Sister Challenge #1 – Part b
This is the second set of words to the challenge, though I can't say for sure if it's better than the previous 30 or not.
Disclaimer : Kingdom Hearts is the property of Square Enix and Disney.
Heartbeat Moments
Part (b)
#1 – Dance
Luxord is listening to the sounds of Demyx's playing when Xigbar suddenly asks him if he'd like to dance; that's the first time they speak to each other.
#2 – Phone
Whenever either one of them is away on a mission, Luxord wishes for some way to contact Xigbar, just to hear his voice again.
#3 – Hook
Xigbar vows that, by hook or by crook, when he goes up against the Keyblade bearer, he'll make the fight as difficult as possible–Luxord listens and silently makes the same promise.
#4 – Petals
Gloved fingers press an unfamiliar flower with pink petals into Luxord's hand and Xigbar gives him a quick grin before saying, "A souvenir from the Land of Dragons."
#5 – Glass
The last thing Luxord remembers thinking before he wakes up to black world is how just one unexpected move caused the life he once called his own to collapse, breaking into a thousand pieces of glass.
#6 – Socks
First his cards, now his socks; the next time he sees Xigbar, Luxord is going to suggest that the man finds a different hobby.
#7 – Shower
Xigbar has this habit of going out for walks whenever there is a light shower in the Dark City and he only returns hours after, dripping all over the floor of Luxord's room.
#8 – Puppet
Having to obey Xemnas's every order sometime makes Luxord feel like a mindless puppet; the only reason he continues to keep quiet about it is because of Xigbar.
#9 – Ice
At first, Luxord barely gets any rest at all but when warmth replaces the ice of the night, sleeping ceases to be a problem.
#10 – Reflection
Looking at the Dark City, Luxord can dimly see his reflection; they are both incomplete existences that don't belong anywhere in between light, the darkness and the thousands of worlds out there.
#11 – Smudge
Standing on the ship in the middle of the sea, Luxord gets the urge to take every bit of darkness in the worlds and smudge it all over the haughty, superior look the boy is wearing.
#12 – Cards
Every now and then, Luxord quietly swaps the cards he's dealing to give Xigbar a better hand; the expression on the other man's face when he wins is well worth a loss or two.
#13 – Numbers
It's funny how their numbers are steadily decreasing but no one in the Organization bothers to stop and reconsider what Xemnas is asking all of them to do.
#14 – Paper
Life is like pieces of blank paper; something has to be done with it first before it can have any form of significance.
#15 – Bullet
A red bullet embeds itself in the ground right next to his foot and Luxord takes a hasty step back before sending a glare towards the ceiling at the grinning offender.
#16 – Window
Luxord wishes he could close the open window in his mind – then no random flow of thoughts will be able to remind him that Nobodies aren't suppose to feel.
#17 – Knife
Now Luxord knows his cards are as sharp as a knife, but the notion of someone getting a paper cut just from shuffling strikes him as incredibly funny.
#18 – Snap
With the snap of his fingers, Luxord ends the card trick and smiles when he hears a pair of hands offer its applause.
#19 – Plant
The trick to winning any game is to plant a false idea in the opponent's head and, when the right time comes, shatter the illusion completely; it works on Xigbar every time.
#20 – Air
The sight of Xigbar bending air with every movement he makes never fails to amaze Luxord.
#21 – Wind
Xigbar wonders out loud on who would win in a competition of speed, him or the wind – Luxord confidently replies that Xigbar will win any day.
#22 – Broken
He doesn't look upset about Xaldin but the sound of Xigbar's broken voice is enough to confirm his suspicions; Luxord pulls the other man into a tight embrace and quietly starts to sing a song he vaguely remembers in the back of his mind.
#23 – Pillow
He panics when he sees the laughing man roll off the bed but after a brief inquiry, Luxord tosses a pillow in Xigbar's direction and leaves it at that.
#24 – Strings
The first time he witnesses Xigbar dangling in the air, Luxord is convinced that there are invisible strings somewhere – when he tells Xigbar this days later, the man only laughs and offers to cast a similar spell on him.
#25 – Victory
For some unknown reason, victory against Xigbar always tastes ten times better than besting anyone else.
#26 – Vase
To Luxord, a Nobody is much like a plain-looking vase whose contents had been taken away, leaving behind an empty vessel worth absolutely nothing.
#27 – Feathers
A mocking shot lands on an unintentional target and feathers fly into the air – Luxord is grateful that the pillow that had met its sudden, unexpected death isn't the pillow he uses.
#28 – Dragonfly
Oddly enough, all Luxord can think about as he waits for his turn to fight is the small dragonfly Xigbar had brought back from a mission one day whilst proudly claiming to have caught it with his own hands.
#29 – Crack
When he sees blue change to red and the slightest crack appear on the personalized tile on the floor, Luxord feels his mouth go dry and the air around him stills.
#30 – Scratch
He imagines the last blow adding a final scratch to the hollow diamond fate had given him, and all Luxord can do is regret; if the pain he's feeling now is the same one Xigbar had felt, Luxord should have ignored orders and stayed by his side.
And that concludes the Sister Challenge #1. Thank you for reading this!