I'll see you in Washington
A/N-This is all totally from my mind. It's my first fic so if it sucks-sorry. I know at some points it corny and if you totally hate it, please inform me. My only way to know if I should stop writing this instead of continuing is if you-what's that word ladies and gentlemen?-REVIEW! I don't really know what else to say so on with the show-or story. Oh, and yes-I do know that this chapter is tiny. I'm sorry, ok.
Chapter 1
He lay in bed, trying desperately to fall asleep, but her voice kept swirling around in his head. Goodnight Dodger…Why are you only nice to me...Turn right…Because you never said goodbye. These moments that he had tried to forget were too impossible to just let go of and she made sure to remind him of this. Her lips, her face, her innocent blue eyes, her glistening brown hair, everything about her was perfect, and nothing that he deserved. Yet she had kissed him. She had kissed him. Not the other way around. It was all her, all her decision. This meant she felt something for him. It meant she might feel a small sliver of something for him out of the huge love, want, and need he felt for her. But now she was in Washington, miles away. She had left to escape him, he knew it. That made him crazy. He needed to see her, hear her voice, look at her face. He sighed and pulled the pillow over his head, hoping it could absorb all his thoughts and he could for once, sleep peacefully.
She looked out the window at the sleeping city of Washington. All she could see was his face. Last night Paris had wanted to get ice cream and Rory had nearly cried when she saw the cones, all lined up, in the clear box above all the ice cream. His words flashed through her mind when Paris got her ice cream in a cup. "I need cones." He had said. This went on to replay their conversation in the car that night. "Admit it; it's always better in a cone." "It's always better in a cone." She had said with ease. "Putting ice cream in a dish, eating it with a spoon?" She finished his thought by saying, "What is wrong with people?"
Their conversations always went on like this, giddy, innocent, and comfortable. This was ridiculous…she was sitting here, fawning over a boy who wasn't even her boyfriend. The thing is, she had thought a whole lot more about Jess than she had of Dean while she was here. In fact, the only times she had thought of Dean is when he called her and even then, she was only half listening. Rory looked at her bedside table and saw Howl sitting on top of it. Why had she packed that? She'd had an impulse to throw it into her bag so she did; now she regretted bringing it every time she looked at the cover. Her eyes drifted back to the window and she looked up the stars, wondering if he was watching the same night sky right now.
He stared up at the stars, sleep was hopeless. He wondered if she was watching the same night sky right now.
He was just wiping down the counter at Luke's when Lorelai walked in, for the 3rd time that day. Rory being gone was really hitting her hard. This wasn't so different for him either.
"Coffee?" he asked, but it was more like an assumption.
"Do you even have to ask?" she said, sitting down at the counter and examining her nails. "Where's Luke?" she questioned. Sookie was on her honeymoon, Rory was gone, and she wasn't going to start a conversation with Jess anytime soon, so the only person left was Luke.
"I'm here." Luke called, emerging from behind the curtain that led to his apartment.
"Tell me a joke, I'm bored." Lorelai instructed
"No." Luke deadpanned.
"Ha, that was a good one." Lorelai said.
"Yes, I have great talents in the joking department; people get a rise outta my 'no way in hell' joke too."
"Hmm..." Lorelai said absentmindedly. "Hey, Luke?"
"No" Luke said.
"You don't even know what I'm going to ask." Lorelai whined.
"Whatever you want, the answer is no, I'm busy." He said
"Fine." Lorelai said in a huff. "I'll just go to Al's. I bet he'll tell me a joke."
"Fine by me." Luke said and went back to work, watching Lorelai stomp out. Jess rolled his eyes at his blind, clueless uncle who had no idea him and Lorelai were so in over the head with infatuation for each other.
Jess didn't plan things out much; he was more of an impulsive kind of person. This was how he found himself telling Luke that one of his best friends back in New York City was graduating and that he was going to go to the graduation. Luke, clueless as he was, told Jess to tell him when he was expected back once he got to New York and sent him off with a simple, 'stay safe.' Luke was obviously impressed that Jess had a friend from New York who might be doing something with his life. Now Jess was free for around a week, and he knew exactly where he was going to go.
