And here is our last chapter!


I hope you all enjoy. I know some of you have been complaining about how Judai is kind of out of charater (that's what OOC stands for. It does not mean original character. If I see another summary that has so-and-so/OOC, I will hunt down the author and shoot them) so I tried to make it at least kind of believeable. If you still think he's OOC, I am so, so sorry. I seriously tried my best.

Anywho, here's our last chapter. Enjoy!

ac-the-brain-supreme does not own Yugioh GX. She totally wishes she did, though. Cause it is awesome with neato art and stuff...yeah...

I walk down the hall, tagging along at a far enough place. I remember what we had just talked about: What he was thinking when he violated you.

What were you thinking?

"I guess I wasn't..."

I'm not all that surprised.

"...At least, I don't think I was thinking straight or without handicap or something."

But what possessed you? You said you were his best friend.

" would never understand."

What do you mean?

"...I asked Sho to go out with me so that I could tell him that I loved him. But..."


"...But I got nervous. So nervous that I snuck into the infirmary to steal a bottle of muscle relaxers to slip to him on the sly."

What?! How...what?!

"I know! It was stupid of me. But like I said, I wasn't thinking straight."

You weren't thinking at all, idiot!


Not "maybe"! There was never a "maybe"! raped the boy you claimed to love! How could you? Is that your own sick and twisted way of showing affection or something?!

"No! No! Not at all. I never meant to hurt Sho!"

Then why did you?

"...On our way back, I began teasing Sho that I knew something that he didn't. Something about someone liking him. He started guessing and..."


"And he said something about you...about how he hoped it was you because...because...because he really, really, really liked you."

H-He...He said that?

"He told me to keep it secret but...but he told me that he loved you."

"I had the same reaction. I couldn't believe it, honestly. I mean...I guess everythings been right under my nose. He always got so flustered around you. I just thought it was because you two never got along, but...I guess I was wrong."

...I thought the same thing.

"I bet you did... Anyway, while we were going back to the dorms, he turned to me and asked me about who liked him."

That's when you...

"Yeah. That's when I..."

So you did it because you were jealous? Of me?

"Maybe. Maybe I did it because I wanted Sho, but I could never have him. Or maybe I wanted to prove I could be as strong as you. I don't know what my reasons were, not purely, but I do know that I was angry and that I wasn't in total control."

Total control?

" I was having an out-of-body experience. I knew what was going on, I understood what was happening. I was pushing Sho to the ground, taking his pants off, getting on top of him, telling him to shut up when he tried to make a noise. But, I saw it rather than experienced it."

"I know, sounds like a lame excuse, but it's the truth."

It did sound like a lame excuse. I mean, how could I trust him. He hurt someone close to my heart.

But now he's making ammends. Now he's walking into Samejima's office as I wait outside.

"Samejima-sensei...I need to talk to you about something."

I don't hesitate as I open the door to your dorm and walk in. I do stall for a second when I see you on the bed.

You're kneeling, hands placed peacefully on your thighs, your right cupping your left. You're face is the picture of serenity, eyes half-closed and staring passively ahead of you. But what really gets me is the fact that you are only in a long, loose white shirt and the briefs I gave you earlier at your request.

"Sho" I whisper. You turn your head slowly. My heartbeat quickens.

Even now, you're the picture of perfection. Even know, you're the pure angel I first saw that long, long time ago.

Even now...

Even now, I love you more than I can ever imagine.

You smile at me, and everything about me relaxes. I close the door and walk up to you.

"Did you get rid of him?" you ask.

I nod. I kneel down by your bed. "He'll be gone soon. You'll never have to see him ever again."

Your smile widens. You fling your arms and body at me, clinging to my neck and shoulders like I'm your rock.

"Thank you so much" you whisper.

I sigh and place my hands on your back. I close my eyes and bask in your warmth and your perfect, perfect being against me.

Thank you for reading. I hope you enjoyed!

