happy-well, for him at least. It's out in the open so you might as well admit to it." Miss Patty said.
"No really, I'm not lying-we really didn't, yeah he was in my bedroom two nights but things did not go that far. My mom walked into my room for Pete's sake. Really you guys, you've completely jumped to conclusions."
"Oh. And you're sure about this?" Babette questioned, disappointedly.
"Yes, I'm definitely sure." Rory replied.
"Alright, well there goes our topic of the day." Miss Patty said glumly.
"Come on, maybe there's something in the Gazette," Babette said.
Rory shook her head slowly and was about to walk out of the alleyway when Jess walked by. He turned his head just in time to see her standing there staring at him. He slowly backed up and stepped towards her.
"Hey." She answered. "You'll never believe it, Babette and Miss Patty think that the other night you and I-um, did, well…it." Rory stumbled, emphasizing on the word it and blushing.
Jess fake gasped, throwing a hand over his heart and carrying on with his façade. "What a crazy assumption, two teenagers doing it? Call the National Guard, quick! I think we've got a disaster in our hands." Jess mock exclaimed.
"I didn't mean it like it was some huge thing, it's just-gossip spreads fast in this town and if that got out, well-it wouldn't be good." Rory said.
"Yeah, I get what you mean." Jess replied.
"So…" Jess mimicked. After a few moments of uncomfortable silence Rory decided to speak.
"Hey Jess?"
"Yeah?" He answered, looking up at her.
"I need to know what we are. I mean, I gave you that note and all and we kissed and, I like you-I hope you like me too-but I'm kind of confused. Are we together?" Rory asked nervously. She fidgeted with her hemline as she waited for his answer.
"Do you want to be together?" He countered with a smirk, enjoying her discomfort.
"Must you make everything so difficult?" She spat out, agitated with his cockiness.
"No, I just choose to, now you didn't answered my question-do you want to be together?" He repeated.
"Well, I mean if you did-but if you didn't I'd be fine but it would be cool so I guess I'd probably say yes." She admitted.
"Ok, then we are." He concluded.
"Yeah." Jess said with a small laugh.
"Okay, well, cool." Rory announced before walking away, a wide grin on her face.
It took her long enough. Jess thought before returning to the diner, smirking.
"Hey." Lorelai greeted brightly as she slipped into a seat at the counter. Luke glanced up and nodded his head in silent recognition before turning and pouring her a cup of coffee.
"Wow, I didn't even have to beg this time." Lorelai acknowledged from taking a long sip from the mug.
"Hey, so you know about Rory and Jess right?" Luke asked unsurely, leaning in to the counter.
"Oh yeah, I know about Rory and Jess. I got a firsthand view of Rory and Jess just the other night." Lorelai replied.
"Yeah, um, what exactly did you see, because Jess said you found them doing 'things' and well, that brought a whole lot of assorted situations to mind. They weren't…" Luke gestured with his hands, hoping Lorelai would understand what he meant.
"Oh, no, they were both fully clothed if that's what you mean." Lorelai assured him. Luke sighed with relief and then studied Lorelai's easy attitude on this subject.
"So you're, ok with this?" Luke asked.
"I wouldn't say I was ok but I mean, I'll deal with it because Rory's happy and she's seventeen and she really likes Jess…no wait, scratch that, she loves Jess." Lorelai stated, trying to keep an agreeable tone at that last part. Luke's eyes widened at this.
"Rory loves Jess? When did this happen?"
"She had a late night confession two nights ago and I was the priest." Lorelai said.
"Oh, wow. Well, this is news to me." Luke replied, wrapping his head around the new information. "Why the hell would someone like Rory love Jess?" He asked incredulously.
"Luke! Jess is your nephew!" Lorelai pointed out, shaking her head at him. Luke just shrugged and went to assist a table of people who just walked in.
"Hey Mom." Rory said, walking in and taking a seat next to Lorelai.
"Hey hon, oh, I was wondering the other day-when's Hell start up again?"
"You mean school? A week and a half from today." Rory recited.
"Your last first day of school. I can't believe this. My baby's growing up so fast." Lorelai cooed, wiping a fake tear from under her eye.
"Now there's no need to get sentimental." Rory said, rolling her eyes at her mother's act.
"Ok, but this is a big deal honey. Next year you'll be going off to college and you'll realize that all your life I've been keeping you shielded from what real life is like and to make up for the lost high school party years you'll turn into a drunk, party non-stop, drop out of school and join roadies for some wanna-be-a-big-shot band and then I'll lose you and spend nights watching reruns of The Brady Bunch with a tissue box next to my bed, being a hopeless loser. That can't happen. No college for you missy. You have to stay home. I can't be a hopeless loser…stay with me! I beg of you my darling daughter…stay!!!" Lorelai cried dramatically.
"Ok first off, The Brady Bunch? Secondly, when I do leave I will visit as much as possible. Third, you'll never be a hopeless loser, you're way too cool. Fourth, I have to go to college. Lastly, I don't leave for another year." Rory said.
"Fine, but I'm holding you to the visiting thing. Every weekend, and you have to call a lot."
"I promise." Rory answered.
"Ok." Rory then reached over and picked up Lorelai's coffee and drank the rest of it in one gulp. Lorelai's mouth dropped as she narrowed her eyes at Rory and pouted.
"I was thirsty and Luke's busy." Rory said pointed out.
"Awful, awful child." Lorelai muttered under her breath, just loud enough though for Rory to hear it.
"At least I've got coffee."
Jess slowly approached the Gilmore house. He hadn't seen Rory since their meeting in the alleyway and it had been, what-5 days now? If she'd come to the diner he must have missed her and she'd been MIA around town.
