Thank you to all of you who read this story and to all of you who reviewed it. Thank you for the encouragement you gave as I was writing it and thank you for helping me with those very words of encouragement to finish it.
Harry Potter – the Power Unknown
Chapter – 21
Harry, Snape, Sirius and Nicholas apparated into Potter castle and they stopped the moment they entered and cleansed the entire Black magic residue from sliding through the wards. After they had removed the entire residue they danced their way inside to find Perenelle, Remus, Neville and Augusta Longbottom sitting in the drawing room quietly talking among them.
They looked up as the four of them came, shouting with glee and Neville and Augusta smiled while Perenelle and Remus laughed.
"What are you shouting about with such glee? Am I to assume your little expedition went off well?" she asked smiling as Nicholas came to her and dragged her up and started dancing with her. After five minutes where all of them danced and danced, Nicholas led them all to the library and then told them what had happened.
All of them opened the booty and Augusta and Perenelle started categorizing all the books that Snape, Sirius and Nicholas had sweepingly packed into huge conjured cartons. They piled the books into Black, Dark, and Light, and research, ancient and unknown category. There were hundreds of books and that task would take them sometime.
Snape, Sirius, Remus and Nicholas helped by an awed Neville whose eyes were still shining with happiness at seeing his mother sane, were sifting through the diaries and trying to put together all that they knew with what they would find in the diaries. They would view the memories later.
Harry started sifting through the diaries randomly, before he turned to Neville, "Hey, how is Mrs. Longbottom? Is she sleeping now?" Neville nodded, grinning at Harry. "Yes, Harry she stayed awake for a little while and slipped off to sleep. It is Dad who is yet to get up."
Harry nodded his head and went through the diaries, not noticing the sudden tenseness in Snape, Sirius and Remus when Harry had asked Neville about Alice. They relaxed once Harry looked normal and went about his task of looking through the diaries.
It had been pure luck that Molly had cast the location charm and the tracer and it was also luck that Alice woke up and spoke to Harry who in turn spoke to Bill through the parchment and then finding the castle and then plundering it, all tied up nicely. They had Albus where they wanted him and all of them knew they had defeated the evil wizard that Albus was.
Harry at that time remembered the small package that said 'Potters'. He was about to remove it from his pocket when McGonagall's message came to Nicholas and at the same time Harry parchment had Bill's message.
"Now that we know where Albus's hideout is I will go there and find out how they are reacting. Who knows we may get a clue about their next plans or if they have some more stuff stashed away somewhere. Meanwhile Harry and Perenelle, I want you and the others to go through these diaries and try and find out about his horcrux status." Seeing them nod their heads, Nicholas just vanished on the spot to slide along to the Glen where he arrived after the others and found them checking the wards.
He cleansed him self and waited for Albus to make the discovery of the open cupboard. He was not disappointed in his reactions. He followed them all around till Albus reached Hogwarts and went to sleep. Nicholas did not waste a moment. He apparated to Potter castle and went through intense cleansing that he was unable to do after he slided out of the Glen.
He ran inside to find the others still pouring through the diaries. He clapped his hands and asked for attention. "Come on, all of you, we have a lot work to do now. Harry you write Bill and ask him to stun the rat and place a sleeping spell on Arthur so that he will not wake till tomorrow morning and ask Molly to be ready with the kids for a meeting. Nell, you call the death eaters and the Order members and ask them to come over to the cottage. Fawkes will take care of Albus and inform us if any thing is untoward. Come on let us get going."
"Why Nick? What did you find that makes you run like this?" asked his wife as she stood up to comply with his orders as did Harry, who was already beginning to write Bill. "Will tell you shortly Nell," was all he said.
In one hour all the Order members, Hermione, the rest of the Weasleys except Arthur, Turdin and the death eaters and their children assembled in the small cottage and looked around at the others wanting a clue as to why they had been called.
The death eaters especially were anxious, angry and nervous. Today Voldemort was to mark their children and all of them were waiting for his call and were fearful that this time was eating into that.
