Too Many Shegos

By Galaxy1001D

Kim Possible and other Disney characters are © Disney Co.

Chapter Eighteen: Get Over It

Kim pulled her Kimmunicator out of her pocket. "Wade, Drakken's matter transporter is overloading the main generator! The whole place is going to blow! We need and escape plan: Please and thank you!"

"Enough residual power is still in the phase transition coils for a few trips," Wade's image informed her, "but the guidance system is scrambled! There's no way to know where you'll end up! You could show up anyplace!"

"Anywhere but here!" Ron whined over Kim's shoulder.

"Ah-huh! A-huh!" Rufus nodded as Ron held him with both hands.

"Okay, Wade… what do I do?" she asked when she approached the control panel. A distant explosion vibrated the chamber.

"Plug the Kimmunicator into that port on the back of the control panel, and I'll do the rest," the freckled boy instructed.

"Kim," Ron gulped. "I'm having second thoughts. Most of the planet is covered by water and we might appear in a solid object…"

"No time for a committee!" Kim declared as she pulled a cord out of the Kimmunicator and plugged it into the control panel. "Get on the platform, Ron!" she ordered while pulling the blonde boy up to the area under the dangerous looking radar dishes and antennas.

"Okay, cross your fingers, guys!" Wade's voice said from the Kimmunicator. "Three! Two! One!"

Ron and his little pet Rufus screamed as they hugged Kim.

"Ron, nothing happened," Kim said dryly.

Ron and Rufus laughed sheepishly.

"Kim Possible!" Drakken shook his fist as he struggled to free himself from Shecome's unyielding embrace. "You think you're all that, but you're not!"

"Wade," Kim blew a stray hair out of her eyes testily. "Any minute now."

"Oops, my bad," Wade's voice apologized. "Okay, here we go!"

The matter transporter surged to life as Kim Possible, Ron Stoppable and Rufus disappeared in a flash of energy.

"They got out!" Shego cried. "Can we use it too? Come on, Doctor Dee! You invented the thing!"

"Let… me… go!" Drakken grunted as he freed himself from Shecome's hug. He staggered over to the control panel and viewed some readouts. "Curses! The redhead and her buffoonish sidekick used some of the energy we could have used to save ourselves! There's only enough power left to transport three or four of us! At least one of us will have to stay!"

"No problem," Shego shrugged. "You and I can zap ourselves out of here and the worthless clones can stay here and get blown sky high."

"Quick!" Drakken pulled on Hergo's arm as he led her to the matter transporter. "Get on! This place could blow any minute! You too, Goshe! Shecome, come on!"

"Drakken are you out of your mind?" asked an incredulous Shego. "The machine barely has enough power for the two of us! Honestly, you're trying to save them?"

"I created them!" Drakken cried. "They're my babies! I can't let them die! Get on the transporter pad Shego!"

Soon there were four Shegos on the platform underneath the dangerous looking machinery. "Drakken, you idiot!" the original Shego cried. "Get on!"

"There isn't enough power for five and besides, somebody's got to operate the control panel!" Drakken informed her. "This thing's a prototype, what do you expect? Just stay on there, girls! I've almost equalized the power for another try!"

"You'd die for us?" Shecome gushed. "How romantic!"

"Thanks Dad," Hergo shrugged. "For a creepy old guy you aren't half bad."

"I swear to make the world suffer after you're gone!" Goshe promised.

"Are you out of your mind?" Shego snarled. "You're sacrificing yourself for us? What's wrong with you?"

"I'm staying with you!" Shecome declared. "We'll die together!"

Shego punched the pink clone in the jaw and Shecome yelped and went limp. Goshe snickered while Hergo rolled her eyes.

"Thank you Shego," Drakken said as he reset the controls. "I'm glad someone shows common sense… Wait! What are you doing? Why are you getting off?"

Shego jumped off the transporter pad, did a somersault in the air and landed next to Drakken. She then pulled the lever on the panel and her clones vanished in a flash of light.

"You're really willing to die for us?" She asked with wide green eyes.

"Yes, you fool!" Drakken shrieked. "Now because of my failure, you'll have to die too! Oh Shego! Shego! You idiot! Why did you stay? It would be different if there was some way you could actually save us! I'm such a failure! I couldn't even save you! Oh Shego! Shego!" he hugged his henchwoman, and closed his eyes as electronic equipment all over the lair overloaded. The futuristic electronics throughout the lair emitted burst of sparks and puffs of smoke but the lair was still intact. Drakken looked around in confusion. "We're alive," he said quietly. "How?"

"Down," Shego said as she pushed Drakken to the floor. The matter transporter chose that moment to explode, sending parts and fragments over their heads.

"My matter transporter!" Drakken cried as he picked himself off the floor. "It's ruined! It's in a million little pieces! I'll never be able to rebuild it!"

"So what? We're alive aren't we?" Shego shrugged as she pulled a comb out of a holster strapped to her leg and started grooming her waist length raven hair.

"But you don't understand!" Drakken gasped. "Without the matter transporter I have no way of tracing their signal! I won't be able to find them! We might never see your clones again!"

