Once upon a time, there was a prophecy. In the prophecy, there were two boys (and a man, but he's not the star of this story). One boy was of pure blood, the other was not, and according to this prophecy, the man was supposed to kill one of the two boys.

Of course, one would assume he'd kill both, to be sure, but I suppose he just didn't feel like it at the moment (it takes a special mood to kill two babies in one night, y'see). So he only chose to go after the pure-blooded one, because what threat can a half-blood be?

So, the pure-blooded baby dies (I wonder what would have happened if he went after the half-blood...). His family was sad.

Eventually, the other baby grows up, learns of the prophecy, and goes to kill the man, for obviously this boy wasn't killed because he had m4d skillz, or something.

Well...that boy dies, too. Because he's just a kid. Which makes the man the strongest person in the world.

Then the rocks fall, and everybody dies.