Disclaimer: I do not own Kim Possible. She is owned by Disney and Mark McCorkle and Bob Schooley. Any original characters shown or mentioned belong to me and cannot be used without permission. Got it?

Maternal Instinct: Spotlight

Chapter 23: Shin and Kieran-Halloween Hijinks

For the month of October the Middleton Fairgrounds refashioned itself into the Middleton Scaregrounds. This consisted of changing some of the rides and games to spooky themes as well as adding Jack-O-Lanterns and many pumpkin flavored foods throughout the grounds. Most importantly, the owners highly encouraged fair goers to come dressed in costumes throughout the month. While a few had done so in the early weeks, now that it was getting closer to Halloween, many more people were showing up in all sorts of wild and imaginative costumes. And of course the sexy ones for the girls that had become so popular throughout the years.

Which is just the kind of costume Shin decided to go with this year. Of course she had to sneak out of the house and change into it later as she knew there was no way her mothers would let her wear it outside. Or even inside. Well maybe her mom would have but her momma would never agree to it. Since vampires were seeing a resurgence in popularity she decided to go with that but naturally she chose to go the "sexy, neo-gothic vampire" route. So with a little help from Kieran and some chore money she had saved up, she was able to get a black corset with matching leather pants, blood red thigh-high boots and elbow length fingerless gloves. While the pants fit surprisingly well, the corset had been a little trickier to put on and even now pushed her well-sized breasts together and out just a bit which made it a little hard to breath but nothing that would be too terribly uncomfortable for the evening. Honestly she found walking in the high-heeled boots a bigger challenge then dealing with the top. She had no idea how other girls walked around in these things all the time. Still once she got use to them they weren't that bad and did add a certain sway to her walk that helped sell the look. She chose fingerless gloves to show off the long, almost claw-like nail extensions she bought and of course she couldn't be a vampire without a set of fangs. Thankfully having a girlfriend who's mom worked on a fantasy TV show helped get her a pair of good prosthetics that looked menacing but let her speak and eat normally.

Speaking of Kieran, she decided to follow suit with the "sexy supernatural creature" theme and since Shin had already called dibs on the vampire, she went with the little more unconventional "sexy mummy". It wasn't quite a straight on mummy, though, it was more based on an old cartoon that was older than both of them. It provided a good starting point, but did require them to get quite a bit of gauze to cover up her own impressive chest. Naturally Shin suggested, and volunteered, to wrap them up individually but Kieran felt that would be a bit too much. Though given how compressed her chest was feeling at the moment, she was beginning to rethink that idea. Thankfully the rest of the wrappings around her arms and legs was comfortable enough. Following the character design she left her midriff and face exposed and painted them up with a light gray bodypaint. She got to save a bit of money on hair dye though as her supernaturally white hair was perfect match for the character she was taking inspiration from. Plus her solid black eye made it appear she was missing one so it helped with the overall look as did the Egyptian skirt she wore to top the look.

Overall the two made quite an interesting looking pair and caught the eye of more than a few of the boys around them as they walked through the grounds on their date. Not that Shin really noticed though as she was too busy being taken in by all the sights and sounds of the fair. Kieran smiled and shook her head a bit. Not matter how many times they came here, she always seemed to find something else to get excited about. But that was all part of her ditzy charm that had won her heart a long time ago. She wrapped her bandaged arm around Shin's gloved one then leaned her head against her exposed, light green shoulder. Shin was a bit surprised by the action but just smiled at her and pulled her a bit closer.

As they walked though, Kieran's face scrunched up a bit as something kept poking at her ear until she finally had to pull back in annoyance.

"Okay so if you're supposed to be a 'modern' vampire, what's with the cape?" she asked.

"What this?" Shin asked back, lightly tugging on the high collar to her black and redlined cape. "Oh that's simple. Cause capes are awesome! Plus they can help me look all mysterious."

She emphasized her point by pulling part if up to cover the bottom half of her face with her free arm, earning her an eye roll from her partner.

"Honestly if you were going to go with the cape you should have just gone more classical gothic with it," she suggested.

"Hey I didn't hear you complaining when you were helping me put this thing on," Shin remarked, pointing to her corset.

"Oh trust me, I am not complaining about that," Kieran smirked, taking in a generous eyeful of her girlfriend's cleavage. "I'm just saying you could have used it and the cape with a more dramatic flair instead of the tired 'leather pants and hooker boots' look."

