Disclaimer: I still do not own naruto…. Or smash brothers in any of it's versions

"Normal speech"

"Toughs and flashbacks"


"Inner Sakura"

"Kyuubi's thoughts"

jutsu or technique


(AN): authors note

AN: okay my first shot at a crossover hope you like it, and no I'm not leaving my other stories but this idea was causing me a serious writer's block


"uggh what the hell happened" asked Naruto regaining consciousness trying to remember what happened to him, the last thing he had memory of was that he was in the valley of the end fighting Sasuke's black chidori wit his kyuubi powered rasengan when the white and black light they were in suddenly compressed itself and the next thing he knew he woke up in this place that for the lack of better words was nothing, just black surrounding him, he stood up wondering where he was and how was he able to stand up in the first place.

Then he remembered the reason why he was there in the first place, the reason he made that promise and the person who even thought Naruto considered him a brother had no quarrels in driving a lighting-encased fist through his chest.

"oi! Teme! were are you" he called in no particular direction into the nothingness.

There was no answer.

Naruto was starting to get worried, he had to take the bastard back, if Sakura found out that he literally lost him in the middle of nowhere there will be hell to pay for him.

"dammit Sasuke answer me!!!" he was growing nervous with each passing moment.

Still his words only got lost in the nothingness that surrounded him in that moment making him really scared.

But he calmed down, he figured that the sooner he finds out where he was then the sooner he drag his best friend's unconscious body back to konoha, back to her.

Her, Sakura, he knew how she felt towards Sasuke, that much was clear to him the moment she made him promised to take him back to konoha and even now while he looked back to that moment he still can't stand to see her cry, to see her in pain and in that moment he knew about his feelings for her, he knew them and he still promised her that he would bring him back, because even if it kills him in the inside as long as she is happy it will be worth it.

He inspected around him completely frustrated that the only thing around was nothingness.

"where am I?"

"in my realm"

answered a voice that hold authority in his tone mixed with some wisdom and even some mischievousness.

Naruto, who was not expecting an actual answer got startled and landed painfully on his butt.

"welcome, it's been a while since the last time I had visits"

"where are you!! show yourself!!"

not a second after he said the words a giant white glove appeared before him.

"hello little one I'm the master hand"

Naruto who was just standing there heard the little part and became enraged at the comment even after all his improvement he still had a sore spot for the height issue.

"oi!!!!!! Who the hell do you think you are to call me little!!!!! My name is Uzumaki Naruto!!!! the next hokage"

the hand answered with an amused tone "well I'll tell you little because you're little"

"like you're the one to talk!!!! At least I have a body"

"like you can cast judgment, you're nothing but a short, loud, blind-color kid"

"shut up what do you know!!!!! Besides I'm a shinobi"

"what kind of shinobi dresses in orange!!!!!!! I'll tell you a moronic one!!!"

this argument lasted for a while, neither wanted to back down, until master hand did it showing that he was the bigger man(so to speak).

"anyway I was minding my own business when you and the other kid landed here and let me tell it was a real pain to remove his hand from your chest, and how did that happened by the way?"

at the last comment naruto flinched when he remembered his best friend driving a black chidori through his chest, he was sure that if he wanted he could have killed the bastard and even now he wouldn't mind returning the favor, if he didn't cared to break a promise but unfortunately or fortunately he did mind.

"that's not important, but where is Sasuke"

"he is right here" after the hand said those words the darkness in the floor created ripples from which a statue of Sasuke emerged .

Sasuke was wearing the same black outfit that he used on the chunnin exams while his left hand was encased in the infamous chidori he running in a nearly crouching position his right hand gripping his left forearm to prevent control loss, his face full of determination with a now matured sharingan blazing, but at the same time Sasuke was frozen like a statue, it was in that moment that Naruto noticed that Sasuke was standing on a golden platform.

"what did you do to him?!!!!?!??!!?"

"first of all save his life, his wounds were too extensive for me to heal him properly, and now as such he belongs to me and eventually the champion of the tournament that will decide if he should be released or stay like this" his tone devoid of any amusement that once it had.

