Disclaimer: I do not own Harry potter or any of the characters from the book. The new characters in this story are mine; I leave it up to you to work out which ones. I also do not own the poems that will appear in this story. The poems are all owned by William Butler Yeats
Summary: When Dumbledore and CO left Harry potter on the step of privet drive they did not foresee the results of their actions. How will the wizarding world react when they find Harry Potter missing and the nameless elf fae child of the Earth Queen? This is another Harry gets adopted by an elf (or fae if you like). (Story is better than summary promise.)
Come away, O human child!
To the waters and the wild
With a faery, hand in hand,
For the world's more full of weeping than you can understand.
Child of the Earth queen: The Philosopher's stone
Chapter 1: Child of the earth, Child of my heart.
By Morte Bonita
It was just before midnight mere moments away from November the first. It was Halloween known in the old legends as Samhain when the restless dead, wandering wraiths and fairy creatures were thought to walk the earth during this night where time and space were suspended and the boundaries between this world and the next were thinned to nothing. It just so happened that on this night a new miracle was set to happen starting with three people, Albus Dumbeldore, Minerva McGonagall, Rubeus Hagrid and the tiny bundle they had left on the step of number four privet drive, a baby famous in the wizard world as Harry Potter the boy-who-lived.
After the people had left all was silent in front of the Dursely's home. That is until midnight came and the wall between the mortal and immortal world was at its weakest allowing the most powerful of all the immortals from the Elvin plain to slip through and slips through she did. The vines broke through the surface of the ground tearing up grass and soil until it was just under seven feet tall and one meter thick. It was a beautiful plant albeit strange. It was made of vibrant green and red vines intricately woven together and if looked at closely showed images of every human civilization to ever appear on earth. When the pillar of vines had stopped growing it was still for a moment before unraveling in a glorious spiral showing the statuesque figure of a beautiful 6 and a half foot tall woman.
The first thing you noticed about her was her hair. It was as black as the night sky yet had the rainbow shimmer of a crow's wing. The next thing you would notice would be her dress which at once both covered her body and left nothing to the imagination. It was a vibrant red with a green sash and trim, it was also off the shoulder and low-cut with a split in the front of the skirt allowing her to move freely and to show off her bright green underskirt. The last thing you would notice would be her face and once you saw it you'd wonder why you hadn't noticed it before. Her face was perfect. She had the flawless beauty of the normal elf or fae multiplied by a thousand. She had thin, elegant eyebrows, a delicate nose and sensuous blood red lips. Her skin was pale as the snow and made her seem fragile as glass. Her most striking features by far were her eyes. They were the same stunning green as the vines she had arrived in although they were flecked with splashes of vibrant amethyst. All in all she was the most beautiful woman to ever walk on earth. The only thing that marred her looks was the scowl that she currently wore. It showed quite clearly that the lady was P-I-S-S-E-D.
(Lady's POV)
I stood up straight and stared at the bundle on the doorstep. I couldn't believe this. How is it that after I'd traveled through the barrier that separated the immortal realm from the mortal one at exactly the right time I'd still managed to miss claiming the child before the old man put him on the step. It was so annoying since by our laws a faery no matter how powerful (and I am the strongest) cannot claim an abandoned or orphaned human child once it has been placed before the door of any inhabited human dwelling. "Looks like I'll have to do this the diplomatic way and ask the female human to hand over the child to me." I said to myself. I straightened my clothes and walked to the door. Unfortunately I was held back a few feet by a protection field that emanated from the bundle preventing me from even going near the infant inside it. I smiled at the baby I had not seen it but already I knew it would be beautiful and powerful. I also new it was a male. Sighing I picked up a leaf from the floor and held in front of me. It was time to call out the child's relative. I began to chant the words to call out the child's blood kin from the house. "Blood of the mother that flows in this babe; call on your kinswoman who once shared your name. Through this oak leaf this message must go kinswoman of this child to me you shall come. By the power of the unseelie court and myself the earth Queen come to the one who summons you"
The leaf began to glow with a golden light. When the light was painful to look at I let the leaf go and watched as it floated up to the window of what must have been the master bedroom and then through the glass of the window. I smiled knowing that soon the child's blood relative would awake and come downstairs. A few minutes later I was rewarded by the door opening revealing a rather frightened, rather horse faced young woman.
"Who are you?" She hissed at me. "What the hell did you do to me?"
"I didn't do anything. All I did was call you to the door so that we could discuss an important situation. As for my name, it would be better if you did not know although my title is the Earth Queen or the Green Lady if you prefer." I replied.
"What do you want to say?" She was getting scared and angry now. I knew from past experience that these emotions do not mix well in a human. It tends to make them violent. I needed to get her inside now.
"I need to discuss the well fair of your nephew who is currently lying at your feet on you welcome mat. I believe he is your sister's sun and if you loved her at all you would pick him up and invite me into your home." Apparently my explanation startled her because she picked up the child immediately and invited me in. She also shut the door firmly behind, she's probably worried about the neighbors.
(In the living room) (The lady's POV)
The woman sat on the couch furthest away from me. She still hadn't handed over the baby. I can sense her fear from the armchair she placed me in and it is annoying me. I haven't even done anything to her and she's terrified. I sat looking at her for awhile she saw me watching her and she instinctively cradled the child closer to her chest. I find this odd seeing ass how she seems to have hated her sister and she is refusing to look at the child's face yet she is being so gentle with him. I truly hope she does not attempt to challenge my claim to the child.