"After that time you made me dress up like a freaking princess, you don't get much say in my costumes anymore," Shin chided her.

"But you looked so cute!" the white haired girl retorted.

"Whatever," she muttered but then quickly perked up when one of the games caught her eye. "Hey check it out, one of those bottle toss games!"

Before Kieran could clearly focus on the stand in question, she found herself quickly dragged behind the excitable Shin from where their arms were still interlocked. She soon found herself standing in front of ball throwing booth with a stack of plastic skulls sitting on a table in place of the usual old fashion milk bottles and softballs designed to look like Jack-O-Lanterns. Once she got over the near whiplash she got from being whisked over here, Kieran eyed the game and the man behind the counter rather suspiciously.

"Shin I'm not sure about this," she whispered into her girlfriend's ear. "Aren't these things usually rigged?"

"Oh that's just an old wives tale," Shin waved off as she dug into the surprisingly tight pocket of her pants for some money.

"I don't think this is what that expression's used for," Kieran countered.

"Whatever. The point is Imma win you a stuffed animal," she said, slamming some bills down on the table. "Gimme all the balls this will buy!"

The man on the other side of the booth smile wide.

"Real slugger we got here, huh?" he remarked as he sat down five of the pumpkin shaped balls. "Okay vampy lady, let's see whatcha got."

Shin grinned, then cocked her arm back and launched the pumpkin shaped ball as hard as she could at the stack of skulls.

And her expression immediately fell as she watched it fly harmlessly over them.

"That's a miss!" the fair worker stated with an almost amused smirk.

"I know that!" Shin growled before she launched another one at her target.

This time the ball did make contact but only bounced off one of the skull tops without so much as rattling them.

"Hey you hit one this time!" he encouraged.

Shin just narrowed her eyes suspiciously before she threw another one that sailed past the stack once again.

"And you missed again."

"Shut up!"

"Shin, you really don't have to do this," Kieran spoke up, trying to keep her girlfriend calm.

"Oh I really do at this point," the pale green girl replied determinably.

She then reeled her arm back as far as she could, even going so far as to balance on one leg as she had seen some professional baseball players do, then pitched the ball forward with all her might. This time her aim was tried and true as she struck the center skull perfectly.

Unfortunately she still couldn't celebrate as the ball just bounced off the skull without moving it an inch.

"Oh what the hell?!" she screamed in the guy's face. "I hit that dead on!"

"Hmmm...I don't think so. Otherwise it would have fallen with that kinda throw," he replied with a smugness that only made her angrier.

She made a move towards the man but Kieran was fast enough to grab her shoulder and push her back a bit. She then tried to keep her own cool as she looked at the ever-infuriating man.

"Excuse me, sir, but I saw it too," she said a bit forcefully. "She clearly hit the skull in the middle."

"You sure you saw what you saw?" he replied, pointing to her black eye. "Seems like you might have a little trouble with that."

"I can see just fine," she snarled. "Maybe you're the one who needs to get your eyes checked. Or maybe have your game looked at by the authorities."

"Or maybe she could just give it another try since she has one more ball left," he pointed out.

"Oh I'll give it a try alright," Shin sneered as she roughly picked up the ball, nearly impaling it with her long, fake nails.

As with before she reeled back and balanced on one foot but this time she ignited her green and black plasma around the ball. She then launched it with as much force as she did before but the added bonus of the plasma energy caused it to rocket towards the target. Again she hit the center perfectly and this time not only did the skulls shatter but so did the rod holding them together. It didn't end there though, as the plasma ball continued to fly through some of the lower bracketed prizes as well as the back wall of the stand before finally settling down a few feet away from it. The shocked carny stared through the hole in disbelief then back at the smirking Shin who had her arms crossed over her chest in victory.

"So, wanna say something now or should I buy another round of balls?" she teased.

"No! No! We're-we're good! Just...take whatever you want!" he pleaded desperately.

She looked over at Kieran. "Well I was trying to win something for you, what do you want?"

The white haired girl tapped her chin as she looked over the biggest prizes hanging from the top of the stand. She took a few seconds just to make the vendor sweat a bit before her eye landed on a plush of a dark blue horned Pegasus with a half-moon on her haunch.

"I'll take that one!" she said cheerfully as she pointed to the large toy.

The carny was all too happy to snatch it down from its hook and hand it over to her.

