Sorry for the inconvenience I wanted to fix the chapter layout. other than that I only changed like three things all Author's Note's. grammar and other mistakes wre not edited though I should have. oh well.
I would like to thank those who do review. I HEART you guys. Youre like my support team lol.
A/N: This is my alternate ending to my fic "Breakdown". You can stop where Breakdown ends Ch. 16: Echo or you can continue with what is written below.
If you have not read Breakdown you might not have any idea what your reading. Or at least I wouldn't.
Warning: If you liked how that story ended you won't like this.
Disclaimer: Because of my sick mind I do not own LWD... and because I didn't think of it first.
Now I feel the need to explain why I am writing this AE. My fav Dasey fics are sinister. So it just feels wrong to write a very angst (IMO) story with one happy chapter. Thus, I have written what you will now read.
Graphic stuff in here not for the light hearted. The rating is there for a reason.
I hope its not too muddled for you. Ch 1 Creep
Derek woke up in the night feeling cold. He looked beside him for Casey, but there was no one beside him. He sat up confused to discover he wasn't even in her bed, but his. This abashed him greatly. He didn't remember leaving her room. Why in the hell would he? Unless he had slept walk, but he never had done that before.
The silence in the room hummed in his ears. He could barely adjust his eyes to the darkness. Red letters loomed from his alarm clock: 10:00. That's when he had went to Casey's . He had fallen asleep with Casey. So why had he not waken up with her? And why was his alarm clock a broken piece of shit?
He shivered from the temperature of his room, but instead of getting a hoodie from the closet. He wandered to Casey's door.
"Well you know best don't you Case…What I'd do to get through to you." he shook his head, his mouth twisted in anger then turned to leave.
She had let him go. She wouldn't have if she had let herself feel, but she couldn't allow herself to. And he had left. Casey did know best. She had done the right thing. She had put aside what she wanted for others. She caste her feelings aside, closed her heart. She didn't love Derek. She couldn't deny what wasn't there. She slept soundly. No troubles or guilt bothered her because she didn't love her step-sister. She felt…well she's heartless so she couldn't.
He opened the door softly and smoothly closed it. She lay in the middle of her bed on her side. She was captivatingly lovely. That's when he noticed her clock too. 10:01. How could that be? As much as he didn't want to wake her, the whole thing unnerved him .He wanted to wake her. She would sleepily laugh at his tale, tell him to go back to sleep, give him a kiss, and fall to sleep with ease.
He kissed her lips to wake her. She stirred and her eyes opened wide.
"Get off me," she loudly whispered. Her expression in horror.
"I'm sorry to wake you, but--" he said affectionately.
"You need to leave. Now." she commanded, flustered that he had came into her room and kissed her while she slept, like a sick perve.
"Why? What's wrong?" Nothing was making sense.
She pushed him, wanting him off her bed.
"You changed your mind again, didn't you?" he asked a little menacingly, that she kept doing this.
"I don't know what you're talking about, but if you don't go, I'll wake up the entire house." she threatened.
He took her face in his hands. Her eyes widened with fear as he spoke. "But you said--You said we didn't feel wrong. You said I win." He frantically tried to break the distance that separated them.
Casey's eyes filled with sadness because she really hadn't said any of that, but she could see Derek believed she had more than anything in the world.
Seeing her eyes fill he thought for a moment she was about to apologize for almost allowing herself to do that to him and herself.
Until her voice quivered sullenly, "I'm sorry, Derek but I never said that."
His eyes turned black. His left hand reached her hair which had been pulled in a braid. He fumed cruelly "Don't lie! Why are you fucking-"
"I didn't say anything like that. I honestly don't know," she called out and struggled to free herself from his claim on her.
He pressed his forehead on hers and said trying to soothe her, "Case, don't you remember how incredible it was? We worked everything out and--"
He could feel her hot, salty tears sting his fingers. He kissed the stream down her face. Casey flinched. It hurt when she did that. He looked in her frightful eyes.
Spiritless he whispered "I don't understand."
The light flipped on. Edwin stared at Derek and Casey sitting on her bed. Derek still clutched her hair and face. Edwin saw how close their lips were. Casey gave a sob.
Edwin looked uncomfortable. Derek stood. "I heard voices," Edwin explained.
Derek pulled his brother's arm out the door and shut it while saying, "We're busy right now."
Casey ran to the door. "No don't say that." she told Derek. "Edwin! Get me out of here! Edwin!" she cried her hand on the door knob.
Derek jerked her from the door and locked it. He harshly grabbed her arms to stop her from leaving. "Why are you doing this to us?" he asked callously.
"I know you're upset, but you're freaking me out. I told you I wouldn't change. So I don't understand why you think--," Casey said sympathetically trying to free herself from his touch. "You left. I haven't seen you since. I haven't left my room since."
"No, I never left. You stopped me. You-". As he spoke he remembered slamming Casey's door. He had walked back to his room, sat on his bed. He had rubbed his hands on his face, and drowned his sulking with loud rock music because God knows what would have happened if he had realized that Casey refused his love.
No that wasn't today it couldn't have been, though it felt like it. No he hadn't left. She had stopped him, he convinced himself.
