AN: I'm writing this story a little differently than my other one, so I hope you guys like it. And I decided that I love that One Tree Hill names all of their episodes after songs, so I decided to do that with my chapters. They'll be whatever title fits the chapter so they wont all be new, popular songs.

Crash Into You

Chapter 1: She's Perfect

Gabriella Montez strolled down the hallways of East High. The petite, stunning, beautiful girl silently made her way through the corridors; dodging paper airplanes, stepping over lost books and book bags, and squeezing through the multitudes of people that crowded the lunch room door on a daily basis. Even though most everyone in the school knew Gabriella, no one ever noticed her when she walked alone, which pleased her as it made it easy to get lunch. She settled on her usual Caesar salad with a side of grapes, apple crisp for dessert and a milk to drink. Everyday she looked down at her plate and pointed out to herself that this is the only time that she ever eats healthy and that she should really do it at home. Gabriella slid into a seat next to her friend Taylor. Taylor was very pretty, but also one of her academic friends, so people rarely pointed it out. Taylor was talking to the other people sitting at the table (also her academic friends), which pleased Gabriella very much. Today was one of the days when she'd rather eat her lunch in peace, without having to worry about the latest competition or the newest chapter read in a book. As she nibbled at her salad she considered that maybe it was time to try to move her two groups of friends into one group. Gabriella shook her head and immediately threw away the idea. How could she even think of doing that? She had her academic friends and her dance friends. Those two groups just don't mix. Her academic friends consisted of Taylor, John, Kayla, Adam, and Richard. Those were the people she hung out with at school. Those were the people she was on the academic decathlon team with. Those were the people who she could have a fun, intelligent conversation with. Those were the people who made her think. Almost everything about them was different from her dance friends. Her dance friends were Ashley, Nate, Brooke, Chloe, James, Matt, Mia, Chris, and Tom. These were people she had known since she had learned to do a kick ball change. These were the people she hung out with after school and on weekend. These were the people that she could just kick back and relax with. These were the people who knew how to make her laugh. These were the people who shared the passion of dance with her. Gabriella shook her head again. How could she have ever thought that her two groups of friends could ever mix? Yes, they knew about each other, but they were still as different as black and white, night and day, a Chemistry book and a tap shoe. But even though they were so different, they made her who she was. They made her Gabriella, the smart girl who could hold her own on the dance floor. They were her yin and yang. One not complete without the other.

"Gabriella," Taylor shook her arm. Gabriella snapped her attention back to her friends. "What are you day dreaming about again."

Gabriella smiled a small smirk, "Oh just yin and yang."

"Did you know that Yin is often symbolized by water or earth, while yang is symbolized by fire, or wind?" Adam stated.

Taylor gave her a curious look. Taylor knew the most about the other part of Gabriella's life and Gabriella knew that she didn't like it too much. Taylor always told her that right now she should be focusing on her studies. As a 17 year old senior she should be on the lookout for college scholarships, not for new ballet shoes. As Adam continued to ramble off facts Gabriella smiled at Taylor and she had no choice but to smile back. As much as she disapproved of her friends other life, she knew that it made her happy and it didn't distract her from any competition that they were ever in. Taylor was only concerned about the happy part; the other thing was just a bonus.

As lunch ended Gabriella gathered up her trash and books and headed off to AP Chemistry with Taylor.

"So what were you really thinking about furring lunch?" Taylor asked She already knew the answer, still she waited for Gabriella's reply.

Gabriella tried to smile. It was never easy explaining what goes on in her head. "I was just thinking that maybe it wouldn't be so bad if you guys met my dance friends."

"And I'm thinking that would be terrible." Taylor and Gabriella let out a giggle, even though they both knew it was a very true statement she had made.

"Well, what if just you and Ashley meet. I mean, you guys are my two best friends and it would be nice if you guys tolerated each other." Gabriella knew what Taylor was going to say. The two girls had had this conversation many times before and each time Gabriella regretted ever bringing it up.