"Here! Just take it! Take it and get the hell away from my game!" he snapped.

The girls gave him exaggerated smiles as Kieran took the stuff animal. As they turned and walked off, Kieran's smile faded just a bit.

"Went a little overboard there, didn't you?" she whispered.

"Eh not really," Shin shrugged. "I could have used a really strong blast."

Despite herself, Kieran couldn't help but laugh as they walked through the fairgrounds some more. After a little while they found themselves standing in front one of their bigger attractions, the Fun House transformed into a Haunted House. An effect achieved by adding a few cobwebs with fake spiders, some skeletons and ghost decorations and only a little bit of work to make the clown mannequin out front even creepier than usual.

"Hey let's check this out," Kieran suggested.

Shin smirked a bit. "Always living up to that goth thing, huh?"

"Yep," she replied as she pulled the other girl towards the attraction.

Two ticket purchases later and the couple was carefully wandering into the dimly lit spooky house.

"Wow it's really dark in here," Shin remarked.

"No kidding," Kieran agreed, straining her eye to see.

"I got it," the dual-haired girl said as she prepared to light up a fist.

"Actually I got it."

Before Shin could say anything else, Kieran clasped her hands together and closed her eyes in concentration. A few seconds later she slowly pulled her hands apart to reveal a small orb of light floating between them. She smiled over at Shin and held out her right hand with the orb hovering just above it to light their path.

"Cool!" Shin exclaimed. "When did you learn how to do that?!"

"About a week ago," Kieran revealed. "Been looking for a chance to use it. Just thought it'd be something a bit more...exciting."

"Hey who says this place can't be exciting?"

"Good point. Let's find out."

Kieran then grabbed one of Shin's hands with her free one and helped guide her through the narrow hallway. As they walked through it, they jumped a few times from the loud air poppers that lined the walls. Which were more annoying than legitimately scary. Soon enough they came to a room that was well lit enough that Kieran extinguished the light orb by closing her fingers around it. The area was decorated like a medieval torture chamber complete with a rack holding a decapitated and disemboweled dummy. Similar rubber limbs were scattered about the room along with plastic chains painted with rust and fake blood splattered all about. The tortured screams of other victims also filtered throughout the room on high quality speakers, adding to the unease of the scene.

"Well. Guess they gotta start with the classics, huh?" Shin said passively.

"You know if this were a bad horror movie we'd find out these body parts are real and that this whole haunted house is a trap to luring in unsuspecting victims," Kieran stated rather bluntly.

"Yeah well none of these things are good enough to pass for real," Shin remarked as she picked up one of the rubber limbs and shook it. "Plus it's not like we couldn't handle ourselves if this was some kind of creepy slaughter house."

"True enough," she said with a shrug and smile. "Guess I've been watching too many horror movies."

"As always," the pale green girl muttered as she tossed the limb down and proceeded to the next room.

Kieran gave the torture chamber one last glance before following Shin into the next room. This one was dressed up to look like a log cabin with again some blood splatters around as well as the dummy of decaying body lying in the corner with it's head blown off and blood splatter against the wall. Aside from that it was surprisingly bare.

"Looks like they didn't put much into this room," Shin scoffed.

It was then she and Kieran heard a light moan and when they turned in its direction they saw what looked like a window with a slightly grainy video of a horde of zombies slowly making it's way towards them.

"Guess they put it all into this thing," Kieran remarked as she moved in front of the "window".

She watched the video as the zombies moved closer and closer with one of them taking the lead. When it reached what would have been only a few feet away from the window, the twin barrels of a shotgun appeared in frame and took aim at its head.

"Oh okay that's pretty cool," she smiled.

Her amusement was short lived, however, when the shotgun blasted the zombie's head off and a real spray of water shot out from a secret panel underneath the window shot her right in the chest. She let out a surprised shriek at the cool dampness now soaking into the bandages of her costume.

"What the hell?!" she snapped in annoyance.

Her mood wasn't improved much by her girlfriend's snickers behind her.

"Oh go ahead and laugh! You wouldn't find it so funny if it happened to you!" she growled.

"Hey I'm not the one who decided to stand on the 'X'!" Shin retorted and pointed down to Kieran's feet.

She looked down and for the first time noticed the two strips of red tape forming an "X" right under her.

"Oh for-!" she exclaimed.

