Disclaimer: I don't own any related characters to Sailor Moon but I do own the plot of this story.
Thanks again to all.
The break up
bya auraluna7
Chapter 4: You
"Good night Haruka Tenoh, my name is Michiru Kaioh..." Haruka took and read the card and then after blinking a few times she look to the smaller girl who made a sad smile. "Michiru Kaioh, founder and current CEO of the Deal Breakers Agency"
"Holy fuck..."
"Yeah... tell me about it..." Michiru sighed and placed her hands on her lap. "You honestly didn't knew who I was..." Haruka still shocked shook her head. "Karma is such a bitch"
"I can assure you Miss Kaioh that you are as suprised as I am"
"Miss Kaioh?" She laughed softly. "Where the first name basis went?"
Haruka smiled a bit. "I've been doing this for quite sometime and for the first time I'm not sure what to do"
"So do I... you sure you don't want tea?"
"Something stronger maybe..."
Michiru smiled. "I want something stronger too but Im afraid there's no alcohol in this house"
"Tea... tea will do it..Michiru, thank you"
Michiru nodded and stepping up she slide the rice paper panel and exited the room. When alone Haruka sighed deeply, in what kind of trouble was she now? "Ziva" Her name came automatically to her mind, she had placed this huge dilemma on her shoulders...but why? Obviously Ziva knew exactly what her girlfriend...well now ex girlfriend, did for living, this had more than one reason to be. Haruka realized she was about to sit and have tea with her fierce competitor in the worse possible scenario, Michiru was just targeted and ... she couldn't stay here for tea!! Haruka stood up and walked out of the living room and followed her instinct trying to reach the kitchen, Michiru's house was incredibly beautiful,and she kept finding priceless japanese art objects all over the place, Haruka opened a door and found and art room, one painting on a chevalet remained unfinished, the blonde took a look at it and found out it was a perfect portrait of Ziva, her grey eyes apperared to be made of mist...she wonder if Michiru had made it, but she hurry to close the door; it was not her place to be snooping around... she walked down the other hall until she reached the kitchen guided by the light , she opened the door slowly and saw her, Michiru was leaned against the sink crying , she was not facing her, but the way her shoulders moved hint the blonde, the kettle was on the stove and boiled silently just as quiet as Michiru was crying now, Haruka regreted invading such a private moment but she felt compelled to do something. She walked slowly to her and in an impulse she touched Michiru's arm.
Michiru turned around surprised. She cursed in silence to be cought like this. "I..." She what? She didnt' felt like crumbling? She wasn't sad? She didn't wanted to vanish in thin air?
"It's ok" Haruka embrace her... why? Why not? Michiru clinged to the taller girl crying hard, sobbing with her broken heart. "Maybe you don't believe it now princess, but everything is going to be fine"
Michiru nodded and slowly let the blonde go, scolding herself. "I'm fine, it was just a momentary crisis. Excuse me"
"I understand, hey if you want to be alone..."
"No" Alone, was not exactly appealing now, besides she could still convince this girl of helping her out and seal her record. "Maybe...yeah maybe..." "You dont want tea anymore? Its done"
"Hmmm well..."
"You know something?" She smiled. "Lets go out..."
"For dinner... lets go out somewhere nice and fancy, dinner's on me and... oh " Michiru went suddenly quiet.
"Whats wrong"
"Im sorry"
"Yes Im sorry, you must think Im deeply disturbed, asking you out and all, you must have stuff to do and I'm here blabbing and..." "Baka! What's wrong with you?? Asking this girl who was sent to break you up out for dinner? You lost all the screws on your head or what?"
"Where are we going?"
"You said dinner was on you, I never turn down a free meal" Haruka smiled sincerely, somehow the perspective of going out with Michiru didn't seemed as such a sacrifice.
"I..." Michiru smiled back. "Just let me go get changed"
"So Michiru, are you signing the forms?" Haruka amiled again and took out the legal forms of her jacket again, she hadn't forget this was still an assignment.
