Disclaimer: own nothing.
thought for an hour at least, to see what i could write about when the idea floated on my mind. and so, this ficlet was born. Sirius/Remus.

Top Dog

Sirius couldn't stand to lose.

He always had to emerge the victor.

Everyday, he and James would battle it out, fire with fire, to see how many girls they could physically, mentally or magnetically attract.

They'd keep steady score of how many times they could get a girl to grin, laugh, drool or swoon at them.

They kept careful count of how many members were in either of their fanclubs.

They'd total up their points each time they took a different girl on a special trip up to North Tower.

Each day, Sirius either won or lost. It was different every time.

But it felt like he had to prove himself. He had to dominate, he had to remain the Top Dog, regardless of whom had won. He had to constantly charm all of those pretty girls. He couldn't wear out, not now.

All was in good light, of course. Though he worked harder and harder in his lady-alluring skills, he could never take it seriously, so neither would the girls. Most of them, anyway.

For Sirius could not, or would not, let himself belong to just one soul and a single one alone. He couldn't be bound permanently.

He wouldn't be beaten. He wouldn't lose, certainly not to James, and he wouldn't give in either.

He shall not be conquered.

And there was not one damn girl anywhere, no matter how enchanting or beautiful, that could break his winning streak.

Because one day, Remus Lupin won his heart.