Every Rose Has Its Thorns

Every Rose Has Its Thorns


Disclaimer: Digimon doesn't belong to me, it belongs to Saban and Toei and all those now-filthy –rich people. Don't bother suing me, it's not worth it. Oh, BTW, Celeste and the concept of the guardians belong to me, so please don't steal.

Author's note: All right, so I finally got this part out quicker than the last one. J Well, anywayz, Episode 4 is the " finale" to the Rose "saga". After this is done, there will be a sequel called after the Rainbow. One other thing, during the summer, keep an eye out for my Obelisk series, a separate Mimato fanfic, but that's not until summer. Also during summer, keep an eye out for my original monthly ( or weekly depending on how much I write at a time.) series called " The Curse of the Crystal. It's completely original and I've been working on it for some while now. Thanx again for all the reviews. Here's a list a people I'd like to thank. There are all the good souls who gave me reviews as of February 18,2001. What I did was I took whatever name you guys put for "name" and I alphabetized them. Here's the list. Oh, wait a minute, by the way, if you don't see your name on here, remember that the last reviewer listed was the one from February 18,2001. Also, I've singled out four of you for a different list below. I owe all of you guys a great big thank you, and I'm sorry that I can't do anything else except finish this fic. Okay, now to the list.

1. Ayeka

2. Alexh35

3. Allison Smith

4. Asher Kligfree

5. Ashieyu Zordak

6. Asuka

7. Belladova

8. Candis

9. Chbi Aniangel

10. Crystal Yumi

11. {Death}

12. Dori-chan

13. Garurumon

14. Gatomon_1

15. Gyncks

16. "hello"

17. Ishida Tachikawa Mimi

18. Kayuna Akani

19. Kitten

20. Lady Icecubes

21. *Lucky*

22. Lucky Ishida

23. Mihaele Rose

24. Mimato

25. Nemesia

26. Omega Knight

27. Patamon Girl

28. Quilt

29. Seiitsu

30. Stargazer

31. Sumiki-chan

32. Sweety Swee

33. Tenshi no ai

34. Thms Rnd

35. And thank you to an anonymous reviewer

Thank you, everyone!!!!!

Now, for the other list…

1. Musichick-Musichick, I'm sorry this took so long. When I went and read the reviews, I saw how many you left. How deep is that groove by now, hmm? Well, now you can put your feet up and take a well deserved break cause I finally got up off my lazy butt and worked on this. LOL! Thanx for being so patient!

2. Bliss-Truthfully, you inspired me to finish this fic. I had severe writer's block. After I read you Gemini Warriors trilogy, The Heir of Evil and it's sequel Realm Walker ( everyone, read those fics! They're much better than mine!), I just felt so…inspired! Don't worry tho. This fic still holds it's own if you know what I mean! I love your stories! They're awesome!

3. Dark Saint- I'm always glad to meet a fellow Ken fan! J Thanx! And don't worry. Nothing will happen to Ken, nothing much anyway. * evil grin* But don't worry tho. Remember, he's my fave too.Oh, by the way, have you read Tortured Soul? It's under my author name and it's a Ken fic. * jumps up and down in glee* If you like it, lemme know cause I'll write a sequel just for you. K? Thanx again!

4. Digitally obsessed- if you're still even reading this (and I really don't know why you should bother yourself to) I thank you for your review all the way back on 6-17-2000. It was the very first one on FF.net. Also, I just want to say it again. I love your fanfics! Especially the Time Shifters series! I luv it!

All right, so I'm done with they dedications. Now I can get on with the fic…


Episode Four: Resolution


Ken's POV-

The first thing I was aware of upon returning to consciousness was a group of heavily distorted figures leaning over me. Jumbled thoughts raced through my mind and forced themselves into incongruous patterns. What had happened to me??? My head still swam, but I couldn't remember why at this particular moment. The last thing I remembered was being asked something that had to do with…

Of course! How could I be so stupid! ( A/N: I don't think you're stupid…) I was outside at the car, helping Mimi with her bags, but…something had happened, I just couldn't remember what. I had this nagging feeling that it was something that I wasn't going to like.

Up until recently, I hadn't even known that she had a fiancée, let alone about Code Blue, but when I heard that she had died, something rang warning bells in my head. Still, though, I didn't know why. When she had confessed who she was, I still couldn't help feeling that she was hiding something from us. I looked across the room to Kari and our gazes meshed. From the deep frown upon her face, I knew that, not only did she know something was wrong, she also knew what it was. My question was if she knew that Mimi was hiding something, why didn't she say anything???? I knew the depths of darkness, and night and day that aura has haunted me. Although I knew that the past could never be erased, I felt that when I had returned to earth for the final time, I had left the evil persona behind. However, even now I still remain somewhat sensitive to it, and even now, evil's bitter taste lingers in my mouth. I could almost sense the evil radiating from someone in the room, though it lay dormant now, I knew that it was only a matter of time before the snake would rear its ugly head and disaster would strike.

" Back up," I heard a female voice say, " give him some room to breathe."

The clouded figures glided away from the couch I lay on, and I sat up, finding myself staring into my girlfriend's worried face. She wrapped her arms around my neck in a stranglehold, forcibly jerking me back to alertness. My arms wrapped around her, a reflex action I kept telling myself. "Oh God, Ken!" she cried. " I was so worried that he'd hurt you terribly! I thought…" she released me from her vise-like grip and buried her teary face in her hands. " When I saw you unconscious like that…I…I THOUGHT HE KILLED YOU!!! I DIDN'T KNOW WHAT TO DO!"

