Hey everybody! Yeah I decided to take on two stories at once so you don't have to wait for me to finish Forget Me, Forget Me Not to read this new story. I hope you guys like this story and its sort of set in the same time as Blast From the Past- they are like 19, 20ish? I don't know if it sounds to young for the story but the older they are the harder it is to work with the story. Ok now I'm rambling. Here's the story hope you like it and please review!


Ash-20 Misty-19 (almost 20) Brock- 24 Mark- 21…and I think that's it is, ill put other peoples ages here and there in the story.

"Best friends?" The red head asked putting out her hand, tears beginning to form at her eyes.

"The best." The boy replied shaking her hand.

"Promise to keep in touch?"

"Definitely Misty." Ash replied letting go of her hand. The two stood there not sure what to do and then Misty embraced him in one final hug. Ash smiled as he felt her soft curls brush on his face and he hugged her back for the last time. "Don't worry Misty, we'll see each other again, you can bet on it." He assured her facing her again.

"Yeah I know." She said her voice a little broken up. The gave each other one more smile and then both parted their own ways, one heading towards Cerulean, Kanto where the gym was calling her and the other going heading to Littleroot Town, Hoenn, where his new Pokemon adventure was calling him. Misty turned around to take on more look at him before turning back home. I'll wait for you forever Ash. The sunset finally died down bringing that day to an end. For days Misty waited to hear from Ash, but days turned to weeks, and weeks turned to months. Eventually those months turned into years and only during the first couple years did she get a call or letter from Ash but as time grew on her connection began falling apart till she no longer heard word of him. It's 10 years later and that's where our story is going to start.


Where'd I put that stupid key? Ash thought to himself as he searched through his jacket. There it is, He thought with a smile as he felt his hand wrap around the cool metal. He inserted it into the door or the apartment he shared with his old friend Brock. "Brock, I'm back!" Ash shouted as he plopped onto the couch exhausted. Being a Pokemon Master at age 21 also had a downside to it. "Hey Pikachu!" Ash greeted his most loyal Pokemon as the yellow rodent jumped onto his lap.

"It was about time you got home Ash." Brock said walking into the room putting his tie around his neck. "Ash are you going to go to the party like that?" Brock asked observing Ash's usual attire of jeans and a black polo.

"What party?" Ash asked as he grabbed the remote and searched the channels.

"The party that all the Kanto Gym Leaders are invited to. Well actually most of Pallet, Viridian, Cerulean and Pewter are going to be there. Some big shin dig for this guy who is being awarded for best Pokemon Expert or something. Either way I have to go and you told me you would go too." Brock reminded him while tying his tie in the hallway mirror. "Now go, you have 15 minutes before we leave, move it." Brock commanded him, shoving him into Ash's bedroom before putting together the final touch of his suit. Ash rolled his eyes as he walked over to his closet to pick out something. He really didn't want to go to this party, he wasn't really a party type guy but it was his best friend and maybe going out would maybe cheer him up. He threw on a white dress shirt and black pants and quickly combed through his hair with his hands, no matter how hard he tried he could never style his hair so he just fixed it up a bit. He grabbed his tuxedo that he "loved" so much.

"You'd think they could make these things more comfortable." Ash complained to himself as he headed out of his room. "Alright, this better?" Ash asked doing a little twirl.

"Much better." Brock smiled. " You know Ash this party might be good for you, just have a good time and maybe see if you can meet some new friends if you catch my drift. " Brock said nudging him as he grabbed his coat and headed out the door. What else besides girls runs through his mind? Ash thought with a smile as he shut the door behind him.


"This place is crazy!" Ash shouted to Brock as he put his hands over his ears.

"What!?" Brock shouted over the huge crowd of people before he disappeared into the wave.

"I said this party is crazy!" he re-shouted but noticed Brock was nowhere in sight. "We are here five minutes and I already lost him." Ash sighed as he headed over to the isolated refreshment table. This tuxedo is so uncomfortable. Ash thought to himself as he squirmed in his jacket. The only reason he was wearing this stupid tuxedo was for this dude who he had never even heard of was giving a big speech, big whoop. He grabbed a drink and looked at the crowd of people dancing. All of them happy and laughing and just having a good time. He really didn't want to be here, hopefully this guy would do his speech early and quick and he can get out of here and have some quality food like Burger King or something, not this fancy crap the waiters were walking around with. He heard a couple girls giggle and point to him and wink when he looked at them. He turned a slight pink and walked away from the table. He wasn't girl shy he just didn't date girls for the heck of it. He was used to girls obsessing over him and making t-shirts and websites that said 'We love Ash' or 'Ash marry me'. If he wanted to date someone, let alone marry someone, it was because he really liked the girl, not because he had to much to drink and needed something to do that night. Brock told him he should find a girl and settle down, but then again look whose mouth that came from. Suddenly Brock came up to him with a slap mark on his face.

"What happened to you?" Ash said stifling his laughter.

