Disclaimer: Please see previous chapter.

A/N: Thanks to a reader who left this great idea in a review! More are welcome. Hope you enjoy it. Please let me know in a review and thanks for all the support!

Chapter 11: Sodapop and the Greasers Part I

"Pony?" I could not sleep. I just wasn't tired. It was weird the way that happened. At night I was hyper, wide-eyed and happy, but in the morning it hit me like a bad hangover. I had to stay up and I had to feel grumpy in the morning so Darry could make smart comments about it. What can I say? I'm a night owl.

"Huh?" Pony's a morning person, not a night owl.

"I think we should start a band."


"The gang, you know."

"Gee that's a great idea Soda," he said. I detected a definite note of sarcasm. "We'll really be a hit, a bunch of bums who can't play instruments or sing."

"Oh man Pony, most people who are famous can't sing. That'd don't mean nothin'. We just got to look cool is all and I got that covered. We are a very diverse looking group of fellas, you know? There's something for everyone. Johnny's the dark, quiet one, you're the dreamy one, Darry's all muscle, Two-Bits got a sense of humor, Dally and Steve are tough and cocky, and me I've got the winning smile."

"So what are we gonna do stand on stage and smile at them while we lip sync?"

"I figure you can write the songs, since you read poems and all that. Steve, he's always beating on something so we'll give him the drums and let him get a beat. Darry can play the piano, remember? He doesn't anymore but he's real good. The rest of us can grab a guitar and sing along. What do you think?" I was excited. We were gonna be famous rock stars.

"I think you need to get more sleep."

"Oh come on Pony, don't you wanna be a famous rock star?"

"No. Why would I wanna do that?"

Was he serious? Better yet, was he really my brother? "Rock stars Pony." I reiterated in case he had not heard. "Free stuff. Girls screaming over you. The nicest cars."

"If you say so Soda,"

"I do. You'll see. We're gonna be hot stuff."


"And we'll be called Sodapop and the Greasers."

My younger brother turned over to look at me seriously, if a a bit sleepy-eyed. "Why not Ponyboy and the Greasers?"