Disclaimer: I don't own.

A/N: This is a songfic for the song "Concrete Angel" by Martina McBride. Can you guess who Mary is?

Concrete Angel

By: phix27

Mary is walking to school with the lunch she packed. She winces every other step with the new bruise on her leg. Every time she has a vision, her dad beats her. She remembers her latest vision. She's going to a mental hospital. Mary shivers.

"What's wrong sissy?" asks her younger sister, Cynthia.

"Nothing. Nothing's wrong love," Mary says, smiling at Cynthia.

"Why didn't you change your cloths?"

Mary looks down. Sure enough, she's wearing the same dress she wore yesterday.

"Oh dear! I have to go home to change!" Mary exclaims.

"There's no time! The bell's going to ring any minute!" says Cynthia, running to the school building.

Mary picks up her skirts and runs after Cynthia.

She walks to school with the lunch

She packed

Nobody knows what she's holdin' back

Wearin' the same dress

She wore yesterday

She hides the bruises with linen

And lace

"Sorry I'm late madam. I got caught up at home," Mary explains as she walks into her class 10 minutes late.

"Very well Miss Laswer. I will let you off this time," says her teacher, Ms. Applebee.

"Thank you Madam," said Mary, bowing.

Mary sits in her class quietly. Her bruise sometimes bothers her. Then, an announcement comes on the speaker. Mary got up and went to the office. On her way out, the teacher and class notices she's limping. Again.

The teacher wonders but she

Doesn't ask

It's hard to see the pain

Behind the mask

Bearing the burden

Of a secret storm

Sometimes she wishes she was

Never born

Mary opens the door to the principal's office. The principal, her parents and Cynthia are sitting at the desk.

"Miss Branson, please sit down."

Mary took a seat next to her father.

"Now Mary. We all know that you have "visions". Your mother and I feel it's best if you stay away from home for a little while. So we're sending you somewhere appropriate."

Her father cleared his throat. Mary cocked her head.

"Mary," said her mother. "We're taking you to a mental hospital."

Mary sat back, dumbfounded. She looks to Cynthia. Her sister looks away.

Through the wind and the rain

She stands hard as a stone

In a world that she can't rise above

But her dreams give her wings

And she flies to a place where

She's loved

Concrete angel

Mary has been at this mental hospital for 2 months now. Every night she cries herself to sleep. She misses her mother, Cynthia and even her father; who beat her. She's still having visions. In her recent on, she saw her death.

Two weeks later, Mary is walking in the courtyard. Before she knew what hit her, a body comes slamming into her. She looks up terrified into pitch black eyes. The thing opens its mouth and Mary sees fangs poking out. She screams, terrified. The thing, which she now identified as a man, sinks his fangs into her neck. She screams at the excruciating pain. Another man pushes the thing off of her. Mary doesn't notice. She's still screaming from the fire that is spreading along her nerves.

Somebody cries in the middle

Of the night

The neighbors hear, but they turn

Out the lights

A fragile soul caught in the hands

Of fate

When morning comes

It'll be too late

Alice opens her eyes three days later. She gets up and looks around. She doesn't remember who she is or where. All she knows is, she's not the same. She starts to walk. She comes to a building very quickly. Suddenly, she has an overpowering need to drink blood. In an attempt to stop it, she grasps her head. She runs as fast as she can.

Through the wind and the rain

She stands hard as a stone

In a world that she can't rise above

But her dreams give her wings

And she flies to a place where

She's loved

Concrete angel

Alice walks away from the scent, still holding her head. She comes to a graveyard. She looks up. Alice spies a statue of an angel. She goes up to look at it. It's an angel with an upturned face. She reads the engravement on the plague.

Mary Alice Branson

Born 1952- Died 1966

May our angel rest in peace

Alice didn't know who this Mary was but she felt a connection with her. She starts a long journey to no where.

A statue stands in a shaded place

And angel girl with an upturned face

A name is written on a polished rock

A broken heart that the world forgot

Her family had just saved Bella. Alice couldn't be prouder of her brother Edward.

"Alice," Bella says from her hospital bed.

"Yes Bella? Do you need something?" she asks, going to Bella's side.

"You need to watch the tape," said Bella. "You're past is on it," Bella smiles. "Mary."

Through the wind and the rain

She stands hard as a stone

In a world that she can't rise above

But her dreams give her wings

And she flies to a place where

She's loved

Concrete angel

A/N: So, did you guess right? Reviews are greatly appreciated. Also, if you could, visit my website, Twilight Fans UNITE! The link is in my profile.