Oneshot! Enjoy! And review please!

At every ball, there's a girl who stands out in the crowd. A girl who's perfect: beautiful, sweet and charming. She smiles and flirts and is wonderful at dancing. She catches the prince's eye and they dance all night, they'll probably even get married. And she'll be happy, happy with her once upon a time and her happily ever after. Just like in the stories.

Then there are the other girls. They stand in the background, just watching, maybe wishing that it was them the prince was falling for. Wallflowers maybe, but they have stories of their own, though nobody hears of them. Their stories aren't flowery and sweet, not fairy tales, but stories nonetheless.

Maybe there's a princess there, just hoping the prince will be her match, because he's the one chance she has left at love, before her father chooses her betrothed for her. Maybe she spent hours getting ready, trying on dresses, doing her hair, trying to be that girl of his dreams, but it just wasn't good enough. He hardly even looked at her. Maybe she'll cry herself to sleep at night, sobbing into the pillows so no one else will hear her. But in the morning she'll dry her eyes and look to the sun. She'll know that just because she's a princess doesn't mean her life is a fairytale, but she'll make the most of it. She'll marry whoever her father chooses, probably a perfect stranger, but she'll learn to love him anyway, because she has to. Because she knows he's the one who's going to be there for her, whether by her choice or not. She'll put her best foot forward and get to know the man. She'll laugh with him and smile and she'll find that love isn't always something found at balls in just one dance. She'll learn that sometimes learning how to love someone can be better than immediate fireworks. And she'll be happy.

Or maybe there's another servant girl who dreams the day away. She wishes she could go to the ball, if only to stand around and watch the dancing and twirling skirts, but she has no way of going and she knows it. So she sits at home, cleans the fireplace, and goes to bed. Maybe she'll even dance with the broom, laughing and pretending that she did go to the ball. She'll pretend that she's happy with just pretending, even when she's not. She wants more than make believe to make her happy, more than a pasted on smile and singing a song to herself as she works. She wants love, but she doesn't have it. So instead she'll show it to others. She'll make gardens and smile at children and live as best she can. Because she knows it's the only way she can pull through the drudgery of their lives. Maybe she'll even find that it's not so bad after all.

These are the girls who live their lives, maybe nothing exciting happens, but maybe it doesn't have to. Maybe their stories deserve to be told, not for the suspense, but just to show that they made it through life. And not only did they make it, but they made the most of it. Not by winning the prince by dancing or becoming the richest princess in the land, but by choosing happiness. They choose to live and love not with looks and jewels, but with their entire lives. These are the girls who deserve the stories.