"I guess that water's pretty cool, huh?" Shin asked with another snicker.

Kieran's eyes then widened when she realized her wet bandages were giving away much more than she ever wanted. She let an embarrassed squeak before quickly moving the plush pony over her chest to keep some bit of dignity.

"You know I could..." Shin offered, vaguely waving her hand around.

"No I got it. Just hold this," Kieran replied as she practically shoved the plush into her girlfriend's hands.

She then held her bandaged hands over her chest and once against closed her eyes in concentration. A second later her hands glowed a bit and the dampness from her bandages started to disappear. It wasn't that she was drying it, however, more like she was pulling the water itself from her wraps. Shin watched in fascination as a single glob of water soon hovered between Kieran's hands and chest. Once it was all out she jerked her hand downwards to toss the water onto the floor.

"Oh that is just cool!" Shin cheered. "When did you learn to do that?!"

"About the same time as the light orb," Kieran explained as she took the plushie back. "I was hoping I'd use it for something a little more impressive then this though."

"Still a neat trick," Shin mused as they walked out of the room.

"Thanks," she flashed a quick smile before she frowned again. "But seriously what kind of pervert put that in?"

"With this place do you really want to know?"

Kieran shuddered a bit at the thought. "No, probably not."

Much like the room they just left, the following room was also dressed up like a cabin. The main the difference, though, was that this one was covered in much more gore and fake limbs and bodies. It looked like something out of an 80's slasher movie. Just like the torture chamber, a hidden speaker played the pained shrieks of victims from other parts of the cabin accompanied by the revving of a chainsaw. Strobe lights flashed in time with thunder effects to simulate lighting. It made the experience quite disorientating and the girls found themselves standing close to each other just so they wouldn't trip over anything.

"Wow they really went all out with this one, huh?" Shin asked as she tried to take in the surroundings through the flashing lights.

"It's just giving me a headache," Kieran groaned as she blinked her good eye and rubbed her forehead.

"Yeah we should probably just get out of here," the other girl suggested then stopped when she realized something. "Hey are those chainsaw sounds coming closer?"

Kieran ignored the slight pain to focus on the revving sound. It seemed like they were, in fact, getting closer and within a matter of seconds it seemed to be right at the faux door across from them. The door then burst open and a man in a bloody butcher's apron and clown mask came running at them with a rusty chainsaw. Rather than let out the customary terrified shriek, Shin's fist instead flew forward to punch the supposed crazed killer right in the face.

"Ow! God!" the carnival actor screamed as he pulled off the mask and rubbed his now sore face. "What's your problem girl?!"

"Oh! Sorry! Sorry! I didn't mean to!" Shin apologized quickly. "It's just a natural instinct when people come running at me like that!"

"You're crazy!" he growled again as he shuffled back through the door.

"I think we better go," Shin whispered to Kieran.

"Good idea," the white haired girl agreed.

They made a hasty retreat from the room with Shin offering a few more weak apologies as they did so. She gave one last one before she turned and walked right into Kieran's back.

"Hey! What's up?!" she asked when she noticed her girlfriend was standing stock still at the entrance to the next room

"Sp-sp-sp-spi..." she muttered.

Shin quirked an eyebrow then looked over her shoulder to figure out what she was trying to say. What she saw was a room made up in the spirit of the thing Kieran feared the most: spiders. There were giant spider webs everywhere complete with rubber spiders to go along with them. Tons of cobwebs like those on the outside filled the room as well and plenty of fuzzy, fake spiders hung from the ceiling. To anyone who was afraid of spiders it would be Hell on Earth and that's exactly how Kieran was acting. Her body was completely stiff and her good eye wide with horror as she trembled just a bit. She only snapped out of this state when she felt Shin gently grab her hand. She looked over and relaxed just slightly when she saw her girlfriend's comforting, fanged face.

"They're just fakes," Shin reassured her. "They can't do anything to actually hurt you."

"But...but there are so many!" Kieran sputtered.

"They're rubber or plastic or something like that. None of them are real. You can do this."

Kieran nodded unsurely but then started to take a step inside. Her foot trembled and she held on to her plushie tighter as she walked in. She let out a tiny squeak and looked like she was gonna turn around but Shin still held her hand steadily. She even tightened her grip when it seemed like Kieran was going to chicken out.

"Alright let's do it the easy way then," she remarked.