"Flammel, I want you to first give permission to one of us to wait outside this bubble so that if Albus called we can be warned." Bellatrix asked Nicholas as he smiled at her.
"Not necessary Bellatrix, as Voldemort will not call for now, it is to speak about it to all of you that I have called for the meeting. All of you may relax. We are in a time bubble and I have Fawkes looking over Albus and we will be warned if anything untoward happens. Now Harry, Sirius, Severus and I went to the Glen of Hascow where Albus has his hide out a fact that we knew purely on luck when Harry asked Bill about Arthur's whereabouts. Molly had a tracer and a location charm on him, and she was able to give us the general area from where we took over.
"Now I am going to show you the memories of what we found in the Glen of Hascow and also what I found when I followed Albus from there. I discovered a lot of things and we have a lot of work to do be fore we can leave for our homes again."
All of them watched spell bound as they saw the way Harry and Nicholas had traced magical residences and all that they found and the way they returned. Then Harry and the others who had not heard what had happened from Nicholas when he went to spy on Albus watched equally stunned as all of them heard the reactions of Albus and the other two and the final comments of Albus who stated in no uncertain terms that he would kill Harry Potter come what may and then go into hiding.
There was a deafening silence as all of them stared and stared and tried to come to terms with all that they had seen and heard. It was Harry who broke the silence and made the first comments.
"So there are two things. Voldemort is as good as gone as Albus will not do anything till or call anyone till everything dies down and he comes to know what happened to the diaries and the memories. The second thing is he is going to kill me as soon as I step into Hogwarts." Harry softly spoke into the silence.
"Correct," Nicholas affirmed and then continued, "there is also one more thing Harry, he does not have horcruxes." Nicholas's eyes gleamed as he spoke.
Perenelle jumped as did Bellatrix, Lucius and the others. "Albus is mine" a dozen voices shouted, Bellatrix, Lucius, Rudolphus, Rabastan, Avery, in fact all of the death eaters and Minerva, Moody, Amelia Bones and in fact the entire Light was also thirsting over his blood.
Harry stood up and shouted for silence. "Albus is mine." His voice rang out as all of them stopped their shouting to listen to him. "All of you have forgotten the Prophecy. Please allow me to kill him. Also it was my mother who found out about him and prepared and got us all together and I have sworn on her memory I will destroy Albus, the rat and Arthur Weasley. Please, while I know all of you have enough cause to want him for yourself, please give him to me to fulfill the Prophecy and allow me to live my life in peace."
All of them were silent as they thought that one over. "Well can we look and help if it is necessary?" Bellatrix asked with a smile, her first smile towards Harry, Harry in return grinned at her. "Hey! The more the merrier. In fact we should all go and confront him together and get things out in the open and then punish him."
Harry turned to Nicholas and whispered something to him and then Harry went to the death eaters and started removing their dark marks for ever. "Now that Voldemort is well and truly dead and Albus will not bring him back, I really do not think you need this. Of course you cannot go out as you are, but all of you can certainly change your appearances and live an honest life helping us in setting the Wizarding World straight without any fear."
Bellatrix could not speak as the mark vanished from her arm forever and she was released from a life of a slave to be free. Two small tears flowed down her cheeks and she stood up and went to Harry who had now removed the marks of her husband, Rabastan and Lucius and was starting on Parkinson and pulled the startled boy around and hugged him fiercely.
"You are a fool Harry Potter. You could have bought us and ordered us around for the rest of our lives for removing the horrible mark and here you are requesting us to help. Silly boy. We belong to you, mark or no mark and you will find every death eater here willing to kill for you and willing to die for you." She hugged him once again.
"Of course we will help you, will listen to whatever you say Potter," said a bemused Lucius in a thick voice as he struggled to control his emotions. The others as Harry went around and effortlessly removed their marks, also solemnly repeated what Bellatrix and Lucius had said.
