"What's this?" I asked without reading the text on the card.

"Kaa-san's kimono project's opening night. I thought you might want to go since we get to walk on stage after the designs." A mischievous smirk played on his lips.

"USO!" I immediately snatched the card. In the process, my fingers brushed against his, slightly. Just slightly…

It was those small, classy, expensive-looking invitations. The card was silvery and there were rainbow colored cherry blossoms that decorated the edges. The words were in black, printed in some vintage-looking font.

The Kimono Project

Sunday, 14 November, 2009. 7pm-9pm.

Grand Ballroom, Level 2, Sakura Hotel.

I flipped the invitation open, showing the programme and details of the show. On the bottom end, there was a list of what seemed to be names of featured designers that caught my attention.

"UWEEE… WE'RE HERE!" My index finger pointed almost accusingly at the card, showing it to Kaoru. I could tell my face was in utter disbelief because the muscles around my mouth were sore from twitching. I could feel that the whole restaurant was staring at me. Not like I cared. I would burst if I bottled up this excitement.

The boy just smiled sweetly at me, ignoring stares of random people. "I guess we are." He said, scratching the back of his head rather casually.

"Uwaa…" I was still in a daze, day dreaming about how the event'll turn out.


School passed just like a whirlwind. It was busy, and it kept my brain spinning round and round inside my head, especially for maths. But it ended just like that. It was the weekend now, and we all know what's so special about this weekend.


Because I didn't expect any events like this, I did not pack any formal attire into my suitcase to Japan. I could always buy new ones though. Mom didn't complain and Kaoru offered to help me pick something out.

Halfway though my breakfast, the doorbell rang. I didn't bother. Nothing goes between me and my Saturday morning yoghurt.

A few moments later, the maids ushered the visitor in. I didn't really care. It's the visitors that have to adjust to seeing me in my bunny-print pajamas, sitting like Detective L, and eating pancakes and strawberry yogurt. I don't need to look decent. This is my house after all.

The maid said something, but she wasn't talking to me. I was too busy swirling the strawberry in my yogurt.

"Nana-sama, Hitachiin-sama has arrived." The maid said politely, probably for the second time.

I looked up. Seeing the orange-haired boy, my hands went to straighten my clothes involuntarily. My feet left the edge of my chair and met the ground.

The boy smiled at me.

My brain did not really comprehend at first, but it did, after a few seconds.

Today was supposed to be shopping day. Oops…

This is going to be so embarrassing…

Gladly, Kaoru was not very rude to say anything about my current getup. In fact, he was quite the gentleman, waiting for me at the lounge the entire time. He was really nice about it, me being unready, forgetting about shopping day and all.

Chanel, Louie Vuitton, Gucci… Clothes shopping with the boy was a rather fun experience. He had good taste and all, and I have always wanted to try many dresses and have someone just sit there and comment. Just like in 27 dresses, except the ones I tried on aren't so tacky.

"How about this?" I asked, pulling away the curtains of the fitting room. It was a red Betsey Johnson tube dress.

"Turn around."

I did.

"The fit is quite nice, and I like the color on your skin." He said, still looking at me. Or the red dress. "But the purple dress you tried on a while ago was good too…"

"Well, there's the orange one that's also-"

Grumble grumble grumble…


The boy gave a rather heartfelt chuckle, "Oh yeah. I cut your breakfast short, didn't I?" I smiled sheepishly. Of course I didn't. "Let's get something to eat, then. Its past one already anyway."

But, that meant that we'd still have to go around and look for clothes! And shoes! After lunch… It was a fantabulous idea at first, but I was getting tired of putting on and putting off shitloads of petticoat. I also got tired of fixing my hair when it got messied up every time I pulled something over my head. You can just imagine the amount of static electricity in there…

"But…" I clutched on to the red cloth.

He didn't hear the rest of my complaint and just patted my bare shoulder. "Your stomach's more important. Get changed." And he literally pushed me back into the fitting room and pulled the curtains shut.

Oh, so nice…


He accompanied me back to the house after our little shopping episode. I ended up getting the said red dress, and a pair of maroon heels. I finally have a pair of red shoes. Yay!

