Disclaimer: I don't not own InuYasha or any of its characters. I just dream I do.


A group of villagers gathered around Kaede's hut, all trying to see what was causing the ruckus that had disturbed their quiet village since early that morning. They whispered to themselves as they heard muffled yelling.

"Ow! Kaede, that stings!" InuYasha howled as the old priestess cleaned his wounds with some herbs.

"Quit your howling, InuYasha. These are but minor wounds. Got 'sat' into a thorn bush, how childish," Kaede sighed, rubbing a clear paste over the hanyou's shoulder. "Why must ye provoke Kagome?"

InuYasha jerked his head around to scowl at the old woman. "I didn't provoke anybody! She's the one who has to protect her precious wolf!" The dog hanyou growled irritably as he pulled his kimono tops back over his shoulders. "Just thinking about it makes me bristle up! You hear me, Kagome!?!" he shouted at the hut entrance. Some of the villagers wisely stepped away form the entrance.

"What are you yelling at, InuYasha?" Shippo asked with a raised eyebrow.

"What are you saying?" Inu blinked. He gasped suddenly. "You don't mean she's-"

"Tis true, InuYasha. Kagome set out to back to her own time a little while ago," Kaede explained as she busied herself with putting up her medicinal herbs.

"WHAT!?!" InuYasha howled, jumping up to his feet. Without another word, he ran out of the hut, past the loitering villagers, and raced to the well.

"Such an impatient young man," Kaede sighed. Nodding, Shippo walked out of the hut to wander the village.

Meanwhile, InuYasha ran through the field that separated the village from the Forest of InuYasha. 'You think you can just leave after what you did to me Kagome!? Well, you've got another thing comin',' the half demon thought as he leapt into the trees. The normally ten minute walk took only two as he jumped through the tree branches. He growled when he caught Kagome's scent and saw her approaching the well.

"KAGOME!!!" he yelled as he landed right in front of her. Kagome gasped out of surprise but quickly smiled happily at him. The gesture only infuriated him.

"Oh, InuYasha, Kaede finished treating those scratches. That's great," she smiled.

"Don't look so innocent! What are you thinking, going home after sitting me into a bush of thorns!?" Inu growled with his fangs showing.

Kagome frowned and placed his fists on her hips. "What did you expect me to do, InuYasha!? Let you and Koga fight it out!?"

InuYasha balled his fist. "I was defending your honor! That mangy wolf KISSED you and in front of everyone-"

"Who said I didn't like it!?!" she yelled in InuYasha's face.

Kagome gasped at what she blurted out and looked away from InuYasha's shocked face. InuYasha stared at Kagome in disbelief. The one person he ever thought he'd love and protect after Kikyo's betrayal loved someone else, and that person was Koga of all people, his arch rival. Growling, he turned away from the miko.


"What?" Kagome asked softly as she looked at his back.

"You heard me. Get out of here! Go back to your precious tests and modern era!" he yelled, still facing away from her. Silently, he started to walk away.

"InuYasha!" Kagome exclaimed. She ran in front of him and halted him in his path. "Lets talk about this! I don't wanna leave with us fighting!"

"Well, I don't wanna talk! I don't even want to look at you, you philandering wench!"

SLAP! The echo of hand meeting face echoed through the area. Birds flew out of the trees and into the sky, the impact was so loud.

"You stupid mutt!" Kagome yelled before she could stop herself. She gasped loudly when she realized what she had done. "I-InuYasha… I-I'm so sorry!"

Placing a hand over the red mark on his cheek, InuYasha stared at Kagome. The young girl cringed at the empty, yet sad look in his eyes. He didn't say anything.

"I-I'm sorry, InuYasha, but… you didn't have to yell at me! Can't you say anything to me?"

"…. You want me to say something?" InuYasha asked in a soft, calm tone.

"…." Kagome nodded, not having the nerve to speak.

"Leave. Leave, Kagome, and don't expect me to be here when you come back," Inu said, "I don't know why you're even here. Naraku's dead, and the Shikon Jewel is none of your concern. Why are you here, Kagome?"

Kagome was taken back. "I'm… I'm here for… you."

"WHY!?" InuYasha exclaimed angrily, making her jump. "I don't need you! I'm a hanyou, a warrior! I don't need anybody!"

"InuYasha…." Kagome stared at InuYasha. She couldn't believe what he was saying. She'd never thought such a careless outburst would hurt him so badly. "InuYasha, I-"

"JUST GO!" InuYasha howled and pushed Kagome into the well.

"InuYasha!" Kagome cried out as she disappeared into the darkness. The last thing she saw was the cold, unforgiving expression on InuYasha's face.

When she was gone, InuYasha snorted and turned away from the deserted well. 'When she comes back, she's all yours, Wolf Boy.' Then, without another thought, InuYasha ran off into his forest.