"I have met her." Taylor said rigidly. And it was true, she has met Ashley. Just not in a way Gabriella would have liked.

"She's different now. I promise." That was a lie. Ashley wasn't too different than when she and Taylor 'met' but if it made her friend feel better it was a lie she was willing to tell

"I don't know Gabriella, me and her, we just don't mix. I mean dancers and honors students don't go together." She looked over at Gabriella whose face was sad and stern. Only a look that Gabriella could seem to pull off. "I mean, except for you of course."

"Thanks Taylor." Gabriella said in an unfeeling voice.

"You know I didn't mean it that way. I never do. Why do we even have this conversation?" Taylor let out a heavy sigh, as did Gabriella.

"Because I'm just a silly girl who can't seem to make up her mind."

"And you shouldn't have to!" Taylor stopped her friend and turned her so they were face to face. "I've said it before, but I'll say it again. If dancing makes you happy then-"

"I'm happy too." Gabriella finished. "I know."

"Right! So stop being all mopey and let's get to class."

Gabriella smiled. Chemistry always made her feel better, as did resolving a fight with a friend. "So does that mean you'll consider coming to one of my dance competitions?" She asked n a hopeful voice. She's known Taylor since middle school, but she has yet to come see her dance.

Taylor's mouth slightly dropped. She would love to see her friend dance, but it never felt fight seeing her be friends with someone she truly despised. "I'll consider it. But I don't make any promises."

Gabriella's smiled widened, "That's good enough for me."

Taylor laughed as she followed Gabriella into their AP Chemistry class. The two girls took their usual seats in the front of the class with notebooks open and pens out ready to learn. Gabriella smiled as the teacher wrote test questions on the white board. It will soon be another A to add to her collection.


Gabriella dropped her dance bag as she walked in the studio door. Studio three, her favorite. It was the biggest room, which meant more space to move around in. She walked over to a group of her friends. Ashley was obviously the loudest one there. She lad long blond hair and bright green eyes. She was pretty and she knew it. Gabriella loves how confident she was. Next to Ashley was Brooke. She had shoulder length chocolate brown hair that framed her pace perfectly. Her eyes seemed to changed colors. Today her eyes were hazel. Brooke was sweet and nice, but she was a little ditsy at times. Gabriella took a seat next to two of her friends. Looking around the class she noticed that the majority of her classmates weren't there.

"Gabi you're here!" Brooke exclaimed. Gabriella smiled. That was another difference between her friends. Her dance friends rarely ever called her Gabriella. It was always Gabi or Gabs or some other form of her name.

"Why wouldn't I be?" Gabriella asked as she stretched out her hamstrings.

"You weren't here for class earlier today."

"Brooke, this is my first class with you today." She told her friend. A light seemed to go in Brooke's head.

"Oh yeah, I always forget that Wednesdays are your light days."

"What the hell is with that?" Ashley said, "We're all taking practically the same classes but we're all separated. I mean in this class there are only four of us out of what? Our group of ten people?" Ashley said. She spoke her mind and didn't care what others thought of her.

"Chill out Ash. We all have plenty of classes together. Not to mention all of our competition dances." Gabriella said.

"Well whatever. I still think it sucks that they had to split us up."

Arica, one of our teachers, clapped her hands together to get everyone's attention. "As you all can tell, there are some kids missing."

"Yeah like half the class." Ashley added.

"There is a flu bug going around and people are dropping like flies. So we have decide that instead of learning more of your dances, we are just going to go across the floor and sharpen up moves." Arica finished.

"So were just going to be in dance boot camp until everybody is well again." Ashley stated. And she was right.

Arica has the class line up and do numerous routines across the floor.

"At least she's letting us go barefoot or else it might be unbearable." Gabriella said before her turn came up again. Her friends, sweaty and tried, nodded in agreement.

Gabriella moved flawlessly across the floor. She rarely ever messed up or missed a count, and everyone knew it.

"Nice job Gabi! Perfect!" Arica called out causing Gabriella to blush. She liked getting compliments, but they always embarrassed her a little bit.

