
Disclaimer:: What do you think?

Authors Note: I was thinking a lot about this story over the past couple days. It's pretty damn original in my opinion. I've read many upon many of fanfictions and I haven't come across any with my plot! Bwahaha!

Summary:: What if when Kagome was pulled back into the past to Sengoku Jidai, she didn't meet and unleash the pinned hanyou, Inuyasha. What if she met a cunning seductive red- eyed demon by the name of Naraku?

Rating:: Most definitely R and up!


It started out like any other day, save for it being my sixteenth birthday. I was on my way to the door, kissing my mother good-bye. My green skirt fluttered lightly in the wind from the open door. I felt almost lightheaded for the barest of seconds, before it disappeared. I brushed it off and completely forgot about it only seconds later like nothing. I was about to step off of the first shrine step when my little brother Sota yelled my name from one of the shrine's mini-houses. He stepped out from old well waving his arm for me to come. I remember grumbling something about being late for school.

"I need your help sis!"

"What is it? You're going to make me late Sota!"

"I think Buyo's stuck in the well house or something. I can't find him anywhere and I think I heard him meow! I think he's stuck!" he explained dramatically.

"Well, why don't you go get him?"

He looked down in the dark well house and shivered. I remember because he had goose-bumps down his neck. I giggled at his girly fear.

"What, don't tell me you're afraid of the dark!? Haha, you girl, Sota!"

"Why don't you go down there then!?"

"Yeah, sure loser."

When my foot touched the last step, a loud crash echoed through the well. I remember screaming my head off and falling on my rear. My brother too had screamed, and when Buyo walked out from behind the well, we both laughed like psychos.

"Buyo, you butthole!" I giggled picking him up. I turned around to give him to Sota when his face paled.

"W-w-what's that?" he said shakily pointing behind me.

I turned around and dropped Buyo. The old dry well was glowing a vibrant blue from under the seal.

"Sota… go get jii-chan, NOW!" I yelled. He nodded furiously before sprinting off.

I stared in amazement as the light became more bright, and then stared in shock as the seal was ripped off. I know horror was written on every part of my body seconds later, because a naked centipede woman flew out screaming, "GIVE ME THE JEWEL!"

And boy, did I do my fair share of screaming. Especially when she attacked me and dragged me down the well. I don't think my eyes had ever gotten so big in my life. A blue mystic light engulfed me and it felt as though a was a feather falling from the sky.

"Give me the Sacred Jewel of Four Souls! I want the Jewel!" It was the second time she said something about this jewel.

"I don't know what you're talking about!" I screamed in horror

"Give it to me now!!" she hissed.

One of her many, many, arms attacked at me and scratched my arm. I gasped feeling the blood run down my arm.

"What do you want!?" I yelled, tears forming in my eyes

"The JEWEL!!!" She attempted to attack me once more, but both of my arms flew in front of me and a white beam shot at her, ripping her arm off. The arm floated alone, while the fiend was nowhere in sight.

The blue light receded and my feet touched solid ground. I float onto my knees and gasped looking down, beneath me hundreds of bones piled up. I gasped again looking up, a very beautiful blue sky soared above me.

I had thought it was a dream, because there was a roof over the old well house. It couldn't just suddenly have vanished could it? No no no, of course not. When I stood up, I almost screamed again when a detached arm fell to the ground.

'What the hell is going on, Kami? Im losing my fucking mind!" I gasped, "OH MY GAWD, I cursed!'

My breath came out in small pants as my chest rose and fell quickly. Panic ate at my bones every passing second, and when the wooden wall of the well touched my back I let out a scream and fell. I sat around a few moments before laughing at my stupidity. My laughing quickly died when tears threatened to fall and my giggles choked in my throat.

'Ok Higurashi Kagome, you have GOT to pull yourself together girl! You can do this! You're a strong woman!'

I stood up once more and wiped my eyes dry. I looked into the now cloudless view I had of the sky and took a deep breath.

"HELLOOOOO!" I had suddenly bellowed out. My cry for help echoed and echoed.

Echo? Since when does something echo in Tokyo except a car horn? Never, that's for sure.

"IS ANYONE THERE!?" Is anyone there, is anyone there, anyone there, there, there…

I sighed and sat down, a bone poking me in the butt was thrown to the side. I was thinking of how to get out, since no vines or ladders littered the wall.

"Must you scream so loud?" A deep manly voice permeated through the silence, before a handsome face popped over the edge.

"My my, what have we here? A damsel in distress! Interesting." He chuckled, sending shivers down my spine to my tingling toes, which curled in my shoes.

"Eh-heh.. yeah, do you think you can help me out of here?"

"Why not?"

