Author's Note: School's started back up, how sad:( Anyways, I'm updating Author's Note: School's started back up, how sad:( Anyways, I'm updating. Ha! I told you all I'd keep going on this story!

Okay, I got a question for you readers: Who wants this story to get more mythical-ish? By that I mean, who wants this story to cross over into the sc-fi/fantasy genre?

Chances are if no one wants me to, I'll just continue this story the way I originally planned, but I'd really like you guys' opinions first.

Crimson Tears

10. Blue Haired

Why was I here? What was running through my head when I decided to come to this forsaken place?

Heh. Bet you're wondering where the hell I am now. Well, not in the forest anymore. It's been a few hours since my time with Zex, and right now I wish I could just go back to that moment and leave here.

Its past midnight, and instead of being in my dorm like a good little unsuspicious student, I'm standing by an alley in the middle of Old Town, waiting for some guy I don't even know to show up.

I'm guessing you want me to explain.

To cut it short, after Zexy stopped crying earlier today he just ran off, I haven't seen him since. I'm kinda worried…. What if he leaves again?

Back to topic. I can't afford to care when I'm a fucking murder suspect.

Anyway, after a while of sitting in the woods for a while, mostly wishing Zexion would come back, I got up. I went to my next class, and thought. I didn't think about the murder (much) and I tried not to think about Zexion. Mostly I just thought about Demyx.

I felt so guilty. I almost miss him now. He wasn't meant to die that night, not with me.

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At dinner Marluxia, the pink haired classmate approached me. No one else was sitting at my lovely outside bench made for two. Hell, no one else was outside until he joined me.

"Something's' changed." Marluxia stated. I didn't give him a glance, merely continued with my half-eaten plate. Of course things had changed, the most annoying boy on the planet died, and everyone in campus was sad about it… or seeking revenge.

He was looking at me, staring as I ate. It was beginning to eat at me. I briefly considered getting up and leaving. That is, until he said what he did.

"Above the law…" he murmured, almost quiet enough to be talking to himself, but the later line proved he wasn't. "You know, there are other's I know who are above the law besides Xemnas."

It was instinct that made me look up at him.

"If you… Axel, whenever you wanna get yourself out of the whole you dug yourself, just let me know." He made to get up.

I had to give pinky credit; he was the sliest asshole I'd ever met. I jumped up after him of course; I couldn't just let him leave after that. His words, he must know what happened. Maybe… he saw what happened that night?

I grabbed Marluxia and spun him around. "Marluxia…" I breathed, my heart racing fast with adrenaline I really didn't need right now. "Do you know what happened that night?" I was anxious, desperate, to know what really happened to Demyx, to me. I didn't care if Marly maybe… saw me run from the scene, a guy like him wouldn't tell if I bribed him. I was more concerned over whether or not he'd seen Demyx die. And… If he had, I needed to know.

I needed to know it wasn't me. That- that I'm not a killer.

Marluxia could tell he had won the jackpot, and that I was part of what was going on. For my sake, I hope he'd known what happened already. "What happened that night?" my voice was hard, horse, and unarguable.

"One question friend. Do you have this under control, or do you need help?" I guess a weasel can find a way around anything. So much for my question. His tone was definite too, but unlike me, he could walk away if he got no answer.

"I… there's no problem." I said at last.

"Please, of all the lies to say. The police found your knife," he smiled slightly as he whispered this. It wasn't a joke, I was a bit put off that anyone could smile over my misfortune.

Then again, that's what my father did. Joy.

Marluxia had seen me burning things before, behind the dorms; he'd also seen me cutting things. No doubt he knows what my knife looks like. He asked if he could look at it before.

I grimaced. He cornered me. And he wasn't even my enemy. I… hoped. "Alright. The truth. I'm fucked unless you've got a damn good proposal for me."

His teeny smile grew just a bit. "Go to the Randy Ave. and Dawson St. intersection in Old Town. I'd say, around 11 tonight. There'll be a guy with blue hair that'll come out of the alleyway around then. Follow him, and you'll be set." He gave me a look that said, 'memorize these directions cause I'm only saying it once'. Then he added, "Oh yeah, try not to let him realize you're following him until you get onto Kida Grand Blv."