I thanked him for the day, and his time. My mom did too, and even had him bring home a roll of Brazo de Mercedes cake (that was made by one of our maids that came from… where was it again?) in appreciation.


An unusual buzzing sound was irritating my ears. Buzz… Buzz… Buzz…

I tossed over on my bead, reaching for whatever that was making that noise on my side table. It happened to be my cellphone. I flipped it open, with my eyes still closed, and held it close to my face. "Hulloo…," my croaking morning voice slurred into to the reciever, dripping with sleep.

Surprisingly, no one replied over from the other end. Rather, there was no sound at all. No background noise, no people laughing, no chappy noises that sounded like TV static. "Hello? Hmmm..?"

I held my phone up in the air. The light was too bright, shining in my eyes, which weren't entirely open.

"1 New Message," it said on the screen.


"Where are you?" was the message. I scrolled down. "Sender: Kaoru"

I lazily pushed the button that looked like a red telephone and went back to my main screen.

11:42am. The bright yellow numbers were like a tub of cold water that hit me square in the face. I immediately shot out of bed, slipped on my blanket that had spilled on the floor, got back up, and got ready in the smallest span of time I could manage.

I took the paper bags that contained the show clothes, and hopped into my batmobile. Err… car.

I literally bust in the hotel lobby, rushing at the speed of light, and jumped into the ballroom. In the most unglamorous state possible. Brown hair was curly in all the wrong places, t-shirt was worn the other way around (gladly it was hidden under my hoodie. No one saw. Shh!), and scarf was just draping from one shoulder.

"Oh! Alice!" The pretty pixie-cut lady exclaimed, hands clasped together. She seemed pleased so suddenly. Yes, the woman who gave me the opportunity to be here, Hitachiin-san. Somehow she liked to call me Alice. My name is Nana, hello… It didn't really matter though. It was actually nice-sounding. "You can go to the 734 suite. They're all getting ready there. Have you had lunch yet?"

Maybe she heard about my stomach during the shopping episode.

I shook my head, but reassured her that I was going to be okay. I went up to the said room, where the designers are supposed to hang out with the models, and see that all the make up is being done properly.

Tok tok tok.

I was greeted by a rather short lady. She definitely looked asian, eyes were blue because of contact lenses, but her hair was platinum blonde, and I'm quite sure that that's no wig.

"Oh. You must be the Alice girl." She said, and left the open door. I felt like I have seen her somewhere. Maybe a magazine editorial?

The redhead boy that I shared the project with was busy looking into the mirror, fixing his white bow tie. A classic look, white swallowtail suit, grey shirt, and black vest. He suddenly looked taller and more handsome than I have ever seen, or could have ever imagined him to be.

He must have seen me staring through the reflection. "Hi Nana," He greeted casually and smiled.


At first, I was wondering why preparations started so early in the morning, when the actual show was at seven. Now I know. Time passes by so fast when one's busy. I was so busy fixing the headpieces, making sure that the small lanterns and flowers stuck to the model's hair in the right places. Kaoru made sure that the draped cloth and the petticoat (yes, petticoat kimono doll dress.) was fluffy enough.

It was easily 6pm.

"Okay, models, get all your asses down! Get makeup done in 5!" One of the staff ladies was shouting at the door. Designers followed their respective models down, helping them move the in the delicate pieces of art that they wore. So I did too.

Kaoru suddenly turned to me. "Hey, you didn't change yet…" I was still in my wrong-sided shirt hid under the hoodie.

"OH YAHH." My mouth gaped open. OH MY GOD. HOW COULD I FORGET.

I slipped into my dress and shoes as fast as I could. I left the toilet, and on my way out of the suite, the fake-blonde lady called me. Apparently, she was a makeup artist. And apparently, she wasn't so old. She was just like my sister.

"I'm sorry, I didn't seem to have gotten your name…" I tried to sound polite, even if it was not totally necessary. She was already quite rude to me when I first met her.

"Name's Van." She said. "Bet you've seen me, huh? The look you give me says you do." She just finished curling my hair, and was now putting gunk on my face.

Oh. Vanilla Peachstock, the make-up artist for Tomato, one of Japan's teenage fashion magazines. I have always thought that her colours were nice, given that they were not further photoshopped. I doubted that her name was real, too. I mean,.. right?