It was still so fresh in my mind, the way he jumped over the edge with grace that would have put ice skaters to shame.

I gazed up at him; his beauty. I had never seen someone so beautiful in my life. His features were ethereal, divine and Godly. His ruby-eyed gaze was cunning and sly; sexy. His locks of pure black hair waved behind him so perfectly, that any girl would go insane over. He held out his hand for me to take. I faltered before my petite hand was engulfed by his huge ones. They were rough and calloused, they made my stomach do circles. His eyes never left mine as he lifted me smoothly onto my feet.

I blushed and looked away first, snatching my hand out of his shyly.

"Ah-haah!" I could feel my face still burning. "T-thank you!" I sputtered.

"You're quite welcome," he answered, looking over my school uniform.

"Where exactly are we?" I had asked.

He looked at me as if trying to decipher something. It was then that I noticed his clothing were nothing like that of Tokyo's. They seemed to be old, like something that the people wore hundreds of years ago. Dark blue hakamas and lighter blue haori with a red and blue vest.

"It is not where I am from, but where you are from. I believe, you surely do not belong here."

"I'm from Tokyo Japan. It's June 24'th, 1997. So, where is this?"

"Girl, are you a witch?"

"NO! I am not a witch! Do I look like one?"

He sized me up and down, for many moments, 'hmm'ing before he nodded.

"No one in Sengoku Jidai wears clothing such are yours. If you are seen in such garments, anyone who witnesses it will most likely kidnap or kill you. People would pay to see such a person defiled and," he paused, "murdered." His eyes darkened and the side of his lip tilted upward.

"WHAT? Sengoku Jidai!?" 'This seriously can't be the same Sengoku Jidai we were learning in history class! That's five-hundred years into the past'

Now, this is where I am standing right now. Thinking about what in Kami's name is going on. Who is this man and is he telling the truth? Where is the shrine? Where is the city of Tokyo!?

"Why are crying, girl?"

Why am I on my knees crying?

"I'm not lying," I sniffled. I thought about the shrine in the spring time, when the Goshinboku tree would blossom. It was the when the shrine was the most beautiful.

I gasped. The Goshinboku tree!! It's been alive since before five-hundred years ago!

"Where's Goshinboku!?" I asked, soundly almost frantic.

The, angelic man before me narrowed his eyes, his lips thinning.

"What business do you have with the forbidden tree?"

"The forbidden tree? The Goshinboku tree is in my backyard, next to the shrine! It blossoms every spring!" I said softly. "Petal Pink blossoms with the lightest of purple in the middle. Very beautiful." I whispered.

"Very well," he said, walking swiftly in front of me, his hand reached out. I grasped it and was pulled up.

"Thank you, very much."

He nodded.

We walked only two minutes before I could see the ancient tree in the near distance! A smile spread through my lips as I yelled out a yippee and ran towards it. I sighed in content as I stopped in front of it. It still looked healthy and I could tell, that this Goshinboku tree was so much more younger. I truly believed it now, Kagome Higurashi really was 500 years into the past.

Naraku walked next to me, a scowl on his face. "I loathe this place," he spat.

"Why? This place is amazing," I added softly.

"No. He still lingers here. His spirit still floats freely around the area of his death"

My eyebrows knit together. "Who is he?"

"Onigumo. Almost 50 years ago, he burned down the village closest to this forest, trying to get the Shikon Jewel. There was a young Miko residing in the village protecting the jewel, she was very powerful, her name was Kikyo. She killed him as he had done to most of her village, but she did not have enough power to send his soul to hell. She died, and he is still here," his tone was angry.

"I don't know what this jewel is, but apparently that centipede demon that dragged me out here was about to kill me for the stupid thing! She was yelling about "give me the sacred jewel!" and crap!" I huffed and turned away. "I don't have the stinking jewel, so why did she attack me!" I almost but yelled.

Naraku turned to me, with an aggressive expression. "How could you have the Shikon Jewel? Kikyo burned it with her body!" He growled

"I don't know! I'm just as lost as you are, dammit!" I yelled.

"Who knows. You may just be here for a reason. Perhaps it is fate, strange one."

"Hey! I have a name! Kagome Higurashi, Ka-go-me! Please use it." I watched one of his eyebrows rise slightly before he inclined his head and winked at me with a flirtatious smirk.

"A pleasure, Ka-go-me. You may call me by Naraku."


A/N:: What do you think? I hope you think well, heheh D!! So since this is happening, I've decided that my Naraku isn't as foul as he really is. I've decided to make him evil, BUT, honorable. Kinda like Sesshoumaru honorable.He did not cause the death and betrayal of Inuyasha and Kikyo!!! Anyways, I'll find out in your review… when you click the nice purple button at the end of the chapter! Har har