The Locket


It had been destroyed. As soon as Endymion had laid his fingers to it, the magic of love that he and Serenity shared had burst from his heart and washed the evil spell from his mind.

Usagi ran from the house with her bag slung over her shoulder, ready for a Saturday of fun and frolic with her friends. The year was almost over, her high school career going well now that she had Ami checking her homework. She would graduate in the high 100s instead of the lower 400s. It was a warm day so she opted for white shorts and a gauzy pink top.

She remembered. She remembered everything from that day. Though, she hardly swelled on it. She and her senshi comrades had bigger fish to fry just a year later when Usagi and Mamoru's daughter had appeared from the future, then that business with the Black Moon Family, followed by the appearance of the Outer Sailor Senshi. Everything came to a head just a month before, when, with the help of some senshi from other worlds, they defeated a dark senshi called Galaxia.

She had forgotten all about the locket she had carried, the thing that had saved Endymion that time in the dark caverns of the Dark Kingdom. It didn't trouble her life, trying to remember such a small piece of jewelary. She was more concerned with her friends, her family, and her future.

She stopped outside the park, looking at the promise ring on her finger, thinking. The future was bright. She smiled gaily and rushed to the lake, where her friends were waiting for her. Mamoru waved as Ami read to Hotaru, Makato and Rei under a tree. He was playing volleyball with Minako, Setsuna, Michiru, and Haruka. The Outer Senshi were like older sisters, watching over their younger friends, and always there when they were needed. Usagi took her camera from her bag and snapped a few pictures. These would go into her scrap book. She vowed after the business with Galaxia, she would always keep recent pictures of her friends with her, because she never knew if she would loose them. She had almost lost them.

Galaxia had taken their Star Seeds. With no Star Seed, their bodies crumbled. Usagi thought they were lost, but a miracle had happened, allowing them to return to Usagi.

Mamoru came to join Usagi, kissing the top of her head, "Hi, Dumpling."

She smiled at him, putting her camera away, "Been here long?"

"About an hour, Setsuna and Makato brought us a picnic." Mamoru took her hands and pulled her to a tree, away from the others, "Usagi, I have something to give you."

He removed a box from his pocket and handed it to her. It was small, like the box her promise ring had come in. She opened it and gasped.

"I had forgotten… How…" She looked up at him, her eyes searching his. He smiled at her, putting a finger under her chin, "You have never given up on me and this prooves it. I had it made from what I remembered of it."

Usagi looked back at the small stars happed locket that Endymion had given Serenity so many lifetimes ago. It wasn't quite the same, she saw when she opened it. Inside was a picture of her and Mamoru. The locket played the same song, though and she burst into tears. He hugged her, then took the locket, hanging it around her neck, "No need to cry, Dumpling."

"I had forgotten it. How could I have forgotten it? Thank you Mamoru…" She stood on tiptoe and kissed him.

Minako tossed the volleyball at them, smacking Usagi upside the head. She shook a fist at Minako as Mamoru grabbed the ball. They returned to their friends, laughing. Usagi fingered the locket, smiling serenely.

"It's a new day…" she said to herself and then piled on top of Rei, squealing about a new manga she had just bought.

Happy Endings

Ending Note: YAY! This is my best project yet, I have to say. Writing for already established characters is harder then it looks, folks. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did writing it. Visit my Deviantart page: www.savagekitty. . Leave me comments, i love comments. You'll see chibi version of Crystal Senshi and Amazons. Nothing from this story, yet. Thanks!