I gave her my trademark half smile before brushing some strands of her lavender hair out of her eyes. ( She had gotten rid of her glasses and gone for contacts instead.) " It's okay. He didn't and I'm fine." I smiled again before looking over her shoulder to the rest of the group. " For now, I do believe that we have more important things to worry about."

Matt's P.O.V.

" For now, I do believe that we have more important things to worry about," stated Ken weakly.

Nah, not really, I thought bitterly, my girlfriend's just been kidnapped by her psycho fiancée, that's all, no problem whatsoever!

I watched from a distance as the group drew closer together to begin to formulate a plan to rescue Mimi from her kidnapper. ( Although I must say, that he didn't seem to think a thing like attempted murder, stalking, kidnapping and assault were crimes. Truthfully, I feared what he might do next. I shuddered at the thought.) Turning away from the group, I sought solace in the shadows, isolating myself as I always did when I was in pain. Tears slipped out of my eyes, each one a silent testament to the inner torment that I felt. I had done it again, I had done it again, and this time, I wouldn't get a second chance. I felt so helpless! I didn't know what to do! Frustrated at everything, I punched the wooden hallway wall with all my might, a satisfied smile reaching my lips as the pain throbbed in my hand.

" You know, I don't think the wall would appreciate that," I heard a quiet voice behind me say. I didn't even have to turn around to know who it was. It brought to mind a scene from years earlier, something long buried.

" I let her down again. I let her down again, Sora! She trusted me to protect her, and I couldn't even do that right!" I shook my head. " She'll never trust me again…" my voice trailed off, eventually dissipating into silence. For the longest time we stood in silence, and I had my back turned to her. Eventually, I turned to face her and leaned against the wall. We stood watching each other for the longest time, but then I noticed a mischevious look play across her face, as though she had made some kind of decision. (A/N: It's not what some of you are thinking. . Remember! She's MARRIED! ( to Tai for those of you who didn't pick up on the HUGE hints.) And trust me, I know some people IRL who didn't.) She threw her shoulder length hair over her shoulder and prepared to stare me down. " Listen, Matt, there are two things you can do about this. Number one, you can…"

I didn't give her a chance to finish, because I knew what was coming. " I don't want to hear it, Sora!" I exploded as I turned back towards the wall, vainly wishing that I could just melt into it, blend in, become a silent part of the background. " You don't understand, Sora! You'll never understand! She asked me to protect her, and I let her down!" I clenched my fists. " I mean, I failed her in Digiworld, I failed her when she left for New York, I failed her now!" I was almost frantic now, the tears falling shamelessly, " She trusted me and I let her down!" My eyes wandered to the floor. " I'm a complete and total failure."

She said nothing for the longest time, and I dimly wondered if she had left, but all doubts were cleared from my mind as I was roughly spun around. At first, I thought it might have been Tai, but I found myself staring into Sora's angry face. Her expression now reminded me of the one she shot me with after the whole Crest Energy ordeal, except, now she was older. So? So, it was ten times as bad! Truthfully, I didn't feel like having a fight with one of my closest friends, but I took a deep breath, and countered her glare. For a couple minutes, we stood like that, just glaring at each other. Then, she did something that I never thought she would. Her arm shot out and pain exploded across the left side of my face. For a couple seconds, I saw multitudes of brightly colored stars flash across my vision, and memories of this morning's "skirmish" were fresh in my mind. I was in complete shock. God, for a girl, she had a pretty powerful punch,…but then again, considering who her husband was, she had learned from the best. Her eyes were fixed on mine, until a second later when we both cracked up into peals of laughter, between which, I managed to get out, " Thanks, I really needed that."

She straightened up and smiled at me. " You're welcome." She turned away to head back into the living room. " Come on, everyone's waiting."

I acquiesed with a silent nod.

3rd Person P.O.V.-

" I don't remember much of what happened to me," Ken said, " One moment I was grabbing a suitcase, and the next, I woke up here, with all of you guys standing over me." He looked around the room, his face still pale from the vicious shock to his system.

Matt turned away from the group, the pain still showing plainly upon his face, as well as the now forming bruise.

" Are you sure you don't remember anything before waking up here?" he heard Miyako ask gently.

" Well…" his voice trailed off, "other than the fact that both Mimi and I were out here and both of us were attacked with some kind of stun-gun, no."

" What about something like where he was standing, or what he was wearing?" prodded Joe.

Ken closed his eyes and tried to drag the memory into the light. He bit his lip as he always did when concentrating. He bit is so hard, that he drew blood. " Umm, he…he had his back to the streetlight, so I couldn't exactly see what he was wearing. However, I'm pretty sure he was wearing a dark colored trench coat, although I can't exactly be sure what color. Umm…" his voice trailed off again.

" What about objects? Did he carry anything except the stun gun?" asked Iori.

" What about scents? Did anything else stand out about him that might lead us to him?" asked Izzy.

" Well," began Ken, " I know he was carrying some rope, because when he first tried to attack me, I struggled, a bit and he tried to restrain me with this thick rope or something of the like. I don't know exactly what kind of rope, but its width was quite substantial, it wasn't like ordinary hardware rope, or twine, and I know it wasn't chain link. As for Izzy's question, there was something. I…don't really know how to describe it, but when I ws struggling, I was nearly overcome by this foul smell. It was like a mixture of mold and mildew, you know, like rotting things. It also smelled somewhat…metallic. Almost ma…"

He never got to finish his sentence, because Matt interrupted him. " I don't believe him," he stated blandly.

Everyone's jaws hit the floor.

