Something To Be

By: Mistress Titania

Disclaimer: I don't own Torchwood or Doctor Who just borrowing the characters for fun not profit; I don't own the lyrics to "Something To Be" which was written and sung by Rob Thomas

Spoiler: Season Finale of Torchwood and Doctor Who up to Doomsday

Pairing: Jack/Ianto, eventually Jack/Ianto/The Doctor(10th)

Rating: FRAO

Warning: Song Fic, some OOC behavior, swearing, graphic sex, mentions of violence, mentions of past abuse

Summary: The Doctor is unable to handle loosing Rose and shuts down going into a cationic state. The heart of Tardis decides to help it master survive so it searches time and space for just the right person to help The Doctor, after much searching she finds that Jack is still alive and in 2007 Cardiff. So the Tardis locks into Jack's bio signals and transports itself to Torchwood's Hub in hopes that Jack can bring the Doctor out of his cationic state.

Note: My Jack isn't angry with the Doctor for leaving him because he found out the couple of reasons. The first being The Doctor believed Jack to be dead and the other that Rose & The Doctor were dying. Jack found this out by talking to Mickey when he got back to this time, Mickey never says anything to the Doctor or Rose because Jack used the amnesia drug on him.

Not Beta'd(still looking for someone who is familiar with Torchwood/Doctor Who to be my beta)

hey man

i don't wanna hear about love no more

i don't wanna talk about how i feel

i don't really wanna be me no more

dress down now i look a little too

boy next door

maybe i should try to find a downtown whore

that'll make me look hardcore

i need you to tell me what stand for

i've been looking for something

something i've never seen

we're all looking for something

something to be

hey man

play another one of those heart break songs

tell another story how things go wrong

and they never get back

my pain is a platinum stack

take that shit back

you don't wanna be me when it all goes wrong

you don't wanna see me with the houselights on

i'm a little too headstrong

stand tall

i don't wanna get walked on

i can't stand what i'm start to be

i can't stand the people that i'm starting to need

there's so much now

that can go wrong

and i don't need somebody

trying to help it along

it's the same old song

everybody says you've been away too long

everybody wanna tell you what went wrong

wanna make you like an icon

till you believe that they're right

-something to be; Rob Thomas

Chapter One

It was supposed to have been a nice simple mission, just to get Ianto a chance to get his bearing on being a field agent. But of course their suspect didn't get the memo and decided to be as difficult as possible. Hence jack and Ianto were now in a foot pursuit with a man accused of smuggling Mandish eggs, which on humans and most humanoid species worked ten times better than Viagra. Except, the mandish were almost extinct which was why any type of hunting or taking of eggs was illegal on any planet.

"Jack, come in Jack," crackled a voice in the boys' earpieces.

"What is Tosh, we are in the middle of a pursuit here!"

"Forget the suspect, Gwen already retrieved the eggs and there are more pressing matters here at the Hub."

Jack and Ianto stopped running, both panting slightly, looked at each and shrugged neither have clue as to what could be wrong.

"Tosh, what's going on? Did Owen hit on you again? If so, we can deal with it when get back, its no reason to stop a pursuit," smirked jack as he made a funny face to Ianto who just shook his head in amusement.

"Shut-up Jack! Like I would really end a pursuit over something so stupid. Besides if Owen tried anything all I'd have to do is one simple move and he'd never be able to father children." There was a yelp in the background letting them know Owen had heard the comment. "Anyway, Jack you really need to get back here right away! There's a large blue box shaped like a '60s police call box. It won't let us in or even let us touch it. Yet, it still managed to hack into our computer system and take control of all our screens. Now all the screens are repeating the same message over and over, which is 'Get Jack, Call Jack and Bring Jack Now!' And that's what I'm trying to do, so get back here now Jack, please!'

"We'll be there in five minutes! Tosh, don't anyone else go near the box until I get there!"

Ianto was watching Jack curiously. When Tosh started describing the box Jack had gone very pale but as the description went on Jack took on a very worried look. Now he was grabbing Ianto's hand and pulling him quickly back to their vehicle. Ianto blinked as he barely managed to fasten his seat belt before Jack pulled into traffic going well above the speed limit. Jack was gripping the steering wheel so tightly that his knuckles were turning white. Ianto reached over placing a hand on Jack's knee and squeezed gently. Jack did manage to flash Ianto a small smile before focusing back on the drive.

"Jack, can you tell me what's going on? If it's the end of the world I'd like to know a little before hand."

"Oh, Ianto, no I'm sorry, it's nothing like that. This is a personal problem with someone I knew a long time ago until they just up and left one day when I needed them. At least that's what I thought at the time. I was able to find out through a mutual friend that they only left me because they believed I was dead. I've been trying to contact them with no luck. But it's strange that the Doctor or Rose isn't already out and chatting everyone up. I think you'll really like them Ianto. I know they'll both be happy that I'm not alone anymore." Ianto blushed bright red in pleasure as Jack reached out picking up Ianto's hand in his. Lifting it up Jack kissed the back of it without taking his eyes off the road. "Rose is just a bundle of energy and always excited to learn something new. And she handles the weirdest situations without even batting an eye. She is a beautiful girl with a nice bum." Ianto just rolled his eyes but did pinch Jack's arm before nodding for him to keep going. "Now the Doctor is a very unique individual, very unique. I'm sure at one time he had another name but all he goes by now is Doctor. Although he did put up with me calling him Doc when I was with them. I'm just so excited that they finally got my messages and are here to visit!" Jack exclaimed as he pulled into their parking garage.