I stared, though I committed everything to memory. "It doesn't make sense. How will this help me?"

Marluxia's smile was very noticeable now, almost as if he was laughing at me. I frowned.

"I know you don't trust me, but you said you were fucked. And this guy can help you. Trust me."

"Than why will I be stalking him if he's gonna help me?"

Marluxia had a look of understanding now; he put a hand on my shoulder. "Don't worry so much Axel, this is just how he usually meets his clients. He's smart you know. He'll probably assume someone has told you all this by the time he lets you know he's noticed you."

I stared. This didn't sound like a good idea, and blue haired people frightened me, quite frankly. My mind lit up with the image of Saix after dark. I shuddered visibly.

Marluxia repeated the directions, and then left the outside courtyard, away from my company.

Xxxx xXXXXXxx xXXX

And that's how I ended up here, on the corner of Randy Ave. and Dawson St., waiting for some blue-haired (shudder) dude to show up. And why was I by the alley? So I could run in and hide when I saw whoever it was I was supposed to be waiting for.

I checked my watch. 12:45. I sighed. I'd give this wild goose chase fifteen more minutes. If no one came strolling down the sidewalk with blue hair by one o' clock, I was heading home.

I nearly cheered the hands on the clock as they ebbed their way toward the end of the hour.

It was 12:57 when I finally decided fuck it. No one was coming. I began walking down the street, towards the parking lot where I left my car.

I was wrong.

Then again, maybe I had been right to decide to fuck the intersection.

I started to approach my car, but stopped when I saw another car, a truck, also in the lot. The vehicle was on. And there was a lovely lady sitting on the passenger's side. But… that wasn't really so important. What was important was the lanky guy with short blue hair and goggles running around in the middle of the cement ocean in boxers. He was holding a jacket and furry vest.

There was another girl too, this one with a bat. It looked like she was chasing the man, and it looked like he tripped. Ouch.

And the girl seems to be winning. She ran up to him and started beating his body into the ground with that bat of hers. "That'll! Teach You!" She kicked him in the face. "Don't fuck with my girl!" She hit him one more time in the middle of the spine before deciding he'd learned his lesson.

She flipped her long blonde hair and glared one last time before turning back to the truck and climbing in the driver's seat. A few moments later the car left.

I blinked a few times. That was just like watching one of those ghetto jumpings on TV. Except this was much weirder. When is it ever girls doing the beating? Or at least, when are the girls ever beating the crap out of some poor drunk blue guy.

Well, if the guy didn't dye his hair that color cause he's depressed, he can say he did now.

I'd be pretty damn depressed in his situation anyway.

I began walking to my car, grateful when I saw the lot really was empty, safe for the guy that got fucked over. I climbed into my car, and put my keys in the ignition. But I hesitated in turning on the car.

Discreetly, that is if I could even be noticed, I snuck a peek at the guy on the ground from through my windshield.

'Well,' I thought, 'He has blue hair. And he's only a hundred feet from the intersection.' Yeah, this was a stretch. It was officially two hours since the blue guy was supposed to be seen, and frankly, this guy didn't strike me as the type to help a killer out. He looked more like a drunk idiot frankly. And considering the fact he let himself get his ass handed to him, he wasn't a very tough guy. Definitely not the guy Marluxia was talking about. Still… what's the harm in helping the guy up?

Well, this night wasn't turning out as dangerous as I figured.

I climbed out of my car, walking up to the guy. He seemed to have rolled over, using the clothes he was holding as covering over his boxers. He was looking up… I think, he could've been sleeping. I couldn't see his eyes through those goggles.

Well, the guy hadn't noticed me hovering over him yet, might as well check his damaged. I looked him over, not moving from my spot. It looked like quite a few bruises were blossoming, but unless there were some broken bones he seemed fine to me.

Jerk. The guy lunged slowly, attempting to sit up without using his hands. After he managed this he grabbed his head. "…ow…"

So he finally complains.

The guy rubs his head for another moment or two, never moving the goggles, then slowly gets to his feet. I back up slightly, to give him some room.

