Eau de Rapture

Chapter Two: Organza


Ruka shifted in her seat uncertainly as she dined on her supper, eyes darting left and right. Opposite of her sat Aido, who was reading a thick book he brought over from the Aido estate.

The tender steak felt like sandpaper in her mouth, but she swallowed it anyway, and watched as he flipped intently through the tome. To an outsider, it might've been a picturesque scene of a brother and a sister having a quiet dinner without their parents. Their striking physical resemblances often had her wondering if they were indeed long lost siblings, rather than old acquaintances.

Of course, they had their fair share of differences, too. For an instance, they both had blonde hair, but Ruka's was more on the sheerer, ash-coloured side, much unlike Aido's platinum-golden strands of hair.

Another prominent dissimilarity was their eye colours. Ruka's irises were a bedazzling mix of greens and blues, captivating, ensnaring, and entrancing, while Aido's were an enigmatic and unfathomable blend of gray tints, watery blue hues and undertones of gold.

Aside from those, they were, simply put, clones of each other. Both of them had well-defined oval faces that tapered down from high cheekbones to a narrow chin, as well as slender necks, elongated fingers, and creamy white skin. It was no wonder that they were often mistaken for family members wherever they went.

Well, all would change as soon as they get married, she thought, her stomach churning sickly. They would be wearing identical wedding rings on their fingers, wouldn't they? Then they would be all-the-more similar.

She smiled bitterly.


Back at the Aido estate, dinner had been different from the scene presented before him at this very moment. Dinner was always a busy and noisy affair, as everyone ignored the true purpose of having a meal and instead fought and laughed among themselves.

His sisters were a primary example, he scoffed. Shrieking and giggling and tugging his hair and tossing foie gras over their heads…..

He furiously wiped the thought away from his mind and observed his fiancée from the corner of his eyes.


Tmp. Tmp. Tmp.


"That's my room on the left and yours on the right," Ruka gestured to the two ceiling-to-floor entrances, "They're connected together by another door, just so you know."


Aido twisted the brass doorknob and led himself into his new bedroom, inspecting every corner owlishly, from the elaborate tasseled edges of the curtains to the lavender-scented pillows that were settled neatly on one end of the king-sized bed. Not to mention that there was also a polished and finely-carved grand piano near the tall windows.

He rubbed his chin thoughtfully.

If he didn't know better, he would've sworn that this was the exact same room at the Aido Estate.

"Well?" Ruka's hesitant voice broke his train of thoughts. "I made sure that the pillows were scented. And father had me bring in this grand piano as a gift."

"It's nice," he replied casually. "Hospitable. And I suppose I'll have to thank your father afterwards for the generous present?"

"Oh, there's no need. You know how he is." She shot him a knowing look and directed her gaze at the portrait on the wall, illustrating an embroidered china vase and silvery flora.

They stayed like that for a brief moment before Ruka left for her room, the arms of sleep beckoning her down the silken covers.


Aido awoke with a start; he could hear the sound of porcelain shattering, and the incessant pounding of footsteps against the floor.

Was the manor being raided? He mused, and shook his head tiredly. Ruka would be able to handle invaders. Probably.



Aido rolled out of the bed reluctantly.


Chapter Two: Organza: End

Lol heys. I'm back from my vacation in California. Currently suffering from jet-lag.

Sorry for the wait. (: