Disclaimer: I do not own nor did I make Twilight. All credit goes to the great Stephanie Meyers. Vampires really do exist and nobody should read this fanfic if they don't believe in them. I fully believe in them and in werewolves.

Chapter 1:

I sat in my room listening to Linkin Park waiting for him. I hadn't seen him in days with finals going on. My door flew open; Charlie was standing there soaking wet.

"Bella get in the cruiser," he panted.

"Ch…dad what's going on?" I had no time for questions. Charlie grabbed me and dragged me into the car.

We drove at like 90mph for what seemed like hours. When we pulled up to a traffic light Charlie ordered me to sit tight. Ambulances covered the street and cop cars were everywhere. I rolled down the window and rain poured in.

"Dad, what's going on?" Officer Pat came over.

"Bella, we, I don't, there's been an accident, a bad one."

"And," I knew something was wrong.

"Edward's hurt, he…" I didn't give him time to finish, I was out of the car before another word came out of his mouth. That's when I saw Alice standing near a blue tarp.

"Alice what is going on? What is wrong with Edward?"

"Isabella! You get your butt back in that cruiser right now," she was serious and her face still had a look of concern on it. Her eyes were red, she needed to hunt. "Sweetie, Jacob, he didn't know, he didn't recognize him, and Edward was on their land."

"No!" I couldn't speak. I tried to peer around Alice, but she moved in my way.

"Bella, you shouldn't look its bad and…" I ducked around Alice to see a mangled Edward lying there. Alice grabbed me back and hugged me tightly covering my eyes. Even through the rain I could feel hot tears sliding down my cheeks.