Upon standing he wobbles for a while grabbing my shirt. My first instinct is to push the guy, but I end up just acting indifferent.

He looks up at me suddenly. He's got a goofy drunk smile on his face. "Thanks yo-" He stumbles backwards before standing straight. "..Thanks," he mumbles again, holding his head.

"Are you drunk?" Such a simple question.

He stared at me, almost dumfounded. Then, he twitched into the air. I stared. The twitch was almost like a jump, and as soon as he was back on his feet he was much more alert, and he finally found his balance. "God damn it," he muttered looking down as he pulled on a pair of pants he'd also been holding, and a striped shirt. "Just great… why did I have to hit on her? He's always telling me, stick with the familiars," he mumbled to himself, tugging on his vest rather hazardously. "How was I s'posed to know she wasn't a whore.." he cracked his neck and looked up at me. I think he may have been staring, I couldn't tell.

Then, he turned, looked around, cussed something about a missing camaro, and turned back around. "Who the fuck are you?" My, he wasn't in a good mood now that he was sober, was he? I think I liked him better when he was unalert and dumb.

Then again, now that he sounded like a real man, if not a tough one, he's more likely to be the guy I'm looking for. "You know a guy named Marluxia?"

He paused for a moment. Maybe he was peeved cause I didn't answer his question, or maybe he was thinking. "Fuck!… If he owes you money, I'm sorry, but I guess you're just gonna have to fucking kill him cause I'm not covering his ass again." Blue boy shook his head. I almost smiled. His voice was drifting back to that idiot happy drunk tone, only this time it sounded less slurred and more intelligent. Still a lot less threatening though. I couldn't help but wonder though, what kind of hole was Marly in. It didn't sound good.

I shook my head. "Calm down, I'm actually one of his friends." I smiled in a friendly way.

Okay, eyes visible or not, I could tell he was glaring.

"Okay, fuck you!" I shouted. I cracked, happy now world! "I've been out here all night, looking for some fucking blue haired bastard that pinky said could help me! You don't give a damn! Hell, you're not even the right guy! The world's so damn great, I'm gonna be locked up for life in a few weeks, I love it on Earth!!" I stormed to my car and flung the door open, swinging myself onto the seat, mumbling with my keys as I started it up. I fucking hate life. I'm so fed up with it. I have no plan; I'm going to jail, why did Demyx have to fucking die?!

Xxxxx XXXXXXxxx xxXX

A few minutes later I gave up on the car altogether, it wouldn't start. I sighed and banged my head against the seat, closing my eyes.

What I wouldn't give to go back to noon. Being with Zexion was the only thing that made any sense after that night.

From the corner of my vision I could see the guy approaching me. Frankly, I didn't give a damn anymore.

Eventually he was standing outside my car door, knocking it. "No one's home."

He smiled slightly, opening the car door before I had a chance to lock it. "You're Axel Wyoni, aren't you?"

I stared, half afraid he might be some spy for the cops. What should I say?

He laughed a little, talking in the silence created. "I figured. You're a suspect in the Alley Massacres, y'know."

I blinked. Massacres? Well, I only killed one person, how the fuck did more come in?

He laughed another gentle laugh. It strangely set me at ease. "Don't worry, like the pink bastard said, I'm here to help," The last part was said cheerfully, sincerely, a lot like the way Demyx used to talk. It cheered me up.

"How about you turn on the car? If you don't mind I can give you directions to my place and you can stay the night," he said, going over to the passenger side and getting in there.

Normally under no circumstances should one agree to such a statement, including me. But I'm not always logical. I was frightened that night, for many reasons, and for things I didn't understand. And he made me feel better, reminded me of the good things I'd lost. And you just don't leave a person like that. You stay leeched onto those good feeling as long as you can.

So, I drove to his apartment. And when we got inside I collapsed onto the couch without taking a glance around. Funny how trusting you can be when mentally exhausted.

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A/N: Blue boy is not an OC, anyone have any idea who he might be? Also, Zexion is coming back, don't worry. Right now I'm just trying to figure out whether I'd be killed or not for switching it to Zexy's POV. Will anyone mind?

Won't update till I have 8 more reviews.