(Author's Note- Sorry for the delay in my updating. I've been extremely busy in the past few weeks. I hope everyone enjoys this chapter, and thank you for the continued support. –TRP)

Chapter #3

"What?" Ariel gasped in shock. "They killed her?...Wh..how?"

Triton sighed. This never got easier to explain. Especially since he didn't explain it much. To think, his six elder daughters didn't even know how their mother actually had died. He suspected his four eldest knew the other part of what he had yet to tell Ariel, and they took it upon themselves to shield the younger three from it. He wasn't sure though, for they had never let Triton know that they knew, well if they knew.

"They conspired with each other and somehow manipulated some human on the surface to help them…"


"Look at her Triton, she looks just like you." Celeste said happily as the proud parents were looking at a sleeping month old Ariel.

"Maybe so, but she has your beauty my Celeste." Triton replied as he grazed a finger across his baby girl's face, feeling her soft skin.

"Are the others asleep?" Triton asked. "Yes, just like this little one."

"Hmm…what do you say we get a sitter and go out tonight Triton?"

"What a splendid idea my dear. Think Sebastian can handle it?"

"Well, they usually sleep soundly, and rarely wake up during the night. Yes, he can handle it."

After giving Sebastian instructions, the King and Queen of Atlantica swam off. However, they never expected what happened shortly afterwards.

"Well what do we have here Edea? Seems like our brother and his wife." Nautica spat.

"What do you want Nautica, Edea? We told you, we want nothing to do with you and to leave us alone."

"Please Triton, what makes you think we'll listen to you? We haven't since we were young. Besides, why do you care? You never paid attention to either of us. Why start now?" Edea added.

"Look, he may not be able to make up for not being around when you were all younger, but leave him be! He's at least being patient with you." Celeste replied herself, fed up.

"Hmm…Fatherhood will do that, wouldn't you agree Celeste?" Nautica hissed.

"It'd be a shame of something happened to–"

"Don't you dare finish that sentence Edea!" Celeste snapped. "Watch your tongue Edea, you as well Nautica. Don't you ever threaten my family. My wife and daughters especially!" Triton said just as angrily yet protectively.

"Oh alright, fine. Though I have to say, that littlest princess of yours…Ariel you say her name is…my, my. my, what potential she will have…"

"Nautica…" Triton growled in warning.

"It's a shame really."
"What is Edea?" Celeste asked.

"Well, how Triton is going to do it."

"Do what?" Triton inquired, almost losing all patience.

"Why, raise the girls of course. Especially little Ariel." Edea continued.

"What are you talking about Edea? I will be there right with him as we raise all our daughters." Celeste said.

"How? I mean, how will the little princess fair out without a mother? Without ever knowing her mother. By far our other six nieces will have even the slightest advantage, they at least know you. Ariel, sadly will not, and if she knows you now, she won't remember you."

"What?!" Triton roared in confusion and anger. "Celeste, - "

"Ah!" Celeste screamed in pain as something sharp struck her back deeply. "No!!" Triton yelled, as his wife bent forward in pain. Triton looked behind his wife to see a human who had shot the sharp object. Putting his very anger aside for the briefest of moments, he held his wife in his arms; he'd deal with the human later.

"Celeste…darling….open your eyes. Please."


"Celeste, just wait one moment, I'll help you. Hold on."

"No…Triton…it's too late for me. Please darling…take care of the girls. Protect them all…Part of me hates to say this, but especially look after Ariel. If Nautica and Edea do keep their threat, they'll go after her. Protect her, but continue to love her, love all of them in my absence. Not even your trident can save me. I wish I didn't have to go, but it must be my time."

"Celeste! Don't speak like that. You'll be just fine. Let me heal you."

"No…there wouldn't be enough time. I'm sorry dear. I must go. Tell the girls I love them…I love you…" Celeste said as she slowly faded away.

