'm kinda'll learn this after reading this odd little one-shot.

ac-the-brain-supreme does not own Yugioh GX. She totally wants to, cause then she could choose not to have given rights to 4kids.

Why, damn it? Why did you fall for that...for that idiot? Why are you in love with that brainless, know-nothing? Why did you say you would go out with that dumb ass?

Is it because he asked you and you were his friend? Or did you truly love him and when he asked you it was your dream come true?

Was it because you were feeling lonely and he was someone who offering company and reassurance? Or was it because you didn't realize the ulterior motives behind that bright smile and happy laugh?

I bet you never even imagined he would do anything not him! So cruel and heartless and inconsiderate and damaging. I bet you never even saw it coming, never thought twice when he got your drinks. Never thought he'd slip something in there that would knock you out by the time you two got back to Duel Academy.

I bet...I bet you never realized how I felt about you. How I will always feel about you.

I couldn't believe it myself, when I saw you on the beach after hearing the screams. He tried to shut you up, didn't he? He tried to keep you quiet, not wanting to wait for the drugs to take full effect before...before he did that.

I can see it around your mouth. He bruised those beautiful lips of yours when he covered them with his disgusting hand. It was too late, though. Someone had heard.

I had heard.

I had come running, afraid of why you would be screaming.

I had seen him as he pulled out of you, leaving you lying face-down on the sand, quiet, broken, and crying.

I had waited until he left, probably going to make sure that no one had witnessed anything before coming back to get you.

I find a way to get to you before he does. You're still awake when I kneel down to pick you up. You don't shy away as pull up your pants and then pick you up and hold you in my arms. You fit so easily since you're smaller than I am.

"Are you comfortable?" I ask. It's a stupid question. How the hell can you be comfortable after experiencing that. But I just want to hear your voice. I want to know that you are alive. I want to know...I want to know that you hate him now. Hate him just as much as I do.

"Kenzan" you croak out. Your voice is raspy, like if you've been screaming that whole time. I don't doubt it.


You don't respond.

I carry you to your room. Your Ra dorm room. I know that on some nights you sleep in the same room as him. It makes me wonder: has he done this to you before? I shake at the thought. He couldn't have.

But...he did tonight.

You only stare up at me while I carry you. I look down on you every once in a while. Such a beautiful boy. Your deep, light eyes glimmer in the moonlight. Your skin seems even softer, even though it's been marred by his hand. Your lips--probably one of the most beautiful things about you--are still perfect despite the bruises. They are the same flower bud pink and still extremely soft. At least, they look so soft. I don't know from experience...

I have difficulty with opening the door, but I get it open eventually. I close it with my foot before taking you to your bed. I place you on your back. You do nothing.

I pull the blankets up to your chin. All you do is stare at the ceiling with tired eyes.

The drugs are taking you to the place where what happened never happened. Taking you to where he loves you just as much as you love. Taking you away from me and away from reality.

I stand by you as you begin to close your eyes. "Kenzan" you whisper.


You reach your hand out to me. I take it and hold it tightly. It's sweet, how small your hand is. How my hand can easily surround it and hide it. It's like they were peices of a puzzle, fitting perfectly with one another. Fixing part of the broken picture in a slow but sure way.

"Don't leave me" you say. Tears come out of your eyes. I fall to my knees.

"I won't."