"Can you believe that out of the 17 girls I asked out none of them accepted? I mean come on its me we are talking about." Brock complained.

"Better luck next time buddy." Ash said softly patting him on the back.

"Yeah your-why excuse me miss did it hurt when you fell for heaven? For you're surely an angel." Brock said chasing after an auburn haired girl that passed by them while a brunette laughed at the poor girls attempt to run away.

"Not the heaven line." Ash said softly to himself when he heard another slap and saw a saddened Brock return once more. Ash turned around to throw out his cup and by accident bumped into the person next to him.

"Whoops my bad miss." He said giving her a hand.

"Its fine, don't worry about it." The girl said fixing her dress a bit. When Ash took a better look he realized this girl was absolutely gorgeous. She was wearing a long white dress that sparkled from top to bottom. Her hair was tied up into a bun and her bangs were loosely dangling down the sides of her face. Her eyes gleamed a gorgeous blue color he had never seen before, except maybe in the movies. Ash just stood there dumfounded not knowing what to say and the girl just stared back at him till Brock interrupted.

"Are your legs tired miss because you've been running through my mind all day." Brock said taking her hand. Oh man. Ash thought mentally slapping his forehead.

"Brock?" the girl asked with a small smirk.

"Woah Misty? Wow I didn't recognize you um with your hair up." He explained with a blush. Ash immediately jumped at the sound of her name.

"It's been a while but I see you haven't changed." Misty said with a laugh. She then turned her attention to the boy next to him who still hadn't said a word. "Who's your friend?"

"Misty it's me remember?" Ash said answering her.

"Ash?" Misty said surprised but looked as if she had seen a ghost. "Wow this is unexpected." The three of them just stood there and out of awkwardness Misty gave Ash a friendly hug. "It's good to see you again." Misty said sounding more like herself.

"Yeah been a while since I last talked to you huh?" Ash said a little embarrassed. 10 years to be exact. Misty thought to herself but didn't say anything.

"I'll leave you two to talk." Brock said excusing himself.

"So what's of your life now mister?" Misty asked creating a conversation.

"Um well I'm a Pokemon Master." Ash said not sure what else to say.

"That's great Ash! About time too huh?" Misty said lightly punching his shoulder to which he laughed.

"Hey well what about you, lets put you on the hot seat what have you been up too?"

"The same I guess that I've always been doing. Taking care of the gym, my sisters are going to take over soon with their fiancés."

"All three of them are getting married?" Ash asked surprised.

"I know freaky huh? Not at the same time though don't worry." Misty said with a laugh. Not knowing what else to say they just both stood there looking out to the crowd waiting for the other to say something. Misty turned to her left to see her sisters waving at her to come and she nodded her head. "Can you excuse me Ash my sisters are calling me. I'll see you later." Before Ash had time to say anything else she was gone. For some reason Ash felt as if Misty was avoiding him but what did he do? He walked over to Brock who amazingly was alone.

"Hey Ash what's up?" Brock asked noting Ash's face. " It's Misty isn't it?"

Ash looked up puzzled.

"Who said it was about Misty?" Ash asked defensively.

"Well when you have that face its either your 'I'm missing her' face, 'I'm thinking about her' face, or your 'I gotta go to the bathroom' face, but my bets on Misty." Brock joked.

"I don't know it just seems she is avoiding me or something." Ash said sitting down.

"Well when was the last time you talked to her?" Brock said smartly.

"10 years." Ash mumbled.

"So are you surprised that she's acting this way towards you?"

"She shouldn't though. We're best friends and best friends don't treat each other like that!" Ash said.

"Were Ash, were. It's been 10 years since you last talked to her; she isn't the same Misty as the one you knew. I'm not saying that's she's totally changed, but she's a young women now, not a kid, and she has feelings you know and it probably hurt her that you didn't contact her." Brock guessed.

"It wasn't my fault it was just hard. One moment I had all this free time, the next I had to write notes to myself saying to get dressed. How could I have called her when my job takes up most of my life?" Ash asked.

"I don't know Ash, priorities seem to be your problem but this is your business not mine. If you want my advice go talk to her, maybe ask her to dance and just talk for a bit and who knows maybe your relationship will fix itself." Brock suggested.

"Alright." Ash said standing up to go find that particular red head he couldn't get out of his mind. He looked around and finally spotted her and her sisters, a blonde, a pink hair girl, and a blue haired girl. He casually walked up to them and overheard them talking.

"Like this party is so boring." Violet complained to her sisters.

"Chill we have to be here to support Mark." Lily told her sister.

"Yeah I guess your right I mean think how much he is going to help us when- well I'll be, look who showed up." Violet said changing the subject when he noticed who was behind Misty. Misty turned around and raised her eye to see Ash standing there with his lopsided grin.

"Hey cutie, didn't think we would see you at something like this." Daisy commented.

"Brock made me come to come celebrate some guys accomplishments." Ash explained.

"Mark Kealy." The triplets said simultaneously.

