This is my first ever attempt at adult material. I wrote about Jacob and Bella because A) vampire logistics were just too complicated and B) sillybella has already done Bella's and Edward's relationship justice in Breaking Boundaries. So here is my attempt at a different relatiohship for Bella, where the boundaries don't have to be so strict. Please Read and Review.

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the authors. No money is being made from this work. No copyright infringement is intended.

I watched him as he gingerly walked over to where I was sitting. The muscles in his tall lean figure rippled with each movement. A sense of warmth spread throughout my body as I contemplated his approach. I looked away, trying to control my response, to keep my body from wanting more than it should. He sat down beside me brushing up against me.

"Bella, why won't you look at me?" His voice was smooth, yet sad. Against my better judgment I looked into his brown, soulful eyes.

"I …" his proximity confused me. My mind clouded over with longing. "Jacob, I am just having a rough day; that's all."

He reached his strong arm around me and pulled me into to chest. He smelled earthy, and it suited him. I felt another wave of warmth spread over me. "Is there anything I can do to make it better?" he asked, giving me a knowing smirk. Everything about Jacob was comforting, his warmth, his smile, even his smell. Everything about him was natural. I had once thought of kissing him, sealing our relationship, but I didn't do it. The thought had crossed my mind more and more the last few weeks. Today alone it crossed it at least five times, and sometimes the thoughts went beyond kissing. We sat alone on the beach by a bonfire watching the sunset. It couldn't be a more perfect time to test the limits of our relationship. I was ready, and I knew he was. I was tired of pretending my Romeo might return someday. Paris was my future.

"Jacob." I said his name in a whisper knowing he would look down at me. He tilted his head toward me and I could see the passion in his eyes. Before I could think twice, I took his face in my hands and pulled him towards me. Our lips met softly, and Jacob slowly pulled away to look at me. He saw his own lust reflected in my eyes and placed his lips on mine again. His arms snaked around my body, and his hands rubbed tenderly up and down the length of my back. This time he kissed me harder, more ardently. Gently he caught my bottom lip between his and sucked on it before releasing it. He caught my top lip and gave it the same treatment.

He returned his lips to mine and darted his tongue out to part my lips. His tongue gently massaged mine. The sensation was incredible. I had never known kissing like this before. A soft moan escaped as he continued to explore my mouth. My hands moved along his neck and down the front of his chest. His muscles tensed at my touch.

His lips broke away from mine, and he breathed heavily before placing kisses along my jaw line. I breathed deeply, trying to calm myself. Jacob moved his lips along my jaw. He kissed the length of my neck then began to lick his way softly back up, catching my earlobe between his lips. I breathed in sharply. The pleasure from such small touches was more than I had ever known.

"Bella," whispered huskily in my ear, "are you are ok?"

I giggled softly. Was I ok? "This is amazing. You are amazing." He smiled down at me.

"Oh really, so if I did this would I still be amazing?" Jacob quickly placed kisses and the occasional lick down my neck. But he didn't stop there. He continued the same pattern along my collar bone. When he reached the notch at the base of my throat, he moved along the v-neckline of my shirt. Places in my body caught on fire, and I felt tenseness I had never known before. I arched my back, pushing my chest up to meet his lips and tongue. His fingertips lightly brushed the straps of my tank top away, allowing him to caress my breasts with his tongue. I pulled him closer and fell back so he could lie on top of me.

