And you thought Booth was bad?

As usual I don't own Bones. This second part has been kindly beta (ed) by Wrenn8811 she rules. Enjoy.

Dinner, tensions and shovel talks

Italics is thoughts

After they walked out of the lab holding onto each other both Zach and Sam felt rather self conscious, Sam because he just came out to five people instead of oneZach had a gigantic man draped over him and he'd never so much as kissed another man before today let a lone kissed a man and come out on the same day.

Sam walks Zach to Wong Foos since it is close and he knows Sid won't say any thing about him walking in with Zach. As they walk toward Wong Foos both men tried to think of something to say but was Zach seems to be having trouble thinking beyond "Sam's hot and thinks I'm cute WOW." this thought just kept going round and round his head almost making him dizzy. All Sam could think of to say "is what do you want to eat" and that just seemed daft since Sid would know any way. Before ether of them had thought of any thing, they where in Wong Foos and sitting in a booth facing each other.

Sid is beside the table with a small smile playing on his lips. Sid hands them both a drink giving them something to do with there hands, he can feel the tension sexual and other wise coming from both men. Sid says

'I'll be back with your order in a minuet, make yourselves at home?' Sid turns away and thinks to him self those two need to feel at home but just a little outta there dept I know just what to make 'em!

Zach is the first to speak after Sid leaves to go do what ever it is he does when he figures out what people want to eat he states in a quiet voice that 'I'm very uncomfortable, you're the first man I've kissed and all I can think of right now is you kissed me in front of my colleagues and they don't know I'm gay…'before Zach can finish his sentence Sam's body is crushing the table between them as he leans over and soundly kisses Zachs' open mouth. Zach responds enthusiastically pulling on Sam's tea shirt to pull him closer. The kiss leaves both men breathless.

Sam climbs off the table and sits next to Zach. Sam whispers to Zach

'I couldn't tell you hadn't done anything before you've made me hotter than hot with that sweet little kiss in the lab, I'm sorry if I scared you, if I had known I would have gone about it different and don't worry about your mates Booth is gonna give 'em hell if they tease ya after all you're his squint he's gotta look out for you.'

'Booth knows I'm gay?' Zach says quietly looking at his hands.

'Sweet little man 'course he knows your gay he's the one who set it up for me to ask you out! And I don't believe it! Booth was right! I tell you got me hotter than hot and all you pick up on is that Booth knows your gay? You really are as sweet and innocent as he said.'

Sam leans in to Zach tilting his head and his large strong hands travel to Zach's neck as he pulls Zach down for another heart stopping kiss. All thoughts of Booth and the rest of the lab are forgotten, wile new thoughts are surfacing for the first time they don't particularly make any sense or last long enough to be examined.

Before ether of them had issues with breathing Sid cleared his throat.

They jumped apart both looking flushed and guilty. Sid just shakes his head and places there food down if front of them. He recites what he has made them

'Zach you have macaroni and cheese with mild spiced chorizo sausage and green peppers, Sam you have chicken nuggets with a spicy tomato salsa and fries enjoy and try and keep your hands off each other your friends are going to be here soon, your gonna need all the energy you can get.'

Zach looks at Sam sheepishly and as Sid walks away asks. 'How do you think he does that? Know just what I want and knows when Booth and the others are gonna get here?'

With a small smile and a deep chuckle Sam says 'I wish I knew little Z but he does and that's all that matters.'

'Did you just call me 'Little Z', Sam?' Zach asks confused.

"Ummm…yea I… uuerrrr ….guess I did I mean I'm sorry ….I'm so bad at this aren't I? It was only meant as a little joke 'coz you're littler than I am …..I'm just gonna shut up now …….' Sam jabbers on to him self berating himself and his forwardness, Zach puts his smaller hand on to Sam's to get his attention.

'Sam, its ok, this is all new to me I've got no idea how this is supposed to go and I've never had a nick name before except for Booth calling me a Squint and Cam's calling me Zacharoni, I didn't like it when she did it but I like being your littler Z …I mean smaller Z if you still want to call me that ….I I don't mind Gods this is hard! Can I kiss you?' Zach runs out of breath and looks at Sam with hopeful puppy dog eyes.

Sam turns from his food and gives a slight nod and lowers his head ready to be kissed, Zach has only just made contact with the skin on Sam's very soft plump lips as they both hear a squeal, jumping apart they spot Angela standing at the edge of the seating area.

Both Zach and Sam bestow a glare that would melt bone on Angela before unconsciously snuggling closer for protection.

Angela gushes over the two of them saying 'You two look so cute together, all snugly buggly together and that kiss sooooo hot!!'

Before she can say any more Booth claps his had over her mouth and says, 'Sorry for the interruption fellas. I think, Sam you are about to get invaded and you're about to get the shovel talk 3 times in a row you have been warned, here comes Hodgins!'

Booth sits on the opposite side of the table to the two of them waiting for Hogins to walk up. Zach visibly shrinks wile Sam seems to grow with a possessive pride.

Hodgins looks at his work college/roommate /little brother /know-it-all and shakes his head. He looks at Zach hiding behind Sam for protection he wonders how come Zach feels the need to hide from me. 'Zach are are you ok? Can you out from behind Sam and talk to me?' Hogins asks like he's talking to a frightened animal.

Sam turns to Zach and lean in close to him to whisper 'Littler Z it's ok to talk to him, I don't think he mad at you he might kill me by the looks of it but he's not gonna yell at you. He is your friend right?' Zach nods weekly in to Sam's arm but only come out from behind him by a fraction of an inch to look around him at Hodgins.

'Are you mad at me Hodgins? Are you mad that I didn't tell you when you said I could move in with you? I did mean to tell you honest I did but …'Zach trails off when Hodgins let out a full bodied guffaw and has to hold himself up with the table, he huffs and puffs for a wile till he can get his breath back.

Breathlessly Hodgins says 'Zach Zacharonie 'he made air quotes round each name and raise his eye brows as he says 'Littler Z its ok I already knew, do you think I wouldn't? Why would I yell at you or be mad you're like my little brother, your one of my friends I don't care who you sleep with as long as they are legal and they want it and your both happy.'

He turns his gaze to Sam and says clearly and with obvious menace in his voice 'you hurt him in any way shape or form by action or inaction I will hunt you down and kill you with a shovel slowly and painfully, don't think I couldn't hide you're body ether I'll have the help of the FBI, a world famous forensic anthropologist and a very sneaky artist, are we clear Mr Zachary?'

The authority and challenge in his voice clear and undeniable. Sam just nodded his head and quietly chuckled to him self knowing that this little hairy man was serious. He didn't doubt that his little Z's friends would do every thing in their power to protect him and carry out that threat.

All the while this is going on Bones has walked up sat down and listened intently, sitting down next to Booth. Looking at Booth with wide disbelieving eyes she simply states 'You set them up.'

Booth grins and quips 'yup I'm cupid in shiny amour didn't you know?'
