Chapter 18: Happy Ending.


Disclaimer- I don't own Naruto.


There was something about this day, 4th of October that meant so much to me… And no it isn't because only a year ago Sakura and I wed.

I smile as I brush her hair lightly; she looks over at me in agony, but seems peaceful when she feels me.

"Are you okay?" I whisper.

She nods and smiles at me, "I'm fine it's okay."

I feel somewhat relieved that she says this. Don't think I could stand if she was in any pain… She's been in so much pain all her life. And most of it made by me.

"Where's Tsunade" She says after a little while.

"I don't know, she'll be back soon," I say simply.

"SAKURA-CHAN, SASUKE-TEME!" I hear the one and only knuckle head ninja.

He enters the room and continues yelling, I must restrain from hitting… Must restrain from killing…

"Naruto shut up," Sakura growls, I chuckle.

"Okay, Okay, calm down Sakura-Chan," Naruto pouts and sits down in a chair.

"Oh, and Kakashi told me that they'll be in for the little Uchiha's birth," Naruto adds after a little while after dead silence.

Sakura nods and sighs heavily.

"Where's Hinata?" I ask.

"Hum, I don't know I think she's having last minute preparations for a wedding, but don't worry she'll be here too," Naruto smiles a cheesy smile before he walks out the door.

"Do you want Itachi to come, Sasuke?" Sakura whispers to me. I nod.

"He came to our wedding, so I guess he could…" I mumble. I guess I've been more accepting that he's my brother seeing as I finally believe that he never killed my family. Heh, he's gotten a girl-friend, and they spend a lot of time together. Kohaku I think, brown hair dark eyes, yeah that's Kohaku.

She smiles as I kiss her tenderly.

"Come on Sakura!"

This is all going to fast, I just can't keep up, and screams fill the room, voices from outside, yelling... Uh, it's too noisy…

"Congratulations it's a boy!" I'm handed a little body, red in colour. His beautiful green eyes look up at me in confusion, his little arms wave about and he gurgles.

Then it all sinks in… This little being in my arms, is an Uchiha.

This little being in my arms is my… Son.

"He's so beautiful…" I hear Sakura breathe and smile.

I hand our son to her and watch in disbelief as he starts crying.

"I think he like's his daddy," Sakura giggles, I gap like a fish, "He looks just like you,"

"No, he looks like you," I argue. Although I have to admit, he does look like me; one thing I'm grateful for is that I can see the whips of jet BLACK hair… Thank god my son didn't have pink hair.

"Hey, Naruto wants to come in…" I hear Tsunade say as she looks out from the door.

Sakura nods and I 'Hn' as usual as the one and only knuckle headed ninja walked in.

"Sakura… Oh my god!" he yells as he sees my son, "Oh my god, you had a little boy!"

Naruto runs over to Sakura and watches in awe as my son gurgles and squirms in my wife's arms.

"Hey, teme," Naruto smirks, "I guess seeing as you had a baby… I guess that probably means you're not gay…"

I struggled to stay put, for Sakura's sake all I done was give him the best Uchiha death glare I could muster. I smirk as Naruto walks out, and then runs out into Itachi. Oh yeah! Double whammy, two Uchiha death glares!

"Hn, Uchiha," Itachi states and somewhat smiles, I look up to him so does Sakura.

"You wanna hold?" Sakura smiled at her brother in law, "Because, he is your nephew."

Itachi didn't refuse and he was given our son to hold. I saw the small smile creep onto his face as our son played with his bangs.

"Hey Sakura… What's his name?" I hear the newly arrived Kakashi say. I look over at him and snort, he hasn't even changed from his mission, he's still dirty and somewhat dirty, and then when I look at Itachi he is too, they must have come straight here from the land of Wind.

We both think for a moment.

"Arata…' I breathe out, and you nod.

"Arata, his names Arata Kouki Uchiha, "You smile and I smile also. That was your favourite name, Kouki. I like the boys name; no, I love it, every name the symbol of what he is, the newest and first Uchiha, the start of the rest of the clan.

Naruto re-enters the room with Hinata, Hinata smiles as she looks at Arata. In time she asks the same question and I answer.

"What a lovely name," She breathes.

I smile and look at Sakura. She looks at me, Kami she looks exhausted. I kiss her tenderly on the lips and finally I figure out.

After what a struggle it's been to get here, to be with her, to have my son, to be with my brother and my enemy dead.

I wouldn't change anything…

I break the kiss and smirk. She gives me the look. You know the one, the spill-it-or-you'll-be getting-up at-3:30-tonight-not-me look.

"I hope your ready," I whisper.

She raises and eyebrow, "For what?"

I chuckle, "We have a whole clan to resurrect…"

(Cries) I can't believe it's over; it's been a good ride hasn't it? I'm sorry MEL that I spelt fiancée wrong; according to her you have 1 e on the end for a male (fiancé) and two for the female (fiancée). Oh my gosh! Microsoft Word just did the stupidest thing! I'm sorry but I have to point this out. In the paragraph above it went:

' according to her you have 1' in have it put a green line under it and said to change it to 'has' and when I did it put another green line under it and told me to change it back to 'have'. HOW STUPID!

Eh, anyways I'm STILL looking for a beta for a new story.

Until then look out for updates from me and well, never frown 'cos you never know who's falling in love with your smile!

-xoxBra's Unrequited Romancexox