A/N: This is my first KibaNaru fic, and therefore I'm entitled to suck at writing the pairing, so no flames and I promise to make it lemony for you, my dear readers. The plot of this story varies completely from both the manga and anime, so I shall classify it as AU; also Kiba and Naruto have switched roles (Kiba wants attention, Naruto already has it). This story contains yaoi. If you are under the age of consent in your local jurisdiction and/or feel you cannot deal with the mature themes of this story please go and find something T rated.

Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to Naruto, Masashi Kishimoto does. If I did things would be much more… interesting.

I am not liable for any medical costs incurred by nosebleeds, read at your own risk. There is a risk of severe injury and even death from reading yaoi.

Dawning Realization

Chapter 1: Mesmerized

His name was Kiba Inuzuka, and he was completely and hopelessly mesmerized by Naruto Uzumaki.

He thought that his obsession with the boy had begun when he had first seen him walking in the deserted hallway, framed by the light of a nearby window, golden hair blazing, complementing his cerulean eyes, so blue you could drown in them.

His life had at least some semblance of normality, that is, until his family decided he would be best off going to a boarding school back in his native Japan. He had been completely uprooted; the only constant was Akamaru, who had been allowed with special permission from the dean of students, Tsunade.

As he entered his dark room today he sighed, even with his best efforts he hadn't gotten Naruto to notice him.

He bent backwards, stretching his back. His gym teacher had been particularly youthful that day, and it had been his extended class for the day. To make matters worse, he had been staring at Naruto as he was walking back to his dorm and had run into one of the many columns that lined the hallway; luckily Neji had been close by and had dragged him away before he was outed as a stalker.

Neji was his anchor, the only person he could talk to about his feelings. He would have been lost without him. He thought back to his first day a month ago, it had been eerily similar to today, he had been following Naruto, who he was already obsessed with, and had run into the same pole (which he had made a habit of doing). He had been saved by none other than Neji, who was a complete stranger at the time. He felt a sudden sense of déjà vu…

Kiba rubbed his forehead as he sat down on his bed. Akamaru sensed that his master had had a long day, and put his head on his lap, whining softly, lest he annoy Kiba more than he already was.

"It's alright Akamaru" he sighed, "I just wish the blond idiot would notice me, or that I had stayed home and never had to be deprived of love."

Akamaru barked his displeasure at Kiba's sadness, but his eyes were already gleaming with the beginnings of a plan to attract Naruto's attention. He had already defined his first action, he would attack Naruto and wait for Kiba to come to his rescue, and then he would vanish and hope that Kiba would manage to get a date, or at least a friendly smile, some sort of reprieve from his constant agony.

The plan came into fruition on a beautiful, sunny Wednesday afternoon. As Naruto was walking down the northwest hallway Akamaru latched ferociously onto his pant leg and growled, swinging his head side to side, nearly knocking him over.

"What the fuck!? Off me, mutt!" He yelled, no, screamed at the top of his lungs.

Kiba had seen Akamaru lunge forward towards Naruto, and had tried his best to, by a feat of osmosis, be absorbed into the wall, when he realized that he couldn't, and could no longer ignore Naruto's outraged yells, he decided he'd have to save his obsession.

Kiba lunged forward and clamped his hand over Naruto's mouth, dragging the shorter guy into a nearby broom closet before any teachers or students could come upon them.

"Shut up idiot, before you alert the whole school that we are suspiciously meeting in a broom closet." Shit, that came out completely wrong. "Gomen, I meant that it would look very suspicious if we were discovered like this."

"Why the hell did you drag me here then? If it's so suspicious you should just explain the rabid mutt of yours outside." Naruto exclaimed, lunging for the door, but not reaching it, as Kiba was blocking his way out of the cramped closet.

"Alright, I'll open the door and we can go discuss Akamaru over coffee or something" Kiba said while jiggling the door handle. Kiba then swung around and outright pulled, straining to open the door. "What the hell, I guess we're trapped in here 'til somebody misses one of us." While Kiba was nonchalantly uttering the sentence, his internal dialogue was cheering, "Yeah, I'm alone with Naruto in a broom closet!"

"But Kyubii was coming to visit me today!" Wailed Naruto, truly horrified, as Kyubii only came once a month.

"I'm sure that they'll miss us at the dorms," replied Kiba slowly, "they were assigning new rooms and room mates today."

"Then what will happen to us? What about Kyubii?" asked Naruto, alarmed at the thought of spending the rest of the afternoon in the broom closet.

"I guess they'll search for us, I have my iPod, it still had a couple of hours on the battery when I last checked, we can share ear buds. As for Kyubii… Well, I guess whoever he is, he will be told to wait in the lounge," replied Kiba completely unfazed by the situation; this was better than brooding in his dorm.