My body lay in the cool sand with Jacob's fiery being on top of me. My knees bent up and he lay perfectly between them. I could feel him, strong and hard against me. He moved his hands gently down the sides of my body, his thumbs caressing my breasts. My breathing increased again. Jacob's hands slipped beneath my tank top as his lips and tongue continued to make their way back up my neck. Finally they landed once more on my lips. This time I slipped my tongue into his mouth and explored. As I did this his hands slid back up my torso under my shirt. I sensed what he was going to do and pulled my back up long enough for him to slide his hands around and skillfully undo my bra clasp. His hands made their way back to the front and pushed my lacey bra out of the way. His thumbs gently caressed my nipples and made them ache for more. I wiggled my hips from the pleasure he was creating, and he gasped. "Bella…"

At first I hadn't realized what I had done but I could feel him pulsating against me even more than before. He readjusted himself a bit and brought his full attention to my breast. His tongue traced the outline of each nipple then he gently took one in his mouth while one of his hands caressed the other. His free hand gently stroked my stomach. I slowly ran my finger tips up and down his back. I slid both hands under his shirt and ran my fingernails down his chest. He sucked harder on my nipple. I took this has a sign of his pleasure and decided to be daring. I moved my hands down the length of his chest again, this time continuing down his thighs. I rubbed over the tops of his thighs while my thumbs stroked along his inner thigh. He pulled his mouth away from my chest and breathed in sharply.

"Bella, are you trying to distract me? Because when you touch me like that, I can't think of anything."

"So when I do this," I said innocently and repeated the action, "it's hard for you to concentrate?"

"Umm hmm"

I giggled, amazed at my confidence. "What about when I do this?" I held my hands at his hips and pushed mine upwards hard against him, smoothly shifting back and forth. His fingers gripped my bottom tightly, holding me to him for a second before releasing me.

"Bella when you do that is makes me want to do this." He said mischievously. His hands slid down my stomach and over the top of skirt until they reached the hemline. Then they glided down my naked thighs, brushing gently over them the whole way. I could feel the heat rising and a tightening between my legs. Jacob's fingers gently massaged me without moving my panties. I moaned and moved with him, but he pulled his fingers away. My eyes shot open to gaze pleadingly into his. He leaned over me, brushing our hips together. Another pang of longing tore through me.

"Did you like that Bella?" He breathed heavily as he asked. It was getting hard to control the yearning. I wanted his hands to touch me everywhere outside and in.

"Do it again please, but this time do it under the panties."

He grinned, pleased that he'd had such an effect. He leaned over me and began kissing me passionately. His hands caressed my face then moved down the sides of neck. His fingertips made small circles at the tops of my breasts and his thumbs began to rub my nipples. Then Jacob stopped briefly and pulled my tank top off. Part of me felt self-conscious. No boy had ever seen me naked, but then again, I was telling him to touch me in ways no one else had. Being naked was nothing compared to that.

He paused to take in the full view of my chest. "You are stunning," he whispered and resumed running his hands up and down my body. With each movement they came closer to their destination. He was definitely being a tease. His lips played along my jaw line and neck.

"Jacob please touch me again. I can't stand it anymore." There was a longing in my voice I didn't know I could have.

Jacob ran his hands down to the hemline of my skirt and slowly, deliberately ran them down my thighs under my skirt. His fingers traced over the spot they had been caressing before. A quiet moan escaped me. His hands continued to move upwards and found the top of my panties. He quickly disposed of them. He stayed kneeling between my legs and lowered his upper body over mine so he could place kisses where ever he wanted. He suckled my neck softly, careful not to leave a bruise, and continued to do that in several different places. Finally, he returned his fingers to the warmth he had created between my legs. He traced around the edges tenderly, making the pit of my stomach clench. There was so much pleasure in such a simple caress. His touch deepened has he slowly pushed two fingers inside me.

I inhaled sharply and held my breath. It hurt a little, but the pleasure was worth the small amount of pain. Slowly, deliberately, he moved his fingers. His tongue matched the rhythm as he moved it in and out of my mouth. Waves of pure ecstasy washed over me. My hands moved once more down the rippling muscles of his chest, and he pushed his fingers harder into me. My hands found his thighs, and my thumbs caressed the area around his erection. I massaged the area deeply, causing him to gasp and disrupt the rhythm of the kissing. The hand that had been rubbing my thigh quickly moved up to stroke my breast. Every part of me burned. I felt my muscles tightening around his fingers.

