The events that take place in this fic are the 20 months before day six, right after the end of day five! please enjoy and review!

Audrey thought her head was about to crack open, why hadn't they found him yet, she thought! The agent incharge walked up to her.

"Ms. Raines, I sorry but Jack Bauer is MIA, we've searched everywhere but we can't seem to find him!" the agent told her. She broke down and started crying. She sat on the ground just thinking, how could she lose him again? What had either of them done to deserve this? Not knowing what else to do she accepted the agent's offer to have her driven anywhere she would like to go. The hospital she thought, she needed to see her father so very badly. After getting settled in the car she pulled out her cellphone, she had to call Chloe, someone who would understand what she was going through, after all she was like one of Jack's best friends!

Chloe and Morris were at her house having some coffee when she got the call from Audrey. At the moment she had been telling Morris everything that had happened yesterday. About Edgar, Tony, President Palmer, and Michelle. She talked about the nerve gas and the other terrorist attacks. She had even told him about Spencer who she now hated with a passion. She picked up her Cell when it rang.

"Hello, Audrey?" she asked.

"Chloe? I don't know what to do, something happened to jack, he's gone missing!" she admitted to her crying as if she had just found out she'd never be able to smile or laugh again, but then again this was how she did feel!

"Audrey, what do you mean Jack's missing?" she asked despertely hoping the answer wasn't what she had interputered, but it was.

"He went to take a phone call from Kim, and he was taking so long I went to check on him but her wasn't there Chloe, he wasn't there!" as she repeated these words she suddenly felt a eary fealing, like there was something she was missing, And there it was, she was missing something. The man that had told Jack Kim was on the line, was she mistaken or had he really been Chinese?

"Audrey, are you still there?" Chloe inquired after a long silence on Audrey's end.

"Yes, I have to go bye I'll talk to you soon!" and just like that she hung up on Chloe. This startled Chloe.

"What's going on?" Morris asked in that charming British accent of his.

"Jack's gone missing and Audrey just hung up on me," Chloe just kind of fell into Morris's arms, not Jack too was her only thought, is God really up there? But then she broke the hug knoiwing that one other person should know as well, she dialed Bill's phone number.

After getting out of the shower Bill had put on a pair of jeans and a T-Shirt ready for a day without CTU. He had decided not to go to breakfast after Karen had declined his offer, unwilling however which did keep him in a rather okay mood, or okayer than usual. Then he got the call. "Bucanhan?" he answered.

"Mr. Bucanhan, it's Chloe," the voice on the other end said rather shooken.

"Chloe, what is it?" he asked knowing something is wrong.

"I thought you should know, Jack's gone missing," she exclaimed cautionasly.

"Oh my God, how?" Bill asked in shock.

"I don't know, Audrey said he was taking a phone call from Kim and disapeared!"

"Is Audrey okay?" he questioned with concern.

"I don't think so, but she hung up on me!"

"Okay," he said just out of lack of anything else to say.

"I'm going go now and try to find Audrey, talk to you later," she said.

"Okay bye," he said in the dissapointed voice that owned Bill so many times, you could ask anyone it was his own signature. He didn't know what to do now, he asked himself the same question as everyone else, why Jack? What had he done that was so bad? He felt like crying but he just couldn't. He wanted to talk to the first person that had poped into his mind, so he did.

"Karen Hayes?" she answered the phone not knowing who it was due to the fact that she hadn't memorized Bill's number, or at least not yet.

"Hey, it's Bill," he simply stated, he knew it had only been an hour since they had said good bye but he was still happy to hear her voice as if they hadn't spoken in months. On the other end of the line Karen was also happy to hear Bill's voice, debriefings always sucked, but she couldn't help but notice the sadness in her new friends voice.

"what's wrong?" she asked with deep concern.

"No one can find Jack," he admitted right after she had asked.

"What does that mean?" she asked.

"He's missing," he said. Karen was shocked to hear this.

"I'm so sorry Bill," she finally said, "where are you?"

"At my house," he answered.

"I thought you were going to breakfast?" she inquired.

"I didn't feel like eating alone," he admitted sadly.

"What's your adress again?" she asked.

"Why?" he requested.

"I'm coming to see you," she out and out stated.

"Don't you have to catch a plane?" he asked.

"They don't really need me, you do," she sad. He gave her the adress and they spoke as if they had been best friends for years, instead of just meeting each other the day before.


"I'm going to go home and grab something to wear tomorrow okay?" Morris informed Chloe.

"Okay," she said, so after grabbing his keys he started walking toward the door. "Hey Morris"
"Yes darling?" he asked.

"Thanks for staying with me, there aren't that many people that really care what happens to me," she said giving him a faint smile.

"I want to Chloe," he responded then after returning the smile he left.

"Audrey, honey it's going to be okay," Heller told his daughter.

"Dad, you don't know that, no one knows that!" she was crying again. Heller sat up in the hospital bed. "Dad, I think I might know something too." "What do you mean by that?" he asked not understanding her comment.

"About Jack, the man that told Jack Kim was on the phone," she paused as she cried a little harder because all she kept thinking about was if she had noticed this before it was too late.

"What, what about him?" Heller inquired sitting up even more.

"He was Chinese," Audrey finally admitted to her father. He looked just as shocked as Audrey had when she realized this herself.

"Are you sure?" he asked, this had been a tricky question before, but now that she had regained herself a little she was confident in her claim.

"Yes, he was chinese," she said. Heller got on the phone immedently and started calling anyone that would pick up. Audrey was grateful to have such a father that she did but he was wrong, it wasn't going to be okay, she could feel it.

"Are you sure? Okay, thanks bye," Mike Novick hangs up the phone.

"What's going on Mike?" asked Aaron who stood up from his chair.

"Jack Bauer has been abducted," Mike said.

"abducted, what's that mean?"

"He went missing a while ago and Audrey Raines who was there with Jack told her father Secertary Heller that Jack went to take the phone call from his daughter, that the man that delivered the news was Chinese," Mike said in his signature Mike tone he had been using all day.

"I can't believe it," Aaron said and sat back down, or more like fell back down out of disbelief. Mike looked down as he always did when he needed to think.

The door bell rang. Bill went down the stairs to open it. When he did Karen was standing there. All he did was walk strait toward her and wrap his arms around her. She responded by doing the same, she couldn't help but feel so bad for Bill.

"I thought Homeland wanted you back in Washington immendently," Bill finally stated.

"Well that came from the whitehouse when Logan was in charge, and even if they did, I think we've all done enough today that we can have a little break to ourselves," Karen replied.

"True," Bill said, he then invited her in.