I had this one grow organically as I finished posting Fighting Gravity. Here it is. The previous two one shots have been "re-upholstered" to better fit the style and look of this one. Enjoy!


Warning: Previous warnings still apply. Language and sexual themes.

Hyrule Net

To: Zelda Harkinian
From: Malon London
Sent: Wednesday, Quintember 14, 10:08




To: Malon London
From: Zelda Harkinian
Sent: Wednesday, Quintember 14, 10:11
RE: Re: OH. MY. GOD.

What? No. Why? I work on the fifth. What's going on?

Did someone try to flush those stupid mascot plushies down the toilet again and then lost the plunger? We sent a memo about that and everything. The last time we called the plumber he looked at us like we were three-year-olds in a kindergarten.

And, like, don't get me wrong, some of the guys in Prod totally deserve the look, but I know I wasn't guilty.


To: Zelda Harkinian
From: Malon London
Sent: Wednesday, Quintember 14, 10:14
RE: Re: Re: OH. MY. GOD.

Oh, no. Nothing like that. (To be fair, who in a respectable company would want a fairy for a mascot? Especially one that spontaneously screams out that annoying 'Hey!' in a shrill, soulless voice? Kindergarteners, that's who.)

It's just, you know, I FOUND NABOORU SUCKING FACE WITH GANONDORF. But, like, whatever.



To: Anju Stoke
From: Midna Black
Sent: Wednesday, Quintember 14, 10:17

Ganondorf+Nabooru CONFIRMED!


You didn't believe me. You said I was off my rocker. WHO IS A HALLUCINATING CRAZY PERSON NOW, HUH?


To: Malon London
From: Zelda Harkinian
Sent: Wednesday, Quintember 14, 10:18
RE: Re: Re: Re: OH. MY. GOD.

Er, too late. Midna was in here. She saw your message.

… Maybe we should tell Nabooru before someone else finds out.


To: Dark Knight
From: Midna Black
Sent: Wednesday, Quintember 14, 10:22
RE: (No subject)

… Guess what.


To: Midna Black
From: Dark Knight
Sent: Wednesday, Quintember 14, 10:26
RE: Re: (No subject)

If we're playing a guessing game, please, please, please say that you bought those tassels you were talking about the other night.


P.S. Also, what the hell? Some delivery guy just brought in a new fucking box of fairy plushies. I have now literally given away four of those boxes at the local orphanage. The last time I did, they told me to stop, because they had three for every kid there. Who the fuck ordered all these plushies?

To: Dark Knight
From: Midna Black
Sent: Wednesday, Quintember 14, 10:28
RE: Re: Re: (No subject)

You guessed wrong, but whatever.

Apparently, some of our most prominent coworkers are getting it on in the supply room on the third floor on a regular basis.

I am trying to contain my excitement at calling this one. It's hard being right all the time.


P.S. I don't know who keeps ordering those dumb fairies. I certainly never saw the purchase orders.

To: Midna Black
From: Dark Knight
Sent: Wednesday, Quintember 14, 10:29
RE: Re: Re: Re: (No subject)

Okay, but… just so we're clear: no tassels?


To: Ruto Watters
From: Lulu Singer
Sent: Wednesday, Quintember 14, 10:31

Goooood morning!

Nabooru + Ganondorf are now totally a thing. They were apparently spotted doing the dirty in the third floor supply closet. Naughty!

Lulu xox

To: Kafei Dotour
From: Sheik Strike
Sent: Wednesday, Quintember 14, 10:36
RE: Newsflash

I just overheard some of the women saying Ganon and Nabs have sex in the restrooms or something like that? I don't know if that's sanitary.

Still. I can't believe Ganon has more mojo than I do.

We need to go out for a beer after work so we can share a drink called loneliness and everything.


To: Sheik Strike
From: Kafei Dotour
Sent: Wednesday, Quintember 14, 10:38
RE: Re: Newsflash

Uh, yes, we should. Except I am, um, already going out with Anju later.

But I hear Shad doesn't have anything lined up.


To: Kafei Dotour
From: Sheik Strike
Sent: Wednesday, Quintember 14, 10:39
RE: Re: Re: Newsflash

Are you serious? Fine. Leave me to hang out with the juniors.

