A/N: This is my first fanfic so I'm so excited to see if you guys like it!! Please review, good or bad. You could also tell me how I could improve.

Harry Potter is not mine to own.

Summary: Famous, Harry Potter is living a normal life in Hogwarts with his girlfriend, Ginny Weasley, but what happens when Draco gets put under a love spell and falls for Harry? What happens when Harry starts to love him back? The pairings are: Harry/Draco, Harry/Ginny, Draco/Hermione and Ron/Hermione.

This doesn't really have to do with anything but on March 23 it's Steven Strait's Birthday!! I will probably update again on his birthday! For those of you that don't know who he is he's an actor/model/singer 33 share the love!! I love him!!

Chapter One

Harry P.O.V

"Stop it, Ron!" I chuckled. I shook head my back and fourth to get all the snowflakes out of my hair and blinked a few times before I started making snowballs to throw back at Ron. The forest was so white with snow it looked like a big lake of melted marshmello. I was trying to remember how George had taught me how to throw snowballs underhand. I didn't know what the difference was from throwing it overhand but apparently it was more "sneaky". I shook away the silly thought.

"Afraid I'm going to beat you?" he urged on, picking up a dull icicle. The people around us were staring at Ron for his immature behavior. I let out a little snicker. We were around the three broom sticks, so you could imagine how many people were around us at the time.

"Harry watch out!" cried Hermione as she used her wand to stop the cold ice from hitting me. Gosh, Hermione always knew the right time to arrive.

I walked towards her, greeting her with a big grateful hug. To my dismay Ginny was right behind her. Who would have guessed? They were wearing matching scarves, hats and boots. I haven't noticed that I was still hugging Hermione until Ginny gave an uncomfortable cough. I quickly let her go before anything else got too awkward.

"Harry! I've missed you so much since winter break! How have things been going?" Ginny gushed. I tried to put on one of my warmest smiles to show her I missed her, too. Ginny was actually a great girl but the reason why I haven't been talking to her since winter break is because she's been so moody. She hasn't told me herself why she's been like that but Ron told me it was because she was failing potions and she got kicked off the gryffindor quidditch team. We all know what Ginny is capable of when she gets mad.

"Oh, uhh.. Ginny! I've been great. What have you been up to?" I asked trying to be careful about the words I used. I hope I haven't asked her the wrong thing.

"Oh, not much…" she seemed to be at a loss of words. "What have I been up to, Harry? I've been getting drunk. Do you know why? Because I was kicked off the quidditch team! That's what I've been up to!" she yelled.

"You've been doing what?!" asked Ron, seeming like he was going to pass out and his eyes were as wide and big as a house elf. "Ginny, you're only seventeen! Does mom and dad know about this?!" Now Ron was pacing around a tree, looking like an idiot.

"Don't tell anyone! You have no clue what I'm going through, right now!" Ginny yelled back. She quickly flashed me a dark glare and ran off. Hermione did the same to Ron and she sprinted to catch up with Ginny.

"Damn it!" I scoffed. Girls were so hard to understand! "Ron, what do I do now?" I questioned.

Ron was still pacing around the poor little tree. You could actually begin to see the dirt now. "She's a drunk, Harry! You have it easy! You're just her boyfriend. I have to live with her!" he screamed. Now he was practically flailing his arms around, on the edge of hyperventilating. He looked almost comical.

"Ron, calm down! School is almost starting and you wouldn't have to been in the same room as she's in anymore!" I tried to comfort him but it was hard seeing as I was just as uncomfortable with this situation as he was. "Come on, Ron. Let's go back to the three broom sticks and have a drink" I said in my most calming voice. I just remembered that the problem was drinking. "We could have a nice.. Milkshake." I quickly corrected myself.

I nearly had to peal Ron away from that poor tree until he agreed to come with me and calm down with a milkshake before we both go mental.

Before we even got to the tree broom sticks I could already smell some of the liquor. I opened the door and to my disappointment I saw Draco Malfoy. I dragged the still shocked Ron to the seat furthest away from Malfoy and his friends, Crabe and Goyal. As usual they were picking on a couple of Hufflepuffs, Ernie Macmillan and Hannah Abbott. When I was sure they didn't see us I started to order.

"Two vodka's, please." I requested. I didn't want anything too special or else Ron and I wouldn't be able to get back to the burrow safely.

"Two vodka's, on the house!" yelled the waitress over to the counter. "Looks like you to boys have been though a pretty rough day." I couldn't help but notice that she reminded me of those ladies that worked at old restaurants with gum in her mouth and she would always look like she had better things to do.

"Thanks." I said gratefully. "Ron, are you ok? Ginny's only one year younger than us. We go drinking all the time with her! It's not that bad." I said.

"It's not that bad?! It's not that bad?!" stuttered Ron. "We go drinking for fun! Ginny is going drinking to numb the pain of getting kicked off the fucking qudditch team." It sounded like Ron was going to need more than just vodka.

Our drinks came quite quickly. Both me and Ron chugged it down and ordered another, but this time I thought that we should try something a little stronger. Like some whisky.

I suddenly saw a flash of light blonde hair pass by. Malfoy. I silently prayed that he didn't hear our conversation. Who am I kidding? That ferret boy hears everything that has to do with gossip or should I say anything that would get me or my friends in trouble.

"Oooo.. So the baby of the weasels is a drunk? Next thing you know she'll be just like her older brother." the blonde bimbo said with a smirk. He looked behind him to signal Crabe and Goyal to laugh at his hurtful remark. I hated the fact that Draco always had some sort of posse behind him that made him look like some sort of king.

"Malfoy, fuck off!" I looked him straight in the eyes trying to look serious but was defeated by my drunken hiccup. "We don't need this, right now!"

"What'cha going to do 'bout it, Potter?"

"I'll tell you what I'm going to do about it, Malfoy" I said with my most threatening voice. "Better yet. I'll show you!"

OOOO!! I'm so excited!! I get to make my own cliff!! Please, please review! Please no flames though, constructive criticism is welcome.