Warnings: There will be a mixture of both yaoi and heter pairings. There may be possible lime-ish moment is the future in which case I will provide a link to the full version. This is a major crossover story with multiple anime/manga stories. However I can promise that there will not be more than 2 at any same time. This is a Naruto centric story, but only the future can tell if other Naruto character will appear. Possible dimension to appear in the future is subject to my whim, but I am not all opposed to suggestions. This is un-beta-ed
Disclaimer: I do not in any way own any of the characters featured in this story.
Time changes everything. The shifting of the landscape, the rise and fall of civilizations all change with the flow of time. Only few remain unaffected by time; corruption, hope, and one lone man who have walked the shinobi plains for centuries. Although, he is no longer just a normal man, for he is the incarnate of the once great nine tailed demon fox. This human-demon hybrid was not always the way he is now, once a long time ago he was a ninja boy chosen at birth to house the spirit of the nine tailed demon fox. He was shunned by others all though is childhood, but he had great ambitions. He strived to be the strongest ninja in his village, to be Hokage, to be able to protect all though precious to him and to be acknowledged by the populace of Konohagakure despite their prejudice.
Time passed and though struggle, tragedy, bloodshed and happiness the boy grew up into a highly respected ninja of his village. Rokudiame Hokage they once called him, the protector of Konoha, but that was a in the distant past. Even after stepping down from his position of Hokage, the man continued to protect the village from a distance.
Peace stayed constant in the village and as time flowed change came with it. Younger generations took place of the old and traditions of ninja practice gave way to technology, capitalist trade and slowly ninjas are but bed time stories told to entertain children. The constant protector stayed hidden watching as everything changed, but he stayed youthful and untouched by the flow of time. During his eighteenth birthday with his coming of age triggered the complete soul merging with his demon tenant, but remained a conscious presence after the merging. One after another, he witnessed his precious people pass with old age until they have all gone. This man continue on and is known tough out the centuries by many names, but his most truest title is Uzumaki Naruto Rokudiame Hokage of Konohagakure.
Chapter 1
Deep in the still untouched parts to the forest near Konoha laid a young man with long blond hair tied up high into a pony tail twirling his finger making the vines near him dance. "Nee…oniisama, I am bored. And there is nothing to do. Even the awesomeness of making plants and flower look pretty and dance is getting boring." "Nee…nee dattebayo!"
"Stop that insistent whining kit! You've been whining about being bored for the past three decades," growled a deep voice from within the man's mind.
"But it's so boring. There is nothing to do and nothing really interesting to learn here anymore. There aren't even ninjas to fight or train with." Naruto exclaimed while sitting up right and huffing in annoyance.
"It's not my fault this world is deteriorating into a worthless waste land of simple minded greed driven mongrels. If you are so bored go kill something or pick up a suitable partner and rut around." The ancient being suggests.
Sputtering in embarrassment and disbelief, the man can only gap indignantly at the demon's suggestions. By no means is Naruto inexperienced with the act of sex or even the act of killing, he was a ninja after all. But no matter how long time has passed Naruto has continued to retain is somewhat naïve ideals and innocent optimistic nature.
"B-but that's … umm… iyada. Some of them can be descendents of any of my friends and that's…that's so wrong! How 'bout we play the 'I spy' game again."
"Stupid silly thing, it has been centuries. Those so call descendents of your long deceased friends are no different than any stranger you can pick out of the crowd. And lastly No, I refuse to play that ridiculous game of yours. I hard to believe you have not gotten sick of that after playing if for almost a century."
Being an ageless demon has its advantages; one of such is limitless patience. However, even limitless patience can get grated down to even affect the Kyuubi after centuries of dealing with Naruto's behavior and right now the thin threads holding Kyuubi's sanity together is near its breaking point. Just one more little push is needed and Naruto is just about to give the helping hand.
"I don't care. I am not about to pick up a random man or woman for a brief rut or kill. And what is wrong with the 'I spy' game? It's fun! Okay now I'll start. I spy with my little eyes. Um… something …orangey-red, now guess what it is!"