Ding Dong
"It's open!" Came Lorelai's voice from the couch where she was watching old re-runs of 'Dawson's Creek'. Jess walked in awkwardly and Lorelai stood up when she saw him, flipping the TV to mute.
"Oh, Jess, hi." Lorelai forced out.
"Hey, I was looking for Rory…is she?" He gestured towards Rory's room.
"Um, no I think she's upstairs taking a shower but she might be out, hand on." Lorelai the turned and stood at the bottom of the stairs. "Rory! Hey Ror, you out yet?" she screamed. Jess stared at her amusedly.
"Good communication method." He remarked.
Rory heard her mom's voice and grabbed a towel, wringing out her shower tousled hair one last time before stepping out of the bathroom and to the top of the steps, shouting all the time,
"Hey, mom, you know that we're out of conditioner again, and no, L'Oreal Kids 2-in-1 shampoo/conditioner does not count for a substitute so I had to-Jess! What are you doing here?" She asked abruptly. She self-consciously pulled her towel tighter around herself and stared down at her newly acclaimed boyfriend, mortified at him seeing her like this.
"I just came over to…I can leave if you want." He offered, already backing out towards the door.
"Oh, no, um stay, I'll just get dressed." She turned and began walking into Lorelai's room when she stopped.
"Ha, what am I doing, my room's downstairs." She said, flustered.
She began her retreat down the steps, getting closer to Jess all the time. He couldn't pull his eyes from her. His gaze was fixated on one droplet of water that was slowly making its way across her sternum. When it finally vanished under the towel he had an urge to follow it down. She was gorgeous, glistening, and suddenly centimeters away from him. In the trance he had been taken over by he nearly reached out and let his hand run down her long, slender arms. She was gone, brushing past him and hurrying to her room, just as quickly as she was there. Lorelai stared at Jess with one eyebrow raised. He had it bad.
"You can come in now," came Rory's muffled voice through the bedroom door.
Jess slowly walked into her room, here and now in broad daylight it seemed like he was on forbidden grounds, trespassing into un-chartered territory. But he kept walking. Rory was sitting on her bed, and the second she met his gaze, hooded by a smirk, she blushed.
"Sorry you had to see me like that, I just had no idea you were coming and so I just sorta walked out."
"No need to apologize, I didn't mind it so much." Jess said, amused by Rory's sweet innocence. Rory's flushed face brightened a stronger shade of red as she attempted to look anywhere but Jess. After about of minute of wordless silence Jess decided to bring up the subject that was on his mind, as he seated himself next to her on her bed.
"So, word is around town that you're in love with me." He remarked easily. Rory's eyes darted up startled.
"Where did you hear that?" She demanded shrilly.
"Stars Hollow Gazette." He replied, reaching into his back pocket and tugging out the latest copy of their town's infamous newspaper. Nobody really knew who wrote it but every Sunday it was stocked in Doose's and the whole town read it. Rory snatched the papers from Jess' hand and stared at it incredulously.
Weekly Inside Scoop That Will Make You Gasp
Rory Gilmore of Stars Hollow has allegedly said the
inevitable three words to former town thief, Jess Mariano.
about a week ago, says our source, Rory was heard letting
the riveting information slip to another unidentified someone.
More details in next issue.
Rory read the blurb over about four times before placing it roughly down on the bed and looking up at Jess.
"I don't believe this. Who would-Kirk. Kirk and his secret agent material again. He will be dead next time I see him." Rory said through gritted teeth. Jess nodded at her amusedly, noticing she had completely bypassed the subject represented in the article, deliberately or not he didn't know.
"Why are you staring at me?" She asked when she noticed his inquisitive gaze.
"I'm waiting for you to figure it out." He answered, smirking yet again.
"What? Oh, the article." She assumed, realization dawning. He wanted to know if it was true. What was she supposed to say? It was true, and she was an awful liar-people always told her that. Plus, good liar or not Jess always saw right through her, reading her like a book. She would just have to tell him word was right and get it over with. Ok, deep breath and,
"Ok, fine. Yeah, it's true. Do you want to go get some pizza?" She asked, with a broad grin on her face, trying to make the pizza seem more appealing than taunting her to no end.
"No, I'm okay staying here." Jess said, keeping his emotions in check and staying cool while inside he was doing the Conga. Rory sighed and went on.
"Fine, go ahead. Get it all out of your system. I love you all right, there, I admitted it. What do you have to say now? I'm sure you'll force me to analyze the subject and then tease me to no end so just go." She caved, bracing herself.
"Now why would I do that Rory?" He asked mockingly, though a grin was threatening to form on his face. Rory Gilmore loved him. Rory Gilmore loved him and she admitted it. The world really was coming to an end.
"Oh, and I'd like to hear your ideas of me forcing you to do things. I'm sure they're quite interesting." He added, his eyes devious as he stood up and stepped out of her room.
"By the way," he started, just before closing her door, "I think I love you too." And then the door shut. Jess walked out floating, nothing-nothing, could bring him down from this loved-filled high. Lorelai dropped what she was doing immediately to watch Jess step out their door with a grin the size of Mississippi.
"Oh, to be young and in love again…" She murmured and went back to sorting her mail.
AN: M'kay, so I'm going to camp tomorrow for about a month…then another trip straight after. So all you 'See you in washington' lusters are gonna have to wait about another 6 weeks. Sorry sorry sorry!!! I hope this chapter suffices…I've got a plan for the next few and then this story is FIN! When I get back, the best welcome home present I could possibly get would be a ton of reviews…do you think you can cover that for me??? Thank ya…nighty-night my lovely readers!!