Dear Readers,

If I have hopelessly butchered SGA, please don't kill me. I've had this idea for quite a while...Potter Puppet Pals + Stargate: Atlantis!! Teeheehee...don't get me wrong, I love SGA, but you can never go wrong with a good parody, right? Anyhoo, please read and review. If people like this, I'll post more episodes based on PPP ones! This one is based off "Bothering Snape". (Btw, the joke is funnier if you've seen Potter Puppet Pals--it's fun to watch for both HP lovers and HP haters!)

Best Regards from a Bookworm (and SGA fan),

Miss Pookamonga ;-P

Atlantis Puppet Pals

Episode # 1: "Bothering McKay"


Lieutenant Col. John Sheppard (aka "Handsome Hero Guy with Messy Hair")

Ronan (aka "Big Strong Alien Dude")

Dr. Rodney McKay (aka "Pathetic Annoying Genius Man")

Dr. Elizabeth Weir (aka "Smart Healthy Leader Lady")

Note: All of the characters are represented by happy-looking hand puppets. (Except Rodney's, which looks angry.)

John: (VERY happily) Hello! I'm Lieutenant Colonel John Sheppard!

Ronan: (in a ridiculously high-pitched, giddy voice) And I'm Ronan!

John: And we're on an inter-galactic expedition in the Ancient city of Atlantis!

Ronan: (in the same, high-pitched, giddy voice) What are we going to do today, John?

John: I know! Let's bother Rodney!

Ronan: Okay!

(Scene shifts to Rodney.)

Rodney: (swaying back and forth and speaking in a whiny voice) I am Rodney, the annoying genius scientist.

(John and Ronan appear off to the side.)

John: (pointing) There he is!

(They pounce on Rodney, batting their arms at him.)

John and Ronan: Bother, bother, bother, bother, bother, bother...

Rodney: Ah! AAAAAH! AAH! Gerroff me! AAH!

John and Ronan: ...bother, bother, bother, bother, bother!

Rodney: AAH! AAH!(He collapses.)

(John and Rodney run away.)

Ronan: That was fun!

John: I like the part when he stopped moving! (pauses) Let's do it again!

Ronan: YAY!

(Scene shifts to Rodney, and John and Ronan pounce on him again, batting him with their arms.)

John and Rodney: Bother, bother, bother, bother, bother, bother!

Rodney: AAH! AAH! STOP! STOP IT ALREADY! AAARRGHH— (Growling, he takes out a random phaser and shoots John and Ronan.)

John and Ronan: AAAH!! (They collapse.)

Rodney: Oh...crap.

(Elizabeth appears.)

Elizabeth: (in high-pitched, girly voice) Hello, Rodney!

Rodney: Elizabeth, I can explain...

Elizabeth: (bouncing over to John and Ronan's bodies) What have we here? It seems that young John and Ronan are taking an afternoon nap! Let's see what they have in their pockets!

(During all this, Rodney quietly escapes.)

Elizabeth: (digs through John's and Ronan's pockets) Ah! A lemon and a Satedan machete. This is my lucky day! (pauses) Say, where did Rodney go? More importantly, why the heck am I here? (pauses, looking around, then disappears behind the puppet stage)

Elizabeth: (popping up with a boombox in hand) DANCE TIME! (She presses button on the boombox, and "Move It" begins playing. She starts dancing.) WHOO!

(After a few seconds, the music abruptly stops.)