They quickly excited the vehicle leaving the equipment behind in the vehicle. Jack was literally bouncing up and down with excitement as he waited for the elevator to show. Ianto just shook his head in amusement at seeing this truly light hearted playful side of Jack. While he'd seen this side before it wasn't something that Jack showed very often but Ianto loved seeing it every time. The both got into the elevator pressing the floor they needed. Jack started vibrating with excitement as the elevator slowly went lower into the complex. Now Ianto rarely initiated anything intimate between them but Jack was just too irresistible with his behavior. Ianto reached out and grabbed Jack by the lapels of his jacket and yanked him foreword until their lips were touching, slowly the kiss deepened, both feeding the flames of desire between the two of them. Panting softly the broke off the kiss as the elevator came to stop at the Hub. The quickly straighten their outfits and hair so it didn't appear they had just been making out. They squeezed each others hands one more time before they stepped off the elevator. Jack cool persona came out as he walked into the Hub.

"Any changes while we were on route?" Jack took in the site of the Tardis sitting the middle of the Hub and fought a smile back. "Any word from the inhabits or anyone come out of it?"

"No, sir. Nothing has happened except that the computer screens keep asking for you over and over again. Owen tried to touch the box and got shocked."

"I told you not to touch it!" Jack just shook his head not at all surprised that someone had to try and touch the Tardis. "Well I'm here now let's see what's going on."

Ianto joined the others in standing around a console that also gave them a view of the Tardis. Gwen and Tosh just smiled at him and gave him a welcome back hug. Owen just grumbled and sucked on his burnt finger tip. They all turned to watch Jack with extreme curiosity, even Ianto who knew more than the others was still very curious.

Jack walked over to the Tardis and touched it with his hand. The force field glimmered for a moment before fading. The words on the screens changed.

"Welcome back Master Jack. I hope you are able to help our Doctor. He has not moved since he had to say good-bye to Rose. He is scaring us, Jack. Please fix out Doctor." The computer spoke for the Tardis out loud.

"Why is he so upset about saying good-bye to Rose, it's not like can't just swing by and pick her up again," inquired Jack still understanding why the Tardis came to him.

"No, Jack, the Doctor can not do that. To save this world the Doctor was forced to send Rose to another universe where he will never be allowed to contact her again. The Doctor in all his hundreds of years had never really gotten attached to his companions like he did with Rose and yourself. Since Rose is gone you are the only hope we have left to save our Doctor. Yes, the Doctor has two hearts but that just means his species can love intensely when they allow themselves. We know Jack that you have found one of your life partners, but you know as the doctor also knows, your human species does better when there are three people to balance the relationship." During the conversation Jack heard some shocked gasps from his team at different points but the largest noise was with the last announcement. "Oh, we are sorry Jack; we had forgotten it is only early 2007 and that the trinity marriage has not gone into effect yet. But while waiting for you to arrive Jack we watched all the footage in your computer systems. We believe your human mate, Ianto Jones, will be a good match for the doctor too. We believe it will take the both of you to truly heal our Doctor. Will you Jack Harkness, will you and your mate, Ianto Jones, heal our Doctor?"

Jack was slightly stunned with everything that the Tardis has thrown at him. Not the least of which was the fact that sweet Rose was gone forever, some small comfort that at least she wasn't dead. Jack felt a hand on his shoulder and looked up to see Ianto at his side. Jack quickly wrapped his arms around Ianto and held him tightly while burying his nose into the side of Ianto's neck, inhaling the scent of pure Ianto. After a few moments Ianto pushed him back gently to look at Jack, who gave him a broken smile.

"I know there is a lot we need to talk about Ianto. Not the least of which is the fact that I'm not from your time. You know I love you Ianto, that I would go anywhere and do anything for you. But that doesn't change the fact that I do love the Doctor and always regretted that we didn't get a real chance at a relationship. Now it sounds like the Doctor truly needs me, needs someone for the first time in his incredibly long life, and I can't let him down. Please, Ianto, say you'll come with me and give the Doctor a chance?" his voice broke at a few points during his little speech but Jack held eye contact with Ianto the entire time.

"Jack, don't you worry, of course I'll go with you. First off I don't think you'd be able to function without me there as your assistant," smirked Ianto. "I've always known you were different Jack. It doesn't bother me. I never really felt like I fit in around this time and place anyway, that was until I meet Torchwood and yourself. And I'm eager to get to know this Doctor you speak so highly about. Now let's get going before he gets any worse."

Ianto laced his arm with Jack's after waving good-bye to the rest of the stunned team. Jack just nodded and waved a small good-bye also before they walked inside the Tardis. The moment the doors shut the Tardis started up and within seconds was gone from sight. Owen, Tosh, and Gwen were just left standing their in shock trying to figure out what just happened and how they were going to explain it to the head office.

End Chapter One