" Wha…what do you mean you don't believe him?" Daisuke asked after recovering from his initial shock, " he's the best clue we have!"

" Hmmph, if that's what you think! Then you're wrong! I believe he's a spy for Frank!"

( A/N: No, I am not making Matt seem like a perfect idiot just for the hell of it, tho that's what I normally do, I'm doing this for a completely different reason, and you'll see soon enough.)

Everyone's jaws hit the floor again, but this time, they broke through the floor and headed for the center of the earth…

" Oh come on," began Tai tiredly, " not this again. I thought you understood that no one here is your, or her enemy. "

" Affirmative," said Izzy, " the only enemy is Frank. We should concentrate on fighting him, not each other."

" You guys don't believe me," he stated without any emotion, " then listen to this and maybe you will. I mean, think about it. It was only those two out there, just him and my girlfriend. All of a sudden they're attacked, she's kidnapped, but he's left here, he wakes up, and just so happens to not remember anything at all." He turned and shot Ken an evil glare. " How convenient."

" He told us what he knows," said Tai, " you can't expect anything more from him. He's doing the best he can!"

" Whose side are you on anyway?" he growled through clenched teeth.

" Huh?" Tai began, taken aback. " Didn't we go through this already?" He gestured to everyone in the room, " Look, no one here is your enemy! Now either you calm down, or you leave!" Tai was silent for a moment. " Have I made myself clear?"

Slowly, Matt's face began to darken with anger.

T.K.'s P.O.V.-

Oh, great. It was happening again. The scene from this morning was playing out again, except this time with different people. I felt, rather than saw, Kari stiffen next to me, and I knew exactly what she was thinking, because the exact same thoughts were running through my and Daisuke's heads. I knew he knew because I looked across the room to him, and he had a grim expression upon his face. I turned to Kari and saw the recongition flash in her eyes. Sora, Izzy and Joe, stepped forward to aid Tai while Kari, Daisuke and I moved to act as seconds to them.

Kari's P.O.V.-

I could feel a sense of unease in my stomach, sitting there like a leaden ball, bringing me pain every second. I knew that it had something to do with the premonition that I had had back at the hotel, yet it was totally unrealated. I was filled with this uncontrollable fright. I don't know what I was to be afraid of, but I knew that it was here. It was at the hotel as well. I knew that it lay dormant somewhere, in someone. It was the same dark feeling that I had felt when at the dark ocean in the phase warp, the dark digital realm. I looked to my left for a sign of recognition from Ken or Miyako. I knew that he'd know what this was, seeing as how both of them had also been exposed to the darkness. T.K. turned to me, and I knew that he knew as well. All for the better, we had more people to fight than I had originally thought.

Daisuke's P.O.V.-

Great, I thought, just great. The're fighting each other when they should concentrate on rescuing Mimi, but… Oh never mind, these people screw things up too much! At the rate they're going, with an argument every five minutes, they'll be here arguing until tomorrow night! And then they'll definitely be too late to save her. Fools. " What should I do?" I asked the empty air around me, not being heard by anyone because no one was listening to me. ~Play along for now. Wait until the time is right. You'll know your cue when you see it.~ was the reply he received. He looked over to where Kari was sitting, and frowned to acknowlege his knowledge ( A/N: That sounded strange…) of what was going on, before moving with T.K. and Kari to act as seconds to Sora, Izzy and Joe.

Tai's P.O.V.-

"Listen dude," I began with my usual calmness ( at least I thought so), " you're only a guest in my home. If you don't calm down, so help me, I'll kick you out, and you know I will."

Matt gave me one of those evil smiles that chilled me to the bone. There was something in his aura, something that triggered the memories of the fight they had back when we were younger, after Matt had been convinced by Puppetmon that I was his enemy. God knows that I would have paid a million dollars in gold never to see that look again. It chilled me, but I didn't flinch.

" Tai, Tai, Tai," he began, slowly shaking his head at me, " I could have killed you when I was a kid, imagine what I'll be able to do now."

" How dare you," my wife growled through clenched teeth. She started forward, but Joe and Izzy held her back. She struggled against their grasp. " Let me go!" she yelled at them, struggling even harder. Then she turned to Matt. " So help me, when I get loose, you're going to be sorry you were ever born!"

" Don't worry about it, dear," I said without turning around. I felt her hostile, bristling aura shrink a bit, and I knew that she calmed down a bit. I turned around to cast a glance a her, but when I turned back around, pain exploded across the side of my face. Fog began to gather in my head, and I tasted warm, coppery blood in my mouth. Now he had done it. Now, he was going to pay!

Without another word, I launched myself at him with my fist aimed at his head. He seemed surprised that I would actually retaliate and therefore was unprepared. I saw the look of fear spread upon his face, but it was too late to stop . I closed my eyes and thought, I'm sorry. It seemed that I waited an eternity for the hit to actually occur, and I bet you that if I had kept on waiting, I would have probably waited indefinitely.

Through the clouds in my mind, I heard Daisuke yell, " Stop it now, you fools!"

Now, about a minute after, I acutally opened my eyes and turned to look at him, and when I did, I was dumbfounded. I wanted to rub my eyes to make sure I was seeing right, but I found that I couldn't move anything below my neck. I was paralyzed. Now, that would have shocked me immensely, if it hadn't been for what was happening to Daisuke. Was it just me, or was he glowing?