Before Kieran knew what was happening, she was being dragged behind Shin as she raced through the spider filled room. Her legs seemed to move independently of her body and soon enough the two were entering the next room. It was only then that Shin let her hand go and looked her over.

"You okay?" she asked.

"Yeah. Yeah. Least I will be," Kieran assured her, a bit out of breath.

Shin nodded and couldn't help but smile a bit.

"You know, it's still kind of funny that the gothy witch girl is scared of spiders," she quipped. "Isn't that usually like one of your big things?"

"One, I don't have to be a stereotypical goth or witch and two, shut up!" Kieran snapped before she walked away in a huff.

Shin just shrugged and stuck her tongue out a bit before she followed her. Thankfully none of the remaining rooms contained any more spiders and Shin was able to make it through without attacking any of the other workers. Though that was helped by them approaching her very carefully now. The rest of the rooms were fairly standard haunted house stuff with the biggest problem being that the "Witch Room" upset Kieran for being stereotypical and kind of offensive. Unfortunately for her none of the people in charge seemed very interested in listening to her.

After exiting the haunted house they made their way over to the food court of the fair for some quick snacks. While the normal fair food would hardly be considered "normal", or edible by some, they went all out with the unusual food and drinks for Halloween. Most of which sounded far too disgusting for Shin to even dare try so she decided to go with the tried and true caramel apple while Kieran decided to be more adventurous and try something labeled "Creepypasta Salad". It was some concoction of pink chunks that were supposedly pickled eggs for brains, olives for eyes and various noddles that were supposed to be guts or intestines. Either way it looked far from appetizing to her.

"I still can't believe you got that stuff," Shin scoffed, giving the plastic container of "salad" a tentative poke.

"Hey I'm just getting in the Halloween spirit. You have to try some weird and creepy novelty food," Kieran replied as she popped the container open and stuck the plastic fork inside it.

She moved the container closer to her mouth so as not to lose any of the food which caused her arms to be positioned in such a way to make it look like she was trying to choke the pony plushie she was carrying. After a bit of fidgeting around she was able to spear enough of the pasta to get a fork full and brought it to her mouth.

"So how is it?" Shin asked.

Kieran was silent for a moment as she carefully chewed the snack thoughtfully.

"Kinda sweet actually," she said cheerfully.

"Well I'll stick to a plain old caramel apple myself," Shin said before she took a bite out of the sweet covered fruit.

Unfortunately, it seemed like she couldn't quite finish the bite she wanted. After a bit of struggling she was finally able to pull it out and noticed one of her fangs stuck in it.

Kieran snickered beside her. "Maybe you should take the fangs out before trying that."

"Good idea," she remarked before pulling the other one out.

She then slipped out the one stuck in the apple before taking another, rather large bite and let out a few pleased sounds as she chewed.

"Careful there. A few more of those and you might not be able to get those leather pants back off," a voice from behind them quipped.

Shin lowered the apple and narrowed her eyes. "I know that voice."

She and Kieran both spun around to find the familiar face of Asuka right behind them. Not just her face but her form as well since it was on clear display with the bright red bunny girl costume she wore. She stood there with her fishnet covered hips cocked and her usual cocky grin plastered on her face.

"Asuka," Shin said flatly. "What are you doing here?"

"Isn't it obvious?" the redhead shot back. "I'm doing what everyone else is doing, enjoying the fair and showing off my Halloween costume. Isn't it just perfect?"

She gave a small twirl at her declaration for emphasis which caused Kieran to frown and wish she could cross her arm in indignation.

"It's a little cliche, don't you think?" she snorted.

"Oh like a mummy and vampire aren't?" Asuka shot back, putting her hands back on her hips and leaning forward a bit. "Besides you're just jealous, you'd probably start popping out of one of these things."

"At least I'd be able to fill it!" Kieran snapped.

"I fill this out just fine, thank you very much!" the redhead replied then smirked as she stood straight again. "As if the looks I haven't been getting from all the guys around here wasn't enough, I think Shin's been noticing how well I fill it out."

Kieran's good eye widened before she looked over at her girlfriend and noticed the tell-tale glazed over look in her eyes that she had been "appreciating" Asuka's costume a bit too much.

"Shin!" she barked, kicking her in the...well shin.

"Ow!" the other girl yelped and bounced up and down a bit while rubbing her sore leg. "What?! What'd I do?!"

"You know," Kieran said menacingly.