After all the marks had been removed, Harry and the others decided to go to Hogwarts and confront Albus. "Let us do it in the morning, Potter. Please, I want to spend some time celebrating this event and looking at my clean arm. Is that all right?" Bellatrix looked at him with pleading eyes and Harry looked at Nicholas who smilingly nodded his head.
"Minerva you go back to Hogwarts and stay there. All of you come to the Forbidden Forest after breakfast at about nine 'o' clock. We will then confront Albus." Nicholas told them his eyes gleaming at the thought of confronting Albus Dumbledore.
All of them went to their homes, the death eaters to the Lestrange household to party all the night long celebrating their new found freedom and the Order to their respective homes.
"Molly," began Nicholas only to have Molly turn to him in sadness, "Mr. Flammel, Arthur and Peter will sleep till tomorrow and we will bring both of them to Hogwarts' with us. Do not worry." Nicholas did not say more and merely nodded his head and all of them went home.
They filled in Mrs. Longbottom and Neville who had opted to stay with Alice and Frank, and the first thing Neville told them as they entered was that Frank was awake and seemed fine.
"Dad has waken up, Harry and though he is a bit confused, he is fine. Mother is telling him everything slowly."
"Great, that is fabulous news Neville and we have a lot more for you and your gran. Can you fetch her so that we can tell you both?" Harry beamed at Neville, his jealousy all forgotten as he took in Neville's happy face. Neville ran to his grand mother to ask her to come down and soon they were briefed.
"I would very much like to accompany you Harry as I wish to be there when that excuse for a man receives his deserts." Mrs. Longbottom's eyes were flashing and Harry nodded his head.
"Of course, Mrs. Longbottom, you may come along with us, as can Neville. His parents' will be safe here till we get back." Harry smiled. On that note all of them went to bed.
Harry, Snape, Sirius and Remus went to Harry's room, to talk for a while before sleeping. As they discussed the events of the day, Harry suddenly remembered the small package he had removed from the Glen that said Potters.
"Sev, do you remember the package that I removed from the Glen that had my name on it." Harry removed the package that was in his pocket as he spoke.
Snape nodded his head as he looked curiously at the package. It was small, small enough to fit in Harry's hands, "It has the shrinking charm on it Harry. Set it on the bed and enlarge it." Sirius told him.
Harry set it on the bed and enlarged it. The package became huge. It looked like a crate that held precious items. Now all the others were interested as well and they crowded around as Harry started removing the covers. It was indeed a crate and it was tightly sealed. Harry slowly removed the top cover and peered inside.
He gasped loudly, as Snape, Sirius and Remus also looked inside and Sirius yelled.
"James!!!!" he looked at Harry, "Merlin! Harry, these are the missing portraits of Lily, James, Uncle William and old Mr. Harrison Potter and their wives. God, Albus had stolen their portraits and sealed them so that your mother and the others especially Harrison Potter have many portraits in the Ministry and other important places of himself could not say a word against him."
As Harry stared dumbfounded at the portrait of his father that was on the top Remus continued excitedly, "Yes Harry Harrison Potter would have started investigation into the killings and would have provided names that of all of us who had entry into the castle. To prevent that from happening Albus had them removed and sealed."
As Harry still stood there in shock, Snape told him softly, "Harry don't you see? These are the portraits of your family that Albus somehow managed to steal and deactivate and freeze so that all of them would not be able to do anything against him. Now activate and de freeze them and you will also be able to talk to your parents."
Harry blinked at Snape. "Speak to my parents'?" he stuttered a gamut of emotions raging through him. Only that morning he had been crying for some contact that he could never have with his parents and here they were, just waiting for him. He could talk to them, Harry realized with a sudden comprehension that hit him hard, he could laugh with them, he could, could…
Merlin! Harry thought in a daze, the world was his limit as he could do just about anything with them. He would also have his parents; his parents would also be there for him, for ever and ever and ever.
He looked around at the others. Snape was looking a bit anxious as James had been his most hated enemy. He was not sure of his reception even after he had done so much. Sirius was already blinking back tears as was Remus as they kept looking at the portrait of their best friend and their brother.