Michiru walked to the kitchen door and turned around leaning on the doorframe. "hmmm Ill think about it" And then she turned around and left, Haruka smiling put away the forms...well she had all night to get to Michiru ti sign them.
Michiru woke up late the next morning she rolled lazily in her bed and openes her eyes, the light of the spring came in through the windows, and she sighed, exteding her arm and finding herself alone in bed. "Ziva..." She walked out bed and looked at the frame pic on her nightstand where a happy looking Michiru was being hold by Ziva and placed it facedown. Reality had kicked in and she felt slightly depressed, not like she'll die or anything but somehow she had thought things will work out with her and Ziva, she had made a lot of plans, she had built so many dreams around them together and now it was all gone. Michiru lazily walked to the bathroom and took her clothes off she stroked her hair and saw herself in the mirror catching a glimpse of her engagement ring, she was still wearing it. She took a long look to her hand reminding the day Ziva asked her to marry her and after sighing deeply she slide it off and place it on the edge of the bathroom sink and turned on the shower, she might feel like taking a break on everything but the world was still spinning and she had to get ready and move her sorry soul to work.
One hour later Michiru entered her office dressed in a ivory business suit with a blue silk shirt that matched her eyes. The blonde sitting on the front desk saw her and blushed looking very nervous. "goo...good morning Miss Kaioh"
"Morning Usagi, do i got messages?"
"Ah yes yes... " Usagi usually gave her a couple of notes but this morning she gave her a stacked so big Michiru removed her shades with surprise.
"All these are mine?"
"Its been a busy morning Miss Kaioh" She said not looking her to the eye. What was wrong here?
"Usagi, what's wrong?"
"No...nothing Miss... I... well..."
"Its started already" Michiru got an insight and sighed deeply , so word was on the press already, she thought she'll have a little more time but well, bad news have a way to spread like fire on heystacks. "I see...is Rei here yet"
"Yes, Miss she's..."
"Here" Rei came out of her office looking raging, her long hair swaying, dressed in a red silk shirt and white slacks, on her right hand holding a rolled newspaper. "Morning Kaioh"
"Ah ...morning" She whispered thinking on the mess she was about to face.
"Shall we step on your office?"
"Yes" She sighed and turn around. "I wont take any calls now Usagi, thanks"
"Miss Kaioh, your messages..."
"Right" Michiru walked back and picked the staked and then walked to her office, the blonde looked at her and then took off her lap today's newspaper where a big pic of her boss was to be found wondering what was the truth behind this all. Rei walked behind the aqua haired beauty and slammed the door, morning had been hell and she didnt knew what to say, Michiru's handphone was off and her house number just took messages. Michiru sat down heavily on her seat and lokked outside the window. "You can start , Im listening"
"How could you?? How you hide this from me! Im sitting here info free trying to answer everyone that has called, why you hide this from me?"
"I didnt hide it Rei, It just happened"
"I could have helped, this is my business too you know?" Rei stammered her free hand on the desk, making Michiru jump slightly.
"I know! But what could you have possible done? Im not even sure what happened ..."
"If you were going to pull a stunt like this the least you could have do was telling me, Im so pissed at you, we're all over the press and I dont know anything I demand to know now!"
"Dont scream!"
"Then you dont scream!"
"Ugh, lets calm ourselves" Michiru looked at her angry friend. "Sit down, I'll tell you all however I dont think It'll help to undo this snowball anyways"
"Tell me we're the one buying them Kaioh"
Michiru was thinking hard how to start telling Rei about her very worn out relationship with Ziva and how it all ended in a mesy breakup well im a breakup that was about to cost them their jobs, people will laugh their faces off before hiring an agency who needed to be worked out by another agency. "What are you talking about?" Was there something wrong with people or she simply was lacking of understanding lately, just like last night when Haruka was breaking up with her, Michiru didn't understood a word of what was Rei saying.
