This chapter has been re-done.

Chapter 1: Our Kids?

Naruto grumbled as he stalked over to his bed. He was the last person to find out that his two best friends were dating. Dating! Sasuke and Sakura! What was worse was the fact they kept it from him for five months now. Naruto couldn't believe that no one had the audacity to even tell him.




Naruto wanted to find his friends and asked them if they wanted to grab some ramen with him. Their training ended 15 minutes ago, and while walking home, he realized he was hungry. So after asking Kiba where he last saw the two, he headed over to the Uchiha district and then to the main branch's mansion.

He knocked and waited. Getting frustrated with waiting he started pounding on the door while reaching for the doorknob to jingle it and he was surprise to find out the door was open.

"The teme needs to learn to lock his door" Naruto muttered, while entering the manor.

He heard noises coming from the second floor, and headed off upstairs.

"Teme, you wanna—" but never finished his sentence.

His eyes fixed on the sight in front of him and his eyes widen and mouth dropped. His two teammates were looking at him with shock.

"Sasuke is in Sakura" he thought, before walking backwards.

"Sorry!" was the only thing his mind and mouth agreed on as he slammed the door shut and poofed to his apartment.


End of Flashback


He never meant to walk in on them having sex. He felt guilty knowing he ruined their moment and a little pained knowing he'd been left out. Deciding there was nothing else to do, he went to sleep. Naruto thought he could sleep off his shock, guilt and pain. He'd worry about how to face the two tomorrow. Shrugging off his uniform vest, and toeing his sandals, Naruto went to sleep, though it was a bright and sunny day. Yet as he slept, he missed the bright, bluish flash of light.

Naruto woke up to pounding on his front door. Rubbing the sleep from his eyes, Naruto glanced at his clock to see that it was around 5 in the afternoon. Yawning, he groggily walked towards his door and opened it to find an annoyed raven. Naruto was instantly awake when he saw those harsh coal eyes and all the events from earlier came flooding back into his memory.

"The Hokage requests your presence." he said bitterly.

Naruto knew by the sound of Sasuke's voice he was still pissed off from earlier.

"Okay." He said softly, before rushing to put on his vest and sandals he took off earlier. Naruto then set off towards the Hokage's office after Sasuke.

Sasuke knocked on the door and a 'Come in' answered. Naruto held a look of confusion as he entered a very crowded room. It was filled with the Konoha Twelve and their sensei, a few common villagers, and some very familiar looking teens, but Naruto could not place his finger on where he had seen them. Sasuke and Naruto walked over to where Kakashi and Sakura were standing. It was a completely awkward moment when Naruto had to settle in between Sasuke and Sakura.

"Now that everyone is gathered, we can begin. You can speak now Leiko." Tsunade announced.

A girl with familiar green eyes, black hair, around 13 or 14 came up to the front and started to speak.

"As Tsunade-sama has just said, my name is Leiko. My peers and I," she said pointing to the other unfamiliar teens in the room, " are from the future." She said.

The people in the room were bewildered at the thought, but kept quiet for the details.

"Well, you see…we all were at our Chunin exams, when someone," and Leiko's eyes adverted towards a girl in the back, "decided using a jutsu she found on the floor, not even knowing the consequences of it. During the beginning of her match, she decided it was the best time to try said jutsu. Kisho over there," she said pointing to a white/lavender eyed boy, "came to the conclusion it was one of the Forbidden Jutsus that were supposedly destroyed by the Sixth. So now, were stuck here." Leiko finished.

Everyone was shocked. That was…bizarre.

"Excuse me, but what does this have to do with us?" asked Sakura.

"Yeah, what does this have to do with us, baa-chan?" Naruto said a bit too loudly.

"You brat! How many times do I have to tell you not to call me that?!" Tsunade yelled.

"Then stop yelling at me, baa-chan!" Naruto yelled.

"You baka! I should de-rank you for your insubordination, especially in front of your kids!" she yelled back.

The response to her comeback was immediate and brought silence amongst everyone.

"Ano…did she just say 'kids'?" asked Kiba, not to anyone in particular.

"Yes. These younger ninjas are the products of your future." Tsunade said blatantly.

It just dawned on them that those kids looked very familiar for a reason. They were a combination of people they've seen before. Looking around the room, some people were still in shock and others were wondering whom they had children with.