Harry slowly lifted his father's portrait and staring at him were his eyes set in the most beautiful face he had seen. His mother was stunning with his green eyes and gorgeous auburn hair. In the pensieve she had been so sad and terrified about the fate of her only child, but here she had been frozen as she had been smiling at someone, most likely his father.
Harry held her reverentially as he gazed at her for a long time, and then setting her carefully aside he removed the other portraits slowly and arranged them neatly. He then cast the 'activate' and the de freezing charm at the portraits and in a second all of them blinked as they tried to get their bearings straight.
Harry and the others watched with bated breaths as James and Lily tried to get their orientation back after fifteen years. Harry was looking at his mother and father alternatively, while Sirius and Remus were staring at James holding their breaths in anticipation and excitement.
"James? Where are we?" asked Lily as she looked around and then her eyes fell on Harry. She blinked and she started at him and suddenly she beamed at him, unknowing tears falling from her eyes, "Harry? Ooooooohhhhhhhh! Harrrrrrrrry! My baby you were saved, saved from that monster," she cried turning the attention of all the portraits to Harry.
James had been looking equally confused when he heard his wife's shriek and he turned to look at his son with wonder, his eyes filling up and over flowing.
All at once there was Babel of noise as all of them spoke together. All of them except Harry; who was staring at his parents and grandparents with so much of wonder, drinking them in and unable to say a word.
James did not recognize Sirius, Remus and Snape and to their eternal amusement thought they were friends of Harry. Harry slowly stepped to his parents and dragged Severus and introduced him first and then Sirius and Remus.
James was horrified to see Snape and he was angrily about to evict him, when Lily placed a hand on his arm, looking all the while at Snape, "Thank you Severus, thank you, thank you, thank you for everything, Severus." She kept whispering much to Snape's embarrassment.
James was bewildered as were the other Potters. Harry smiled happily at all of them, "You know Mother," that sounded lovely, he thought as he continued more happily, "I am going to show all of you what happened and what we are going to do tomorrow. I will make it brief and we can talk fully tomorrow okay?"
Harry brought the pensieve and all the Potters clustered around to watch. Harry showed them his mother's memory, the meetings with the death eaters, the bonding with Sarina, the Flammels statements about Albus, the de aging of Snape, Sirius and Remus, a bit of his training, storming the Glen of Hascow and bringing the diaries and other things, the plans for tomorrow and removing the marks of the death eaters permanently.
The silent could be cut with a knife as James, Lily who was crying softly and the others were totally stunned by what had happened to their family and their only child because of the avarice of a man they had considered friend and followed him blindly.
Snape then pulled out memories of his own; the letter he had received from Gringotts and the meeting with the goblins and the oath he took to protect Harry, the approaching and telling Lupin, Minerva's inclusion, and the first time into the woods and bringing back Sirius.
"Thank you my lad. The help you have rendered this House cannot be put into words, Mr. Snape. All of us including Harry are forever in your debt." Old Harrison Potter told him in a gruff voice filled with emotion.
James could not say a word to save his life had he been alive. He kept staring at Snape, Sirius and a smaller Remus and then at Harry, not able to take in so much in one go.
"He is all right Jim-Jim," said Sirius softly seeing his best friend's confusion. Then slowly all of them started talking, Harry though kept largely silent as Lily started explaining to her husband and her in laws about her findings and how she had set everything in motion.
"I am so sorry that I took over the choice of making your decision for you James, but that late I really had no where to go and no one to trust. Severus had sent a letter signed in blood and I used that fact to beg him to save our baby. Will you forgive me?" she asked him, tears pouring down her eyes at the betrayal that he had in his eyes that she did not tell him about her aura sight or her findings.
He did not say anything, a fact that made Lily bend down in grief and Harry was wondering how to convince his father that his mother had done what she could at that time without alerting Albus to the fact she was aware of him and his duplicity.
