Howdy folks. It's challenge time. Last time I rose to a challenge from Sayla Ragnarok- Hogan's Menagerie. Today, I shall attempt a real doozy posed by Hubbles. Here's how she posted the challenge- The Real Mavis McCoy Challenge. A challenge to step away from the multitude of fictional twins and assorted siblings, and use the only relative of Newkirk's (or any of the guys as far as I know) to be mentioned by name on the show.

So, here you go. Park your brain at the door and have fun.


It was a typical spring day in London. The sweet smell of flowers mingled with the stench of the busy, bombed out city. Birds sang somewhere overhead, doing their part to dispel the gloom felt by the war-weary citizens. A few blocks over, the road was roped off to keep anyone from getting too close to an unexploded bomb. Children chased each other round the rubble of a crumbled building, laughing and giggling. It was an odd mix- such happiness amidst such sadness.

Scrunching her nose and keeping her eyes down, Mavis Newkirk picked her way through the rubble that littered the sidewalk. It was a dangerous task just walking to work now days. Nevertheless, it was only a few blocks more and she was a soldier of His Majesty's army; she could make it. Checking her watch, she quickened her step, nearly slipping a few times before her destination came into view.

She stopped at the entrance and straightened her brown jacket and skirt. It wouldn't do to look like a ruddy slob when she entered the High Command HQ. The glass on the door offered little reflection, but she managed to make herself presentable before entering the building.

"Afternoon Private," she greeted warmly as she walked up to the front desk. The private nodded and handed her a clipboard. She signed it and headed towards the elevator.

The operator greeted her with a thin smile. "Floor?"

"Down two levels," she informed him. The elevator whirred and jerked. Mavis hated elevators, but kept her head. She was grateful when the doors opened and she stepped out.

Another sentry stopped her and made her sign in before letting her pass. She had to pass two more before she finally made it into the radio room.

Stopping at the entrance of the room, Mavis poured herself a mug of coffee before heading to her station. She briefly glanced at the reports scattered in front of her.

"Nothing interesting there Corporal." Mavis nearly jumped out of her skin and whirled around.

"Blimey! Don't do that Captain," she gasped.

"Sorry old girl," Captain Sinclair said with a tiny smirk, "didn't mean to scare you." He moved closer and leaned against her desk. "Enjoy your weekend?"

"Course. I received a letter from me-" she stopped herself and tried again- "my brother." A regular Eliza Doolittle, she'd worked hard to rid herself of her Cockney accent and way of speaking, but sometimes she slipped.

"Ah yes. He's a POW is he not?" Mavis nodded, thinking back to the letter. It'd been short and semisweet- Peter wasn't one for sentiment. It'd been the same as every letter he'd sent to her, as few as they were. He missed her and England and couldn't wait to get home. But until then, he was surviving and there was no need to worry about him. It didn't help; she still worried about him and would always worry until her big brother came home.

Captain Sinclair suddenly cleared his throat and went to his desk. "We're expecting a communiqué from Papa Bear anytime."

Mavis tried to hide her scowl. She'd forgotten it was the beginning of the month. Their agent in Germany, Papa Bear, would be sending them his 'shopping list' for the month. That in itself wouldn't have been so bad, but the demands he made were utterly outrageous.

Suddenly, her radio came to life. Well, speak of the devil. "Papa Bear to Goldilocks, come in Goldilocks."

Mavis slipped on her headphone and grabbed her mike. "This is Goldilocks, go ahead Papa Bear," she said to the disembodied voice. American of course. Papa Bear had to be American. There was no way anyone British would be part of that particular underground organization. Not because they weren't brave enough, they just weren't crazy enough.

"Grandma's feeling poorly. We need a basket of goodies for her."

Mavis rolled her eyes. Blimey, who made up these ridiculous codes? Whoever it was sure wasn't going to get a medal for originality. Oh well, it wasn't her place to question the codes, she just used them.

Grabbing a pen and notepad, she prepared herself for Papa Bear list. "Go ahead Papa Bear. Did the doctor give you a prescription?" she asked, bracing herself for the absurd demands she knew were coming.

"Sure did. Let's see: ammonium hydroxide, ammunition, antibiotics-" Was he putting this in alphabetical order?! For some reason that just annoyed her. Well, at least they were basic. Nothing outrageous… yet. "Boots- size 10, dynamite, a football, paper, snow shoes-" Snow shoes?! No, no, she wasn't going to argue with that one. Ridiculous though it was, especially in the Spring, it wasn't that crazy. She was curious as to what they would need snow shoes for, but she wasn't going to loose any sleep over it. Though she didn't know the particulars of Papa Bear's organization- it was on a need to know basis and she didn't- she knew he'd pulled off some crazy and bizarre things. She briefly wondered if she'd ever know what went on there.

"Thermometers," Papa Bear continued. Mavis raised an eyebrow. ? No… she wasn't going to question it; that wasn't her job. She just relayed messages. "Peanuts-"

"Excuse me? Peanuts?" Not only was that stupid, but it was out of order. Peanuts should've been after paper.

"Doctor's orders," came the nonchalant American voice.

"Peanuts," Mavis repeated, just to clarify.


"Anything else Papa Bear?"

"Well, if it isn't too much trouble, Grandma could sure use some new Tommy Dorsey records."

"We'll see what we can do Papa Bear. I'll relay your list and reply in ten minutes. Over and out."

Sighing, Mavis slumped in her chair and slipped off her headset. "Papa Bear gave me his list."

"Unusual?" Captain Sinclair snickered.

"Only because it wasn't unusual. I mean, except for the snow shoes… and the peanuts."

"Peanuts?" Sinclair repeated.

"Yes, peanuts," Mavis confirmed. "Captain, tell me, is Papa Bear crazy?"

Sinclair laughed. "He's completely mad. But he's also out finest agent. Those lads have pulled off some of the greatest stunts of the war. Quite amazing really."

"I should like to meet him one day, after the war."

Sinclair hid a smile. "You just might Mavis, my dear. You just might."

Aw, Mavis... doesn't even know...

And what exactly is Hogan going to use peanuts for? Who knows. But speaking of peanuts, you should go to our forums- lots of challenges and lots of discussion on our favorite show and characters. Where do peanuts fit into here? You just gotta go and find out, I guess. (Pssst, go to the 2 in the upper right hand corner).

Later days,