Shego's smile was so wicked that if it wasn't for her green eyes, Drakken would have thought that she was Goshe in Shego's clothing.

"Yuh… yuh… you did this didn't you?" Drakken sputtered as he pointed an accusing finger at his emerald assistant. "You set all this up on purpose didn't you? I built that machine! There's no way it could cause that kind of feedback from where you damaged it! You set the whole thing up, didn't you? How did you set it off? Use voice command or something? When you damaged the matter transporter you said an activation word, didn't you?"

"Maybe," Shego grinned sinisterly, "but at least we won't have to see those clones again. Maybe we got rid of Kim Possible and the doofus too. Could be win-win."

"You! You!" Drakken growled as he pulled at his oily black hair. "Shego! When I execute an operation I expect blind obedience!"

"Yeah right," Shego snorted. "If there's one thing you should have learned from this experience it's that you'll never get that from me. You cloned me three times, and not one of those copycats did what you wanted them to. Good riddance I say. You'd be better off making robots."

Drakken made unintelligible sounds as he pulled at his hair. Somewhere deep in his twisted mind, he made a mental note to keep track of Doctor Cyrus Bortal's research and be prepared to steal his mind control chip whenever it was perfected. A mind control chip on Shego. That would show her. In the meantime he'd see if he could complete that fembot project he'd been working on.

"Incidentally, if you want the original to stay, I want a specific 'no cloning' clause added to my contract," Shego declared. "It already prohibits any messing with my DNA, but I want the 'no cloning' part in writing. Otherwise I walk."

"You'll walk? You'll walk?" Drakken snarled. "You ungrateful vixen! If you don't want to be torn limb from limb you'll do more than walk! You'll run!"

Shego giggled girlishly as she fled down the corridor with the mad doctor hot on her heels. Even though she knew she could take Drakken in a fight, she ran anyway. Sometimes a girl just likes to be chased.

At that moment, thousands of miles away, Kim Possible was calling Wade on the Kimmunicator. "Wade! I don't know where we are, but I think we're back in France!" the blushing redhead's voice was louder than she intended. "We're by the ocean, but everybody here is naked!"

"Naked… people…" Ron gasped as he stared at the throng of undressed beachcombers. "So… many… naked people!"

"You're on a nude beach in the French Riveria," Wade informed her. "All things considered, you two are lucky. You could have ended up freezing in Antarctica, dying of thirst in the Gobi desert, or stuck in the middle of a war zone. You're lucky to be alive. Hang on. I'll get transportation out to you as soon as I can."

"Yipes!" Rufus poked his head out of Ron's pocket to see what was going on.

"Ah!" Ron staggered backwards in horror as he covered his face with his gloved hands. "My eyes! My eyes! Some people should never be naked! What has been seen cannot be unseen! That is just sick and wrong!"

"Wade," Kim sniveled as she placed a hand in front of her eyes. "Please hurry!"

The next day, after Kim and Ron had returned to Middleton, Kim discovered that her problems were only beginning.

"Kim dear," her mother said sternly at breakfast. "We need to talk. You and Ronald have been taking too many trips to exotic and romantic locations without a chaperone. I may be a romantic myself, but this is getting ridiculous."

"It's no big, Mom," Kim shrugged. "We've been to France lots of times. It's nowhere near the land of romance that everyone says it is."

"Oh no?" Anne Possible held up a newspaper with headline: TEEN HEROES EJECTED FROM NUDE BEACH. "Then perhaps you could explain this before your father sees it?" she asked wryly.

"I'm doomed," Kim whined as she put her face on the table.

When they got to school, Kim and Ron discovered that Ron's standing with the ladies had sunk to an all-time low. The sign outside the school bore the message 'STATUS QUO FOR HOMECOMING KING'.

"Hey Alex, did you finish the assignment for today?" Ron asked a tall slender freckled girl in a red tee shirt with short brown hair. The girl's only response was to snort and walk away in disgust.

"What's with her?" Ron asked the naked mole rat perched on his shoulder.

Rufus made a shrugging motion. "I dunno," the hairless rodent squeaked.

"Hey Crystal, what's with Alex?" Kim asked a fellow cheerleader with short wavy brown hair.

"Didn't you hear?" Crystal retorted. "Last night, Bonnie went on a date with Ron and he became the human octopus! Bonnie had to run away from him! Your boyfriend is a pervert who won't take 'no' for an answer!"

"Bonnie said what?" Kim gasped in horror.

Kim cornered Bonnie in the girl's restroom in 'B' Hall. "Bonnie!" Kim shouted at the curvy cheerleader. "What is the matter with you? Why did you say those horrible things about Ron? You make us both sound like a couple of freaks!"

"You are a couple of freaks!" Bonnie shouted back. "You two get my hopes up and then your loser doesn't even show! He stood me up because he was with you at that nude beach in France! I hope the two of you had a good laugh over it, 'cause I'm not ever going to forget this! Ron will never get a date at this school again and I swear I'll replace you as head cheerleader someday Kim! This is not over!"