Right then those thing threads holding the Kyuubi together snapped. "Argh…! For the thousandth time it's me okay. And also you can't technically see me right now so that is pointless. This is it; we are moving on to else where to keep you preoccupied." The fox demon practically screamed. If it were possible Kyuubi would have tried to rip is fur out in frustration or smashed his head against something, but sadly that is not possible for he is but a conscious presence.
Tilting his head in confusion, Naruto tries to process what was just said to him. "Huh..? Where are we going? We have already been to every part of the continents" He inquires.
"Not any where on the continents, but to other plains of existence or dimensions as you may know them," the demon explained.
"Is that even possible? I mean how about that thing that causes problems...eeh… what is it called again time pora…paresoc…parasox thing."
If one was to call Naruto dumb, they would be completely wrong. Sure, he had a difficult time in his childhood, but that is more on the fault of his upbringing than his mental abilities. After his resignation from the position of Hokage, Naruto spend his free time learning anything and everything he can get his hands on. He even spent twenty years pondering on the philosophy of which came first the chicken or the egg and even published a book on it. With so much learned knowledge in his head, his is bound to forget some things.
"First of all its 'time paradox" and secondly that only pertains to time travel not dimension travel. Lastly, how do you expect ageless being such as my self to say in one world for all eternity? We as eternal beings have the ability to cross dimensions, however we can only move to the present corresponding time in other dimensions. We can't move travel back or forward. Now get ready we are leaving now," the fox explained.
Jumping in shock, Naruto scrambles to gather his few precious belongings. "Wah…wait a minuet let me pack," Naruto exclaims while fumbling about gathering his things and flinging his arm about in exaggerated madness. Suddenly stopping mid-rant Naruto ask, "Eh…just a thought, do you know where we are going to end up?"
"No idea, the jump is completely random. Now times up we are leaving now."
"No…wait…wa…" Suddenly a black portal rips open and Naruto is sucked within. "Ahh...hey this is kind of fun," he realizes while floating weightlessly in a void with swirling images of random places and people. "Hehehe… whee…Eh!" With a sudden lurk Naruto finds him self falling at high speed down towards the ground from very high up. Gracefully from years of mastery, Naruto performs a Kawarimi jutsu to place him self on a tree branch and a log in his place high above the ground. Wincing slightly, he witnesses the sight of the log smashing down to the ground at high velocity shattering into pieces. "Kuso, Kyuubi yaro, you could of landed me in a better position. I could have been pancake like that log if I was not such an awesome ninja.
"Shut up you ex-monkey reject and let me have some peace. You are in some place completely new now, go explore, cause havoc, learn something new or eat every kind of ramen the place can possible have; just don't do anything stupid."
Feeling the connection between them close off, Naruto decide to explore a bit and find out what kind of place he is in. The area seem to be a type of park with a small play area for children and nicely trimmed plants and trees. An odd prickling of energy being emitted in the near vicinity alerts him of another presence in the same park. Heading toward that direction, he comes about a very peculiar scene.
There in the middle of the park is a large black and white creature with a bone like mask and an odd hole through its chest. The creature made low howling and groaning noises as it continues to attack someone with great fervor. Moving closer to get a better view of the situations, Naruto jumps into another tree closer to the action. The man that is getting attacked by the odd creature seems to fairly tall and dressed in white. Assessing the man in white from bottom to top; Naruto pause to wonder, 'A cape? Who the hell would wear a cape?' With further assessment the man is revealed to have pale skin and clean angular features with dark black hair.
Suddenly the man speaks as he seems to pull out a bow but with no arrows. "You can not win hollow. You will crumble under the power of the Quincy."
Recognition hits Naruto like a tone of bricks flying at him at light speed. "Sasuke?"
The next update will not be for about a week to two. So please don't yell or complain if you don't see a update within the next day. I will respond to any reviews individually, so if you are not a signed in member leave a e-mail address if you want an response.