Authors' Note- This is the last chapter of Look After You. Hope you like it!!

Chapter 9-

Brooke woke up in Lucas' arms and felt that the whole world was finally in the right place for her. He finally knew how she felt about him and she finally knew what he felt about her.

"Hey Pretty Girl," Lucas said half asleep.

"Hey gorgeous," Brooke replied. He kissed her on the forehead and pulled her closer to him.

"I feel like the world is finally right for me, for you. I just wanna stay here forever," Lucas said.

"I know, but I have to get up and get ready for school," Brooke said getting up.

"Yea, me too," Lucas said sitting up and stretching his arms.

Brooke couldn't stop smiling all while she was getting ready. When she was finally ready she saw Lucas waiting for her downstairs.

"You waited?" Brooke asked surprised.

"Of course, you ready?"

"Yea, let's go," Brooke said getting her bag and leaving holding his hand.


Peyton woke up and was surprised to see that Jake wasn't next to her. She then heard the bathroom door open and saw him coming out.

"You're awake!" Jake said coming close to her and sharing a kiss.

"Yea, there's school which I am dreading to go to."

"Don't worry I'll be there. Will that make it all better?" Jake asked.

"Yes, it will," Peyton said leaning in for another kiss. Jake completed the kiss and then they both got ready for school.


When Brooke and Lucas arrived at school, they saw Nathan and Haley sitting together. As they walked closer, Nathan and Haley looked shocked.

"Are you two," Haley started, "together?" They both nodded and shared a small kiss.

"Finally," Nathan said.

"I could say the same thing to you," Lucas said to Nathan then nodding toward Haley.

"Okay, let's stop this," Brooke said. They shared a laugh.

"Hey guys," Peyton said with Jake wrapped around her waist.

"Oh my God, it's Jake Jagielski!" Brooke exclaimed pulling him into a hug.

"Oh my God, it's Brooke Davis and Lucas Scott!" Jake said mocking her.

"We have to celebrate that you're back in town."

"Well um…I'm leaving tomorrow night."

"What?" Peyton asked disappointed.

"My parents called and said Jenny was sick. I'm taking a flight back tonight."

"Jake, you said that you'd be here for a couple of weeks," Haley said disappointed.

"That's what I thought. I got the call this morning."

"Then no party?" Brooke asked frowning.

"No party Brooke," Lucas said imitating her.


The bell rang and they all went their separate ways except for Peyton and Jake.

"Jake, how about we skip out on today? You're leaving tonight and I want to spend some time with you before you go."

"Um, I was going to see Coach today. He knows I'm in town with nothing to do."

"Oh, okay. Then later."

"Yea, sure," Jake said. He saw she was disappointed and took her head in his hand and said, "You know how much I love you?"

"Yes, I love you too," Peyton said, her eyes tearing up.

"Don't be sad. This happened before and we got through it."

"I know, I don't want to be alone again."

"You have so many friends here that care about you."

"I don't care about them, I care about you."

"Jagielski and Sawyer? Sawyer to class and Jagielski, you're with me for the day," Whitey said coming up from behind them.

"Lucky me," Jake said. Peyton quickly left wiping the tears from her eyes.


After school, Brooke, Lucas, Nathan, and Haley went to the café. Peyton and Jake were going to spend time together alone so they didn't come.

"Peyton and Jake, you and Lucas, me and Nathan, I think that we all finally got it right," Haley said to Brooke as they say at a table.

"You're right," Brooke said.

"Yea, me and Brooke, not the best couple," Nathan said as he and Lucas joined them.

"Yea, because you cheated on me."

"Um, I'm your boyfriend now," Lucas said trying to make himself noticed.

"I know, you're a better kisser," Brooke said leaning over and sharing a kiss.

"Ouch," Nathan said and they all laughed.

"He guys," Peyton said as she and Jake arrived at the café.

"Hey," they all replied.

"We were just talking about how bad a kisser Nathan is," Brooke informed them.

"I'm sorry you're stuck with the bad kisser Hales," Jake said.

"He's learning," Haley said sharing a kiss with Nathan.

"Ok, first of all, I'm not a bad kisser, second of all, can we stop talking about this?" They all laughed.

"Brooke, can we talk outside?" Lucas asked.

"Yea sure, let's go," Brooke said getting up and leaving their chairs for Jake and Peyton.

"Brooke, I just want to let you know that I love you so much and I will never hurt you."

"I know Luke. I love you too."

"I know we are only in high school but I love you and that's all that matters."


"Brooke Penelope Davis, will you marry me?"

"Yes, I'll marry you Lucas Eugene Scott!" Brooke exclaimed as she leaped into his arms and they shared a passionate kiss. He put his arm around her and they looked inside the café and saw all their friends laughing.

"I'll always look after you."

Oh, oh,
Be my baby
Oh, oh
Be my baby
I'll look after you

There now, steady love, so few come and don't go
Will you won't you, be the one I'll always know
When I'm losing my control, the city spins around
You're the only one who knows, you slow it down

Oh, oh
Be my baby
Oh, oh
Be my Baby
I'll look after you
And I'll look after you

If ever there was a doubt
My love she leans into me
This most assuredly counts
She says most assuredly

Oh, oh
Be my baby
I'll look after you
After You
Oh, oh
Be my baby

It's always have and never hold
You've begun to feel like home
What's mine is yours to leave or take
What's mine is yours to make your own