Maybe Dark might be a better friend to me. OR GHIRAHIM.


To: Sheik Strike
From: Kafei Dotour
Sent: Wednesday, Quintember 14, 10:41
RE: Re: Re: Re: Newsflash

Whoa there, let's not get drastic. I'll ask Link and the others if they're up for it, and I'll even go with you Thursday.


To: Mikau Blue
From: Link Forester
Sent: Wednesday, Quintember 14, 10:52
RE: Wait, what?

What were you guys saying about Ganondorf and Nabooru having sex every day in the fourth stall of the third floor restrooms? That seems oddly specific. And probably not a really good idea.

But damned if I'm not going to love seeing Nabooru squirm over this. She's always getting on my case for kissing Zelda on the premises…


To: Nabooru Spirit, Ganondorf Dragmire
From: Rauru Luz
Sent: Wednesday, Quintember 14, 10:58
RE: Ahem.

Please come see me.

Rauru Luz

To: Malon London
From: Nabooru Spirit
Sent: Wednesday, Quintember 14, 11:12
RE: What the hell?

Are you the one who's going around telling everyone, including our boss, that I was having unprotected sex with Ganondorf in the fourth stall of the third floor restroom on a pile of fairy plushies?

It's oddly specific, considering how disturbing AND INACCURATE it is.


To: Nabooru Spirit
From: Malon London
Sent: Wednesday, Quintember 14, 11:14
RE: Re: What the hell?

Do I look creative enough to come up with something like that?

If anything, consider me jealous. Ganondorf's butt always did look mighty fine.


To: Malon London
From: Nabooru Spirit
Sent: Wednesday, Quintember 14, 11:17
RE: Re: Re: What the hell?

It does, though, doesn't it?

Ugh. Now I can see Dark and Link standing outside my office window grinning at me wolfishly. So much for my credibility.

It would be nice if the actual story was the one circulating, and not the wildly exaggerated, speculative version.

No, actually, scratch that. It would be better if no story were circulating at all.


To: Malon London
From: Zelda Harkinian
Sent: Wednesday, Quintember 14, 11:26
RE: No!

They're talking about sending either Nabs or Ganon away to our Kakariko facilities! How is it okay for Link and me or Dark and Midna and not for them?

I am distraught.


To: Zelda Harkinian
From: Malon London
Sent: Wednesday, Quintember 14, 11:27
RE: Re: No!

It IS totally stupid. We need to talk to Rauru.


To: Nabooru Spirit
From: Ganondorf Dragmire
Sent: Wednesday, Quintember 14, 11:28
RE: Desperate times

I'll quit Time Corp if the company policy says we have to stop dating. I don't want to stop seeing you. Just say the word.


To: Nabooru Spirit
From: Midna Black
Sent: Wednesday, Quintember 14, 11:32
RE: Ignore them

Seriously, ignore the stupid jeers. Personally I think you two look bleeding adorable. And it's stupid that they want you to stop dating just because you're not in the same administrative bracket (is that the reason they gave? It's ridiculous). Like you, of all people, are foolish enough to give your squeeze preferential treatment.

I'll vouch for you in front of Rauru if you need me to.


To: Midna Black
From: Nabooru Spirit
Sent: Wednesday, Quintember 14, 11:35
RE: Re: Ignore them

Thanks, Midna. We'll take any support we can get.

On a different note, why have another five boxes of Fairy plushies been delivered to the front desk just now? The secretaries are less amused by the minute.


To: Dark Knight, Nabooru Spirit, Link Forester, Midna Black
From: Front Desk
Sent: Wednesday, Quintember 14, 11:44
RE: Package pickup

Hello, guys,

There are multiple (12) boxes waiting for a sign-in at the front desk. Is this a prank on us? We have enough work as it is.


To: Dark Knight, Nabooru Spirit, Link Forester, Midna Black
From: Front Desk
Sent: Wednesday, Quintember 14, 11:47
RE: Package pickup

Um, make that 18 boxes.


To: Dark Knight, Nabooru Spirit, Link Forester, Midna Black
From: Front Desk
Sent: Wednesday, Quintember 14, 11:51
RE: Package pickup

Or 24 boxes. That better be the last of them...