"Mmmm…just a little more, please." It sounded like begging, and it was. If he stopped I would die. I massaged his thighs harder; my thumbs ran along the edge of his erection and he pushed into me harder. I felt an explosion of heat course through my body as the tenseness in my stomach subsided. Jacob brought his hand up to my cheek and ran his fingertips along my jaw line. He kissed me and then nuzzled me with his nose. I giggled. Slowly, I could feel him take his fingers out of me and instantly I longed for more.

Jacob laid his body down on top of me. I could feel his heart pounding, threatening to come out of his chest. I could feel other things too. I ran my fingertips up and down his back and felt the goose bumps they created. I ran my tongue up and down his neck and caught his earlobe between my lips. Jacob propped himself up on his elbows and looked me full in the face.

"Bella, you are amazing." He was breathing heavily with lust filled his eyes.

I wanted more but knew he needed something too. He traced my lips with his fingers. I caught one between my lips and sucked on it. I flicked my tongue back and forth over the tip of it, pretending it was a different part of his body. He closed his eyes and a look of pure pleasure covered his face. I knew this wouldn't be enough to satisfy him, so I pushed on his chest indicating I wanted to sit up. His fingers never left my mouth. I grabbed the bottom of his shirt and pulled it up over his head. My hands stroked every muscle and contour of his perfect chest. I didn't stop when I reached his jeans. My hands glided over his thighs and then over his ever-growing erection.

All the while his lips placed hungry kisses all over me. I traced his erection back up to the top of his jeans and undid the button and the zipper. I pushed his jeans down to find boxer-briefs that were currently far too tight. I thought for a moment about what I wanted to do, but decided I should just follow my instincts. I pushed Jacob back again so he was sitting with his legs out in front of him. There was a space between us now and I crawled towards him. I kissed him gently along the edge of his boxer-briefs. I felt his stomach clench as I kissed and licked my way up his body. His fingers tangled in my hair as he urged me on. As I reached his collarbone I slid a leg on each side of his body so I was straddling him. I reached my lips and they met his in a hungry kiss. I placed my hands on his thighs to help me reach his lips, but also to tease him just a little before he got what he wanted.

"So what was it that made you lose concentration before?" I asked, a sly smile crossing my lips.

"I honestly don't remember. Everything makes it hard to concentrate now."

"Well was it this maybe?" I took his finger in my lips. Again, I flicked my tongue over the tip. Then I sucked on it and took it deep into my mouth. I knew he wished this another part of his body as a shudder went through his torso. I dropped his fingers.

"I don't think that was it," he said, his voice husky.

I grinned. I was hoping for that answer. "Hmm…how about this?"

I lowered myself on to his lap and slowly moved my hips in circles. He lowered his lips to my ear and whispered, "Faster, Bella." He gripped my hips firmly in his hands and pulled me tighter to him. I could feel him almost inside me even through his briefs. I breathed in deeply as the tenseness in the pit of my stomach returned. We kissed wildly, my hands roaming freely over his solid form, and all the while I thrust against him filling with warmth. Jacob brought his hands under my butt and pulled me forward so there was no space left between us. He thrust harder and faster against me. His breathing had become as erratic as mine. I could feel my body clenching from the pressure of him between my legs. Jacob must be feeling something as well because he slowed the frenzied kissing and focused on the motion between our lower bodies.

I felt the heat spread through my body like before, except this time it was more intense. I realized that the warmth wasn't just mine. Jacob let out a deep moan and slowed the pace of our movements. He kissed me passionately and we fell back on to the ground. I lay on top of him and he caressed my back with his fingers. Tonight had been perfect.

We fell asleep in each other's arms and didn't wake until dawn lit up the beach. Jacob seemed even more warm than usual, his skin burnished in the rosy glow. My body still reveled in the new found experiences of last night. I never imagined such pleasure existed, and I knew we had barely begun to explore each other. I couldn't wait to try some of the other things I had in mind.