It was Sirius who mended the breech. "If only we were more matured and more understanding, Lily would not have been so alone."
"Why Sirius?" James asked him the first words he had spoken since being activated, "Why did Lily think I would put my child's life in danger that she was not able to tell me of her suspicions or her sight? She could not trust me?" he asked his friend bitterly.
"No she could not," answered Sirius firmly shocking his best friend and forever earning the gratitude of Harry. "We were impetuous and had we known of this we would have run angrily to Peter and confronted him. Once Albus knew he was being suspected, he would have killed Harry, fulfilled the Prophecy and put you under the imperious and made you open and get out all the things from your vault. He would not even need to come in to your vault, James. He would have made you get it for him.
"Tell me truthfully James. I know I would have confronted not only Peter but also Albus and we would have ended up dead or worse. For Merlin's sake we are dealing with a man who was Heifer, Voldemort and an evil twisted ass. We would have run to him accusing him of wanting to do us harm and that would be the end of it."
James was not convinced, but he kept quiet, deciding to talk to his wife and friends in private later on. Then the talk went around to what they would be doing in the morning and the attitude of the death eaters and finally to the improvements that they had voted for to make in the wizarding world.
All of them went to sleep in the early hours of the morning though the portraits were still talking among themselves. James had forgiven Lily for keeping something like this from him, seeing the truth of Sirius's words. They were truly rash and overly forward in those days.
Snape was good, a fact that was shocking him even now and he was bonded to his son as family. That was bitter to take but James could hardly say anything in the light of all that Snape had done. Still it was a bitter pill to swallow. He face turned ugly with a helpless rage as he thought of the man he had worshipped and the man for whom he would have given his life.
He took a deep breath to calm himself as he leaned on his wife and allowed her to smooth out his sorrow as best as she could. If only he had been more mature, he sighed and smiled a small bitter smile. He hadn't and after fifteen years what was the point of if only's.
He hoped Harry would make him die a dog's death tomorrow, James thought with a sudden viciousness as he thought of all that Albus had done. Even that would be too little for him, the.
That was when Nicholas and Perenelle had entered their room to wake them up and he found to his amazement and happiness the portraits of his friend Harrison and William.
"Harry has the power to perform will and intent magic Harrison. You should be so proud of him. Against all odds he had triumphed with flying colors and has earned the respect of one and all." Nicholas told a proud and beaming Harrison about his great grandson. He and Perenelle chatted for some time, before they woke up Harry and the others.
Harry had already told them about the package, "Imagine my shock Sir, when I found them inside." He said beaming as Nicholas hugged him.
"Yes Harry, this is indeed a good omen. We will now go and deal with those three and then from now on, you can live your life in peace with Severus, Sirius and Remus as you planned at the very beginning."
"And both of you, too; please don't say you don't belong here. I will not accept it." Harry told them grinning from ear to ear.
Perenelle hugged him, "Watch us Harry. Where will we go child? We will keep coming as long as we are around. You are family child and we are never letting go of all the four of you. This business with Albus has given us the precious gift of the four of you." She finished softly.
Harry hugged her back just as fiercely as Harrison Potter looked on proudly at his great grandson who had been named after him, "Harry could you show us the will magic?" he asked that pride and love oozing from every pore of his portrait body.
Harry showed him an impressive array of will and intent magic as Nicholas watched him fondly. "Bravo!" Harrison Potter cried out as William Potter and Harry parents and his grandmothers looked at him with a little awe and a great deal of pride.
"Oh Harry, that was brilliant," James was nodding vigorously as Lily exclaimed with pleasure, blossoming and increasing the happiness that Harry already had inside him making him flush shyly at their compliment.
"Well we must get going Harry, all the others would be there and we must not be very late." Nicholas told him and after that Harry and the others rushed about washing and cleaning themselves and then hurried down after saying a quick 'see you later to all the portraits' and ran to have breakfast.