"Celeste!! Celeste, wake up! Celeste!!" Triton bellowed in sorrow as his wife closed her eyes and became limp. Slowly swimming down, lying his wife on the sea floor and wrapping her in seaweed and sand, Triton's glare darted up to those responsible. The retched human, had a look on his face which represented a krill fish in the path of a large whale, while Nautica and Edea looked on in humor.

"No!" Ariel interrupted in horror. "I can't believe it…that's what happened to her? How could they be so cruel?"

"Sadly yes, and I so desperately wanted to bring her back…but I could not. I knew there would never be anyone like her, so I never married again, nor did I pursue anyone else."

"No wonder why you've hated humans for so long…"

"I was so afraid that all were like that one. That all were going to be influenced by Nautica or Edea–"

"And then Ursula."

"…Yes..." Triton agreed hesitantly. "I was so afraid that the same thing would have happened to you that I did almost anything and everything I could to prevent you from discovering that world…Now part of me is so glad you were so independent, and even to a point rebellious. You've helped me see that humans aren't as cruel as that one. Eric…he's a wonderful example and I am so proud to know him. And Melody…I can never say enough good things about her. Exactly like you in many ways."

"Thanks Daddy."

"You're very welcome my dear…However…that isn't the rest of the story."

"You mean there's more?"



The human attempted to swim to the surface as fast as his legs would carry him, but he was no match for Triton's rage, or trident beam. Now in smithereens and out of the way, Triton turned his attention to those who betrayed him.


"Yes dear brother?" Nautica asked mockingly innocent.

"How could you?"

"Well it was quite easy. I mean, after all, we can't help but butt in…with my sister–" Edea piped in. "Watch it, Edea." Nautica piped in with stern warning.

"Never again!! Never again will you destroy someone I love!" Triton roared. As both merwomen realized the severity of their brother's rage, they too attempted to swim away. However Triton's beam captured them first.

"No longer are either of you considered family! No longer will you live in the palace, not even in the deserted area where you are now! From this day forth I have no sisters! My sisters passed on when my only brother passed on! You both shall be turned into the manipulative, dark, and evil witches you are!" Triton yelled as both Nautica and Edea were turned into octopuses.

"My daughters will never know who you really are! I may explain to them what little good qualities there were of you, but your names will hardly be mentioned again! You will now be given new names. Nautica, you will be now known as Ursula, and Edea, you will be Morgana. You are hereby exiled! Be gone, never to return!"

End of Flashback

"Wait, wait! So Ursula and Morgana were actually Nautica and Edea?"

"Yes, I'm afraid so."

"They're related to me?"

"In a way, only if you want them to be."
"I don't want them to be! I can't believe it…"

Ariel turned away from her father, feeling even guiltier about going to Ursula to become human. Triton pulled his daughter into a tight hug. "It's not your fault Ariel, please understand that. All is forgiven, and well. You have nothing to worry about. I have never stopped loving you, and will always continue to love you. Never, ever forget that."

"I know…sometimes I just wish I could change it, change how I went about it."

"Even so, perhaps you may not have ended up with Eric if you had changed something. Maybe Melody wouldn't be here right now if you had changed something back then. I know both of us couldn't imagine not having Melody here. So please know, that despite everything, it all worked out for the better."

"I love you Daddy."

"I love you too Ariel, always."

"Thank you…for letting me know about Mom. Even now that I'm a parent, I can understand even more why you were so angry and even afraid of humans."

"Of course. I thank you again for everything you've taught me."

"You're welcome. Well, it's getting late, I should get back to the palace when Eric and Melody get home….Oh and Daddy?"


"Tell my sisters. They deserve to know the truth as well."

Triton nodded, as he gave his youngest a hug and watched her swim off to go home on land.

With one last look of admiration toward Ariel's fading form, Triton began to swim to each of his daughters rooms and gather them together.

(Author's Note- Well I hope you all enjoyed (what turned out to be) the last chapter of this story. I hope it was something different. Please review!! Thanks!! –TRP)