While I was still thinking, she slapped my back, sending my train of thought to a stop. "How rude, you ignored me. Huh. Well, you're good to go." There's something in that smirk that I did not quite like…

As I was in a hurry, I only caught a glance of myself though the mirror. In peripheral view. I thought I saw Ronald McDonald. Or maybe I need to see my eye doctor soon.

I did my best to ignore all the stares people threw at me. It was not fun. I swear that Van girl was out to get me…

"What a relief! Nana, you're…" That all too familiar voice tuned down once I turned around. "Ah."
Kaoru seemed rather stunned for that split of a fraction of a second, and regained whatever composure that he lost. "Let's go get something to eat, okay?"

The stand-up buffet was the first event of the night. Its was when waves of people came in the ballroom doors and flooded the room. Either to eat cold shrimp, or to talk to the designers. Mrs. Hitachiin had almost all the attention. I had almost all the stares. Was I really that bad?

Well, Kaoru didn't seem to mind it one bit. Or maybe he did. I think he keeps on biting the inside of his cheek whenever he turns to look at me. I think.

I was talking to one of the guests while having a glass of punch, hoping that it would wash off whatever horrible lipstick that failure of a make-up artist put on my face.

And this very cold sensation washed up my back, and on my hair.

"Oh! Oh my God! I'm like, so, so sorry. Are you, like, okay, babe?" An annoying voice shrieked. I was too busy being shocked, and was looking down. I saw cola and ice cubes on the floor.

"I'm fine… fine…" I tried to wave all the attention off. I didn't need a megaphone to announce my horrible fate.

Kaoru came to my view. I'm supposed to be more embarrassed that anything else, but somehow, his concerned face got me feeling warm. "Nana, nana…" he brushed the stray, wet locks of disheveled hair away from my face with one hand, the other holding his drink.

I was still refusing any help, though I really didn't mind it…

"OH DEAR..!" a wash of blonde shocked my view. It also shocked my ears. "I'm like, so darned sorry…!" She waved her arms in the air frantically, hitting Kaoru's arm in the process. The arm that was holding a glass of fruit punch. The glass didn't do much to me, but due to some stupid law of physics, the cold pink juice was sent splashing on my face.

At least my clown makeup is gone.

The boy in the white tux pushed his empty glass to a random person in the crowd, held me on both shoulders and led me out of the room while I was too busy rubbing the sweet drink out of my eyes.

The first step I took was the death of me. I should probably ask the maids to use cola to lubricate the treadmill at home. The drink was damn slippery.

My whole body crashed on the floor. Luckily, or unluckily, people evaded me. Ha. A crack shot to my ears. I involuntarily felt around my body to see if I broke anything.

It wasn't my bones, but something broke. My new red heel. Yes, heel, in singular.

"Oi… Nana-chan." Kaoru's voice was rather pleading. He didn't ask me if "I was okay," because I clearly wasn't. Instead, he just draped his, not to mention, white, swallowtail coat. "

Seeing that losing one heel deemed me unable to walk, I was leaning forward to get my heels off- and suddenly I was off the ground. My brain did not comprehend immediately, but it seemed that I was being carried off like a bride. Except that I am not, nor do I look as glam as one.

"Don't cry, don't cry…" he whispered into my ear as we were heading off to the exit.

I didn't think I was crying. My eyes had a hard time opening, so I kept on rubbing it and blinking nonstop to get my visual senses back. I was also too busy covering up my red face from my knight in white armor and whoever is there that might have recognized me. In the process, maybe I got a bit teary. What did I do to that girl, anyway? I was just being there. I didn't even talk back to her or anything, not even a glare. I've never even met her. What gave her the drive to ruin my life? On this day, of all days? Okay, maybe I was crying, just a bit.

Tears streamed down my cheeks without me even noticing it, and I was making those crying sounds that sounded like hiccups. "Shh… Its okay, its okay. I'll get you fixed up." A careful hand held me close.

I could imagine people staring. The scene was very… thought-provoking. Psycho godzilla girlfriend in red dress wrecked rampage in hotel restaurant after breakup, nice-looking, now ex-boyfriend trying to calm her down, carries her back and locks her up in hotel room. Haha. Funny.