"Hey don't blame her for appreciating a thing of beauty," Asuka pipped in. "After all this costume fits me so snugly it's like I'm wearing nothing at all!"

She emphasized that point by turning around and wiggling the small cotton ball tail placed just above her rear. Again Shin's eyes glazed over just a bit as she stared intently at the motion and even Kieran found it hard to keep her eye off it. And while the redhead may have said something else all they could hear in their heads was her last line repeating over and over again:

Nothing at all! Nothing at all! Nothing at all!

Then without noticing it they had the exact same thought:

Stupid, sexy Asuka!

Seeming to sense that her work was done, Asuka turned back around and smirked at both of them.

"Well I'm sure you've both had enough of an eyeful now," she teased. "So unless you want me to hang around some more I think I'm gonna go walk around the fair some more. Maybe check out that haunted house."

"We're good Asuka," Kieran said quickly as she took a step closer to Shin. "And if you do check out the haunted house make sure you look at the window in the zombie room real close."

"We'll see," she nearly scoffed then offered a quick wave, and a wink, as she turned around and walked off with a suggestive sway in her hips.

"Did she just...wink at you?" Kieran asked in surprise.

"Maybe," Shin sighed. "She's been kinda...weird around me since that night at the hotel."

"What did happen that night anyway?" the white haired girl pressed. "You still haven't told me yet."

"Because there's nothing to tell! We just talked! I swear that's it!"

Kieran stared at her for second then slowly smiled as she relaxed.

"Okay I believe you. Sorry I just..." she tried to explained.

Shin smiled back at her then leaned into give her a quick kiss.

"Eh don't worry about it," she said. "I've had a few not-so-great moments of jealousy myself."

"A few?" Kieran smirked and cocked an eyebrow.

"Okay, okay let's not get into that," Shin waved off quickly. "Hey how about we go on the ferries wheel a bit?"

"Looking to get me alone for awhile?" she teased with a suggestive smirk.


"Sound good to me!"

They carefully linked their arms and continued to enjoy their snacks as they slowly walked towards the large ferris wheel. Their snacking was also helped by the surprisingly long line to actually get on the ride so by the time the actually reached it they had finished their food and discarded the rest. When they finally did reach the front of the line, they eagerly plopped down into the chair just to have a place to sit. In their hurry to do so, Kieran had inadvertently placed the plushie between them. A situation Shin quickly rectified by moving it over to her side then wrapped an arm around Kieran's exposed waist and pulled her close. Kieran smiled and laid her head on Shin's shoulder as well as resting her hand on her thigh.

The safety bar locking into place spoiled their moment but it was quickly regained when the wheel started up and slowly started to rise. They watched as the fairgrounds became smaller and smaller. It stopped briefly when they reached the top and they held each other closer as they stared at the light filling the horizon.

"Beautiful," Kieran breathed.

"I know," Shin replied softly.

The white haired girl looked up at her.

"I wasn't just talking about the fairgrounds," she smiled.

Shin looked down at her and returned the smile. "Neither was I."

They gazed into each other's eyes, or eye, for a moment before they pressed their lips together for a passionate kiss that made the night just perfect.

The End.

Author's Notes: Yay more stuff with Shin! And stuff with her canonical girlfriend. Which, again, I suppose is kind of a spoiler but at this point I think those who have followed my stuff elsewhere knows that this was coming. Plus I really just wanted to write something cute and fun for Halloween with these two. And it was an excuse to put them into some sexy costumes.

Also some ship teasing there with Asuka and Shin! Yep that's totally what that was! Plus it's to show that the first part of "Hate Me/Love Me" is in continuity. And the second part...well...that's more complicated here.

Oh that Creepypasta dish is based off a thing I actually made for work last year on Halloween. It looked just like that and did end up tasting pretty sweet. Of course no one wanted to try it cause of how it did look. Which I figured was going to happen. It was just a fun thing to throw together. Also that bit with Kieran and the water spray was also something that happened to me at one of the costume shops that open up around here at this time. The guy who ran the shop even said to me after I walked out of his haunted maze that "Anyone who sees that is gonna have a wet boob". Which was really creepy! So yeah had to make fun of that a bit here.

Think I'm out of stuff to say here. Will there be more stuff with Shin or in the current MI-verse anytime soon? I dunno yet. Just having fun with these random ideas at the moment. We'll see what happens.

'Til then!