Harry asked the elves to put up the portraits where ever they would wants to be and was rewarded by Celly's tears that ran down as she hugged him. "Oh Master Harry! You haves brought all of them back home. That is very nice Master Harry."
She promised to take care of the portraits and then Harry went out with the others to meet Albus for a final confrontation, which Harry hoped he will come out successful and then go on with his life in a peaceful manner.
He had found his parents and his grandparents and all of them had been so proud and happy. Well, his Dad was obviously not happy with Snape or with his mother at present for hiding things from him, but what the hell? All that would be blown over, if only he could do the right thing with Albus now.
Harry felt so contented that even Albus could not arouse an anger or rage in him. All of them hurried through breakfast and then apparated to the edge of the Forbidden Forest where the members of the Order and the death eaters were waiting for them. In Bill's hand was the rat and the Twins and Percy were leviating a sleeping Arthur.
Molly Weasley was looking devastated as she kept looking at the man who had ruined her life, killed her father and brothers and placed a debt they could never repay, on her children.
Nicholas and Harry went in first with invisible charms and stunned the portraits near the gargoyle.
Then, Nicholas, Perenelle and Harry slided all of them by taking them in twos and threes throwing the others into total awe at the power Harry was exhibiting; into the wards and took them right to the gargoyle outside Albus's office. All of them were there as Lily brought McGonagall, who had been staying at the castle.
"No one would disturb us here would they?" Nicholas asked her. "No one would, Nicholas as I asked Celly to come over and add a sleeping potion in all their food yesterday night. Of course the fact that there are only two professors made it very easy." She smirked.
Nicholas laughed and mentally told Fawkes to bring Albus to them.
Albus had woken up refreshed and he swore to himself again that Harry would be dead and gone on the first day after School re opened. Then Albus too, would be gone and he would emerge as another person and start off from there. Selling the Glen of Hascow place had given him the money to make a little more of the Stone, though it was a pitiably small amount, he could get by with it till he could make more money on the sly.
Yes, he had thought satisfied, that was what he would do. Then, he would become a Dark Lord, a Lord of a level that would put Voldemort and Grindelwald in the infant category, storm Gringotts, his lips tightened as he thought of the day before, well, he would destroy Gringotts and take over not only the Potter vaults but all the money that was there and then the world would be his.
He finished his breakfast when he felt the presence of more people than should be in the castle. He frowned, but could not get more information than that, when Fawkes with a loud trill, swooped down on him and took a panicked Albus off with a mighty flash.
The next second Albus was deposited in the middle of a group of people he had never thought would be seen together. The Order, the death eaters, their faces twisted with fury, all of them with their left arms exposed and not a mark in sight, Albus was bewildered and as he looked around he gulped when he saw Peter and Arthur sleeping and the feeling of shock and astonishment at seeing all these people together slowly turned into fear.
That was when Harry, Nicholas, Perenelle came out from behind and Fawkes with a soft trill went to Nicholas's shoulder. Suddenly all the pieces fit into his mind. It had been Nicholas and Perenelle all along who had been helping Harry from when he had been taken away from the Dursleys. They had somehow known he was misusing the Stone and had stepped in to destroy him.
Harry stepped forward in the deathly silence that Albus could not fill for the life of him. There were too many persons to fight his way through and Albus for all his faults was not a fool.
With a flick of his hand, Arthur was awakened and another flick, Peter was standing up. Arthur looked around at the crowd that seemed to be so hostile and when he saw Molly, who was glaring at him with a hate he had not known she possessed, he crumbled, as did Peter who was already cowering.
"We wanted you for ourselves, Voldemort," Bellatrix said sarcastically, "but Harry drew the short stick and got to deal with the three of you. We are here for the show."
Harry had not told anyone what he intended to do with them and all of them were watching intently to see what punishment Harry would give Albus, Arthur and Peter.
"You should be seated on the sharp end of a spear and left slowly to die for the crimes you committed as Heifer, for Voldemort and the atrocities as Albus you will have to be dragged from the dead and punished. How could you, you had so much how could you Albus?" Minerva's voice broke on the last word as tears fell down her eyes as she looked with loathing at a man she had worshipped.