Daisuke's P.O.V.-

When Tai attempted to punch Matt, I knew that was my cue, the cue she had told me to wait for. Now was the time to act. Oh, no one except me knows how long I waited to act, and now, I finally could. With the greatest relish, I yelled out in my loudest voice, " Stop it now, you fools!" I knew everyone would turn to look at me when I did, but I could have cared less. I raised my hand up, temporarily paralyzing Tai and Matt both. I felt a warm, golden glow envelop me, and I knew that now was the right time for me to act. Everyone in the room was looking at me as though they had seen a ghost, but I knew that Kari and T.K. knew what was going on. They had both sensed it from the very beginning, but had said nothing. They knew my biggest secret ( for the time being). They knew my true identity. They knew that I was a guardian.

3rd Person P.O.V.-

By now, everyone had noticed Daisuke's…unsual behavior, and everyone was scratching their heads for an answer, but no one knew what was going on. Well, at least, that's what most thought. Kari and T.K. moved to stand on either said of Daisuke, acting as his seconds. When the golden glow subsided, Daisuke's form had been replaced by that of a young man in his early twenties, dressed in a drab, cadet blue jumpsuit with an insignia like a starburst on one side. His hair was still brown, but it was better kept, combed into a neat hairstyle. His eyes were of a piercing sapphire color.

T.K., meanwhile, moved behind Kari and placed his hands on her shoulders as a sign of support, because they both knew that she was going to undertake a very difficult task. She was going to have to surrender her body to a guardian, and it was not an easy task ( in fact, if someone wasn't there with you it would be very painful when you collapse). She closed her eyes and mumbled something under her breath, and after a few seconds, the crest of light appeared on her forehead again. This time though, it dissapated and washed over her body, soon filling the room with a brilliant, blinding light.

When the light faded, Kari, T.K. and the unidentified man were still there, but Kari and T.K. had collapsed to the floor, seemingly out cold.

Tai, at the sight of his sister began to struggle against the phantom grasp. " Let me go!" he yelled at the man.

" No," he said simply.

Tai opened his mouth to say something, but Matt interrupted him. "Leave them be, they'll be fine."

" What do you mean?"

" You'll see."

Two agonizing minutes later, the previously still forms on the floor began to stir. T.K. stood up first before aiding Kari to her feet. They both seemed to be normal at first glance, but, when they talked, it soon became apparent, that they were not who they seemed to be. (In reality, they had undergone a transformation of sorts, just less drastic than Daisuke's if you get what I mean.)

(A/N: Just so you know, they aren't posssessed by evil spirits or something like that. They are possessed by good spirits as you will soon see, and oh yeah, this is the reason why Daisuke was acting so weird earlier. Also, until further notice, when I say, T.K. and Kari, it's the possessed forms.)

When Kari was standing, the unidentified man and T.K. saluted her in a way typical of a military organization.

" At ease," she said in a melodic voice. Immediately, they relaxed. She cast a sad eyed glance in Ken and Miyako's direction before stepping back and allowing the other man to speak.

" Greetings," he said, " my name is Justin, and I'm a guardian in-training, under Celeste." He gestured to Kari.

" Ce…Celeste?" stammered Izzy. " Prodigious! She and Kari have entered into a symbiotic relationship in which, up until now, Kari has remained dominant, but in times of need, Celeste or one of her allies has become the dominant psyche, guiding us through danger, and now she's here to help up again!" ( A/N: I have absolutely no idea what I just said. Hey, it sounded smart.)

Everyone ,except for Ken and Miyako who actually understood what he was saying, simply sweatdropped and nodded their heads pretending they knew what was going on.

" Don't even bother trying to understand what was just said," snapped Celeste angrily, " just know that he's right about it."

" Yes," said T.K.," fury barely contained in his voice. He turned to Celeste. " I don't believe that these are the people whom you claimed were so absolutely brilliant!"

" Shut up, Quinn," she snapped again. " You are not the one to pass judgement on them. They are the Light Figures of this Dimension. Regardless of what you say. Granted, they have made their mistakes, but after all, they…and we are only human. Understood?"

" Understood," said Quinn and Justin.

" That's all well and good," said Sora, " but, Celeste, why are you here?"

She gave and indignant laugh. " Ha! Fools, I'm here to protect you, of course."

There was a tense pause. " Protect us from whom?" Matt asked, wrestling with all manners of emotions.

Celeste waved her hand in the air and Matt was sent flying across the room ,landing against the wall with a painful thump. " Why from yourselves of course! I was such a fool to think that you people would actually carry this out right." She turned to Matt again. " Didn't I warn you guys to be careful and not to let your guard down! But do you listen to me?"

" You said no such thing to us!" he countered.

She paused for a second before speaking again. " Even if I didn't, you, Mr. I'm Da Man, should have been smart enough to figure that out for yourself! Tell me! As deluded as this guy is, do you think that just because you crossed an ocean means that you've escaped him?! Obviously not! He is smarter than that, and I'm warning you now, he is obviously much smarter than you think he his! Be forewarned, that man is a snake! And if you treat him lightly, you will get bitten!" She now turned to the rest of the group. " And as for you! This is no time for you to be fighting amongst yourselves! You should be concentrating on finding Mimi before it's too late!"

" What do you mean, 'before it's too late'?" asked Miyako cautiously.

" Exactly what it sounds like, 'before it's too late'." She paused, debating whether or not to divulge the information that she so carefully guarded. " All I can tell you is this. Something awful, something terrible is about to happen to her by the hand of Frank. Exactly what, I can't say. I don't even know how to classify it. Physically, it's not life threatening, but emotionally, and psychologically, it is devastating…"

She didn't even get to finish what she was saying, when she was interrupted by Matt. " Well then, let's stop talking and go find her! I know that you know where she is! So then tell us! And we'll make Frank pay!"

