The Lair

Spera hobbled her way to the couch and sat down. She glanced around the lair fondly, remembering about how she first met the guys. Donny was busily working on his computer, Raph was working out, Leo had gone to the surface and Mikey was cooking. Speaking of which…

"Ow! Hot! Hot!" came frantic exclamations from the kitchen. Spera sighed.

"Not again…" she murmured. Mikey came running out, frantically waving his hand.

"What'd ya do this time, Mike?" Raph asked. Mike stopped running around, but he was still shaking his hand.

"I just flicked some water on the oil, and the oil just came jumping at me!" Mike said. Spera started laughing.

"That is what it always does! You're supposed to stand back a little." Spera chuckled. Mike scowled.

"Hey! It's an easy rule to forget…" he said. There was a 'ding!' from inside the kitchen.

"Oh! Dinner is almost ready!" Mike said, running back into the kitchen. Don looked up from his computer.

"Where's Leo? He should be back by now." Don said. Spera perked up.

"I'll go get him! I'd like to be able to actually see the surface." Spera said hopefully. Don looked doubtful.

"Are you sure Spera? You still can't walk properly, and New York City is dangerous at night," he said.

"Please Donny?" Spera gave him little puppy eyes. Don reluctantly took out his Shell Cell.

"Fine, just call one of us if you run into trouble, okay?" he said, throwing her the turtle phone. Spera caught it.

"Okay," she said, smiling. She put the Shell Cell in her pocket and hobbled out of the Lair.

The sewer was dark as usual. Leo had already showed her the right way to the nearest manhole. Spera hobbled a little ways away, watching the shadows reflect weirdly off the sewer water. She could just make out her own reflection in the water, but as a passing rat trailed its tail in the water, the ripples made the reflection disappear.

Spera looked up and saw the ladder she was supposed to climb. She didn't know how she did it, but she had negotiated herself and her crutches through the manhole and stood up on the surface.

Outside was unusually dark for New York. It was so dark you could make out the stars. That was something very rarely seen in the city that never sleeps.

Spera looked up and she could faintly see the tail end of a blue ribbon fluttering from the roof. Spera let the fire escape down and climbed up to the top of the roof, nearly falling down numerous times.

When she finally got to the top, she took a moment to dust herself off and she spotted Leo sitting at the edge of the roof, watching the sky. Spera shakily put her crutches down and sat next to him. They both watched the stars in silence for a while.

"Why do you think all of the people have turned off their lights?" Spera asked.

"There's supposed to be a comet tonight and there was an announcement on the radio." Leo said. Spera leaned backward to the point she was lying down.

"I really like the stars. I've only heard descriptions before," she said.

"Nothing really beats seeing the real thing." Leo agreed, lying down next to her. She closed her eyes and smiled.

"Amazing, really, how dependant people are on their eyes. I never realized what I was missing." Spera said. Leo smiled faintly.

"We cannot change what has past, but now you can enjoy the present." Leo said. Spera chuckled a little.

"Yeah, that sounds about right." Spera said. Her smile disappeared and a lone tear drifted down her cheek.

"Spera? Are you alright?" Leo asked, concerned. Spera shook her head.

"It's just… Bishop and Karai have done so many terrible things. They killed my employer, they tried to bring the Shredder back to life, and the worst part is they tried making me kill you. In a way it feels wrong to enjoy having my sight back when they were the ones who gave it to me." Spera said. Leo gently wiped the tears from her face.

"The important thing is that you were strong and you resisted. The Shredder is still dead, and I'm alive. They didn't succeed." Leo said. They sat in silence for a while, just comforting each other with their presence.

Spera shakily stood up. "I almost forgot, everyone is having dinner soon and Don was getting worried. I think we should save him more worry," she said. Leo stood up as well. Spera's legs decided enough was enough. They buckled and she fell back to the ground.

"Spera?" Leo asked.

"Ow, sorry. I strained my legs. I can't walk." Spera said. Leo crouched down and half helped, half picked her up. She stood up by technicality, but she was leaning all her weight on Leo's plastron. She blushed slightly at how close they were. Acting on impulse, she kissed him.

They were both surprised, but Leo recovered quickly and deepened the kiss. They were like that for a little while, but all too soon they broke apart.

"Are you sure? You know I'm not human…" Leo said. If a turtle could blush he was blushing.

"I wouldn't have it any other way." Spera said, blushing a light pink. She smiled.

"I won't tell your brothers if you won't?" she said. Leo nodded.

"Deal," he said. He picked her up and jumped onto the fire escape. Spera smiled and closed her eyes. Now she really did truly belong.


Awwwww… Okay, I normally am really bad at romance scenes, but I think I was actually able to pull this one off. What do you think? This was the end and sorry to say but Sightless is over. Now could you people PLEASE review? I know you're out there, 1153 hits, 4 favs and 4 alerts doesn't fit with 7 reviews for a ten-chapter story. Pick up the pace people! On a side note, I really hope you enjoyed it!