Whheeee!! I'm so happy from all the reviews I got!! I'm having a terrible case of writers block so sorry I haven't updated in a long time. I don't really like this chapter because it's a bit boring but bare with me here!! And, yes, I do know that this chapter is extremely short but I don't want to make you guys wait. Who knows? Maybe in a few chapters someone will die? Joking, just having some fun here. Or am I?

Please R & R!! I need those to survive!! And lately I haven't gotten a lot.. Since you can't see me I'll tell you that I'm frowning. Frowning very.. sadly..

I would like it give a shout out to:

fifespice: LOL! Ya, Ginny is kind of a butt but she's just a bit moody because she got kicked off the Quidditch team.

QueenB23: Why, thank you! Like the saying, Love is in the air!!

Billy-is-Willy: Yummy!! Blaise.. What a dirty boy..

AllieCullen-xx: Airhead!! LOL. Everyone should read Bella's Power by this girl!!

Harry Potter is not mine to own.

"Ladies first," Potter said, motioning for me to go first. I could see the corner of his lips bend up into a grin.

"More like Slytherins first." I beat him to the grin. We looked each other in the eyes.

"Ferret boy."

"Scar head."

Draco's P.O.V

Oh god- First day of school. That means stupid, old Dumbledore is going to give a stupid speech about some stupid new teacher and welcome us back. He should just put a sock in it because we don't want to hear it!

As Blaise and I walked back to The Great Hall in silence, we sat down at the Slytherin table beside Crabbe. There was pumpkin juice, chicken wings, vegetables, mash potatoes, steak and any other possible combinations of food. And then there was desert; I just won't go there.

Dumbledore stood up from his seat and tapped his goblet with a spoon to quiet down the students. "Ahem." He tried again but the kids were too loud for him. "Ahem!!" He said a lot louder. Everyone stopped moving and eating and looked up at him.

"Welcome to Hogwarts for those of you who are new here. And welcome back to everyone else. First I would like to introduce a new teacher, Mr. Padalecki. He will be teaching Charms at Hogwarts this year." Mr. Padalecki stood up to take a bow and did a little wave. After the first years were finally sorted, we got to eat.

"Draco?" I knew that voice, it was Pansy. "Hey..." she said quietly. "I'm sorry for telling you to leave on the train ride. I was just a little mad that you and Blaise were kissing for... so long." She was looking at her food and poking it with her fork.

"Uhh... ok."

"You're not mad at me are you?" To be truthful, I didn't really care. I was bored with Pansy. I needed more excitement; everyone has expected me and Pansy to be together and get married but I think I should mix it up a bit. Not just because I was bored with the way my life was going but also because I was in love with someone else - someone totally new, someone like Blaise.

"I'm not mad but I think we should have a talk later. I don't think we should be talking about this kind of stuff while Dumbledore is talking." Like I give a shit about him!

"Since when do you respect Dumbledore?" she asked with her eyebrows raised. I guess I wasn't the only person that could see through my lies.

"Well it's our 7th year so I thought I would give the old man a break. Besides I just think that we should be discussing our..." I hesitated for the word, "relationship" I spat out.

She rolled her eyes and turned the other way to talk to her best friend, which, by the way, changes almost every week. Her name was Peyton Rota. I think she's new because I've never seen her around here unless she was one of Pansy's projects where she turns someone ugly into someone hot because this Rota girl was pretty hot! She would be even more hot if I could just stop thinking of Blaise...

"Again, thank you for listening so well and enjoying your food but now it's time for everyone to go back to their dorm rooms." He snapped his fingers and all our food was gone including the pumpkin juice. "Haha..." Dumbledore must have been laughing at Potter's best friend Weasley, because he was just in the middle of eating a chicken wing. "Now off to your rooms and for the first years, just follow your house leader."

I remember when I was in first year and Dumbledore said that to me. He must be stupid to say that because the first years were...first years! How the fuck would they know who their house leaders were?

I walked up the stairs to the Slytherin common room. Something about the green and silver walls made me feel so at home. I plopped down on to my bed since all my stuff was already there. I exhaled deeply and slowly drifted to sleep in the soft squishy mattress without even changing or brushing my teeth.

"Hey, roomie!" Oh god, I was sharing a room with the one and only Blaise Zabini.