"what!!!! why he is not your propriety besides I promised someone really important I'll bring him back"

"in the moment you two stepped in this place it was my up to me to do with you as I please, you are okay and I can tell you're a good boy, this one however it's consumed by darkness and revenge he just can get loose in the world"

"he is just messed up I'm sure that if I can get him back to konoha he'll come around"

"that's a risk I can't take sorry"

"then let me enter the tournament"

this comment surprised the hand "what?"

"you heard me I want in, you said that the winner gets to decide what to do with Sasuke, so I figured if I win the tournament I can get him back"

"this is not a regular tournament"

"I don't care I'll still kick everyone's asses!!"

the hand just snapped it's fingers and a giant flat screen appeared before the eyes and started showing the type of fights that they were used in these tournament.

He saw a pudgy middle-aged man dressed in red and blue (Mario) fight a dragon like creature (Bowser), Bowser launched a forward slash but Mario jumped backwards before launching three fireballs towards his attacker who surrounded himself with a red like shield that absorbed the damage then the red man dashed and slide trough the floor hitting the dragon who head butted him before launching a stream of fire that ran trough the floor attempting to incinerate the man who just rolled behind Bowser and started spinning in one foot (hurricane punch) bringing both the dragon and himself up where Mario used the chance to hit it with powerful kick using both legs at the same time.

Then he saw a fox like creature face a tall black-clad evil-looking man who wore a cape(Ganondorf,) the fox was faster hitting him fast trying not to give him a chance to retaliate and with one kick the fox sent him up, but Ganondorf recovered in the middle of the flight and launched himself towards his enemy in a diagonal pattern with his foot surrounded in a dark energy, he hit the fox and delivered a powerful smash attack sending him to the other side of the arena.

This and more battles like this were displayed in front of him again and again where the contestants used the terrain, weapons that appeared randomly, sometimes four fighting at the same time other in teams, and he saw different kinds from adults to even kids, women and even a weird thing that looked like it was drawn by a five year old, and with each fight shown to him he grew more and more excited, this was perfect not only he will be able to full fill his promise but he will be able to prove that he is the best.

"that's it!!! I'm entering and that's final!!!!"

"if that's what you want then so be it, I'm not going to stand in your way" this for master hand was a good thing it will keep the top smashers in it's toes when they find out what the kid can do.

"just one thing"

"what is it?"

"I want a cool entrance"

at this statement the hand could only say one thing "huh?"

"yeah I want a cool entrance to the battle I can't just go in walking you know"

after getting rid of the huge sweat drop that formed in the back of itself master hand answered "fine, I'll see what I can do"

and this was the start of a new challenge for the genin, a way to prove his worth not only to the village that shunned him but to an unknown world as well.

AN: this is my first crossover so what do you think, now I need an idea for Naruto's stage this is what I have so far and I need to tell me if they work:

1.- the valley of the end: the stage is formed from the two statues (from the abdomen to the head) and the waterfall between them where several logs keep falling and from time to time some of those logs switch from being horizontal to vertical.

2.- the hokage monument the way to eliminate your opponents is to throw them in the spaces between the faces and from time to time some jutsus or weapons or even explosive notes pop in the stage and for the fighter it's better not to be on their range.

Now for a rant (WARNING!!!! SPOILER ALERT!!!):

Yesterday I read the new chapter for Naruto and I can't believe what I saw and after getting really ticked I started to wonder, does Kishimoto hate Naruto that much?, not only did Sasuke get unbelievably strong he actually killed Orochimaru!!!, what the hell is wrong with the series!!??!?!?!?!?!, and this lead me to the next point for a sannin Orochimaru it's a complete idiot!!!! IF THE JUTSU DIDN'T WORK ON ITACHI BECAUSE HE IS AN UCHIHA IT'S OBVIOUS THAT IS NOT GOING TO WORK SASUKE FOR THE SAME REASON WHAT THE HELL IT'S WRONG WITH HIM!!!! DOES HIS EVIL KAKLE ROT HIS BRAIN OR MAYBE IT WAS ALL THE EXPERIMENTS, AND THE WORSE PART IS THAT NARUTO CAN'T USE THE NEW JUTSU BECAUSE IT COULD DESTROY HIS CAREER AS A SHINOBI!!!!!!!!!!.

Now that I have vented please review and tell me what you think criticism more than welcome flames piss off (seriously if you don't anything nice or constructive to say don't say anything)