Nothing to Fear


Chapter One: New Home

Kagome Higurashi was an average school girl, she was 15 years old and lives in a shrine with her Mother, Grandfather, and young brother Souta. Her best friend was Inuyasha Taiyoukai, he was 17 years old but flunked in 8th grade so he's in the same class as Kagome. He liked Kagome a lot, but never thought of asking her out.

Kagome was eating breakfast with her grandfather. He was talking about a ancient curse that involved the chinese zodiac. As usual Kagome ignored him, she was thinking on what to do today with Inuyasha.

'Hnn maybe we can go to the mall. No wait Inuyasha hates shopping. Movies? Yeah we can watch Freedom Writers, I heard it was good.'

When Kagome was done eating she saw Inuyasha near the Sacred Tree.

"Hey Inuyasha!!!"

Inuyasha jumped. "Oh morning Kagome."

"Hey do you wanna watch 'Freedom Writers'?"

"I guess so." They both went to the nearest theater.

Two hours later Kagome and Inuyasha went back to the shrine, they saw Kagome's mother talking to a guy with a buisness suit. Kagome rushed to her mother with Inuyasha behind her.

Kagome asked curiously. "Mom what's going on?"

Kagome's mom gave her a sad look. "We're about to move."


"Sorry Kagome but we just can't aford the shrine. Not much people are coming anymore and we're losing money."

Inuyasha what still as a statue. He couldn't believe on what he just heard. His best friend moving away from him. Inuyasha couldn't breathe he has been best friends with Kagome since kindergarden.

Kagome turned to Inuyasha.

"Inuyasha? Inuyasha breathe!" Kagome slaped his back. Inuyasha started to breathe but he couldn't swallow what Kagome's mom said.

"I can't believe you're moving."

"Me neither. I never left the shrine it's where I lived and where I was born. I never even left the town because of this place. The worst part is that I wont even see you."

That made Inuyasha flinch. "Y-yeah."

"Well maybe we can still see each other."

"Like on Saturday and Sunday?"

"Yeah see we still could see each other." Kagome gave him a hopeful smile.

"Thanks Kagome that really helps." Inuyasha said sarcasticly and went in the house with Kagome right behind him.

Inside the House

Kagome and Inuyasha stared at the scene before them. Everybody was rushing around the house not even noticing Kagome and Inuyasha staring at them. Kagome walked very slowly to her room and Inuyasha followed.

Once safely in her room, Kagome layed on her bed. "I don't even know when we're leaving."

Then Kagome's mom entered the room. "Oh Kagome we're moving tonight so pack up." Then she left.

"Thanks mom." Kagome muttered under the pillow.

Inuyasha just stood there. "Damn you're moving that fast?"

"I guess so." Kagome muttered.

"Hey lets start packing it's easy is you have another set of hands."

Kagome got up. "Ok but I'm not going to enoy it."

Inuyasha packed the stuff and Kagome packed the cloths. (AN: Don't want a perverted Inuyasha here ) A few minutes later they were both done packing.

"Hey Kagome where did you put your lyrics journal?"

Kagome pulled out a brown book from her backpack. "I always keep it in my bag now."

"All right then." Inuyasha went toward the door. "You wanna see if your family is done?"


They went downstairs and saw Kagome's family watching TV. 'Wow everybody's not crazy anymore.'

Kagome's mother looked at her daughter. "Oh Kagome you're starting your new school tomarrow. Your uniform should be at our new house in your room. Hey Inuyasha do you want to see the house with us?"

Inuyasha nodded. "I would like to know where you guys are moving at."

"Great lets go the van is just outside." Kagome's family ran outside.

Inuyasha grabbed Kagome's bags and moved it in the van. Kagome was already in the back of the van sitting next to Inuyasha looking out the window. 'I wonder if I'm going to meet anyone? What is the school like?'

Kagome was so wrapped around her thoughts she didn't even notice that a sign passed by saying 'You are now leaving Tokyo.' Inuyasha saw it and felt lonely. 'Kagome and I are still going to be friends right?'

A few minutes passed and finally they were at the new house. It has a brown gate and the house was brown and has a stone pathway. There was a fountain and it looked simalar to her old home but looked more old fashion and was twice as big.

'Well this is going to be fun.' Kagome thought sarcasticly. When she went in the house Kagome went upstairs to see her new room. It was larger then her old home and it was white. The closet was brown and was smooth. There was a bed in the corner next to the window and across from that was a study table with a shelf on top of that.

"Wow everything looks wonderful." Kagome walked toward the window. There was a perfect view of the front house and she could see a forest with a house near it. 'Hn maybe they own the forest, lucky. Is that a vegitable garden?' Kagome looked away from the window.

Inuyasha came up to Kagome's room. "Hey Kagome your mom is going to drop me off and I just wanna say good-bye."

Kagome turned around. "Bye Inuyasha I'll see you later or whatever."

"Yeah. Bye." Then Inuyasha left.

Kagome was about to unpacked her cloths when she opened her closet, there was a white uniform with a mini skirt. 'Oh this is my new uniform.' Kagome unpacked her cloths neatly and put all her stuff away and her books on the shelf.

Kagome layed down on the bed and instantly fell asleep.