To: Lulu Singer
From: Ruto Watters
Sent: Wednesday, Quintember 14, 11:59
RE: Come to my desk!

Seriously, come eat your lunch with me. From my window I can see another truck pulling up with more fairy plushies. The delivery guys seem to think it's some kind of joke.

Also, Mikau was just here and my cubicle smells like his aftershave. Get your ass here so I don't look like I'm doing deep breathing exercises alone.

Are we still on for yoga after work?

Lulu xox

To: Ralph Advice, Kafei Dotour, Groose Pomp
From: Japas Marine
Sent: Wednesday, Quintember 14, 12:28
RE: Dudes

I just had a thought. We fill the conference room with the plushies. We make it into a nap room. Infinite comfort.

You can thank me later, bros.

Seriously, though, guys. It would be awesome.


To: Impa Shades
From: Rauru Luz
Sent: Wednesday, Quintember 14, 1:06
RE: Problem

We have a situation in the lobby.


To: Malon London
From: Sheik Strike
Sent: Wednesday, Quintember 14, 1:09
RE: Just wondering

Maybe you have some inside information on why are there so many fairy plushies coming in? We all have one, already. The IT guys and I were wondering.

Also, how are you? I heard you're the one who saw Nabs and Ganon in the supply closet (Kinda glad the rumor mill exaggerated the details). Is anyone giving you a hard time?


P.S. If you're not busy after work, I'm going for a drink. You're welcome to join me.

To: Sheik Strike
From: Malon London
Sent: Wednesday, Quintember 14, 1:12
RE: Re: Just wondering

I don't know what's going on with the plushies. Dark, Nabooru and Link all signed in a bunch of new boxes. This is super weird.

Nabooru isn't too mad at me, from what I can gather, but I'd love a drink anyway. Thanks!


To: Midna Black
From: Impa Shades
C.C.: Rauru Luz
Sent: Wednesday, Quintember 14, 1:15
RE: The stuffed toys

Ms. Black,

Considering you are in charge of purchases for the building, would you care to explain to us why an entire truck of Time Corp Fairy stuffed toys just pulled up to the side of the building, asking for your signature on the purchase order?

This absolutely is an excessive use of Time Corp. funds. Please see me at once.

Impa Shades

To: Nabooru Spirit, Link Forester, Zelda Harkinian, Malon London, Kafei Dotour, Dark Knight
From: Midna Black
Sent: Wednesday, Quintember 14, 1:19

Guys, you're the only ones with the power to file purchase orders, so if someone can please tell me WHO THE FUCK ORDERED ALL THE FUCKING FAIRIES, I'd be super grateful.

Seriously, it can only have been one of us. What kind of sick joke is this?

I don't mean to be having a meltdown, here, but come on. My job is on the line.


To: Midna Black
From: Ganondorf Dragmire
Sent: Wednesday, Quintember 14, 1:23
RE: A possible lead

Good afternoon, Ms. Black.

I have heard some interesting things about how you spread the rumor of my relationship with Ms. Spirit. Ms. Malon London was one thing, and even Ms. Zelda Harkinian held her tongue, but your own lack of discretion was somewhat unwelcome.

I am ready to put all this behind us if you manage to rally Rauru Luz in support of my continued employment and relationship with Ms. Spirit.

As a token of my good faith, here's a suspicion I have regarding your Stuffed Animal Ordeal: I would suggest you investigate all managers from the past six months who may have had a bone to pick with you.

Not just the ones who are currently employed by Time Corp.

Looking forward to our continued collaboration as colleagues and friends,

Ganondorf Dragmire

P.S. Be glad I didn't tell Rauru Luz about how far back your 'relationship' with Dark Knight goes. I'm fairly certain it is retroactively frowned upon to fondle a new employee on his first day.

To: Dark Knight
From: Midna Black
Sent: Wednesday, Quintember 14, 1:24


Also, Ganondorf is a scary, scary person.


To: Midna Black
From: Dark Knight
Sent: Wednesday, Quintember 14, 1:27

Okay. You handle Ganondorf. I know you can do it.

