DISCLAIMER: I don't own House...or Hugh...or Robert cries

This is my first venture into House fan fiction. Up until now I have been exclusively a MASH writer.

That si why this is so short and silly...merely a test to try and get the feel of the House fandom.

At any rate...please read and review!

'Pull down your pants.' House commanded.

Wilson spun around on the spot and almost lost his balance.

'Excuse me?'

House limped further into the room and studied his friend with his patented blue-eyed stare.

'You heard me. Pull. Down. Your. Pants.'

'Why? I just put them on!'

'I saw something.'

Wilson immediately paled and House knew that he'd trapped the Oncologist.

When Wilson didn't say anything for almost a minute, House twirled his finger in a 'turn around' fashion.

Wilson complied, albeit reluctantly. The Oncologist unzipped his trousers and pulled them down to his ankles.

House got fed up and yanked Wilson's boxers down, revealing his pale arse.

And he giggled.

'When did you get that?' House asked pointing at the black heart-shaped tattoo no bigger than a quarter.

Wilson sighed and House knew he was very embarrassed.

'High school graduation.'



'I like it...makes you seem sensitive.'

'Can I put my pants back on now?'


Feedback is love.

Until next time, Abyssinia!