" Oh," she said in a mocking tone, " now you're ready to fight, but you still have no idea what I was going to say, now do you?" There was angry silence from the other end. " Well then, I suggest you hold on for a second. As I was about to say, what's going to happen will be devastating to her, and there is nothing you can do to stop it." Sora opened her mouth to protest, but Celeste raised a hand, cutting her off before she could even start. " Yes, you heard right. There is nothing you can do to stop this, even if I told you where she was, and you left now. There is no possible way. You will have to wait for an hour, and let things play out on that end."

" Why?" blurted out Joe.

" Because, like I said, there is no way to prevent what is about to happen, but there is a way to prevent something worse from happening. If you intervene too soon, especially at this time, you all, even though you were trying to save her, you would ultimately cause her true demise." There was a heavy pause, as an angry, bitter rain began to fall. " You see, after what is supposed to happen has happened, he will let his guard down, allowing you the brief opportunity to save her. Right now, he is on full guard, just waiting for you to act brashly so he can have an 'excuse' to kill her." She turned back to Matt. " I know you have a personal score to settle with him, but you must, at least in the beginning, retain your self control. It would do her no good if you go in there demanding things of him, because it is she who will suffer for your anger. You and all the others must be organized and surreptitious about how you rescue here. There is no room for error. Once he knows that you know where he is, he'll attempt to kill her if you leave there without her. You must plan this entire thing out, and account for every possible reaction. While I know that this sounds impossible, look at it this way, if I didn't think that you all could do it, I wouldn't even ask it of you. That is all that I am allowed to say."

" What do you mean? Aren't you going to tell us where she is?" asked Matt impatiently.

" Haven't you been paying attention to what I've been saying?! I can't do that because you can't go there right now, otherwise, she…"

" I've listened to that, but why don't you tell us that, then let us wait an hour?"

" Trust me, I know you won't. Besides, even I have my orders." She paused again. " Trust me, the longer you wait the better. The better your plan will be, the more ready you will be, the more clues you will find to her whereabouts. But, heed this warning, you must find her before the next sunrise, or else, she will die."

Quinn stepped forward. " As for when you will actually leave to look for her, AFTER you have devised a suitable plan, I will aid you, but I will only drop clues, it is up to you to decipher them."

" As for me," said Justin, " I will be there to help you when you will need it the most.

" And now, " said Celeste grimly, " I'm afraid that we must leave you, for we have orders that shall take us elsewhere, but we will be there when you need us. Farewell."

With that, the three guardians were again enveloped by a blinding light, and when that light subsided, it left the unconcious forms of the three Digidestined. Tai, who by this time had been 'cured' of his 'paralysis' walked over to his sister and placed her, along with the other two, on the large window seat at one end of the room.

" Well," Sora said shakily, " I guess that we'd better do what Celeste suggested and come up with a plan." Swallowing the developing lump in her throat, she turned to Izzy. " Izzy, are you up to it?"

He said nothing, only nodded as he procured his laptop from its case. All the people in the room who were able, drew around the table where the computer was, formulating a plan, and all trying to shake off the feeling of impending doom that hung over them.

Mimi's P.O.V.-

The world around me, slowly became visible, but everything was clumped together, forming an indistinguishable blur of colors that continuously swam and swirled around randomly making me feel as though I was about to be sick. Nothing made sense at this point in time; my head swam with fuzzy images and faint memories. Truthfully, right now I felt as though I had been shot in the back of the head…but without the disasterous consequences. My entire body ached, but there was a sharp thobbing pain radiating from my wrists and shoulders, both of which felt as though the were about to break. It was then that I realized that I could feel nothing above my wrists. I turned my head upwards only to cause myself unecessary pain. My hands were still in one piece though, but they were tied so tightly together with metal chains, that all blood flow was cut off.

Then, out of nowhere, something collided with my back causing my body to snap forward stretching my arms and shoulders to the limit. I would have screamed, but the hit had knocked the wind out of me.

Now dazed and thoroughly confused, the throbbing pain in my head intensified. I wanted to look around for the cause of the blow, but I was too thoroughly disoriented and dazed. That's when it happened. Shadows began to move around me, in a ghostly dance, almost cultish before finally coming to a halt. The shadows…no, not shadows, they…they were smaller versions of something I had seen before and remembered all too clearly. The feeling of desolate coldness surrounded me again, and I struggled to rise above, but I couldn't. This time I really was alone. There was no Celeste to help me. This time I would have to face my own inner…and outer demons alone. Alone, with no one to help me. The one directly in front of me raised one of its tri-clawed limbs towards me and was only about an inch away when it suddenly halted. I drew in a breath and tried to pull as far away from it as I could when it turned back to face me, leering at me, its evilly crimson eyes burning into my soul. Suddenly, I felt a heavy thump against my chest and I realized something had fallen under my shirt. At first, I had no idea what if could have been, but I had a feeling that I'd find out soon enough. The horrid gaseous being reached forward again, and it almost touched me, but then I felt the warm glow of energy against my skin, and I now knew what it was that was now around my neck, my crest. It activated with a radiant explosion of emerald light, repulsing all of the demons around me, sending them scuttling for the shadows to regroup. A second later, the light faded and the crest went cold beneath the silk of my shirt and laid leaden against my heart. How I wished that it could provide me with more help by allowing me to become the Soldier again, but I knew that that was impossible. Gennai had said that there was no more Crest Energy available to me…or to anyone else, meaning that my beloved Knight wouldn't be able to save me this time.