I'll take care of the rest. Like teammates or something. Impa will be so glad we're actually applying that responsibility delegation thing they tried to show us at the last team training seminar.


To: Zelda Harkinian, Malon London
From: Midna Black
Sent: Wednesday, Quintember 14, 1:42
RE: Help

I just got a phone call with heavy breathing on the end. I'm ready to bet it's Zant. Could you have one of the guys in IT take a look at my call logs? I have to get down to Rauru's office to convince him to let Nabs and Ganon stay onboard, and after that I have to find some way to prove to Impa that I had nothing to do with all the plushies.

I'm pretty sure it was ALL Zant, by the way.

Anyway, much as it kills me to ask, can you please help me?


To: Midna Black
From: Zelda Harkinian
Sent: Wednesday, Quintember 14, 1:47
RE: Re: Help

I might just cherish this rare moment for the rest of my life. The day the great Midna Black came down from her mighty storm cloud of fear inducing, indubitable power to ask for help from her lowly supporters…

Of course I'll help you, you silly thing. What else are friends for?

I sent Malon to ask for Sheik's help in identifying the creep who just called you. And I'll come with you to help defend Nabs and Ganon. If anyone should speak up in their defence, it's Link and I.


To: Zelda Harkinian
From: Link Forester
Sent: Wednesday, Quintember 14, 1:53
RE: Really, really, really sorry

I would love to help you and Midna out in defending Nabs and Ganon. I don't like watching them wallow in uncertainty like that. But, uh, I have been called to another, far more formidable task.

Trust me when I say that it will be positive for this company, and let's leave it at that.


To: Zelda Harkinian, Lulu Singer, Ruto Watters, Anju Stoke
From: Malon London
Sent: Wednesday, Quintember 14, 2:07
RE: Uh…

Where are all the guys? Sheik and Shad were the only ones I saw who were still in the office, and that's because they're helping with Midna's phone creep.


To: Malon London
From: Anju Stoke
Sent: Wednesday, Quintember 14, 2:10
RE: Re: Uh…

I'm not supposed to tell you, because Kafei made me promise to keep it quiet since, technically, they shouldn't be leaving the premises during work hours.

… Come to my desk so I can say you compelled me to speak and so I can claim plausible deniability, okay?


To: Zelda Harkinian
From: Malon London
Sent: Wednesday, Quintember 14, 2:13

I never thought I would say this, but when Midna gets out of that Nabs + Ganon meeting she is going to pitch a fit. Also, shouldn't you be joining them to help?

Still, the whole thing with the guys is kinda romantic, don't you think?

Gods I'm lonely. I should ask Sheik out on an actual date. He's cute.


To: Malon London
From: Zelda Harkinian
Sent: Wednesday, Quintember 14, 2:34

You think it's romantic that Dark gathered them all up to find Zant and to, I quote, "teach him how to take defeat like a grown up"? It's a lot of things, but romantic is not one of them. I really hope they don't do anything serious to him. This is opening up the way to all sorts of unpleasant lawsuits.

… Well, I mean, his riding to Midna's rescue with all that male bravado is totally romantic.

Even if it is a completely, pants-on-head, awful, terrible, very bad, no good idea and he will surely live to regret it.

Oh gods and all the guys― AND LINK― went with him. I will soon be dating a convict. This is so not what my mother had in mind for me.


P.S. I just came back from pleading my case for Nabs and Ganon. I think Rauru isn't too upset they're dating, only that they're doing the nasty on the premises during work hours.

To: Zelda Harkinian
From: Malon London
Sent: Wednesday, Quintember 14, 2:37

Oh, please. You would LOVE for Link to gather up a mob and come to your rescue once in a while. Yes, it's a very bad plan and I would hate to be in Zant's shoes right now, but you have to admit...

Oh shit. Midna's back from the meeting. Scramble!


To: Dark Knight
From: Midna Black
Sent: Wednesday, Quintember 14, 2:42
RE: You are a complete moron

Zelda just told me. For the love of all that is holy, Dark…

Don't get me wrong: I love you, but you are an idiotic caveman and you are going to have lawsuits stamped all over you and it is very, very hard to have conjugal visits in jail when you're not married.



