I was Coming Home to you…

By xoxBra's Unrequited Romancexox

His dark eyes looked straight ahead, and all he could see was tree after tree. Rain fell on his body as he pushed further through the dense forest.

Killing Orochimaru was easy, killing his brother… That was easy too but deciding to go back to Kohona…That was hard. There was only one explanation he could think of for why he ever considered going back…


At the very mention of her name his mind always was sent into a flurry, of what she looked like, the melodious tune of her voice when she wasn't being annoying, what she smelt like and those moments he secretly savoured when he touched her, although usually in a rough fashion.

'Stop it!' His inner self raged,' Stop thinking about her! You hurt her! There's no way she'll take you back!'

He pushed the thought away, although how much he wanted to cast it aside, he had a sinking feeling in his heart that it was right…

A scream pulled him out of his day dream.

'What the hell?!'

He contemplated about going over the scream, in the end his conscience gave in and chakra pumped out of his body as he raced over to where the scream was heard…

Upon arriving at the scene... He felt like I wanted to vomit...

Bloody bodies, other people taking thier last breaths before plunging into darkness. Kunai's were everywhere, in trees, on the ground, but most in bodies. Some bodies were missing limbs, others you couldn't even see the body.

In some of the 'not so badly' injured, you could see the white bands on thier arms... 'Medic Ninja's...' He instantly thought and his mind flashed back to when her was still in Team 7, Sakura had annonced that when she grew up, she wanted to be a doctor, then when he over heard one of Orochimaru's followers say that Tusnade had a apprentice...

"Urrr..." His acute sences picked up a painful moan.

Some one was alive in this mess...

As he approched the person, he almost fainted


Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto…

I no... yea u could c tht coming

Plz review ma story:D