I looked up and saw that demons advancing towards me yet again, but this time, instead of moving to surround me, they seemed to be melding together to form one single being. This new thing halted about five feet from me before vanishing into the ground, leaving me alone in the darkness. Well…at least I thought I was alone.

A door that had been concealed by the blanket of darkness opened, flooding the room with a blinding light, causing me to wince and close my eyes as they had failed to adjust to the sudden illumination. A figure stood in silhouette in the doorway, but soon became identifiable as my eyes adjusted. Standing in the doorway was someone I knew. Someone whom I had a faint recollection of knowing. Someone from a long time ago. Someone, I never thought I wanted to see again…


" I can't take it anymore, Eric!" I cried, all the frustration and stress of the past two years finally catching up with me. " First, not only do I find funds for this week's shoot missing from my account, under mysterious circumstances might I add, but now, I come back here, only to find this!" I gestured angrily to to woman who now cowered by his side. " What the hell's going on, Eric, I thought we trusted each other in this relationship!"

He stood there, just staring me down, but the anxiety he felt inside was plastered across his face. " Now, sweetie, " he began tenatively. " Why don't you calm down, and we'll sit down and talk this over." He smiled one of his smiles, that under other circumstances, I would have found reassuring, but now, it made my blood boil. " What do you say to that?"

I just lost all control at this point. " CALM DOWN!!!!!!!! DON'T YOU TELL ME TO CALM DOWN YOU…YOU…JERK!!!!!!!!!!! HOW DARE YOU EVEN SPEAK TO ME NOW! HOW DARE YOU EVEN THINK THAT I'M GOING TO CALM DOWN! WHAT RIGHT DO YOU HAVE NOW, TO ASK FORGIVENESS OF ME!" I paused, uncertain of what to say next. I hurt to be mad at him like this. Him, Eric Aril ( forgive the gay name peoplez, I couldn't come up with anything better L ), my manager, my flame. Right now, despite what had just occurred, I still loved him, everything about him, the way he always kept his too-long henna colored hair in a ponytail that made his head seem to small for his body, and his ears too large for his head, the way his hazel eyes sparkled with mirth and mischief everytime his laughed. Damn, I still loved him, but right now, my anger was far too strong for me to ignore, and it overpowered any other feelings that might have surfaced. I took a deep breath, and gathered my thoughts before I spoke again, and when I did, my voice, instead of a shout, came out as a barely audible whisper. " Get out," I ordered. " Get out now, and take your friend with you. Obviously she pleases you more than I do. Go on, get out, and never come back. I never want to see your damn face again!" Iadded force on all the " nevers" just to make sure he got the point, but it seemed that he hadn't.

" Come on, baby, sweetie, darling," he said, trying to butter me up like a piece of toast, " you can't mean that. I mean, think about what you're saying. You just can't mean it."

" I do mean it, Eric. I do. Speaking of which, do you even recognize those words? I do? Well, just in case you don't, let me tell you. They were the words that we were to say at our wedding! Our wedding! You know, that thing, that big event that's a few month from now!" I held up my hand, showing him the substantial diamond that was on the ring. " Do you even remember this ring?" I looked down at it sadly before looking back up at him and tearing the ring off of my finger and hurling it at him. He caught it and gasped in surprise.

" Wha…what are you doing?" he gasped.

" What I should have done a long time ago. Go on, take back your filthy ring and give to your friend there. I don't want it anymore, and I don't want you either! So, get out now, or I so swear, I'm calling the cops and having you arrested."

" You can't do that," he smirked, some courage coming back to him.

" You wanna bet?" A look of fear suddenly crossed his face as he realized that I wasn't bluffing. Hurriedly he stood to his feet, and, dragging his new girlfriend with him, stormed out the apartment door, slamming it shut with a loub bang. When I heard his angry footsteps recede into silence, I collapsed to the floor, my body trembling. " Lights out," I said simply as the lights in my apartment switched off one by one, soon leaving me in the darkness…alone. I collapsed to the thick carpet and began to cry into it, unable to contain my hurt any longer. I wasn't crying because of losing my manager, or having to cancel the shoot, which I had in fact been looking forward to, or even the fact that Eric was going out there with some other woman to spread vicious rumors about me, or the fact that those rumors would soon be spread across the front page of every tabloid from New York to California. Hell, I didn't even care if the entire world believed them and hated me for the rest of my life. The reason that I was crying was simple. I was alone, and that was a state of being that I hated more than anything else…

End flashback…

" Oh my God! Eric!" I breathed weakly, and with some difficulty because I was having trouble breathing for some reason. He still looked somewhat similar to how I remembered him, considering that it had been five years since I last saw him. His hair was still the same color, though now, finally, he had cut it. He had grown in height slightly, but he had lost a considerable amount of weight, and that was somewhat disturbing seeing that he he was already somewhat lanky to begin with. But, the most startling difference was in his eyes, no longer did they sparkle with the spirit that I had loved in him all those years ago, but now they were dull and lifeless, as though covered by a film of soap.

"Hello, Mimi, " He said dully, as though he were talking about the weather, and not noticing that I was suspended from something with a metal chain by my wrists and I was in danger of passing out because of lack of oxygen. Geez, I thought, I've seen stones with more brains than he's got, but oh well, I might as well try to get him to help me.

" Uh. Eric." I began sweetly, " it's nice to see you and all, but , just so you know, I've been kidnapped and am being held here against my free will by my ex-fianceé, and I would really,really appreciate it if you could just get me out of here, cause, you know, I really think he's going to kill me when he gets here." I just couldn't control the dripping sarcasm in my voice, nor could I control the shock I felt when he answered.

