Disclaimer: I own nothing.

Previously –

"Oh My God, Alex?!" Liz cried as she saw her best friend.

"Men." Liz sighed.

Pride and Greed

Liz walked into the kitchen.

"Hey Tess, are you ok?" Liz asked.

"Yeah I'm fine. Why do you ask?" Tess replied tilting her head in curiosity before pulling out a bag of chips from the pantry.

"Just checking, you…uh…hit your head pretty hard."

"Oh. I'm fine. Thanks for worrying; we both know Max never will."

"I'm sure he does Tess."

"Yeah, of course…" She trailed off, opening the fridge and pulling out two sodas and handing one to Liz.

Just then Isabel walked in head held high and smiling.

"Isabel, do you want a soda? We've got diet and regular." Tess offered but Isabel shook her head and Liz turned around.

"Hello Isabel." Liz said sort of relieved that she didn't look much different.

"Hi girls. Is Alex in their?" She asked pointing to the living room.

"Yep." Tess said happily.

"Good." She smiled again and pushed the door open and walked inside.

Isabel entered and Alex looked up and smiled.

"Hey Isa-" He was cut of by her lips crashing down on his.

When she broke it off he was just staring at her.

"Oh come on you know you want me."

"Uh-huh." He said nodding dumbly.

"Wow." Kyle said as they left hand in hand.

"I know." Max said. "I've never seen Izzy act like that."

"No, I meant that that's three touchdowns and we're not even at the half time show."

"Oh boy."