Albus and the other two gulped and Peter and Arthur looked confused at the Voldemort reference. But no one was ready to explain it to them unfortunately.
"Peter you are a rat who betrayed your friends. Sirius and Remus will decide what to do with you. I give you to them." Peter was trembling with fear. Sirius and Remus, Sirius was alive! What was happening here? Sadly no one told him as two boys he knew as Kent and Brent came up to him, ready to kill him when Harry intervened.
"If I may suggest, Sirius, turn him permanently into a rat, cast a repulsive charm on him, so that he would be no one's pet and let him loose. He would be fine that way." Peter was babbling now as Sirius and Remus with all their anger that made their spells that much more powerful, turned him permanently into a rat, Harry simultaneously cast the spell to give him some attributes of a real rat wandlessly in Parceltongue and cast a repulsive charm on him and then Sirius with all his might, kicked him with his foot.
Peter the rat now squealed and scampered away to spend the rest of his life in the gutter. His mind that was still that of a human would feel sick of eating from the gutter, but the rat in him would go there and his life from that moment was miserable and he would think again and again of his folly till the end of his life.
"Mrs. Weasley, Arthur is all yours." Harry told her as she with tears running down her face came forward. "Molly I am sorry, I will rectify, Molly I never meant to," was all he had time to say, when SLAP! Came her hand and connected with his cheek and he would have been thrown away if it were not for the crowd that was keeping him and Albus tightly hemmed in.
"How dare you? How dare you stand there and tell me you will rectify, Arthur? Can you? Can you bring back my father and my brothers who were killed by you and Albus? Can you give me back my life and peace and happiness that I have lost forever? Can you rectify the shame that my children will bear for the rest of their lives? Can you rectify all that?" she stormed as she looked at him who was standing there with only one thought, "I have lost wife and my family" over and over again.
Arthur loved his wife and children. It was the love of making easy money that had lured him and later he had got in too deep to come out. Now he had lost his wife and his children forever and all that she said was true. He could not rectify. He was bad and evil not worthy of his beloved wife. His mind crashed. He became insane as his magic refused to support his traumatized mind.
Arthur Weasley became mad. He started laughing and crying at the same time. He broke his wand and looked at his wife, but not quite recognizing her, but knowing she was someone important. H had lost the ability to speak and to function. He just stood there crying and laughing for a while, before Perenelle ran her wand over him and pronounced him mad.
Arthur slowly walked away and spent the rest of his life as a beggar on the streets of Hogsmeade. He was always filled with sorrow and cried quite often, but never knew why. He could only utter the word Molly, but he did not know why he said it in the first place.
Every year on Halloween, a lady with red hair would come with her seven children and give him a set of new robes and winter clothing with tears in her eyes. He would cry seeing her and say Molly. After that lady died, her children continued it till he died with the name of Molly on his lips. He was buried at The Burrow beside his Molly by his children who hoped he would at least make up to her in the other world.
Harry now turned to Albus who was sweating and had wet his pants after he saw Arthur's condition as he stumbled out. Harry took out a small vial out of his pocket, checked it and put it back. Nicholas and Perenelle, who had given it to him the day before, frowned at that.
"You wanted a long life Albus did you not? Well, your wish is coming true." Was all that Harry said as he concentrated and put up his hands staring at Albus all the while. Slowly a thick golden strand came out from his body pulsating and vibrating. It was his magic. All of them watched as Albus was petrified and stood in horror as he saw the magic literally pulled out of his body.
Harry soon had a huge ball of magic in his hands. He had not pulled out and emptied his magic core, but there was very little, too little for the core to heal and grow. He took his blood and added it with his own and grounded and bound the magic to Hogwarts. The magic hit the wards and Hogwarts pulsated with high energy.
Harry then bound the stunted magic that was inside so that it could never grow. Then he cut Albus's hand and with another vial of potion that he removed from his robes, bound Albus to Hogwarts forever.