To: Midna Black
From: Nabooru Spirit
Sent: Wednesday, Quintember 14, 2:43
RE: Thank you for your help.

You're a good person. If you manage to hold your tongue next time, we may never have to go through something so unpleasant again.

But thank you for standing in our defence.


To: Staff
From: Impa Shades
Sent: Wednesday, Quintember 14, 2:46
RE: Office vacant

I don't know how I could even need to ask this, but… Where is half the staff?

The male half, to be exact?

Impa Shades

To: Impa Shades
From: Malon London
Sent: Wednesday, Quintember 14, 2:47
RE: Re: Office vacant

They stepped out to help with the plushies. They'll be back any moment now, I'm sure.


To: Zelda Harkinian, Midna Black
From: Malon London
Sent: Wednesday, Quintember 14, 2:49
RE: Oh god

I just lied to Impa for this. Where are they? Are they coming back? Please say they're coming back.


To: Malon London
From: Zelda Harkinian
Sent: Wednesday, Quintember 14, 2:50
RE: Re: Oh god

I don't know. I have no idea. Don't panic!


To: Malon London
From: Sheik Strike
Sent: Wednesday, Quintember 14, 2:58
RE: In case anyone is panicking

They're back. I don't know how you're taking this in your fancy offices, but the guys are trickling back. They look pleased with themselves.


To: Sheik Strike
From: Malon London
Sent: Wednesday, Quintember 14, 2:59
RE: Re: In case anyone is panicking

You're a godsend. Thank you. I was about to freak out.

Uh, so, are the drinks still on?


To: Malon London
From: Sheik Strike
Sent: Wednesday, Quintember 14, 3:01
RE: Re: Re: In case anyone is panicking

I hope so. I've been looking forward to a drink since this morning.


To: Sheik Strike
From: Malon London
Sent: Wednesday, Quintember 14, 3:03
RE: Re: Re: Re: In case anyone is panicking

Hell, me too. I could really use a stiff one.


To: Malon London
From: Sheik Strike
Sent: Wednesday, Quintember 14, 3:05
RE: Re: Re: Re: Re: In case anyone is panicking

Duly noted…


To: Malon London
From: Midna Black
Sent: Wednesday, Quintember 14, 3:06
RE: Oh, honey

You're adorable when you blush. Even Zelda says so.


To: Midna Black
From: Malon London
Sent: Wednesday, Quintember 14, 3:09
RE: Re: Oh, honey

Shut up, both of you. And don't think I can't see you snickering behind your computer.


To: Midna Black
From: Dark Knight
Sent: Wednesday, Quintember 14, 3:12
RE: All is well

I just got back from Impa's office. Long story short: you're off the hook for the plushies.

Don't say I can't be romantic.


To: Dark Knight
From: Midna Black
Sent: Wednesday, Quintember 14, 3:14
RE: Re: All is well

… That's it? No information? You're terrible at this communication thing. How? Why? What did you do? What did you say?

For gods' sake, Dark, I don't do well when information is kept from me.


To: Midna Black
From: Ganondorf Dragmire
Sent: Wednesday, Quintember 14, 3:15
RE: Well, well.

Link just told me what Dark asked him and the others to do. You're lucky to have met someone with a bigger clever streak than you.


To: Ganondorf Dragmire
From: Midna Black
Sent: Wednesday, Quintember 14, 3:16
RE: Re: Well, well.

What did he do? What did they do? Impa just came to apologize to me. What's going on?


To: Midna Black
From: Nabooru Spirit
Sent: Wednesday, Quintember 14, 3:20
RE: Don't freak out.

I just heard from Link. Apparently they met Zant and compelled him to write a long letter detailing his actions regarding his spiteful reaction to his termination. The stupid man bought all those plushies out of his own pocket. Now we have a couple hundred of the damn fairies and no idea what to do with them, and Zant promised not to come in contact with you or the company anymore, on pain of a restricting order.

Good riddance.


To: Nabooru Spirit
From: Midna Black
Sent: Wednesday, Quintember 14, 3:21
RE: Re: Don't freak out

Well now I HAVE to buy those tassels.