Jess picked up his small, canvas duffel bag and began the walk to the bus station. Once he got there he searched the maps for the quickest route to Washington D.C. He realized he would have to stop and switch busses in New York. Great, he thought. He hated switching busses, but it would take him to Rory. He stepped onto the bus that headed to New York and he pulled out his latest Hemingway read, The Killers. The words were blurry and unfocused and her face kept pushing its way into his mind. Her feathery touch, her soft lips, her light laugh. "Last stop, New York." The bus driver announced after about 45 minutes. Jess threw his book into his bag and stepped off the bus. He took a deep breath and breathed in the familiar scent of the city. He then stepped into a bus labeled 47. This big, stuffy bus was going to take him to beautiful, delicate, perfect Rory.
"Hey Rory!" Dean said, lighting up at her voice.
"Look, um, Dean…can we talk?"
"Sure…what's up?" he asked completely oblivious as to what was about to hit him.
"Um, I…you…we…Dean, I'm sorry." She stumbled; this was harder than she thought it would be.
"Why?" he asked, his voice no longer alight and giddy but now confused.
"Because…I think it's time for me to hang up now…for good."
Rory didn't know why she'd done it. She'd been feeling this feeling for a while now, like the relationship had gone on too long. This was just closure. Strangely, Rory felt almost free. Paris was off at some night tour of D.C. of which Rory had chosen not to go on, so now she had the whole night to herself, or so she thought.
The bus pulled up with a screech and Jess walked out off. He had no clue what to do now. Where would he find Rory? He walked out of the bus station and saw a booth the read, INFORMATION HERE. He walked up and said to the lady, "Hey, do you know where the, um Chilton school group is staying?"
"As a matter of fact, I do honey." Replied the women in big khaki shorts and graying hair. She better not call me honey again, he thought.
There was a long silence and he finally said gruffly, "Well, you gonna tell me where?"
"Oh, well you should have said you wanted to know before, honey." The lady said ignorantly. Jess rolled his eyes and stared at her impatiently. "It's on 52 Lincoln Street. That's only a block from here. Just keep walking that way and the make a left."
"Thanks." He muttered and walked off, having not listened to a word she'd said he grabbed a map from a seemingly empty stand on the way. Lincoln Street, Lincoln Street…there it was. He noticed it was about a two minute walk from where he was so he quickly ditched the map and made his way to 52 Lincoln Street. He entered the tall building to a blast of refreshing air conditioning. There was a bored-looking girl at the desk. "Do you know what room Rory Gilmore is staying in?" he asked, leaning against the cool stone that covered the desk. "Hold on a minute please." She said and typed something into the computer. He was in the same building as Rory, somewhere, she was standing high above him, probably reading, she probably had no idea that she was about to see him, Jess Mariano, town hoodlum, rebel without a cause, the guy that everyone from Rory's perfect fairy tale life, hates. "Room 63, 2nd floor." The girl said, interrupting his thoughts. Jess walked over to the elevator and pressed the up button. He hoped he was ready for this.
Rory was deeply engrossed in We the Living, one of her favorite Ayn Rand's, when she heard a knock on the door. She wondered who it was, considering she wasn't expecting anyone and Paris had a key, so it couldn't be her. Rory flopped off the couch, put her book down and took a quick once-over of herself. Gray sweats, and a long sleeved tee…not exactly formal dress but suitable for whoever was at the door. She walked over and turned the handle, filling the cool metal on her skin. The image that stood in front of her took her by such surprise she had to blink and make sure he was really there.
"Jess." She breathed.
So there you go-your first chapter. If your eyes are bleeding and you want to rip this story to shreds via reviewing, please do. If you're having a cow cuz you're just so in love with this story-review! Oh, and I have more of this story ready to be posted, I'm just waiting to see if it's worth it.