"What? Your date was last night?" Kim was shocked at the venom Bonnie flung her way. She had been prepared to go on the attack but now here she was on the defensive. "Oh my gosh, we completely forgot your date with Ron last night! Bonnie, I'm sorry. It wasn't like that! Ron didn't stand you up on purpose I swear! We weren't on some erotic date we were fighting a villain! If there's any way to make it up to you…"

"Oh no, I'm not falling for it a second time!" Bonnie sneered. "I'm not going to let you make a fool out of me again! I'll tell you this, Kim. You better watch your back around here, 'cause from now on I've got my guard up."

Kim could only gape in stunned silence as Bonnie brushed past her. She groaned loudly as she bent over and covered her face with her hands allowing long red hair to fall forward to obscure her face entirely. "Why doesn't anybody believe us?" she groaned before she left the girl's room.

Kim could hardly contain herself until lunchtime.

"I can't believe that Bonnie said that about me!" Ron protested as he sat next to Kim in the cafeteria. "For crying out loud, I didn't even show up for our date! I was with you!"

"I know it's unbelievable!" Kim moaned as she picked at her 'food'. "She thinks you stood her up! As if we set out to humiliate her on purpose! I try to explain but she won't believe me! You didn't stand her up on purpose, it was my fault!"

"Getting a date is going to be a challenge," Ron grumbled. "The whole school thinks I'm a freak."

"Freak!" Rufus echoed as he crossed his forearms in resentment.

"Is this the way it's going to be from now on?" Kim sighed. "Bonnie and I have always been pretty tight. We get competitive now and then but it's no big. Now I think she really hates me!"

"Relax KP," Ron gave a dismissive wave. "She'll get over it. It's not like she's going to be a total witch until graduation or anything."

"Yeah you're right, Ron," Kim nodded hopefully. "In a few weeks, Bonnie will be back to her normal self."

"Which is actually… pretty witchy when you think about it," Ron frowned. He shrugged and assumed an uncaring pose. "Oh well, now sense cryin' over spilled milk. Now that I'm a total outcast, I can do anything I want. Got nothin' to lose. Now the pressure is off and I can just be me."

"You're taking this pretty well," Kim observed.

"Bein' 'Ron the status symbol'… it was just too much work," Ron sighed with melodramatic laziness. "There was always some punk tryin' to take me down and become the most popular boy in the school… I'm just glad it's over."

"Yeah," Rufus laid on the table and put on a tiny pair of sunglasses. "Over."

"And you were the most popular boy in school… when exactly?" asked a skeptical Kim. "Did I miss your superstardom?"

"You'll be as popular as I was, don't worry about it," Ron shrugged nonchalantly. "It will be a rush while it lasts, but you'll be glad when it's over, believe me."

"If you say so," Kim sighed. "I just wish one girl knew that you were out fighting villains and not assaulting Bonnie."

"One girl does Kim, one girl does," Ron leaned back in his chair and smiled reassuringly. "It's enough."

"Aw…" Kim cooed.

"That is so sweet," a blonde cheerleader murmured. "You're lucky to have him."

"Tara?" Kim blushed as she turned to look at the girl who was standing nearby holding her food tray. "How long have you been standing there?"

Tara giggled and continued to her table where an irate Bonnie waited for her.

"Aw man!" Ron grumbled. "Now everybody's gonna think we're boyfriend and girlfriend again! We can't win, can we? What do I gotta do? Use a megaphone or something? This is just stupid!"

"Oh no that's right!" Kim gasped. "One of us still has to find a date so the 'rents won't shut us down! This is just going from bad to worse!" She got up to empty her food tray. "There's no way I'm gonna find a boy I want to date on such short notice!" She turned and bumped into a tall slender blonde boy who was passing by. "Ah!" she cried as she fell to the floor.

"Whoa!" the boy chuckled good-naturedly. "Are you okay? Sorry I didn't watch were I was going." He knelt down and extended his hand. "Let me help you up. Sorry about that. You're Kim Possible right? I saw you on the news. Pretty cool."

"I… I… I…" Kim stammered as she stared at the boy in slackjawed awe.

"I'm Josh Mankey," the boy said after he helped her to her feet. "It's good to meet you Kim. I guess I'll see you around."

"I… I… I…" Kim stuttered as she watched him walk away. "Call me!" she waved sheepishly before she sat back down and buried her face in her hands. "'Call me', what a dumb thing to say. I don't even have his number! I look like I'm totally desperate! What's going to think of me?"

"He ought'a look where he's goin'," Ron shrugged. "Let's see, someone you can go out with…? Have you considered… Brick Flag? I know he's a jock but the quarterback and cheerleader combo is classic!"

Kim frowned at Ron and shook her head in disgust.

Meanwhile, miles away on a tropical island that wasn't on any charts, a grey Hergo was trying to cook the fish she caught. She rubbed two sticks over a pile of wood in a futile attempt to start a campfire.

"Run!" Shecome cried as she emerged from the jungle. "She's coming! She's coming! If she catches us we're doomed!"

The grey and pink Shegos ran away before a scarlet Goshe emerged from the foliage, her face stained in war paint. "That's right my pretties… run! Run as fast as you can! Ha-ha-ha!"