To: Midna Black
From: Nabooru Spirit
Sent: Wednesday, Quintember 14, 3:22
RE: Re: Re: Don't freak out



To: Malon London
From: Sheik Strike
Sent: Wednesday, Quintember 14, 3:37
RE: Just a thought

This may be a stupid idea but since you're always organizing all the company events, I figured the suggestion wouldn't hurt. What if we made the plushies into rewards for a fundraising event? We got them at no cost and the fairy is our mascot and even though it's really stupid looking, at least it makes for a better 'thank you for your donation' gift than a card and a picture.

Anyway, it's just… you know. An idea I had.


P.S. Can't wait to see you later.

To: Sheik Strike
From: Malon London
Sent: Wednesday, Quintember 14, 3:46
RE: Re: Just a thought

I can't believe that hadn't occurred to any of us. We were all standing over these plushies wondering what to do with them. I think someone legitimately suggested a foam pit.

Your idea is actually professional and not ridiculous. I'll let Impa know you suggested it. She'll be as psyched as Impa can get.

And do you mind if I stop home before we go for drinks? I can't wait to get out of this pencil skirt.

… That sounded dirty. I didn't mean for it to sound dirty.


P.S. I totally meant for it to sound dirty.

To: Malon London
From: Sheik Strike
Sent: Wednesday, Quintember 14, 3:48
RE: Re: Re: Just a thought

I'm glad you clarified all that. I'd insert a winky face if that was my kind of thing. We might as well go for supper, if you want. I'm leaving soon, so we'll have time to stop by your place.


To: Zelda Harkinian
From: Malon London
Sent: Wednesday, Quintember 14, 3:52
RE: Can we please take a moment

… to appreciate that Sheik just unwittingly allowed me time to get out of my comfy panties and into my I'm-Going-To-Get-Laid panties? He's pretty great.


To: Malon London
From: Zelda Harkinian
Sent: Wednesday, Quintember 14, 3:55
RE: Re: Can we please take a moment

That IS pretty great. The early days when you make them think you own nothing else but silk and lace is such a nice time… until the reality of comfort comes crashing down on them. Let him savour it.


To: Zelda Harkinian
From: Malon London
Sent: Wednesday, Quintember 14, 3:57
RE: Re: Re: Can we please take a moment

I'm SO glad Nabooru and Ganon paved the way for this at work. Maybe it was destiny, Zelda. Maybe it was destiny that I found them making out in the supply closet.


P.S. Leaving early. Let me know if you need anything.

To: Malon London
From: Zelda Harkinian
Sent: Wednesday, Quintember 14, 3:58
RE: Re: Re: Re: Can we please take a moment

Yeah, don't frame it that way for them. I think they're still a bit sensitive about all of it.


P.S. Have fun and use a rubber!

To: Sheik Strike
From: Ghirahim Diamonds
Sent: Wednesday, Quintember 14, 4:45
RE: Hello

I heard you were looking for someone to drown your sorrows with. I am ready when you are.



To: Sheik Strike
From: Ghirahim Diamonds
Sent: Wednesday, Quintember 14, 4:58
RE: ?

Are you still in the office?



To: Sheik Strike
From: Ghirahim Diamonds
Sent: Wednesday, Quintember 14, 5:01

I will make my own fun then, and you will be sad you weren't at my party. Because you're not invited!


To: Ganondorf Dragmire
From: Nabooru Spirit
Sent: Wednesday, Quintember 14, 5:12
RE: Hey

Hi, handsome. Since we kind of made this business-official, you should probably ask me to watch a movie with you or something.


To: Nabooru Spirit
From: Ganondorf Dragmire
Sent: Wednesday, Quintember 14, 5:14
RE: Re: Hey

I'll pick you up at seven, then.


P.S. Bring a box of those stuffed toys. Those fake rumors about our use of them have made me curious.

To: Ganondorf Dragmire
From: Nabooru Spirit
Sent: Wednesday, Quintember 14, 5:15
RE: Re: Re: Hey

… Okay.


I'm not saying Ganondorf is a kinky dude, but you totally know he is.

This is it for now, lads and ladies. There may be more to come one day, but I don't really have a fixed schedule for them.

Let me know if you had fun.