"Rumours are of all type, we buying them they buying us and... what Ziva has to say about this?"
"Ziva Renard can kiss my royal ...foot"
"What? "
"No, I say what, what are you talking about?"
"This" Rei placed the newspaper on the table and Michiru sighed, did she really have to face the scandal printed on? She bet it looked worse on paper.
Michiru lift the paper and saw herself on the first page blinking with missbelieve. "Whats this?"
"Thats you and..."
"Yes you and Haruka having dinner last night, if this was a publicity stunt you could have kindly inform me, now people think I dont know anything what happens in my own business."
"But...I thought, Ziva and break up and..." Michiru looked again the words 'who will break this deal?' almost glittering and a picture of them having dinner, itwas mesmerizing.
"Are you ok? Michiru you seemed surprised"
"Thats cause I am surprised"
"What do you mean?" Michiru tried to focus and read the article but her tarin of thought was too quick to focus. "Michiru don't tell me that Tenoh tricked you"
"I... you know her?"
"Not personaly but well yes, she tricked you and call the press? Is that it?"
"No, she... agh!" Michiru placed the paper down and rub her temples "Im not getting one single thing here! Hino, explain to me what the article says"
Rei sat dwn looking confused. "Says you were seen having dinner last night with Haruka Tenoh, that set rumours about a merge of our business"
"A fussion? Why would anyone will get such idea from a dinner between me and an employee of The Finish Line?"
"Michi... Haruka is not an employee...she owns the Finish Line"
Michiru was the kind of girl who was almost never surprised she knew to read people well and she always expected things, however she had been very surprised in the past 24 hours. "She what!?"
"Im guesing you didnt knew..."
Haruka walked into her office smiling, last night had gone better than expected, it was exaggerated to call it a date but she and Michiru had a great time, the girl was whitty and sexy, she knew a lot of stuff on interesting things and Haruka found that arousing, she disliked girls who just look good but where shallow and stupid, Amy the recepcionist salute her even more shy than usual but she didnt gave it importance, she walked into her messy office and sat down turning her laptop on ready for a good morning , she was reaching level 9 for sure on her game. Suddenly her door flew open and a amazing looking Minako came in wearing a pair of tight jeans and a pink top. "Morning"
"Morning, learn how to knock to you too"
Minako smiled and sat down in the desk next to Haruka. "So"
"Im waiting"
"Me too, I'm waiting you to take your ass off my files"
Minako laughed and crossed her legs. "I dont hear them complaining, come on Haruka tell me all"
"About you and the girly agency, why you always keep everything a secret you think this is a spy agency or something??"
"Well ..."Haruka looked away from her laptop screen and looked into the blue eyes. "Usually your words make no sense to me so I'm not surprised but today I got absolutely no idea what are you talking about"
"Im talking about this." Minako jumped of the desk and took out of her back pocket a cut of the morning news, Haruka and Michiru's pic.
"What the..."
"you made the first page, you could have told me you know? So ...is she as bitchy as she looks?"
Haruka looked the pic again and the head title, she never noticed someone took a pic of them. "Where's the article?"
"I cut it off, just romours about a merge, I want first hand info from you"
"Merge? Go bring the damn article Mina" Haruka's eyebrow was about to twich in this right very second.
" Fine but first..."
The door suddenly got opened and Mina turned around surprised to look at a very anxious looking Amy. "Miss please you can't go in"
"She will recieve me, move over ..please"
"No no miss..."
"Whats going on?" Haruka stood up as a dark haired girl pushed Amy aside gently but firmly and a dashing smiling looking Michiru made her way in to her office. "Ah... Michiru"
Michiru looked around to the scattered files and the blonde next to Haruka and then set eyes on her walking to her. "YOU" She pointed looking menacing. "YOU!"
(ah sorry for the delay guys Ive been very sick, but I'll try to update soon again. R and R please!!)