Ding! We went into the lift.

I was glad that he didn't ask me any questions like "What did you do to her?" or "Do you even know her?" Not implying that I could have started a war with my professional skills of being snobby and rude when I want to. But rather, he was just being there for me. Clearly understanding of what I was feeling now. Devastation.

It was my first fashion night with other artists. Come on…

The suite door opened. My senses weren't back yet, so I just stood by the door, one foot three inches higher that the other, where Kaoru left me standing, still bawling.

He was rummaging through one of the suitcases, until he noticed my lack of common sense to do anything. "Get cleaned up." He instructed softly, handing me a towel and a bath robe, and patted my sticky hair.

I peeked out from the bathroom, tumble-dried hair and bathrobe on. "Here." He handed me a white bunch of cloth, knowing that I would be so embarrassed to leave the toilet premises in my lack of dress. After a few moments, I emerged from the toilet. Kaoru turned to me, and there was that split-second stare, like you see in movies. The stare that was better than any compliment a person could give.

The dress was a baby-doll that ended just before my knees. The top part was just a simple white tube, but the skirt part was very unique. It bubbled at the end, but light grey cloth roses could be seen through the organza cloth that wrapped them all up. I really liked it. But, "Where did you get this dress?"

"Oh. I brought it with me in case something like this would happen." He replied. He changed too, because his coat got stained with punch and cola, thanks to yours truly. The dress shirt was now replaced with a gray shirt and a white blazer. "Well, at least now we match," he said, looking into the vanity mirror where both of us could be seen.

"Why did you bring extra clothes for me, then?" He walked me to the chair infront of the mirror, where Van did my clown makeup.

He took the blow dryer and started drying my hair. "It's one of my first creations, and I always bring it to my mom's shows. A lucky charm, I guess. Never thought it would really come in handy though…"

Oh shit. Did I just violate someone's lucky charm?

"EH?" I shouted through the howling of the blow dryer, "THEN YOU CAN YOU LET ME WEAR IT?"

"You look good in it." He took the curling iron, "And we match." I could see his Cheshire smile from the mirror.

Hair was done in no time, and, "I'm ready to go." I said, jumping out of the chair. I cannot miss my own runway now, can I?

I was pushed back into my chair, "Hey, hold it." He went through his suitcase again and brought out a small bag that clinked in its insides when he moved it. "Make-up." Kaoru gave me a smile.

"Close your eyes," he instructed in his cool, soft voice. I felt a soft thing touch my eyelids. It felt nice. The touch was way more delicate that what that evil lady did.

Dab. Dab. Dab.

After a while, there was no more touching. I let my eyelids flutter open.

Shockingly, my view of the luxurious hotel room was reduced to a canvas of golden yellow. They never looked so beautiful, his eyes. So intense, the colour.

It felt awkward having someone's face so close to mine that I could hear his soft breath. The distance was closing, slowly but surely, like there was a magnetic field. No matter how fast my heart was pounding on my ribcage, time seemed to slow by the millisecond.

His thumb reached out to wipe off some colour from the edge of my right eye. "There. No wonder it looked a bit off just now," he chuckled. Kaoru strode off to the counter near the door to collect his wallet and other belongings. "C'mon. Let's go! Weren't you the one in a hurry just now?" He asked in a happy voice.

My brain refused to digest anything that happened after the much-anticipated-almost-kiss moment. I just sat there, dumbly, like a doll. After a few blinks, my feet decided to take the initiative to run forward and catch up with my partner despite the fact that my brain was still swimming in the gutter.

How anti-climactic.

HEY! How's everyone? I'm sorry for this update that took foreeeeveeeeer.
I always forget to upload it whenever I go online. D:
Stupid memory. Must eat mangoes! (They prevent Alzheimer's.)
Reviews are much appreciated!
Also, please do point out the parts that you think are very good and the parts that you don't like at all. Errors too.

I was thinking of doing this little Q&A segment with Nana after each chapter. What do you all think?
Please do comment on it! :D
If you are interested, you can start asking questions from this moment on! :D

Thanks for all the love and support!
I shall be awaiting your feedback.