His words jumbled out as he desperately tried to make sense of it all. "No. We won and you had it all planned out how we would keep silent. We played around on your bed. And then supper--"
Two more tears formed from her eyes. She was convinced he had gone mad.
"Lizzie called me down but I wasn't hungry." she spoke pitifully.
The door handle rattled. George called out from the hallway. "Open this door."
Ch. 2 Tonight, Tonight
A/N: I'm warning you, you will hate me by the end of this AE but I got to write what I think.
Casey dived for the door, "Mom!"
Derek stopped her roughly by her elbow.
"What's going on in there?" Nora asked appalled by what Edwin had told her and her husband.
Casey sobbed. Derek ignored their parents incessant banging on the door.
"Why are you denying everything." he growled his fingers dug into her upper arms pulling her body against his.
"Youre hurting me Derek!" Casey cried out wretchedly.
"Derek!" George yelled.
"I found it," Lizzie said.
"There is no way I imagined the entire evening, Casey." he said maliciously.
"You must have though because it didn't happen. Look what your doing you're scaring our parents." she tried to sound calm though his seize on her arms cut sharply.
He brutally compacted his lips on hers and Casey squealed trying to escape. The door opened. The unscrewed door handle fell to the floor.
"Oh God," Nora shouted at what she saw.
George pulled Derek from Casey. Derek fought him, but George had him beat. Casey's hand flew to her throbbing lips and sobbed. Her body swayed now that the support holding her to her feet had been ripped from her.
Lizzie, holding a screwdriver, and Edwin stood behind Nora watching.
"Tell them Casey," Derek goaded. "Tell them."
She wept saying, "I don't know. I--I was sleeping and I woke up when I felt him kiss-- kissing me."
"Farther," he pushed sternly.
Casey's mouth gaped. "What?" She couldn't tell them what had occurred the past three nights. She'd die first.
"Tell them everything," he demanded emotively.
Casey's eyes pleaded with Derek. She couldn't and wouldn't do that. She may not have known what he thought happened earlier in the evening, but she knew exactly what happened before and she was determined that it would never happen again. She'd be damned before her mother ever found out.
She almost hated herself for doing what she did next.
Looking bewildered at him, her voice saddened, "What are you talking about? What do you mean 'everything'? There's more?"
"You know there is!" he grabbed her violently. "Its okay. We won't have to hide it. We can be together. Just admit it."
Casey shook her red face, as tears spilled. George again took hold of Derek's shoulder's, but to no avail. Derek was tightly attached to Casey. Her arms almost were going numb with pain.
"I don't know what he's saying!" she cried hysterically twisting and turning.
"Derek let go off her. Let her go." George ordered.
"No. Casey I didn't dream it. You're just saying that because you don't wanna do what you think is wrong. But what you're doing right now rejecting your heart that's wrong. " he delivered wildly.
Nora said trying to remain level-headed though she didn't like what her stepson was claiming, "Derek you need to calm down. Why don't we all go sit in the living room and you can tell us what you think is going on?"
He begged Casey with his eyes. "I didn't think anything. It was real. I couldn't have made it up. No. Casey don't you remember how perfect we were. Oh God we were--Please."
Casey bemoaned "No."
Derek's mind flashed a memory of him going down the stairs hearing the family come home from the store. He carried in the pizza grabbed a few slices and went upstairs.
"That's not how it happened." he said disagreeing with his mind. Casey questioned him with her eyes.
Derek remembered he fell asleep after eating. He really had dreamt the afternoon… But it had been so real, so perfect.
His eyes grew heavy. He lost all his strength. "No it was true." he whispered.
"Casey don't let it end like this," he beseeched and kissed her again.
George pulled him from her again this time succeeding. "Derek you and I need to talk." he told his son severely.
"No the only person I need to talk to is Casey." Derek said purposefully staring into her.
"Not when your like this," Nora stated.
"Casey. Please." he said like a child.
She hugged her arms around herself, crying harder she barely spoke "You need help."
Derek's face firmed with constrained fury. His hand reached out to her, wanting to harm her, but he rubbed the back of his neck instead. "You fucking bitch."
"That's enough," Nora warned.
"Derek, Casey is clueless as to what you--" George said making it clear for his son.
Still angry Derek shook his head, refusing to believe that.
"It's late. Derek why don't you go back to your room. Get a good night's sleep. And George, you and I need to talk," Nora noted to her husband.
George nodded. "Go on Derek."
"When George puts the door handle back on, lock your door Casey," Nora instructed.
Derek's eyes rolled upward and laughed finding it all bitterly amusing.
"Let's go." George said to the family.
Lizzie and Edwin began the walk to their rooms. Derek pushed his palms on his eyes in grief, not wanting to take that first step to the exit. He exhaled loudly wishing for the pain and confusion to stop.
No one spoke. Not wanting him to provoke him now that he was no longer shouting and attacking.
His feet stormed back to his room. His head hit the bed. His heart pounded in his chest. Emotions burned into him. Rage. Betrayal. Sorrow. Many more he was sure couldn't be defined. The torment drenched him. He knew they had all seen his vulnerability.
He was too angry to care though. He cursed God…Casey. And himself because he let her do this to him. He realized he was crying and his fist crashed down on the bed upset that he had become so weak and ruptured.
Better to review than not review at all. No matter what you read you feel something whether it be boredom or 'eh'. So just write something.