Then he took out the small vial of the Stone that would make Albus live and then live, and forced it down his throat. Albus spluttered as he drank and once the potion went inside, he felt fresh and firm. Then with a potion to make him mute and deaf, Harry spoke to him.
"You will live forever, Albus. You will work in this School forever as her cleaner and take over from Flich. These are the last words you will hear. The blood ritual will make you a compulsive cleaner and while your mind will be alert and fresh, your body will not cooperate on any issue except to clean the school. You will for ever clean the School that you have defiled and you will never be able to hear or speak anything. While you may read, you will never be able to do magic for ever. Good bye Albus."
Those were the last words he heard and Albus Dumbledore lived forever cleaning the School he was once Headmaster of. He read and read, but there was nothing he could do as all his knowledge was useless. He had no wages as all his wages went to the School for reparation and he lived with the daily nightmare that woke him up in a sweat. Harry's words woke him up every night crying loudly, but as he was mute no words would come.
He read about Arthur's demise and felt bitter. He did not want a long life. He wanted to die. But he could not. He would live and there would be no respite for him. He would keep rushing to clean as it was a compulsive habit; he cleaned till he dropped on some days.
Harry had not given him the true stone as he led the others to believe. But he had given the Stone potion to make him strong. After fifty years of punishment, Harry stopped the stone potion that he would add in Albus's diet without his knowledge every year and Albus Dumbledore died that very night in his sleep. Harry fulfilled the Prophecy on that day.
The Wizarding World had been told that Albus Dumbledore had suffered a magical malady that left him mute and with a compulsion to clean. He also would not leave his beloved School. The Wizarding World swallowed the story fully and sympathized with him and prayed for his well- being.
The Wizarding World had changed greatly in the last fifty years. There were sweeping changes that only made it a better place to live. The Secrecy Act was enforced and all creatures Light and Dark were given a place on the Wizengamot.
Bellatrix had three children, the eldest son she named Harry Sirius Lestrange. All three of them were respectable citizens of the society and did not follow their death eater parents who were still in hiding, according to the public.
Alice and Frank Longbottom had very normal lives, though Frank Longbottom was almost a squib. Neville was a happy boy who grew into a strong man.
Harry, Snape, Sirius and Remus passed out of Hogwarts with flying colors and had the life that Harry had wished for on the day they met him. A happy life. With the Flammels all the four of them enjoyed themselves and Harry especially bonded deeply with the Weasley's who had sacrificed so much.
Harry healed after he saw his parents and grandparents who loved him unconditionally. His father had even accepted Snape and was good natured to him for Harry's sake.
He later married Ginny Weasley with whom he started going out after School. The other three did not marry as like Sirius complained that anyone one Harry's age and they felt they were cradle snatching and any one their age and the other person felt she was cradle snatching. They were doomed to a life of sacrifice, a tone that left Harry giggling.
All of them helped out with the rebuilding of the wizarding world and continued to work for its betterment.
The Order of the Phoenix was still there with the members being the original Order members and the death eaters who met at the Flammels cottage. They were the inner council, who actually made the laws that were later on passed by the Wizengamot.
They were a group of the most powerful witches and wizards belonging to the most oldest and influential families. They ruled the Wizarding World with a hand of iron. They in turn were ruled by the power of Harry James Potter.
Harry Potter had seven children and lived up to a ripe old age of one hundred and eighty two. He died in his sleep on his birthday and along with him died his first friend and brother, Severus Snape. Sirius and Remus had died some ten years before. Ginny had passed on three years before. Harry and Snape were given a small burial with only Harry's family and the children of the original council members and Nicholas and Perenelle in attendance.
He had changed the Wizarding World to an unrecognizable extent by working behind the scenes with no airs and no obvious show of his power, power of wealth or the power of his magic and he had changed his world for the better. A second after Harry and Snape died, their portraits activated and Harry hugged his mother and father for the first time. His happiness continued even after.
End of chapter - 21