ANTI-MAY STORY to those of you who hate the blondeness of May here ya go. Oh if you thought Ash and May made a cute couple YOU THOUGHT WRONG!!!!!ASH AND MISTY FOREVER!!
Ash, Max, and Brock were taking a nice walk through the park. Battling all the time sure can tire you out. They then decided to lay down underneath a tree.
"it feels so good out here" said Ash
"yes it does" said Brock
"I don't see how this day can get bad" said Max
Then from the distance, out of nowhere a brunette how people mistake for a blonde came out and ruined the quite. And in her high-pitched girly voice she spoke.
"Hey guys, listen I'm just about tired of you boy's just dreaming into lala land"
"but it so quite there and your not there to ruin it" said Max
"how dare you say that to your sister"
"your not my sister anymore…I got the papers to prove it" said Max pulling them out.
"so, I don't care I have ash" said May as she went to kiss him.
"somebody help me" said the struggling Ash
Then Misty came running to save him with a gun in her hand.
"get away from my boyfriend you slut"said Misty
"oh ya and what are you going to do about it" said May
"this" said Misty shooting the gun
Then Misty ran over to Ash and they started making out.
"Misty will you marry me" said Ash
"oh yes Ash" said Misty
"NO MORE MAY" said Max
"HIP, HIP, HORRAY, HIP, HIP, HORRAY" They all said at the same time while throwing their hands up in the air.
ASH AND MISTY FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!! review