"What is your name?" I asked her if only to break the silence. My only answer was a very quiet "Petunia. Petunia Durseley."
"Where is my sister?" Petunia asked me.
"Your sister is dead along with your husband." I began, "They were murdered by an evil wizard. This wizard was killed when he tried to cast the killing curse on your nephew. It awakened the power in the child. When the wild power within your nephew was released it destroyed the evil wizard. Do not tell me the name of the child or the names of his parents. It is my wish to make him my own child and give him a new name. I do not wish to lie to my child by calling him by a new name whilst knowing his birth name, if I do not know his birth name then I am not lying and the name I give him shall be his true name." I finished.
Petunia was on her feet as soon as I was finished. "You want to take him away. Why? What good is he to you?" she shouted.
I stood calmly and faced her. "You hated your sister for having magic but that hatred of her stemmed from your hatred of magic for taking her away. If you were to raise him you would hate him for being a part of the world that parted you from your sister and killed her. Already the hate for him is growing in you. You want to love him but will not be able to and will blame him because it will be easier than blaming yourself." I regarded Petunia coolly. "Am I right?" I asked her.
"Yes. You are right." She answered. "But why should I give him to you?"
"If he is with you he would grow up unloved and neglected but if he is with me he shall be taken care of, accepted and cherished. He will want for nothing and will be taught to control his powers without fear of criticism or prejudice. He will be happy and I will love him."
"What about the letter from Dumbledore?"
"By giving him to me the oath is transferred. Dumbledore cannot punish you for doing what is best for the child." I told her.
"And Lilly?"
I smiled at petunia she truly had loved her sister. "Lilly will understand." I said "She will know that you are only doing what is best for her child."
Petunia stared at me then walked over until she was right in front of me and held the bundle out to me. "I will give him to you just please take good care of him."
I took the bundle from petunia and held it carefully in my arms. "I will take care of him, but do you understand what you are doing?"
"You understand that once you give him up he will become my child by name and later in blood? You understand that he will no longer be one with the mortal world?"
"Yes I understand!" answered petunia. She paused and looked at me then asked to see the baby. I'm surprised she asked but agreed nonetheless it was be the first time I'd looked at my new son as well. I gently pulled the thin wrappings away from the infants face and pushed back his hair, my touch woke him up and his vibrant emerald eyes stared into my own. I smile at the babe and can't help feeling satisfied with myself. The child is beautiful for a human and with his time in the immortal realm and the blood bonding he will undergo when he is old enough it is assured that he will surpass all immortals in beauty and perfection. Apparently Petunia has realized his beauty too since she keeps staring at him.
"He is so beautiful and his eyes are just like his mother's." Petunia gasped.
"Yes he is perfect." I told her. I looked at her again, she seemed so sad. "You will miss him won't you?" I asked. Petunia started crying before she answered saying that the child was all she had left of her sister. I decided I'd had enough and snapped at her to be quiet before I gave her my conditions of how my child would be raised.
"Listen Petunia," I started "We have gone over why you cannot raise this child, but I also have no desire to tear apart your family any further than it is while it has a chance to be healed. I will allow my young one to know you and yours as long as you follow my rules."
"I'll do anything. Just let me see him." she answered.
"You will be allowed to see him every four months and every Christmas. You cannot tell him the last names of his parents and you must not try to remove him from my care. Also you will not even attempt to criticize him for the accidental magic that he will undoubtedly do while he visits you. These are my conditions. If we are agreed speak now and release him to me the words are already within you."
Petunia stood straight and looked me in the eye before speaking. "I Petunia Evans Durseley blood aunt of my sister's son hereby pass all rights of guardianship over to the Green Lady also known as the Earth Queen and give her full rights over my nephew equal to those rights of any blood mother. As it is spoken it shall be done." When Petunia stopped speaking a golden glow settled over me and the infant in my arms. I felt the wards protecting the child settle over the house protecting his blood kin while I also felt wards attach to the baby and myself trying to protect us. I ignored the wards fixing themselves and focused on the bond that was forming between me and my child. When the light disappeared I felt something had changed in the child and realized he now regarded me as his true mother. He was mine now, my little flower.
"Thank you Petunia. What you have done means more than you know."
"Just keep your promise."
"I will Petunia. Good night."
"Good night." Petunia answered then escorted me outside kissing her nephew on the forehead before going back in. I smiled at the door then turned back to my son and peered at his face. I'll have to do something about that scar. I walked over to the vines I'd left in Petunia's front garden and decided to give her a gift. I concentrated for a moment before closing my eyes when I opened them again the vines had been replaced with a garden of different coloured roses and lilies. I looked up at the sky and saw that hours had gone by during my talk with Petunia and that dawn was approaching. For once I was on time, it was much easier to travel between the realms during the hour of the sunrise when the barrier was at it's thinnest. "It is time to go home my flower." I said to the child I held. I waved my hand creating an archway of roses in Petunia's new garden and then stepped through seeing the mortal world blur then disappear into blackness. When I looked up again I was greeted by the sight of a glittering crystal palace and flawless countryside. I held up my son and showed him the world he was now a part of. "Welcome my little flower. Welcome to the realm of the immortals, to the land of the fair folk. Welcome to our kingdom."
Authors Note
Ok guys. This is my first story so that is my excuse if it sucks. Tell me what you think and if you want to criticize do so but please don't be too mean about it k? If you think it needs to be improved please give me some pointers because I want to continue writing this fic. Also if you genuinely like it please say so.
Review, Review, Review, Simon says Review.
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