By the time classes ended Gabriella was ready to go home. She grabbed her water bottle and sucked down what water was left in it.

"Dance boot camp has officially begun." Ashley said as she shoved on her street shoes.

"I'll say. I'm officially exhausted." Gabriella agreed. The girls walked out of the studio and into the lobby.

"But Gabs, you shouldn't be too tired. I mean you're perfect." Ashley joked.

Gabriella bumped her hip into Ashley's. "Shut up!" The girls waved goodbye to the receptionist as Brooke joined them in the walk to their cars.

"How many times did the teachers point our how perfect you are today?" Ashley asked, clearing joking around with her friend.

"I think it was at least 7 or 8." Brooke answered, smiling along with Ashley and Gabriella.

"Wow! That must be a record. Eight 'perfects' in three classes, you're on a role Gabs."

"I don't ask for those compliments." Gabriella defended herself. "I'll see you guys tomorrow." She said as she reached her car.

"Bye hun!" Ashley yelled as she and Brooke went to their cars.

Gabriella's car was nice, very nice in fact. She pulled out of the parking lot in her Atlantic blue metallic BMW 2007 650i conversable. Gabriella never really wanted the car, or any car for that matter, but her mom insisted on getting it for her.


"Mom! I'm home!" Gabriella yelled as she opened the door to her extravagant house. The house was far too big for two people, but her mom didn't care. Her mom told her the bigger the better. The whole first floor has cathedral ceilings, cherry wood floors, beautiful furniture and decorations and anything else expensive.

"Gabriella you're home!" Her mom exclaimed coming down one of the white carpeted staircases. "I have some bad and good news to tell you."

Gabriella sighed. "What?" She had no idea what the news could be. Her mom's idea of good and bad were so different from her own that it was hard to think that they were related, let alone mother and daughter.

"Bad news, our neighbors, the Robinsons, got a whole new back yard with a pool, tennis court, small basketball court, the whole shebang."

"Mom don't say 'shebang.' And how is that bad news for us?" Gabriella asked.

"Well we have to get a new back yard as well." Her mom said, as if it should have been obvious. "We can't have them upstaging us."

"Mom, our backyard is fine. We have a pool and a basketball court. Both of which you don't even use." Gabriella said, trying to convince her mom out of spending a substantial amount of money, again.

"Oh you don't use a backyard. It's just for show and resale."

Gabriella shook her head and sighed. There was no way of talking her mom out of this. "Whatever you say mom."

"Great. So I'll be contacting some building people soon so we can have our new backyard as soon as possible."

"Contractors." Gabriella corrected her mom.

"What?" her mom asked confused. This is one of the times Gabriella swears she was switched at birth.

"Building people are called contractors." She told her mom.

"Oh right. Well, I'll be calling them soon, probably tomorrow. But right now I have to go meet some clients." She grabbed her purse and headed for the door.

"But mom, it's nearly eight o'clock!"

"Don't wait up!" Her mom yelled as she shut their front door.

Gabriella sighed. Another night alone, but she was used to them. Ever since her parents got a divorce her mom has been very focused on her work. She wandered into the open kitchen and turned up the radio. Gabriella smiled as one of her favorite song came on and she started to sing along. "Her face is a map of the world, is a map of the world. You can see she's a beautiful girl, she's a beautiful girl. And everything around her is a silver pool of light. The people who surround her feel the benefit of it. It makes you calm, she holds you captivated in her palm." She continued to sing along as she made herself dinner. "Suddenly I see, this is what I wanna be. Suddenly I see, why the hell it means so much to me. Suddenly I see, this is what I wanna be. Suddenly I see, why the hell it means so much to me."

AN: That was the longest first chapter I have ever written (5 1/2 pages in Microsoft Word), so I hope you guys enjoyed it. I hope I go to you that Gabriella is kind of living a double life as a smart girl and as a dancer and that they are very different lives, and that she doesn't always agree with her mom and the things she does. I love comments (good and bad) so please leave one if you want me to continue.