"Kyubii is my older bro, I haven't seen him for a month, and he's very impatient," whined Naruto.

"Well, if all you're going to do is whine, I'm going to tune out for a while, wanna share?" Kiba held out an ear bud to Naruto. Bwahaha, this is just my evil excuse to get closer to him!

Naruto took the offering reluctantly and held it near his ear to check the volume before putting it into his ear. "It sounds weird, what song is it?" He asked with obvious distaste.

"The band's Rammstein and the song's 'Reise Reise'," Kiba replied "I'm not forcing you if you don't like it."

"Well, good, 'cause I don't." he stated.

"Suit yourself." Again, shit, this isn't going all that well, perhaps it's time I got to know him a little better.

Kiba retrieved the ear bud himself, brushing Naruto's ear lobe, and lightly trailing the wire down his cheek before putting it into his own ear. Naruto shuddered at the unanticipated contact, luckily Kiba was turned away or he would have noticed that Naruto's blush was an interesting shade of scarlet, which got progressively darker after every minute of awkward silence.

Kiba got rather bored after listening to music for an hour and ventured forth to vanquish the silence that had enveloped them, "So, tell me Naru-kun, are you going out with anyone?" He had asked to no avail though, as Naruto, in the time that they had been quiet, had drifted off to sleep using his backpack for a pillow.

Kiba ran his hand through Naruto's hair gently, causing Naruto to turn over in his sleep, mumbling something like "No Iruka, I don't wanna go to school." Before drifting back into his deep sleep.

Naruto woke with a very sore back, and he immediately remembered what happened and where he was. He felt a weight on his shoulder and opened his eyes, and lo and behold, Kiba was using his shoulder as a pillow, as they couldn't both lie comfortably against the wall of the cramped closet. He glanced at his watch, gleaming in the darkness, and realized it was nearly 2300 hours. He felt oddly at peace, considering the situation.

Kiba woke up horribly aware that he was snuggled into Naruto's shoulder, and that he was being watched by his impromptu pillow, who bore a rather amused grin on his face.

"Mornin' dog-breath," He said with the fox-like grin on his face, "sleep well?"

Kiba instantly straightened up and off of his secret love, blushing furiously, only to be pulled back down, half off of Naruto's lap.

"I was warm like that, let's just talk for a little while," Naruto said, grinning his cheshire grin, "I wanted to get to know you better."

"Well, if you want to do that you can start by not calling me that." Kiba replied, rather annoyed at his newly acquired nickname.

"But aren't you wondering if I'm single?" asked Naruto.

"Nah, I'm not that desperate," replied Kiba.

"Of course you aren't." Naruto replied, offended.

"Naruto! If you can hear me answer me!" Both boys jumped when they heard the yell, and saw the beam of a flashlight under the door.

"It's Iruka!" Naruto exclaimed, perking up at the thought of getting out of the closet.

"Iruka-sensei! In here!" He yelled, "I'm starving, we've been in here for hours, unlock the door!" yelled Naruto, several times louder than Kiba could ever hope to be.

"I'll go get the keys!" Iruka's steps were heard running down the hallway.

"What the hell are you talking about Naruto, we?" asked Kakashi.

"Kakashi-sensei! You too?"

"Yeah Naruto, answer the question!"

Kiba just huffed, turning towards Naruto and giving him a lecherous grin. "Let's give them what they expect." Finally, I get my chance!

"Give them whaaaa?" Naruto's head was spinning, what did Kiba mean, and what was with the perverted grin?

Kiba crushed his lips against Naruto's, effectively cutting him off.

Iruka threw open the door, just to promptly slam it shut in shock and cling to Kakashi crying, "My favorite student, sweet and innocent, he's been corrupted!"

"It's okay 'ruka. It was bound to happen someday, I wouldn't be surprised if they had been at it in there earlier," said Kakashi in a soothing voice, groping Iruka.

(Meanwhile, in the closet.)

As soon as Naruto remembered that he had to breathe he broke the kiss, gasping for breath, the flush creeping up from his neck to his forehead. "What was that?" he asked, a grin spreading across his face.

"It was my confession to you. I have loved you since I first saw you, and when you were within reach you seemed farther than before," replied Kiba, aware that he was blushing, but still incredibly happy.

"I think that kiss closed the gap," replied Naruto.

When Kiba heard that, his heart leaped for joy. Naruto hadn't rejected him, he wasn't alone anymore.

A/N: Now, I have to say, this is sounding like a fairy tale, but it really isn't, please keep reading and everything will make itself clear.

04/09/2007: I edited some parts that were drawn to my attention by my fellow writer Mashiro.

07/07/2008: I cut off 200 words that were unnecessary and didn't add anything to the story, hope you don't mind. This is my attempt at reviving my writing by going over my old stories and reworking them a bit… Then I can update and bring you a better story.