" I'm sorry, Mimi," he said plainly, " I can't do that."

" Wha..what do you mean, 'you can't do that?'"

" Just what he said," said another familiar voice, this one far more menacing that Eric's. Every fiber of my body instinctively quivered in fear. Oh my god, no…no…

" Hello baby," he said, mocking me.

" Frank," I breathed, my voice belaying all the fright that was welling up inside me.

" Bingo," he sneered. His gaze lingered on me for a tense moment, and with a sense of dread growing inside my heart, I noticed his eyes slide down my figure before he looked back at my face, his eyes leering at me, just like those of the demon I had seen before. " I have plans for you later," he said with a vicious smirk, " but for now…" He turned towards Eric and began ordering him to do something in a low tone. That gave me a few moments to think. I knew that I couldn't free myself from these chains because they were tied too tightly. I looked around to see if there was anything that could help me fight Frank probably, a weapon or something along those lines, but there was nothing in sight. Just great. I thought, Aries…Celeste…Matt, where are you?


A few minutes later, Frank and Eric were still deep in conversation, although…from the look on Eric's face, I'm sure he didn't like what Frank was saying, and I'm deadly sure that I wouldn't like it either. Then, from out of nowhere, a stray thought crossed my mind. Whatever happened to those demons? Why were they here? What did they represent? I just knew that something bad was going to happen, and probably to me at that. Now, if the situation hadn't been so utterly grim, I would have laughed. I was starting to sound like Joe.

Then, Frank turned back to me, and smirked again. I watched my hopes dwindle as Eric vanished into the darkness. Then, Frank stood in front of where I was hanging, giving me that damn smirk again. I swear, if I wasn't tied up right now, I'd wipe that smile off of his face with a good solid punch. And suddenly…I was falling. The ground was rushing towards we, and I was dimly aware of the sound of machinery in the background. Lucky for me, the vertical distance wasn't too long. I hit the ground with a heavy thump, dazed and sore, but not otherwise injured.

" Oooh," said Frank satirically, " you're not hurt are you?"

" No," I growled through my clenched teeth, " I'm fine." I hoped that by observing the niceties, no matter how grudgingly, I would keep him talking, and the longer I kept him talking, the more time that would give my friends to rescue me.

" Oh, good," he said, the viciousness I feared in him edging into his voice, " I would have hated for that little fall to hurt you…when I can do it all the better." He leaned over, his face just inches from mine. I could feel his breath on my face, and I began to shiver in fear. Our eyes met, and for a moment, just for a single moment, the malicious look in them faded and I swear, I saw his true soul. It was saying I'm sorry. Forgive me. That's when I realized it. That's when I realized why the demons were here. But, before I could think anything further, the front of my silk blouse was ripped open, and my crest torn from around my neck. He reached forward and grabbed my neck, kissing me roughly and forcefully. No! my mind screamed. No! You can't do this to me! You don't have my consent! You can't! You can't! When he pushed me away, it took me a second to catch my breath before I spat out, " What are you doing?!"

He leered evilly. " Just claiming what's mine. Just claiming what's mine." With those words, he heaved me bodily across the room into a dark corner where I landed on my side. I looked up, my eyes filled with an undeniable fear, and saw him advancing menacingly towards me. I curled up in as small a ball as humanly possible as I whimpered, " No…please no…" my voice cracking every few words and tears falling down my face, endless in source.

" Eric!" he called, " restrain her! I'm going to have some fun with her."

Eric stepped forward from the shadows, and grabbed the chain that tied my hands, yanking it upwards and uncurling me from my fetal position. " No…" I wimpered again.

" I'm sorry, Mimi," I heard him say softly. " I really am. I had no idea he was going to do this to you. Can you…" his voice trailed off, but I knew what he was saying.

" I forgive you, Eric, I do."

" Thank you."

" Enough talking!" bellowed Frank, as he leered down at me, his face contorted with a kind of cruel pleasure. Then all concious thoughts were lost as my mind receded into the protection of the coma-like darkness within it. I knew what was happening to my physical body. I knew that I would never…no could never be the same again, but here in the darkness, I knew my mind at least would be safe…well, at least I thought so. With the knowledge that my crest was gone, I felt that I didn't have enough power within me. To tell the truth, I felt that because of this, I would no longer be worthy to posess my crest, to ever have been the soldier of the princess, to ever have been truly loved, or to ever be truly loved again. I felt underserving of anything except pain and darkness, the pain and darkness that I knew was coming. As my mind slipped into the cradle of darkness, I was able to make one last concious thought. I felt that if, right now, I could hold on to hope, perhaps I might yet be saved, so I prayed. I prayed to whatever god might be listening for someone to stop Frank, for someone to save me from this shame. My last thought, my last hope was…Matt, where are you?

3rd person P.O.V.-

-Place, unknown

A woman of about twenty sat behind the circular desk, reading a report and occasionally brushing a few strands of silver hair out of her icy blue eyes. She was dressed in a long bluish silver dress with a long skirt that tapered off around her ankles. She had much jewelry adorning her wrists and fingers, two large opals hanging from golden earrings, and one particularly interesting pendant that hung on a silver chain around her neck. On the other side of the desk stood a very nervous looking Celeste. The woman behind the desk, when she had finished reading, she set the metal device down with an angry thud.

