Chapter 2:

Yuki ran into her barn. She walked over to her only cow, Kumagoro. "Good evening, Kumagoro. How are you?" She just mooed. "Glad to hear it." She started to milk her. She put the milk in her bag. She walked over to the hay, grabbed some, and brought it over to her food bin. She then walked outside and went to the chicken coop to feed her chickens and see if any of them had laid eggs, but no luck. She then went to play with her dog.

It was at least midnight when her father came up to her, shirtless. "Yuki…" She looked at her father. "It's time…" he said, grinning.

"No…Not tonight…"

"You know what I say to "no," right?" He grabbed her arm and began to passionately kiss her.


"Come on, Yuki…"

"No!" She pulled a gun from her jeans pocket and shot her dad. She put her clothes on and looked at the body. Ryuichi was barking from outside. Elliot barged in.


"Elliot?" Elliot ran to her and hugged her. Yuki cried on Elliot's chest.

"It's okay…It's all over…It's over…"

Yuki awoke with the sun glaring in her face. She looked around her. Wait, this isn't my house… She looked towards the balcony to see Elliot. "Elliot?"

"So you're awake," he said, smiling at her. "That's good. I was afraid that you'd sleep forever."

"Elliot, what happened last night?"

"You killed your father."

Tears shot her eyes. She began crying once again. "Hey! Calm down! It wasn't your fault! You should have killed him! He deserved it!"

"But now…now I have no one!"

"That's not true!"


"I'll be here when you need me, okay?"

"Thank you." She looked at the clock. "Ah! I'm late for work! Thank you again!"

Yuki left the house and ran to work. Elliot's mother saw Yuki run by. "Elliot?"

"Yeah mom?"

"Why is Yuki in your room?"

"Her father died, so she's living with us for awhile, okay?"

"Yeah, sure!"

At the digging site, Yuki wiped some dirt from her forehead. "Okay, that should be good enough, Yuki," said Tohma. "You can go home now."

"Thank you very much!" Yuki ran out of the digging site, but ran into Elizabeth and her friends Mad Dog, Billee, and Mocha. They're all girls, but they're black belts in Taekwando. "What do you guys want?"

"What I want from you is to keep away from my Rock!"

"He's not yours!" Mad Dog kicked Yuki in the stomach. Yuki collapsed, holding her stomach.

"You will leave him alone. If you refuse, I shall take away all your valuable possessions you take from the digging site every day."

"You can take what you want, but I know what he likes and what he doesn't like."

Elizabeth growled. "Take her worthy possessions."

"With pleasure…"

A while later, Yuki walked up to Elliot, who was by the flowers, and handed him an old coin. "That's so cool! Thanks!" he said, smiling. "Hey, what happened?"

"Oh, I-I-I fell down again and hit my head."

"No…" he put his hand on her cheek. "Someone did this to you. Who?"


"Elliot!" yelled Elizabeth, pushing Yuki into the river. She showed him a flower. "Here! I got this for you!" But when she gave it to him, he ran over to Yuki and helped her out.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I think so."

"Good." They looked at Elizabeth. "Why'd you do that?"

"Why? Because she's my competition. To think that you, a humble farm girl, would be able to be in the same league as me."

"Why do you do this? She's done nothing to you!"

"If you want to know, come to the variety show tonight by the river. I'll show you. Oh, and Yuki?"


"You're in it as well. Better have something good planned." And with that, Elizabeth walked away.

"So it's true. When you're rich, you are snotty," said Elliot. He looked at Yuki. "So, what are you gonna do tonight?"

"You'll see."