"You were called here because your children need a place to stay. As their parents, you'll be expected to provide for them shelter, but since I do not know how long they will be here, they will of course, finish their exams, as well as complete missions to contribute to the financial responsibility they will cause for you. Also, I would advise that you get acquainted with your future lover. These are your children and your actions will determine their future. If you all decide to test the fates and change your future, they will be the ones affected the most; for if something or someone interferes too much, they'll disappear." She said.

Now everyone was processing what information they just heard.

"Now," Leiko was speaking, "I think it would nice if we let you guess who your child is. Oh, and some you all have more than one child." Leiko said smiling.

Sakura raised her hand.

"Yes mother. Wait…damn it!" Leiko said as she just gave part of her parentage away. But quickly added "I apologize for cursing mother." She said stiffly.

"Y-you're my child?" Sakura asked in shock.

"Yes mother." She said immediately. You could tell by her response she was raised in a very strict household.

"Who is your father?"

This got everyone quiet. The common answer would have been the Uchiha, but then they were only teenagers. Things could change.

"Isn't it obvious?" She asked, twirling so everyone can get a better view.

"Sasuke right?" she stuttered, which caused Leiko to gain a look of horror.

"No he is not." she said.

How could she be wrong? Black hair, green eyes…her and Sasuke.

"Who is your father?" Sakura said getting upset.

This was everyone's question actually. Who would live up to her standards, if not the Uchiha? Then the next thought that strolled into everyone else's mind was since the Uchiha didn't marry Haruno, who did he knock up?

"Leiko, I don't think it's a good idea to make them guess. We should just tell them." Another white/lavender eyed boy said, but this one had a small little black dog on his head. Just like how Kiba use to put Akamaru on his head.

"Excuse me for interrupting everyone, but my name is Hoshi. My parents are Kiba and Hinata." He said to the crowd.

Hinata immediately blushed. Kiba looked to Hinata and also blushed, but Hoshi just remained calm and went to stand with his future parents.

"Fine." Said Leiko.

"My mother is Sakura, and my father is Sai." She said.

Everyone was shocked with the news. Sai and Sakura?

"Now, after you receive the knowledge of your children, please escort them to your homes. You will be expected to take the responsibility of these children. Even though they only appear three years your junior or so, some even your age, they will view you as their parents, so learn to spend time with your future lover." Tsunade said leaving no room for argument.

Child by child and parent by parent left and now there were five kids left, and the only parents that remained were Sasuke, Naruto, Neji, Shikamaru, and Lee. The boy known as Kisho from earlier stepped forward.

"Well, how do I put this?" the boy muttered, before sighing. "Neji, I know you know I'm your son by my eyes." He stated and Neji gave a curt nod.

"Well…I was conceived a bit different…by a jutsu actually." Kisho started, which caused Neji to raise a brow.

"So you're saying that you were performed?" Shikamaru asked.

"I guess you can say that." Kisho said, contemplating the thought.

"But, the birthing jutsu requires a sacrifice from one of the nine legendary dem—" Shikamaru paused and turned towards Naruto.

"You mean…Naruto and I…"

"No. 'Naruto' gave you a sample of his blood so you could perform the jutsu." Kisho said hastily.

"My other father though, carried me: Shikamaru is my other father."

A wave of silence landed in the room, as the two in question looked at each, before looking away.

"Okay." Neji and Shikamaru said at the same time, before awkwardly getting up and walking out the door.

A girl with red hair and green eyes came up, stating her name was Tani.

"Well, Kisho made that easy, so…well one of my fathers is Gaara, but in the future we," she said pointing to the other red haired teen in the room, which we now know as Taro, "are only here for my exams. And Lee, we live in Suna as a happy family." She said calmly.

"Well…that's…umm…" but for once in his life, he had nothing to say.

Now there were just two kids left. They appeared to be twins, but their hair was completely opposite.

"Hi. I'm Mai." Said the one with blond hair.

"And I'm Sable." Said the one with black hair.

"And you two are our fathers" they both said at the same time, with a smile, directed at the only other two teens in the room.

The rivals.

The prodigy and the demon.

Sasuke and Naruto


Naruto had just fainted.

A/N: I need a beta for this story, two others for two of my other stories: The Bartered Uke and Cinderfella. Just send me a PM :)