" Twenty-nine dimensional infractions in ONE day to save ONE person! You've really blown it this time, Celeste," her voice was full of forced calm, but the angry shone clearly in her eyes. " Now, if you were doing this to save an entire planet, this report might just have gotten lost, or may never have been filed at all, but for ONE person." She sighed heavily. " Celeste, I've given you a lot of freedom around here. After all, you are the Prophecy Incarnate, but I just can't overlook it. What do you have to say for yourself."

" Elder, I just couldn't let Mimi die in the coma. I couldn't let her be killed by the assassin or Frank either. I just couldn't! Elder, after all, you do know that she is my Sister Crest! I just couldn't let her die!"

" Yes, Celeste," sighed the Elder wearily, " I know how…attached you are to your Sister, and the point isn't that you were to let her die either…"

" Then what is the point?!" yelled Celeste, roused to something like passion.

" The point is!," said the Elder forcefully, standing up to add emphasis to her words, " is that you could have been more surreptitious about it! They orders you gave your subordinates are just preposterous! I mean, sending in Aries to dispatch the assassin, you going in person to protect your Sister, sending Taurus, Scorpio and Libra to that diner! Celeste, if you don't think more carefully about your orders, I'm going to have to demote you!"

Demote me! She wanted to scream. You can't demote me! I am the Prophecy Incarnate!, but she held herself in, and remained under stressed silence.

At that moment, the double doors of the office burst open and a messenger dressed in a blue jumpsuit dashed in and whispered fiercely to the Elder, panic and concern splashed across his face.

Celeste, knowing something was hideously wrong, and having the dread feeling that it was something to do with her Sister, immediately asked, " What's wrong?!" fear and panic rising within her.

Suddenly, the Elder turned to her, and, no longer furious, but concerned said, " You've got to go back. Your Sister is in grave danger, more so than anyone thought. It turned out that the demon you destroyed wasn't the only one who infiltrated that time stream. There is an extremely large concentration where your Sister is being held, and they're pushing for her destruction. You've got to get there and stop them now! Don't let anyone else know about this. That means, don't take anyone with you. You'll have to do this on your own. You have been authorized to use whatever force is necessary." She gave a weak smile, but it didn't reach her eyes. " If you succeed, this report might just find its way into the garbage disposal."

" Thank you, Elder," said Celeste as she bowed stiffly.

" Dismissed. Now, hurry, Celeste."

Celeste said nothing more as she turned and hurried out of the room. She ran down an ornately decorated corridor, shoving people out of the way as she went, ignoring their angry shouts. Her mind was focused on one thing, and one thing only. Mimi, please…please be all right…

3rd person P.O.V.-

-Place: Tai/Sora's house.

The hour had passed as though time had slowed to a halt, but the Digidestined at least had a plan. They had decided worked out who would do what. Tai, Matt, Ken and Daisuke would actually confront Frank. Sora, Kari and Miyako would go for help because, as Tai had pointed out, Frank probably took her somewhere where access to help was not easy to find. That left Izzy, Joe and T.K. to protect Mimi during the fight. Joe was there because it was more than certain that she would need a doctor. They had brainstormed during the tense hour, and they finally felt as though they had accounted for every possible reaction, and Joe pointed out that Celeste's prediction had come true, they had been able to, and he was sure that the feeling of fulfillment was actually Celeste's way of telling them that the plan was good.

When the Grandfather clock in the hall chimed, announcing that the hour had past. Everyone bolted out of the house, barely stopping to grab their coats before hurrying out into the rain-filled street. Ken had revealed to them what he was saying before he had been interrupted by Matt, that he thought the odor surrounding Frank to be marine. Since there was only one warehouse district by the sea within the radius that Izzy had calculated Frank to have taken Mimi to, they had some idea where to go. They decided that it might be to obvious to take a car, so they had to go on foot. They decided to take the back streets and, even though it was raining buckets, they decided to go on foot. It was quicker anyway. The streets were just beginning to darken when they all stepped outside. They decided to go in two's so as to look less suspicious. Tai and Daisuke left first, then Ken and T.K., then Izzy and Joe, then Sora and Iori, then Kari and Miyako. Lastly, Matt was left alone standing in the rain on the deserted street, the very street from which his girlfriend had been kidnapped and taken, more than likely, to her death. As much as he didn't want to think about it, the possibility kept forcing itself in his mind. She could be dead. As much as he didn't want to, that might turn out to be a possibility that he had to face. But, to counter that, he had stuck to a mantra, and he kept telling himself that she was okay, that she wasn't dead. However, that only served to make him more anxious. When it was his turn to leave, he cast a glance back at the house, wishing that they could all still be inside together, but he shook the thought away, knowing that wishing wouldn't do him…or her any good. As he turned to walk away into the darkness, to follow Kari and Miyako, one thought forced its way into his mind. Mimi, he prayed, please be all right.


( A/N: Guys, you don't know how absolutely difficult it was for me to write this part. Not because it was long, but because of the content. It pulls at my heartstrings to do this to these characters. ( yes, I have a heart…) So, well, the next and final part should be out soon, oh, and just to clarify some things.

- The reason Celeste calls Mimi her Sister, is because Celeste's crest ( yes she has a crest) is the crest of truth, and since sincerity is a form of truth, they're sister virtues, the crests are sister crests, and the bearers become Sisters.

- Okay, the last thing to clarify is that the Elder is Celeste's superior, but Celeste is actually stronger than the Elder. Celeste is called the Legend Incarnate because in my book that I'm working on, there is a legend and it talks about a powerful being. Celeste is that powerful being and she's the embodiement of the legend. That's why she's called the Legend Incarnate.)