"Yeah that guy." Ash said. Misty looked down to the floor and that's when Lily got the message.

"So Ash did you catch up with Misty?" Lily asked.

"A little bit. Actually that is why I came over to see if Misty wanted to dance."

"I don't think that's a good idea, Mark's going to start his speech any minute." Misty said quickly.

"Come on Misty for old time sake, plus I don't care about this guy he won't care if we dance, it is a party after all isn't it?" Ash said taking her hand and lead her to the dance floor.

"I guess so." Misty said quietly.

"Have fun you two." Daisy said with a smile till the disappeared.

"Do you think she told him?" Violet asked.

"I have a feeling we are going to find out." Lily said uncertainly.

A slow song began playing and couples began to form and they took over the center of the dance floor. Lights turned on from all angles and a light red light hit on Misty making her glow. Ash put his hands on her waist and Misty shakily put her arms around her neck. Relax its only a dance what could happen? Misty tried to calm herself as they both swayed to the rhythm. They didn't give each other eye contact and they both tried to think of something to say but their minds where blanker than a piece of paper.

"Why did you stop-I'm sorry I didn't-" Both said at the same time.

"Your first." Both said together. Then Misty spoke.

"Ash why did you stop talking to me?"

"What do you mean?" Ash asked even though he knew what she meant.

"You know what I mean, that promise we made years ago, you never kept it, maybe the first two years but then you totally forgot about me didn't you?" Misty said sadness in her tone.

"Well I uh it was really hard, my life got hectic and busy and I didn't always have a phone on me." Ash explained.

"A letter would have been nice or something." Misty said a little disappointed.

"Well its hard Misty being who I am and sometimes it just slipped my mind."

"It slipped your mind so many times in 10 years?" Misty asked a little angered.

"Why does it matter so much, its like you are living in the past or something." Ash said equally frustrated.

"Cause it did matter to me Ash, maybe not to you but it did to me." Misty said breaking out of the dance pose. " Do you think I liked the fact that I couldn't travel with you guys anymore? That I had to be sent back to do the hard work my sisters could never pull off? That it was just me at that lonely gym waiting day and night to hear from you and make sure you are ok, but after 10 years I got the message Ash, you obviously forgot about me, and I accepted it but now you can't come back to my life and mess with my head again." Misty said on the brink of tears. Crap Brock was right. Ash thought with panic.

"Misty I don't know what to say." Ash said.

"Don't say anything Ash, just go back to your high status career and let me be." Misty said beginning to walk away. "Bye Ash."

"Wait Mist." She froze on the spot and he held her hand and turned her back around.

"You have all the right to be mad at me ok and I'm sorry I didn't mean to be such a jerk like that and I never forgot you Misty, I never could, but honestly so much was going on that the years just flew by. Just let me talk to you ok?" Ash asked and she nodded her head. She put her arms around his neck again and she waited for him to continue. " What if I make it up to you?"

"How Ash?" Misty asked. The song was cut short and suddenly a tapping was heard on a microphone.

"Can everyone hear me? Alright hi folks I want to thank you all for coming out tonight." Spoke a man Ash guessed to be this Mark guy. He was tall, brown hair and matching eyes, and good looking in a way.

"Lets hang out this coming weekend, I'll take of work because my best friend is more important to me. We'll hang out just you and me, catch up on old times, we can catch a movie and go to the beach and do all sorts of fun stuff like we used to do." Ash offered her turning his attention back to her.

"Ash you don't have to do that, you are needed at your job." Misty insisted quietly while Mark kept speaking.

"It means a lot to me that you guys came and I want to thank all my family and friends for all their support throughout my career. I never thought I would get this far with my research but all that hard work and long nights was worth it cause now look where I am." He said with a laugh and the crowd gave a laugh.

"I don't care Misty. So what do you say?" Ash asked still ignoring Mark's speech.

"Ash really I don't know." Misty said nervously which Ash thought was a little weird.

"Most importantly though I want to name off a couple people who without them I wouldn't be here. My parents and siblings, my best bud Kevin."

"You go Mark!" A voice could be heard from the crowd to which Mark smiled.

"Thank you Kevin. Also a very important girl I've met who is incomparable too. She's sweet and has always supported me and I'm glad I met her-"

"Why not Misty?" Ash said confused.

"Ash things are different now, I just don't think it would be a good idea."

"-And it of course makes sense that we take our love to the next level and so you are all invited to-"

"What's the problem?" Ash asked a little frustrated.

"Ash its just that-" Misty tried to explain.

"Are you still mad at me or something? I apologized and this is how I want to make up for it." Ash pleaded.

"No its not that I just-"

"Well than what is it?" Ash asked.

"-Our wedding coming in three weeks! And I'd like to give a little shout out to my fiancé, Misty Waterflower!" Mark finished and a white light flashed on Misty to which she panicked at and gave a small smile to everyone clapping at her.

"I'm engaged Ash." She said quietly as she let go from him and turned the other direction leaving Ash standing there feeling lower than the floor.